Does "setInterval" has any effect on browser behaviours? - javascript

Can setInterval function in JavaScript slow down a browser or even cause a browser crash?
Let's say that I have a page with thousands (about 10,000 of them) of <div>'s and I loop throught them and append them some HTML, like this:
var counter = 0;
setInterval(function() {
$('div').each(function(i, e) {
$(this).html('Added contents for DIV at index: ' + counter);
}, 1);
I have intentionally set the counter++ under the each function so we might slow down the process of this script execution, and I know that I could have used just the i parameter from the jQuery's $.each() function.
The interval time of repetition is 1 milisecond and I would like to know:
Is it secure to have intervals work at this low rate?

Can setInterval function in JavaScript slow down a browser or even cause a browser crash?
No. It depends on what you are performing in the setInterval function.
10000 divs is very huge the browser will crash because of lot of reflow. But however if you use fragment you can overcome the browser crash issue.
Is it secure to have intervals work at this low rate?
You have to answer this question. If you think the job you are going to do in setInterval is going to take 1 millisecond then it's not an issue.


is setInterval slowing down my site

I want to know if setInterval slowing down my site or not?
var uploadbtndiv = document.getElementById("imagesmaindiv");
if (uploadbtndiv.childElementCount == 1) {
document.getElementsByClassName("plusupload")[0] = "17px";
document.getElementsByClassName("plusupload")[0] = "-81px";
}, 10);
setInterval doesn't slow down your site. Using it incorrectly can. In your code, you're scheduling an operation to happen roughly every 10ms. That's a lot. Even an efficient operation (and yours is tolerably efficient, though it could be more so) done 100 times a second can add up.
You probably don't want setInterval in your example. You appear to want to change where something is depending on how many elements there are in imagesmaindiv. I'd probably do that one of three different ways:
By putting that if/else in the code that adds/removes elements to/from imagesmaindiv
By using CSS, but it depends on the structure
By using a mutation observer on imagesmaindiv, so I only do the work when its contents change instead of 100 times a second

How to properly set a timer for a function that positions your elements based in a formula?

I have a function that positions elements of my page. For example:
refresh_positions = function(){
This, obviously, must run continously, as fast as possible, in order for the elements to always be positioned correctly. But how?
If I set a fast timer like setInterval(refresh_positions,10), slower computers will freeze. If I set a slower timer, faster computers will have a worse experience. I also have a concern with battery drainage in mobile devices. What's the right way of positioning elements based on a function?
Try to use setTimeout or window.requestAnimationFrame, this ensures that new function call will only be queued when the previous function finished to run. In this way the Browser UI wont freeze that fast if the function takes longer than the interval you planned for.
var interval = <so many seconds should it take>;
function update(){
//do you stuff here
setTimeout( update, interval );
window.requestAnimationFrame( update );
the second approach with window.requestAnimationFrame has the advantage that the is triggered up to sixty times a second if possible, or less if the browser cannot run it that fast. Also the callback is not triggered if the tab or the browser looses focus.

How can I make my setTimout functions run at the same speed?

Preface: I have a demo of the problem on my personal site (I hope this is ok. If not, I can try to set it up on jsfiddle). I'm intending this question to be a little fun, while also trying to understand the time functions take in javascript.
I'm incrementing the value of progress bars on a timeout. Ideally (if functions run instantaneously) they should fill at the same speed, but in the real world, they do not. The code is this:
function setProgress(bar, myPer) {
bar.progressbar({ value: myPer })
.html(myPer.toPrecision(3) + '%')
.attr('align', 'center');
if(myPer == 100) { myPer = 0; }
function moveProgress(bar, myPer, inc, delay){
setProgress(bar, myPer);
if(myPer >= 100) { myPer = 0; }
setTimeout(function() { moveProgress(bar, myPer+inc, inc, delay); }, delay);
$(function() {
moveProgress($(".progressBar#bar1"), 0, 1, 500);
moveProgress($(".progressBar#bar2"), 0, 1, 500);
moveProgress($(".progressBar#bar3"), 0, .1, 50);
moveProgress($(".progressBar#bar4"), 0, .01, 5);
Naively, one would think should all run (fill the progress bar) at the same speed.
However, in the first two bars, (if we call "setting the progress bar" a single operation) I'm performing one operation every 500 ms for a total of 500 operations to fill the bar; in the third, I'm performing one operation every 50ms for a total of 5,000 operations to fill the bar; in the fourth, I'm performing one operation every 5ms for a total of 50,000 operations to fill the bar.
What part of my code is takes the longest, causes these speed differences, and could be altered in order to make them appear to function in the way that they do (the fourth bar gets smaller increments), but also run at the same speed?
The biggest problem with using setTimeout for things like this is that your code execution happens between timeouts and is not accounted for in the value sent to setTimeout. If your delay is 5 ms and your code takes 5 ms to execute, you're essentially doubling your time.
Another factor is that once your timeout fires, if another piece of code is already executing, it will have to wait for that to finish, delaying execution.
This is very similar to problems people have when trying to use setTimeout for a clock or stopwatch. The solution is to compare the current time with the time that the program started and calculate the time based on that. You could do something similar. Check how long it has been since you started and set the % based on that.
What causes the speed difference two things: first is the fact that you executing more code to fill the bottom bar (as you allude to in the 2nd to last paragraph). Also, every time you set a timeout, your browser queues it up... the actual delay may be longer than what you specify, depending on how much is in the queue (see MDN on window.setTimeout).
Love the question, i don't have a very precise answer but here are my 2 cents:
Javascript is a very fast language that deals very well with it's event loop and therefore eats setTimeouts and setIntervals for breakfast.
There are limits though, and they depend on a large number of factors, such as browser and computer speed, quantity of functions you have on the event loop, complexity of the code to execute and timeout values...
In this case, i think it's obvious that if you try to execute one function every 500ms, it is going to behave a lot better than executing it every 50ms, therefore a lot better than every 5ms. If you take into account that you are running them all on top of each other, you can predict that the performance will not be optimal.
You can try this exercise:
take the 500ms one, and run it alone. mark the total time it took to fill the bar (right here you will see that it's going to take a little longer than predicted).
try executing two 500ms timeouts at the same time, and see that the total time just got a bit longer.
If you add the 50ms to it, and then the 5ms one, you will see that you will lose performance everytime...

Why do multiple setTimeout() calls cause so much lag?

I have a complex animation sequence involving fades and transitions in JavaScript. During this sequence, which consists of four elements changing at once, a setTimeout is used on each element.
Tested in Internet Explorer 9, the animation works at realtime speed (it should take 1.6 seconds and it took exactly 1.6 seconds). ANY other browser will lag horribly, with animation times of 4 seconds (Firefox 3 and 4, Chrome, Opera) and something like 20 seconds in IE 8 and below.
How can IE9 go so fast while all other browsers are stuck in the mud?
I have tried to find ways of merging the elements into one, so as to one have one setTimeout at any given time, but unfortunately it wouldn't stand up to any interference (such as clicking a different link to start a new animation before the current one has finished).
EDIT: To elaborate in response to comments, here's the outline of the code:
link.onclick = function() {
colourFadeTimeout = setTimeout("colourFade(0);",25);
arrowScrollTimeout = setTimeout("arrowScroll(0);",25);
pageFadeOutTimeout = setTimeout("pageFadeOut(0);",25);
pageFadeInTimeout = setTimeout("pageFadeIn(0);",25);
Each of the four functions progress the fade by one frame, then set another timeout with the argument incremented, until the end of the animation.
You can see the page at (Username: knockknock; Password: goaway) (it has sound and music, which can be disabled, but be warned!) - my JavaScript is very messy since I haven't really organised it properly, but it is commented a bit so hopefully you can see what the general idea is.
Several things:
Your timeout is 25ms. This translates to 40fps which is a very high framerate to try to achieve via javascript. Especially for things involving DOM manipulation that may trigger reflows. Increase it to 50 or 60. 15fps should be more than fluid enough for the kinds of animation you're doing. You're not trying to display videos here, just move things around the page.
Don't use strings as the first parameter to setTimeout(). Especially if you care about performance. That will force javascript to recompile the string each frame of animation. Use a function instead. If you need to pass an argument use an anonymous function to wrap the function you want to execute:
this will only get compiled once when the script is loaded.
As mentioned by Ben, it is cheaper to use a single setTimeout to schedule the functions. For that matter, code clarity may improve by using setInterval instead (or it may not, depends on your coding style).
Additional answer:
Programming javascript animation is all about optimisation and compromise. It's possible to animate lots of things on the page with little slow-down but you need to know how to do it right and decide what to sacrifice. As an example of just how much can be animated at once is a demo real-time strategy game I wrote a couple of years ago.
Among the things I did to optimize the game are:
The walking soldiers are made up of only two frames of animation and I simply toggle between the two images. But the effect is very convincing nonetheless. You don't need perfect animation, just one that looks convincing.
I use a single setInterval for everything. It's cheaper CPU-wise and easier to manage. Just decide on a base frame rate and then schedule for different animation to start at different times.
Well, that's a lot of javascript (despite the "quadruple-dose of awesomeness" :)
You're firing a lot of setTimeout sequence, I'm not sure how well JS engines are optimised for this.. particularly IE <= 8
Ok, maybe just a rough suggestion... You could maybe write a small timing engine.
Maintain a global object that stores your current running timed events with the function to run, and the delay...
Then have a single setTimeout handler that check against that global object, and decreases the delay at each iteration and call the function when the delay becomes < 0
you global event would looks something like that:
var events = {
fade1 : {
fn : func_name,
delay : 25,
params : {}
fadeArrow : {
fn : func_name,
delay : 500,
params : {}
slideArrow : {
fn : func_name,
delay : 500,
params : {
then create a function to loop through these at an interval (maybe 10 or 20 ms) and decrease your delays until they complete and fire the function with params as a paramer to the function (check for that).
Once down, fire setTimeout again with the same delay..
To cancel an event just unset the property from the events list..
Build a few method to add / remove queued events, update params and so on..
That would reduce everything to just one timeout handler..
(just an idea)

How to tell what's causing slow HTML5 Canvas performance?

How can I tell if the canvas's slow performance is caused by the drawing itself, or the underlying logic that calculates what should be drawn and where?
The second part of my question is: how to calculate canvas fps? Here's how I did it, seems logical to me, but I can be absolutely wrong too. Is this the right way to do it?
var fps = 0;
setInterval(draw, 1000/30);
setInterval(checkFps, 1000);
function draw() {
function checkFps() {
fps = 0;
I replaced the above with the following, according to Nathan's comments:
var lastTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
function draw() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
$("#fps").html(Math.floor(1000/(now - lastTimeStamp)));
lastTimeStamp = now;
So how's this one? You could also calculate only the difference in ms since the last update, performance differences can be seen that way too. By the way, I also did a side-by-side comparison of the two, and they usually moved pretty much together (a difference of 2 at most), however, the latter one had bigger spikes, when performance was extraordinarily low.
Your FPS code is definitely wrong
setInterval(checkFps, 1000);
No-one assures this function will be called exactly every second (it could be more than 1000ms, or less - but probably more), so
function checkFps() {
fps = 0;
is wrong (if fps is 32 at that moment it is possible that you have 32 frames in 1.5s (extreme case))
beter is to see what was the real time passes since the last update and calculate the realtimepassed / frames (I'm sure javascript has function to get the time, but I'm not sure if it will be accurate enough = ms or better)
fps is btw not a good name, it contains the number of frames (since last update), not the number of frames per second, so frames would be a better name.
In the same way
setInterval(draw, 1000/30);
is wrong, since you want to achieve a FPS of 30, but since the setInterval is not very accurate (and is probably going to wait longer than you say, you will end up with lower FPS even if the CPU is able to handle the load)
Webkit and Firebug both provide profiling tools to see where CPU cycles are being spent in your javascript code. I'd recommend starting there.
For the FPS calculation, I don't think your code is going to work, but I don't have any good recommendation :(
Reason being: Most (all?) browsers use a dedicated thread for running javascript and a different thread for running UI updates. If the Javascript thread is busy, the UI thread won't be triggered.
So, you can run some javascript looping code that'll "update" the UI 1000 times in succession (for instance, setting the color of some text) - but unless you add a setTimeout to allow the UI thread to paint the change, you won't see any changes until the 1000 iterations are finished.
That said, I don't know if you can assertively increment your fps counter at the end of the draw() routine. Sure, your javascript function has finished, but did the browser actually draw?
Check if you dont use some innerHTML method to debug your project. This can slow your project in a way you can't imagine, especially if you do some concatenation like this innerHTML += newDebugValues;
Or like desau said, profile your cpu usage with firebug or webkit inner debugger.

