ASP.Net: Render linked javascript files on page - javascript

I'm using a CSS StyleManager that let's me combine & render all my CSS files into one string ON THE PAGE. So I have no more external CSS files.
I wanna do the same thing with my javascript libraries. Is there a smart way how to achieve this without reading the files within page_load and adding the text to the page myself?
Background info: I wanna save the website as one single file for a distribution.

For performance you should use external (css & javascript files) so that they can be cached by the browser & your page will load faster.
Also, to reduce http requests you can combine your external css & javascript file in one using Bundling and Minification.


How to maintain same version for a library in a website with 20+ webpages

I'm using a third party JavaScript library in a website with 20+ HTML pages each with its own JavaScript and CSS file. But the problem is if a new version is available to the library then, I have to go through all the HTML files to edit the version number. How to maintain the same version of the library in all the webpages?
If you're using any kind of server-side processing before serving the pages, you can have a separate file that contains just the (shared) script tags that need to be loaded and include that file with each of the HTML pages.
If not, editors like VS Code (Ctrl + Shift + H) can do Find/Replace across all files in a project.
Finally, you could omit the version number from the script file names (you'll just have to be aware of how the caching works - people may not get the new file right away).
If you are not using any kind of server-side processing, you could create your own javascript file loader that comes from your own file and loads the external javascript. So you only have to change the external part in one file that gets included in all your other html pages.
Something like this: JavaScript - function to load external JS files is needed

Download css and js in one file (package)

I'm working on optimising a site and one of the biggest issues it has is that there are far too many resource requests.
JavaScript and CSS bundling and minification go a long way to improve this but they're somewhat at odds with transparent naming.
For example, if I have 3 widgets on my page that all have their own JS and CSS, I could bundle all the JS into one file and all the css into another file. this would reduce the round-trips from 6 to 2. However, the resulting bundle would be wasteful if another page only used one of those 3 widgets.
What I'd like to do is bundle all the JS AND CSS for a particular widget into a single file. The browser would then have to unpack this and make it available to the page. A logical extension to this would be to create a package of packages so that all the resource files for all the widgets were downloaded in a single file.
The only way I can think of doing this is with a web service and then writing the output directly to the document with JavaScript. This feels wrong as I don't think the browser would be cache this appropriately.
Any thoughts?
Has anyone come up with a way of packaging CSS and JS files into a single file to reduce round-trips to the server?
As somethinghere said, it is not a good idea to package both in a single file and send it to the client. A CSS cannot add JavaScript, but a JavaScript can be used to include CSS to the body. So the only way is to add the CSS as a single string variable and making document.createElement and appending it to the head.
If you are concerned about the HTTP requests, you can either embed the CSS fully inside the <head> or you can make use of Data URI Scheme. The downside of Data URI Scheme is that, the browsers IE 8 and below have less or no support.
Solution: It is a must and best to include three requests at a minimum, for:
The page itself
CSS Stylesheet
JavaScript Scripts
Other Solutions include adding the CSS and JavaScript contents directly inside the <head> or using the Data URI scheme.
Not sure but one hack is to create a html file and add your js and css in it and import that file in your original html file
something like this
<link rel="import" href="library.html">
and your library will look like this
<html><script>YOUR JS code</script><style>YOUR STYLES</style></html>

Save HTML As Standalone Page: Exporting Tool?

I need to regularly send html pages to a client as standalone .html files with no external dependencies. The original pages are done with node.js and express and they contains several librairies such as High Charts.
I have done the preparation manually until now, this includes:
Transform all images into blobs
Copy all external .js and .cs inside the page
Minimize where possible (standards librairies such as jQuery or Bootstrap...)
The result is a single .html file that can be opened without an internet connection and looks just like the original.
Is there any tool to do this automatically? If not, maybe I'll code it myself in Python. Do you have any recommendation around that?
Monolith is a CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
With apologies to OP, as this answer is probably far too late for him, but I'm posting it to help anyone with a similar problem:
HTTrack is an open-source project that does almost exactly what you described, though it doesn't work perfectly on some of the more peculiar JS.
It saves the page with most of the JS, the major images, and everything that the page needs to appear complete. It can be configured to include or exclude the entire or partial JS, images, and CSS.
This does not import all of the JS and other content into the HTML file, but neatly organizes all of the content into one folder and corrects all of the paths to make the folder portable.
It also seems to have trouble grabbing some external sources that are protected, but if it is your local site and simply uses common scripts like JQuery, you should be fine. When I tested it, it correctly downloaded all of my local CSS and any valid external CSS library that I incorporated, the JQuery and derivative scripts that I was using, and the embedded images.
Just to save everyone a question, the program by default saves the downloaded websites to C:\My Web Sites.

Way to link multiple javascript files without minifying or combing into one document?

Is there a way to link multiple javascript files without making them one file?
What I would like is to have one file (javascript or otherwise) which houses links to my other javascript files.
For example, the webpage has one file called allmyscirpts.js, and inside this file is a list of links to my actual individual, separataed javascript files.
Is this possible?
JS can't simply import more JS, but you could easily write a simple server-side script that concatenates your files together. If you can't/won't work on the server, scriptloader libraries are very plentiful out there these days. Check out require.js, lab.js, yepnope.js, etc. and see if one of them suits you well.
The only way I can think of is to load Javascript files through ajax. The YUI Loader you to not only load all your js files (and those from YUI) within javascript, but it also allows you to configure dependencies between your js files. So For instance, if widget1.js requires global.js, you can configure that dependency, then you can tell the loader to load "widget1" and the loader will also load global.js when it loads widget.js.
Unlike css, I do not believe there is built in syntax in javascript that automatically includes another javascript file. But there are javascript utilities out there that allow this.
For a simpler solution than the YUI Loader, check out the YUI get utility. For my projects I have setup the YUI loader, and as a result my HTML pages only have about 2 or 3 javascript files included, and the rest of what I need is loaded on demand by the Javacript controller for that page.

Web page Optimization

I'm creating a new dinamic site to test and learn about web optimization...
Site Index
For html,css,js (exept jquery-min that is linked to google server) files I've created a php file that concatenate more files, remove unused spaces, and compress it using Gzip:
compressed css - compressed js
/*...php code to read files and remove comments/spaces*/
For main images, I collapsed every image into one
For facebook like button, I replace the iframe after page load using jquery, I'd like to do the same with adbrite advertises but I don't know how..
If I try to replace, or inject the code into html after loading, the page disapper and remain only the adv...
Someone could help?
Can you tell me if I'm doing well (for optimization) and where I can improve
It's a good start, but you shouldn't compress anything dynamically. That is just too costly and will end up to be slower than delivering content uncompressed.
Use gzip/deflate and compress your javascript files with a minifier like YUI, Google's closure compiler or uglifyjs to name a few. Serve those files statical.
A nice tool to automate all of the above processes (and way more..) is Apache ANT.
A nice library to serve any content dynamically over one stream is supplyJS.
You can also try Google Granule: (which programmatically compresses and minifies css files and js files on the fly)
Also check your "adbrite advertises" is not working is because the code might be using a Document.write() method, which should be called while the document is being parsed. try loading them asynchronously or deferred.

