Containers with same class to have separate jquery effect - javascript

Okay so I made a quick program that shows the hidden text when you click on a box. The problem is, when you click on either box, it shows the text in both of them. I only want it to show the text from the box you clicked in.
$('.insidebox').hide ();
$('.box').on('click', function(){

You need to specifically access the current element, for instance, via this.
$( this ).find( '.insidebox' ).fadeToggle();
Without that, jQuery will just query for any .insidebox element within the entire DOM.

$(".box").on("click", function(){

Use the implicit object:
$('.box').on('click', function(){

You can do that:
$('.insidebox').hide ();
$('.box').on('click', function(){


Jquery not working on dynamically added button?

var t = $("<div><button class='leaf' id='l2'>Awesome!</button></div>");
$('#l2').on('click', function(){
The #l2 button doesn't have any functionality. I don't see any Syntax error, I looked it up and read that .on('click') was better than .click for dynamic elements, so I changed that but it still doesn't work.
You'll have to delegate to make that work
$(document).on('click', '#l2', function(){
preferably you'd replace document with the closest non-dynamic parent element
Because you have defined the new button markup as a jquery object - t - you can assign the click handler to it.
var t = $("<div><button class='leaf' id='l2'>Awesome!</button></div>");
/* use the t jquery object you have defined */
t.on('click', function(){
Or delegate as #adeneo shows well

Get custom css property with a function

This is my code :
<button class="myclass" data-card-id="1">Save</button>
My question is how whould look like a function that when user click on any of "myclass" buttons submit a variable with data-card-id of the specific card in a php file.
Thank you ! :)
this is using Jquery:
$(this).attr( "data-card-id" );
see browser console for data display
// change the selector "ul li a" to your button
$('ul li a').click(function (e) {
var value = $(this).data('value');
$('.button').data('value', value);
$('.button').click(function (e) {
This can be accomplished through an additional selection feature. I believe "data-card-id" is an attribute of your html tag, so you have two choices.
Bind the click to the element using the selector or delegate it to the body of the document, I think you'll see how either way works here.
Option 1. The advantage here is that when click events bubble up to the body this will check and execut appropriately, even if other buttons are added to the page after this code is executed. This is jquery's click delegation feature
$('body').on('click', 'button[data-card-id="1"]', function(){
//perform your action
Option 2. This binds the click event to the object itself. This can be more straight forward and has its advantage in simplicity.
// perform some action
And of course you have a plethora of other approoaches......
if($(this).attr("data-card-id") == '1'){
//some action
There are other approaches, too. Let me know if none of these seem to work.
The most simpler would be to use this code -- >
just change this card-id to this cardid
<button class="myclass" data-cardid="1">Save</button>
<button class="myclass" data-cardid="2">Save</button>
var cid = $(this).data("cardid");

jQuery .focus() after .show()

I have the following code that hides one text box and shows another. When the next one shows, I need the cursor to be on it, so I call .focus() on it. However, even though I have the call to .focus() as the second parameter, it still isn't focusing. Any ideas?
$('.dummy-password-input').on('click', function() {
$(this).next().show(0, function() {
Sorry for the trouble everybody. It turns out that after messing with it some more, my DOM traversal wasn't quite right. I removed the divs I had around the input boxes and it works like a charm. Thank you.
That behavoiur occurs, becaus $(this) refers to the just hidden input field change your code like:
$(this).next().show(0, function() {
$('.dummy-password-input').on('click', function() {
check this fiddle

Click anywhere in the page to close div

I have an overlay div that fades in when I click on a DOM element. I would like to be able to close it when I click anywhere on the page ( except the div itself) but it does not work..
Here is my code:
//Script for showing the DIV called overlay.
$(function() {
return false;
//Script for hiding the div after clicking anywhere..
var myID =;
Just replace this:
$('#overlay').on('click', function (ev) {
with this
$(document).on('click', function (ev) {
and try again....
Actually, when you are clicking on the overlay element, the myID variable value is always == 'overlay'. Hence, it never goes inside the if statement.
Other possibility without using any delegate event:
$('#overlay').on('blur', function (e) {
Even you'll see most people using the first method, using the second one will avoid to have to use any delegate event which is better IMO. You just have to set focus on overlay when open it or when added to DOM, depending your specific case.
Would this work for you: jsfiddle?
I changed this:
to this
so that you target the overlay instead of the box.

I'm having a jQuery onclick issue

So I'm going to explain this with an example.
I have a "like" button (class: .like) for my feed or stream. When the user clicks it ( using $(".like") ), it ajaxes it's way to refreshless insert the like into the database (using jQuery).
When it's inserted, I change the text to "Unlike" and the class to ".unlike".
However, when a user reclicks it, it just goes through the same function again, instead of going to the $(".unline").click function. Do I have to "update" the script or something?
For example:
$(this).attr("class", "unlike");
$(this).attr("class", "like");
The problem is that it won't to the unlike function, it will just repeat the like function even though the attribute is changed.
That is because the "unlike" attr. hasn't been added to the dom when the script loaded. Try this:
<div class="like_it_or_not">
And the JS
$("body").on('click','.like_it_or_not', function(){
$(this).toggleClass('like', 'unlike');
if ($(this).hasClass('like')) {
} else if ($(this).hasClass('unlike')) {
If you don’t want to delegate your click event (which is over-engineering IMO), do a check in the handler:
alert( $(this).hasClass('unlike') ? 'unlike' : 'like' );
$(this).toggleClass("unlike like");
It should check for the 'unlike' class each time you click and toggle classes as expected.
The event binding occurs when you assign run the above code. You have to rebind the event every time, or, better yet, use event delegation:
I think you will have to use live() or on() to make this work:
$(".like").live("click", function() {
$(".unlike").live("click", function() {
Try this one
$(this).attr("class", "unlike");
$(this).attr("class", "like");
To keep my code clean on stuff like this, I assign a class that never changes and tie the click event to that. The styling classes simply act as CSS changes. For instance:
<button class="vote like">button text</button>
$('.vote').click(function () {
var alertText = ($(this).hasClass('like')) ? 'Like!' : 'Unlike!';
Try this
$(document).on('click', '.like', function(){
$(document).on('click', '.unlike', function(){
The unlike click event handler has not been associated with the new item. If you're going to be changing the class dynamically like that you're going to want to look at the (jQuery on handler)[]
$(document).on('click',".like", function(){

