how can i get value of inner array of json? - javascript

I'm stringyfing an object like:
"{'foo': 'bar','task':[{'task1':'task1'}]}"
How can I turn the string back to an object?

Try the following solution to parse the stringified JSONObject.
// Stringified JSON Object
var stringifiedJSONObject = '{'foo': 'bar','task':[{'task1':'task1'}]}';
// Parsing string object to json
var jsonObject = JSON.parse(stringifiedJSONObject);
// Get the inner array. The below object is a JSON Array of Objects
var innerArray = jsonObject.task;
// displays the value of task1


Convert array string to array for mapping data

Here is my problem
const data = "[\"\",\"\"]";
I want to convert this string to array,
expected result will be :
res =["",""]
I use it for mapping data in React JS project, so i need to convert this string to array.
Just parse it from JSON:
data = "[\"\",\"\"]",
parsed = JSON.parse(data);
Do it:
const dataArr = JSON.parse(data);. This will parse as to object, which is your array (With out "")

convert json values in comma separated string using javascript

I am calling a third party web api, which returns data like this:
{"name":"Marine Lines","name":"jerry"}
I would like to convert this to a Json array, I could do a split by comma first and then by ":". but wondering if there are some better ways?
If the Web API return an object, then you can directly use dot-notation to access the value.
var x = {"name":"Marine Lines","name":"jerry"};
var name =;
Else if it is a string then you can parse it first using JSON.parse() and then do the same thing.
var x = '{"name":"Marine Lines","name":"jerry"}';
x = JSON.parse(x);
var name =;
First of all, your object has the name key twice, which means only the latter will be saved. As regards saving your object's values in an array, the following will do:
object = {"a": "Marine Lines", "b": "jerry"},
array = [];
/* Iterate over every enumerable property of the object. */
for (var key in object) {
/* Insert the value in the array. */
array[array.length] = object[key];
/* Log the created array. */

PUSH JSON items to array

I have this JSON string
{"Task": [Hours per Day],"Work": [11],"Eat": [6],"Commute": [4],"Sleep": [3]}
I want to push it's items to a jQuery array.
I already tried JSON.parse.
Normally I can push parameters like this:
MyArr.push(['Task','Hours per Day']);
and so on.
How can I do the same with the JSON string?
Can you not just parse the JSON into an object and loop through?
var json = '{"Task": ["Hours per Day"],"Work": [11],"Eat": [6],"Commute": [4],"Sleep": [3]}'
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
MyArr = []
for (var key in obj) {
MyArr.push([key, obj[key][0]])

Fetch localstorage value in array

I am saving value in localstorage as shown below
key = profskill , value = "a,b,c"
In my test.ts file, I have declared array but I am unable to fetch the result in it. Code shown below:
getskills: Array<string> = [];
this.getskills = localStorage.getItem("profskill");
but this is giving error:
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'string[]'
I want to fetch value like this:
The LocalStorage can only store strings, not objects or arrays. If you try to store an array, it will automatically be converted to a string. You need to parse it back to an array :
JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("profskill") )
Since, you want the comma separated value to be represented as a array of strings for this.getskills use split on the value of the localStorage
Here is a sample example
//say we get the value 'a,b,c' from localStorage into the temp variable
//var temp = localStorage.getItem(profskill);
var temp= 'a,b,c';
this.getskills = temp.split(',');
localStorage only supports strings. Use JSON.stringify() to set the data in storage and JSON.parse() to get the data from storage and then use split(",") to split the comma separated data.
var obj = "a,b,c";
localStorage.setItem("profskill", JSON.stringify(obj));
var getskills = [];
getskills = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("profskill")).split(",");
First get the data from the LocalStorage:
var DataTableValue = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dataTableValue'));
Then, store in an Array:
var tempArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < DTarray.length; i++) {
All data will be stored in the variable tempArray.

javascript convert string to data

I have JavaScript code below.
var data = "[{"PR_ID":23096,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33232,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33308,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33309,"P_ID":23014}]";
I need convert the string to an data by delete the "" surrounding the array stored as "data" in JavaScript so after convert it suppose like below:
var data = [{"PR_ID":23096,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33232,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33308,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33309,"P_ID":23014}];
How to make the convert?
To convert a JSON object to Javascript object use:
var data = '[{"PR_ID":23096,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33232,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33308,"P_ID":23014},{"PR_ID":33309,"P_ID":23014}]';
But first change the double quote to single quote, otherwise the JSON object wont be a valid JSON.
After this you can walk the array in the following way:
var jsonParsed = JSON.parse(data);
for(var val in jsonParsed) {
if(jsonParsed.hasOwnProperty(val)) {
// do something with the values

