Load dictionary file with ajax and don't crash iPhone Mobile Safari - javascript

I have a web application where I load (via ajax) a dictionary file (1MB) into the javascript array. I found the reason why the Mobile Safari crashes after 10 seconds. But now what I'm wondering is how do I get around this issue?
On the link above the answer suggest using setInterval, but this would mean I would have to have a dictionary file chunked into pieces and have them loaded one by one. This surely could be done, but I would have to make a lot of chunks taking into account the internet speed and too many requests would take forever for the page to load (and if I make the chunks too big it could happen that some mobile users wouldn't be able to download the chunk in a given 10second period).
So, my question is: has anyone encountered this kind of problem and how did you go about it? A general push in the right direction is appreciated.
This is the js code which I use to load the dictionary:
var dict = new Trie();
url: 'data/dictionary_342k_uppercase.txt',
async: true,
success: function (data) {
var words = data.split('\n');
for (var i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
error: function(){
$('#loading-message').text("Problem s rječnikom");
function Trie () {
var ASCII_OFFSET = 'A'.charCodeAt();
this.children = null;
this.isEndOfWord = false;
this.contains = function (str) {
var curNode = this;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var idx = str.charCodeAt(i) - ASCII_OFFSET;
if (curNode.children && curNode.children[idx]) {
curNode = curNode.children[idx];
} else {
return false;
return curNode.isEndOfWord;
this.has = function (ch) {
if (this.children) {
return this.children[ch.charCodeAt() - ASCII_OFFSET] != undefined;
return false;
this.next = function (ch) {
if (this.children) {
return this.children[ch.charCodeAt() - ASCII_OFFSET];
return undefined;
this.insert = function (str) {
var curNode = this;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var idx = str.charCodeAt(i) - ASCII_OFFSET;
if (curNode.children == null) {
curNode.children = new Array(ALPHABET_SIZE);
curNode = curNode.children[idx] = new Trie();
} else if (curNode.children[idx]) {
curNode = curNode.children[idx];
} else {
curNode = curNode.children[idx] = new Trie();
curNode.isEndOfWord = true;
return curNode;

This is a very common issue once you start doing processing in JS. If the Mobile Safari issue is the cause then what you want to do is figure out where the CPU time is going here.
I'm assuming it's the dict.insert() loop and not the data.split() call (that would be a bit more difficult to manage).
The idea here is to split up the dict.insert() loop into functional blocks that can be called asynchronously in a sequenced loop (which is what the setupBuildActions function does). After the first block each subsequent block is called via setTimeout, which effectively resets the function-time counter in the JS runtime (which seems to be what's killing your process).
Using the Sequencer function means you also keep control of the order in which the functions are run (they always run in the sequence they are generated in here and no two or more functions are scheduled for execution at the same time). This is much more effective than firing off thousands of setTimeout calls without callbacks. Your code retains control over the order of execution (which also means you can make changes during execution) and the JS runtime isn't overloaded with scheduled execution requests.
You might also want to check the node project at https://github.com/michiel/sequencer-js for more sequencing examples and http://ejohn.org/blog/how-javascript-timers-work/ for an explanation on setTimeout on different platforms.
var dict = new Trie();
// These vars are accessible from all the other functions we're setting up and
// running here
var BLOCKSIZE = 500;
var words = [];
var buildActions = [];
function Sequencer(funcs) {
(function() {
if (funcs.length !== 0) {
// Build an Array with functions that can be called async (using setTimeout)
function setupBuildActions() {
for (var offset=0; offset<words.length; offset+= BLOCKSIZE) {
buildActions.push((function(offset) {
return function(callback) {
for (var i=offset; i < offset + BLOCKSIZE ; i++) {
if (words[i] !== null) { // ugly check for code brevity
// This releases control before running the next dict.insert loop
setTimeout(callback, 0);
url: 'data/dictionary_342k_uppercase.txt',
async: true,
success: function (data) {
// You might want to split and setup these calls
// in a setTimeout if the problem persists and you need to narrow it down
words = data.split('\n');
new Sequencer(buildActions);
error: function(){
$('#loading-message').text("Problem s rječnikom");

Here's an example using setTimeout to defer the actual insertion of words into your trie. It breaks up the original string into batches, and uses setTimeout to defer processing of inserting each batch of words. The batch size in my example is 5 words.
The actual batch insertion happens as subsequent event handlers in the browser.
It's possible that just breaking the words up into batches might take too long. If you hit this problem, remember you can chain setTimeout() calls, eg iterating for a while then using setTimeout to schedule another event to iterate over some more, then setTimeout again, etc.
function addBatch(batch)
console.log("Processing batch:");
for (var i = 0; i < batch.length; i++)
console.log("Return from processing batch");
var str = "alpha\nbravo\ncharlie\ndelta\necho\nfoxtrot\n" +
"golf\nhotel\nindia\njuliet\nkilo\nlima\n" +
"mike\nnovember\noscar\npapa\nquebec\n" +
"romeo\nsierra\ntango\nuniform\n" +
var batch = []
var wordend;
for (var wordstart = 0; wordstart < str.length; wordstart = wordend+1)
wordend = str.indexOf("\n", wordstart);
if (wordend < 0)
wordend = str.length;
var word = str.substring(wordstart, wordend);
if (batch.length > 5)
setTimeout(addBatch, 0, batch);
batch = [ ];
setTimeout(addBatch, 0, batch);
batch = [ ];


Prevent browser freezing and crashing for long time calculation

I need check in my database names who are duplicated and change this name to avoid duplicates. I using script suggested by #Jefré N.
function eliminateDuplicates() {
var repeats = {};
var error = false;
//cache inputs
var $inputs = $("input[type='text']");
//loop through inputs and update repeats
for (i = 0; i < $inputs.length; ++i) {
//cache current element
var cur = $inputs[i];
//remove class
//get text of this element
var text = $(cur).val();
//no text -- continue
if (text === "") {
//first time we've came across this value -- intialize it's counter to 1
if ((text in repeats) === false) {
repeats[text] = 1;
//repeat offender. Increment its counter.
else {
repeats[text] = repeats[text] + 1;
//update the the value for this one
$(cur).val(text + "-" + repeats[text]);
return error; // always returns false since I'm not sure
// when it's supposed to return true.
So script working fine, but if I have up to hundred entries. But if I have several thousands of records, browser is freezing. Firefox crashing at all. How to prevent browser freezing and crashing by adding for example some loading line o some clock pointer? Maybe I need to use some setTimeout() function or something else. Please help to prevent this browser freezing and crashing problem.
I tried this:
function processLargeArrayAsync(array, fn, maxTimePerChunk, context) {
context = context || window;
maxTimePerChunk = maxTimePerChunk || 200;
var index = 0;
function now() {
return new Date().getTime();
function doChunk() {
var startTime = now();
while (index < array.length && (now() - startTime) <= maxTimePerChunk) {
// callback called with args (value, index, array)
fn.call(context, array[index], index, array);
if (index < array.length) {
// set Timeout for async iteration
setTimeout(doChunk, 1);
processLargeArrayAsync(veryLargeArray, myCallback);
No success. Chrome freezing, IE11 explorer also, Firefox crashing. Whats wrong?
My records appear in the HTML table.
Some people advise to use a web worker. Maybe someone here has the practice and have a functioning example?
I think that the most cumbersome part of your code is the DOM access: getting input values and updating them.
According to the webworkers documentation, webworkers have their limitations and one of them is DOM manipulation. So I'd discard that option.
In order to fix things, I'd do as follows:
Improve your eliminateDuplicates algorithm (make it faster).
Make eliminateDuplicates asynchronous: divide the set of elements in smaller ones and perform each calculation in a different event loop tick (setTimeout).
Here I present you a solution I've come up with. Hope it gives you some ideas and help you to solve your problem.
First, I tweaked a bit eliminateDuplicates (I called it modifyDOM)
function modifyDOM(elements, repeats) {
var input, text, i = 0;
for (; i < elements.length; i++) {
input = elements[i];
text = input.value;
// Remove class.
input.className = input.className.replace(/\bdouble-error\b/, '');
if (text) {
repeats[text] = ~~repeats[text] + 1;
input.value = text + "-" + repeats[text];
I avoided using jQuery inside the main loop because its wrapper makes things slower and in your case it wasn't worth using it. These small changes improved performance in 100ms per 10.000 elements (give it or take).
I created two functions that use modifyDOM: one asynchronous and other synchronous.
function parseElementsNonBlocking(elements, maxChunkSize) {
var repeats = {},
nChunks = Math.floor(elements/maxChunkSize),
i = 0,
j = 1;
//loop through inputs and update repeats
for(; i < nChunks; i++, j++) {
setTimeout(modifyDOM.bind(null, elements.slice(i, j*maxChunkSize), repeats), 0);
// Rest
setTimeout(modifyDOM.bind(null, elements.slice(i), repeats), 0);
function parseElementsBlocking(elements) {
var repeats = {};
//loop through inputs and update repeats
modifyDOM(elements, repeats);
Lastly and in order to test everything, a function that executes when the DOM is ready and creates 10.000 inputs. It then outputs how long it takes to run any of the above methods.
$(function () {
var inputsDiv = $('#inputs'), i, time;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
var val = i % 3 === 0 ? 'Mickey' : (i % 3 === 1 ? 'Mouse' : '');
inputsDiv.append('<input type="text" class="double-error" name="FirstName" value="' + val + '">');
time = Date.now();
parseElementsNonBlocking($("input[type='text']"), 100);
console.log(Date.now() - time);
Here you have the fiddle to test it all.
here is a solution using OODK-JS to calculate the sum of an array of 1.000.000 entries through webworkers.
This solution implements the producer/consumer design pattern using the SynchronizedQueue foundation class: the producer (main thread) generate a task for each chunk of the array and add it to queue. The consumer (webworker) take a task in the queue and execute it until no one left. Once all tasks are executed, the producer display the final result
// main.js (producer)
'path': {
'oodk': '../src',
'workspace': 'workspace'
OODK(function($, _){
$.import('{oodk}/foundation/utility/Thread', '[util.concurrent]', '{workspace}/project/Task');
// array helper class to handle arrays
var ArrayHelper = $.class(function($, µ, _){
$.static(function($, µ, _){
// slice an array into chunks using chunkLength argument
// as delimiter
$.public(function slice(arr, chunkLength){
return arr.reduce(function(arr, val, index){
var chunkIndex = Math.floor(index/chunkLength);
if(!arr[chunkIndex]) {
arr[chunkIndex] = [];
return arr;
}, []);
// generate an array of len argument length
// containing random values
$.public(function random(len){
var arr = [];
for(var i =0; i<len; i++){
return arr;
// class to handle a pool of thread
var ThreadPool = $.class(function($, µ, _){
// number of threads to instantiate
// queue to works with
$.public(function __initialize(num, queue){
_.num = num;
_.queue = queue;
// start the pool
$.public(function start(){
// bind listeners
var threadListener= $.new(Producer);
for(var i=0; i<_.num; i++){
// instantiate consumers
var consumer = $.new(OODK.foundation.util.Thread, "consumer.js");
$.on(consumer, 'thread.ready', threadListener);
$.on(_.queue, 'synchronizedQueue.taskDone', threadListener);
// Event Listener for the thread
var Producer = $.implements(OODK.foundation.EventListener).class(function($, µ, _){
// number of task done
$.private('taskDone', 0);
// final result
$.private('finalResult', 0);
$.private(function __processEvent(evt){
if(evt.getType() === 'thread.ready'){
// the thread is ready, synchronize the queue with the current thread
}else if(evt.getType() == 'synchronizedQueue.taskDone'){
//message received from the consumer that it has performed a task
var cqueue = evt.getTarget();
var chunkResult = evt.getData();
_.finalResult += chunkResult;
if(cqueue.getCapacity() == _.taskDone){
// once all tasks are performed display the final result
$.log('final sum is ' + _.finalResult);
// each time a chunk is calculated display the intermediate result
$.log('intermediate result ' + _.finalResult);
// generate a large array of 1.000.000 random values
var myHugeArray = ArrayHelper.self.random(1000000);
// split this array into chunks of 2500 length
var chunks = ArrayHelper.self.slice(myHugeArray, 25000);
// instantiate a synchronized queue setted as size the number of chunks
var queue = $.new(OODK.foundation.util.concurrent.SynchronizedQueue, chunks.length);
// for each chunk create a task and add it to queue
for(var i=0; i<chunks.length; i++){
var chunk = chunks[i];
// create a task for each chunk of the array
var task = OODK.project.Task.self.factory(chunk);
// and add it to the queue
// instantiate a pool of 2 threads working on the given queue
var threadPool = $.new(ThreadPool, 2, queue);
// start the pool
$.log('calculate the sum of an array of 1.000.000 entries using 2 threads ...');
The consumer (webworker)
'path': {
'oodk': '../src',
'workspace': 'workspace'
OODK(function($, _){
// import the concurrent API package as well as the task class
$.import('[util.concurrent]', '{workspace}/project/Task');
// start the synchronizer
// EventListener Class to handle synchronized queue events
$.implements(OODK.foundation.EventListener).class(function Consumer($, µ, _){
$.protected(function __processEvent(evt){
if(evt.getType() == 'synchronizedQueue.ready'){
//queue is synchronized
var queue = evt.getTarget();
// bind listener
$.on(queue, 'synchronizedQueue.elementRetrieved', this);
// take a task: get the heap of the stack and delete it
}else if(evt.getType() == 'synchronizedQueue.elementRetrieved'){
// task is retrieved from the queue
var task = evt.getData();
var queue = evt.getTarget();
// execute the task
var result = task.execute();
// notify the producer that the task is done
queue.notify('synchronizedQueue.taskDone', result);
// at least one task is still in the queue, take it
var threadListener = $.new(_.Consumer);
// global listener for the synchronizedQueue.ready event
// triggered when the synchronzied queue is synchronized with this thread
$.on('synchronizedQueue.ready', threadListener);
The task class to implement the custom logic
OODK('project', function($, _){
$.public().implements(OODK.foundation.Serializable).class(function Task($, µ, _){
// the array chunk to calculate
$.public(function __initialize(chunk){
_.chunk = chunk;
// calculate the sum of all entries of a chunk
// implements the custom logic here
$.public(function execute(){
var result = 0;
for(var i=0; i<_.chunk.length; i++){
result += _.chunk[i];
return result;
$.static(function($, µ, _){
$.public(function factory(chunk){
var task = $.new($.ns.Task, chunk);
return task;

Javascript array shows in console, but i cant access any properties in loops

I really try my damndest not to ask, but i have to at this point before I tear my hair out.
By the time the js interpreter gets to this particular method, I can print it to the console no problem, it is an array of "event" objects. From FireBug I can see it, but when I try to set a loop to do anything with this array its as if it doesn't exist. I am absolutely baffled......
A few things:
I am a newbie, I have tried a for(var index in list) loop, to no avail, I have also tried a regular old for(var i = 0; i < listIn.length; i++), and I also tried to get the size of the local variable by setting var size = listIn.length.
As soon as I try to loop through it I get nothing, but I can access all the objects inside it from the FireBug console no problem. Please help, even just giving me a little hint on where I should be looking would be great.
As for the array itself, I have no problems with getting an array back from PHP in the form of: [{"Event_Id":"9", "Title":"none"}, etc etc ]
Here is my code from my main launcher JavaScript file. I will also post a sample of the JSON data that is returned. I fear that I may be overextending myself by creating a massive object in the first place called content, which is meant to hold properties such as DOM strings, settings, and common methods, but so far everything else is working.
The init() function is called when the body onload is called on the corresponding html page, and during the call to setAllEvents and setEventNavigation I am lost.
And just to add, I am trying to learn JavaScript fundamentals before I ever touch jQuery.
var dom, S, M, currentArray, buttonArray, typesArray, topicsArray;
content = {
domElements: {},
settings: {
allContent: {},
urlList: {
allURL: "../PHP/getEventsListView.php",
typesURL: "../PHP/getTypes.php",
topicsURL: "../PHP/getTopics.php"
eventObjArray: [],
buttonObjArray: [],
eventTypesArray: [],
eventTopicsArray: []
methods: {
allCallBack: function (j) {
S.allContent = JSON.parse(j);
var list = S.allContent;
for (var index in list) {
var event = new Event(list[index]);
topicsCallBack: function(j) {
S.eventTopicsArray = j;
var list = JSON.parse(S.eventTopicsArray);
topicsArray = list;
typesCallBack: function(j) {
S.eventTypesArray = j;
var list = JSON.parse(S.eventTypesArray);
typesArray = list;
ajax: function (url, callback) {
getAjax(url, callback);
testList: function (listIn) {
// test method
setAllEvents: function (listIn) {
console.log("shall we?");
for(var index in listIn) {
getAllEvents: function () {
return currentArray;
setAllButtons: function (listIn) {
buttonArray = listIn;
getAllButtons: function () {
return buttonArray;
setEventNavigation: function(current) {
var l = current.length;
//console.log("length " + l);
var counter = 0;
var endIndex = l - 1;
if (current.length < 4) {
switch (l) {
case 2:
var first = current[0];
var second = current[1];
case 3:
var first = current[0];
var second = current[1];
var third = current[2];
} else {
// do something
populateTopicsDropDown: function(listTopics) {
//console.log("inside topics drop");
var topicsDropDown = document.getElementById("eventTopicListBox");
for(var index in listTopics) {
var op = document.createElement("option");
op.setAttribute("id", "dd" + index);
op.innerHTML = listTopics[index].Main_Topic;
populateTypesDropDown: function(listTypes) {
//console.log("inside types drodown");
var typesDropDown = document.getElementById("eventTypeListBox");
for(var index2 in listTypes) {
var op2 = document.createElement("option");
op2.setAttribute("id", "dd2" + index2);
op2.innerHTML = listTypes[index2].Main_Type;
init: function() {
dom = this.domElements;
S = this.settings;
M = this.methods;
currentArray = S.eventObjArray;
buttonArray = S.buttonObjArray;
topicsArray = S.eventTopicsArray;
typesArray = S.eventTypesArray;
M.ajax(S.urlList.allURL, M.allCallBack);
//var tempList = currentArray;
//console.log("temp array length: " + tempList.length);
M.ajax(S.urlList.topicsURL, M.topicsCallBack);
M.ajax(S.urlList.typesURL, M.typesCallBack);
The problem you have is that currentArray gets its value asynchronously, which means you are calling setAllEvents too soon. At that moment the allCallBack function has not yet been executed. That happens only after the current running code has completed (until call stack becomes emtpy), and the ajax request triggers the callback.
So you should call setAllEvents and any other code that depends on currentArray only when the Ajax call has completed.
NB: The reason that it works in the console is that by the time you request the value from the console, the ajax call has already returned the response.
Without having looked at the rest of your code, and any other problems that it might have, this solves the issue you have:
init: function() {
dom = this.domElements;
S = this.settings;
M = this.methods;
currentArray = S.eventObjArray;
buttonArray = S.buttonObjArray;
topicsArray = S.eventTopicsArray;
typesArray = S.eventTypesArray;
M.ajax(S.urlList.allURL, function (j) {
// Note that all the rest of the code is moved in this call back
// function, so that it only executes when the Ajax response is
// available:
//var tempList = currentArray;
//console.log("temp array length: " + tempList.length);
// Note that you will need to take care with the following asynchronous
// calls as well: their effect is only available when the Ajax
// callback is triggered:
M.ajax(S.urlList.topicsURL, M.topicsCallBack); //
M.ajax(S.urlList.typesURL, M.typesCallBack);

How to write function in async mode when $rootscope.broadcast is being used in an infinite loop?

I have a following function which gets called at least 10 times in a second. Every time I have around 100 records which are same except it's LastSeenTime, ReadCount. Since this is a simulator so I know the behaviour however in real time, no of records in an array may vary from 100 - 1000. They may or may not be same. I need to add all distinct records to tagStore which is being displayed in UI thereafter.
$scope.$on('getReadTags', function (event, tags) {
if (($scope.tagStore == null || $scope.tagStore.length == 0) && tags.length != 0) {
$scope.tagStore = tags;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var notFound = true;
for (var j = 0; j < $scope.tagStore.length; j++) {
if (tags[i].TagID == $scope.tagStore[j].TagID) {
$scope.tagStore[j].ReadCount += tags[i].ReadCount;
$scope.tagStore[j].LastSeenTime = tags[i].LastSeenTime;
$scope.tagStore[j].DiscoveryTime = tags[i].DiscoveryTime;
notFound = false;
if (!notFound) {
When I runs this code, my browser gets stuck. I also noticed that my CPU, RAM utilization is shooting very high. What I need is that this method should be called only after first method has completed it's execution.
You are invoking multiple digest cycles one after the other, and this usually makes to CPU and memory consumption jump to the sky, and hang the browser.
Use $applyAsync instead of $scope.$apply(); to collect multiple $apply into one $digest cycle. As you can see in the documentation (bold area):
$applyAsync([exp]); Schedule the invocation of $apply to occur at a
later time. The actual time difference varies across browsers, but is
typically around ~10 milliseconds.
This can be used to queue up multiple expressions which need to be
evaluated in the same digest.
This loop for (var j = 0; j < $scope.tagStore.length; j++) { is redundant, as it iterates the whole list of tags, for every tag inserted, and half of it on average for every tag updated. Do this instead:
var tagsMap;
$scope.$on('getReadTags', function (event, tags) {
if (($scope.tagStore == null || $scope.tagStore.length == 0) && tags.length != 0) {
$scope.tagStore = tags;
tagsMap = tags.reduce(function(obj, item) {
obj[item.TagID] = item; // create a map of all tags
}, {});
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
if(tagsMap[tags[i].TagID]) { // if tag exists in the map, update the tag
tagsMap[tags[i].TagID].ReadCount += tags[i].ReadCount;
tagsMap[tags[i].TagID].LastSeenTime = tags[i].LastSeenTime;
tagsMap[tags[i].TagID].DiscoveryTime = tags[i].DiscoveryTime;
} else { // if tag doesn't exist, push it into the scope, and add it to the tagsMap
tagsMap[tags[i].TagID] = tags[i];

Async calls to service in javascript

In my project I am calling same service for more than 2-3 times for finding distance & time for my route in javascript using cloudmode service.
I am having one polyline, I am getting each point of polyline & passing two consecutive points to service to get response from it.
What I am doing is
function showPointsRoutes(e)
var a = e.target.getLatLngs();
for(var i = 1 ; i < a.length ; i++)
var as ="http://routes.cloudmade.com/BC9A493B41014CAABB98F0471D759707/api/0.3/" + a[i-1].lat+","+a[i-1].lng+","+a[i].lat+","+a[i].lng + "/car/shortest.js?callback=getRouteResponse";
function getRouteResponse(response)
function addScript(url)
var script = document.createElement('script');
document.getElementsByTagName('head') [0].appendChild(script);
But sometimes what happens is that response for some requests comes late.
due to this I am not getting proper times & distance between points.
Can any one suggest some way so that I get values in array as sequence in which request was made.
The reason they give you different callback names is so that you can differentiate requests by using a different callback for each one. Try something like this:
Note: #Rodrigo Assis's suggestion would be better in this case since the API supports this. Code below demonstrates a way to handle this when the API forces using multiple requests.
function showPointsRoutes(e)
var a = e.target.getLatLngs();
for(var i = 1 ; i < a.length ; i++)
requestRoute(i, a[i-1], a[i]);
function requestRoute(i, a, b)
window["getRouteResponse" + i] = function(response)
mytimeArray[i] = response.route_summary.total_time;
myDistancArray[i] = response.route_summary.total_distance;
var as ="http://routes.cloudmade.com/BC9A493B41014CAABB98F0471D759707/api/0.3/" + a.lat+","+a.lng+","+b.lat+","+b.lng + "/car/shortest.js?callback=getRouteResponse" + i;
function addScript(url)
var script = document.createElement('script');
document.getElementsByTagName('head') [0].appendChild(script);

How to iterate through file system directories and files using javascript?

I'm using Javascript to write an application that will be used with Phonegap to make an Android application. I'm using the Phonegap File API to read directories and files. The relevant code is shown below:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// PhoneGap is ready
function onDeviceReady() {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, fail);
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory("/sdcard", {create: false, exclusive: false}, getDirSuccess, fail);
function getDirSuccess(dirEntry) {
// Get a directory reader
var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();
// Get a list of all the entries in the directory
var numDirs = 0;
var numFiles = 0;
function readerSuccess(entries) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<entries.length; i++)
if(entries[i].isFile === true)
else if (entries[i].isDirectory === true)
So as of now, the program works fine. The reader will read the contents of the /sdcard directory..if it encounters a file, it will call fileSuccess (which I've excluded in the code for brevity), and if it encounters another directory, it will call getDirSuccess again. My question is this: How can I know when the entire /sdcard directory is read? I can't think of a good way of accomplishing this without going through the /sdcard directory more than one time. Any ideas are appreciated, and thank you in advance!
+1 on a good question since I have to do this anyway myself. I would use the old setTimeout trick. Once the cancel doesn't occur anymore, you know you are done and can fire your event, but just ensure its only fired once.
Here's what I mean and I've named the variables long simply to be more readable (not my style)...
// create timeout var outside your "readerSuccess" function scope
var readerTimeout = null, millisecondsBetweenReadSuccess = 100;
function readerSuccess(entries) {
var i = 0, len = entries.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (entries[i].isFile) {
} else if (entries[i].isDirectory) {
if (readerTimeout) {
if (readerTimeout) {
readerTimeout = window.setTimeout(weAreDone, millisecondsBetweenReadSuccess);
// additional event to call when totally done
function weAreDone() {
// do something
So the logic in this is you keep cancelling the "weAreDone" function from being called as you are reading through stuff. Not sure if this is the best way or more efficient but it would not result in more than one loop given the appropriate "millisecondsBetweenReadSuccess".
Instead of using a setTimeout, which can fail if you have a very slow device, you can use a counter to see how many callbacks still need to be called. If the counter reaches zero, you're all done :)
This is the recursive code:
var fileSync = new function(){
this.filesystem = null;
this.getFileSystem = function(callback){
var rfs = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
1// '1' means PERSISTENT
, 0// '0' is about max. storage size: 0==we don't know yet
, function(filesystem){
fileSync.filesystem = filesystem;
, function(e){
alert('An error occured while requesting the fileSystem:\n\n'+ e.message);
this.readFilesFromReader = function(reader, callback, recurse, recurseFinishedCallback, recurseCounter)
if (recurse && !recurseCounter)
recurseCounter = [1];
if (recurse)
for (var i=0; i<res.length; i++) {
/* only handle directories */
if (res[i].isDirectory == true)
fileSync.readFilesFromReader(res[i].createReader(), callback, recurse, recurseFinishedCallback, recurseCounter);
/* W3C specs say: Continue calling readEntries() until an empty array is returned.
* You have to do this because the API might not return all entries in a single call.
* But... Phonegap doesn't seem to accommodate this, and instead always returns the same dir-entries... OMG, an infinite loop is created :-/
//if (res.length)
// fileSync.readFilesFromReader(reader, callback, recurse, recurseFinishedCallback, recurseCounter);
if (recurse && --recurseCounter[0] == 0)
, function(e){
if (recurse && --recurseCounter[0] == 0)
this.onError = function(e){
utils.log('onError in fileSync: ' + JSON.stringify(e));
if (utils.isDebugEnvironment())
alert('onError in fileSync: '+JSON.stringify(e));
var utils = new function(){
this.log = function(){
for (var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)
this.isDebugEnvironment = function(){ return true }// simplified
Example code to test this:
var myFiles = [];
var directoryCount = 0;
window.onerror = function(){ alert('window.onerror=\n\n' + arguments.join('\n')) }
var gotFilesCallback = function(entries)
for (var i=0;i<entries.length;i++)
if (entries[i].isFile == true)
var allDoneCallback = function(){
alert('All files and directories were read.\nWe found '+myFiles.length+' files and '+directoryCount+' directories, shown on-screen now...');
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div style="border: 1px solid red; position: absolute;top:10px;left:10%;width:80%; background: #eee;">'
+ '<b>Filesystem root:</b><i>' + fileSync.filesystem.root.fullPath + '</i><br><br>'
+ myFiles.join('<br>').split(fileSync.filesystem.root.fullPath).join('')
+ '</div>';
/* on-device-ready / on-load, get the filesystem, and start reading files */
var docReadyEvent = window.cordova ? 'deviceready':'load';
document.addEventListener(docReadyEvent, function()
var rootDirReader = filesystem.root.createReader();
fileSync.readFilesFromReader(rootDirReader, gotFilesCallback, true, allDoneCallback);
}, false);

