If/Else Statement showing differently on Click. - javascript

http://bvh.delineamultimedia.com/?page_id=2 -> if you click the first image there is a gallery in the dropdown… which is what I want. But, if you close it and re-open it. it goes to a static image.
So there is a function statement in this js I'm working with and can't seem to figure it out what the problem is. http://bvh.delineamultimedia.com/wp-content/themes/bvh/js/portfolio/superbox.js
Here is the function...
$('.superbox').on('click', '.superbox-list', function (e) {
//allows for superbox to work inside of quicksand
overflow: 'visible'
var currentimg = $(this).find('.superbox-img');
// cleanup
//superbox.find('.royalSlider').appendTo($(this)); // remove the slider from previous events
var imgData = currentimg.data();
superboximg.attr('src', imgData.img);
if (imgData.title) {
superbox.append('<h3 class="title">' + imgData.title + '</h3>');
if (imgData.description) {
superbox.append('<div class="description">' + imgData.description + '</div>');
//royal slider fix
var sliderData = currentimg.siblings('.royalSlider'); // grab the slider html that we want to insert
if (sliderData.length > 0) { // show the slider if there is one
superbox.append(sliderData); // clone the element so we don't loose it for the next time the user clicks
superboximg.css('display', 'none');
} else { // if there is no slider proceed as before
if (imgData.img) {
superboximg.attr('src', imgData.img);
superboximg.css('display', 'block');
if ($('.superbox-current-img').css('opacity') == 0) {
opacity: 1
if ($(this).next().hasClass('superbox-show')) {
} else {
superbox.insertAfter(this).css('display', 'block');
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: superbox.position().top - currentimg.width()
}, 'medium');

If you re-open the page, the browser will just load the url (http://bvh.delineamultimedia.com/?page_id=2 ) again from scratch. If you want to re-display something, you have to change the url and make sure that JavaScript picks it up. This is commonly done with window.location.hash.


How to change slides using setInterval function?

This is my JS code so far. Right now I can click on each button on the slider and it will change to the corresponding slide.
$('.slide-nav').on('click', function(e) {
// get current slide
var current = $('.flex--active').data('slide'),
// get button data-slide
next = $(this).data('slide');
if (current === next) {
return false;
} else {
$('.slider__wrapper').find('.flex__container[data-slide=' + next + ']').addClass('flex--preStart');
setTimeout(function() {
$('.flex--preStart').removeClass('animate--start flex--preStart').addClass('flex--active');
$('.animate--end').addClass('animate--start').removeClass('animate--end flex--active');
}, 900);
the slider I am working with looks like this one to see the html/css
So in addition to clicking to change slides I would like to scroll to change slides
You can simulate the click function this way:
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);
You need to check if this is the last and try this:
setInterval(function () {
if ($(".slide-nav.active").next().length > 0)
}, 1000);
Demo: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/ZwBVzo

jQuery - To perform a search using submit button on a live search plugin?

I started using mark.js live search plugin, and I was able to modify it to automatically scroll to the text part that's being searched on the page.
Like this:
SEARCH BOX |_jklmno____| <-- User searches here
jklmno <--- Then the page will automatically scroll and stop here.
-> Done, it found the text <-
The code works, how can I build a button that when submitted, the page will jump to the next result?
I tried using this to jump to the next result when the form is submitted:
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: mark.eq(index).offset().top}, 500);
This too:
else if ('mark[data-markjs]').live("submit", function(e) {
{scrollTop: mark.offset().top -100}
, 200);
But it didn't work.
Here's the working fiddle **(In order to see the search field, you have to scroll the result tab a little bit)
And here's the jQuery:
jQuery(function($) {
var mark = function() {
// Read the keyword
var keyword = $("input[name='keyword']").val();
// Determine selected options
var options = {
"filter": function(node, term, counter, totalCounter){
if(term === keyword && counter >= 1){
return false;
} else {
return true;
done: function() {
var mark = $('mark[data-markjs]');
if (mark.length) {
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: mark.eq(index).offset().top}, 500);
else if ('mark[data-markjs]').live("submit", function(e) {
{scrollTop: mark.offset().top -100}
, 200);
$("input[name='opt[]']").each(function() {
options[$(this).val()] = $(this).is(":checked"); });
// Mark the keyword inside the context
$(".context").mark(keyword, options);
$("input[name='keyword']").on("keyup", mark);
$("input[type='checkbox']").on("change", mark);
$("input[name='keyword']").on("submit", mark);
I played a while with your fiddle.
It's a cool problem.
I decided to use the up/down arrows to scroll to the prev/next result...
Instead of the enter key or a button.
Here is the main part that I changed:
$("input[name='keyword']").on("keyup", function(e){
if(e.which==40){ // 40 = down arrow
if(e.which==38){ // 38 = up arrow
I did not found how to "un-highlight" the previous result...
But since arrows make it scroll to the right result, I think it is quite cool like this.
done: function() {
var mark = $('mark[data-markjs]').last(); // Scroll to last <mark>
if (mark.length) {
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: mark.offset().top-90}, 500);
Have a look at my fiddle for the complete updated script.

How to give a div a higher z-index on click with JS?

I asked this question yesterday hopefully this one is clearer as I've now provided a working example of my store.
I'm developing a Shopify Theme. I've been using Timber as my base and I'm currently having a problem with my Quick Cart and Quick Shop/View drawers.
I have 2 drawers on the right of my site, 1 for the cart and 1 for the product quick view option. The drawers currently slide open - #PageContainer moves to the left on click to reveal each drawer.
As they are currently sitting on top of each other I need to alter the JS so that on click the z-index changes so that the correct drawer being called is highest in the stack.
I'm not great with JS so not sure if this is a simple task?
Here is a link to my Dev Store
timber.Drawers = (function () {
var Drawer = function (id, position, options) {
var defaults = {
close: '.js-drawer-close',
open: '.js-drawer-open-' + position,
openClass: 'js-drawer-open',
dirOpenClass: 'js-drawer-open-' + position
this.$nodes = {
parent: $('body, html'),
page: $('#PageContainer'),
moved: $('.is-moved-by-drawer')
this.config = $.extend(defaults, options);
this.position = position;
this.$drawer = $('#' + id);
if (!this.$drawer.length) {
return false;
this.drawerIsOpen = false;
Drawer.prototype.init = function () {
$(this.config.open).on('click', $.proxy(this.open, this));
this.$drawer.find(this.config.close).on('click', $.proxy(this.close, this));
Drawer.prototype.open = function (evt) {
// Keep track if drawer was opened from a click, or called by another function
var externalCall = false;
// Prevent following href if link is clicked
if (evt) {
} else {
externalCall = true;
// Without this, the drawer opens, the click event bubbles up to $nodes.page
// which closes the drawer.
if (evt && evt.stopPropagation) {
// save the source of the click, we'll focus to this on close
this.$activeSource = $(evt.currentTarget);
if (this.drawerIsOpen && !externalCall) {
return this.close();
// Add is-transitioning class to moved elements on open so drawer can have
// transition for close animation
this.$nodes.parent.addClass(this.config.openClass + ' ' + this.config.dirOpenClass);
this.drawerIsOpen = true;
// Run function when draw opens if set
if (this.config.onDrawerOpen && typeof(this.config.onDrawerOpen) == 'function') {
if (!externalCall) {
if (this.$activeSource && this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded')) {
this.$activeSource.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
// Lock scrolling on mobile
this.$nodes.page.on('touchmove.drawer', function () {
return false;
this.$nodes.page.on('click.drawer', $.proxy(function () {
return false;
}, this));
Drawer.prototype.close = function () {
if (!this.drawerIsOpen) { // don't close a closed drawer
// deselect any focused form elements
// Ensure closing transition is applied to moved elements, like the nav
this.$nodes.moved.prepareTransition({ disableExisting: true });
this.$drawer.prepareTransition({ disableExisting: true });
this.$nodes.parent.removeClass(this.config.dirOpenClass + ' ' + this.config.openClass);
this.drawerIsOpen = false;
return Drawer;
As instructed by Ciprian I have placed the following in my JS which is making the #CartDrawer have a higher z-index. I'm now unsure how I adapt this so that it knows which one to have higher dependant on which button is clicked. This is what I've tried:
Drawer.prototype.init = function () {
$(this.config.open).on('click', $.proxy(this.open, this));
$(this).data('clicked', true);
if($('.js-drawer-open-right-two').data('clicked')) {
//clicked element, do-some-stuff
$('#QuickShopDrawer').css('z-index', '999');
} else {
//run function 2
$('#CartDrawer').css('z-index', '999');
this.$drawer.find(this.config.close).on('click', $.proxy(this.close, this));
The approach would be like this:
$('.yourselector').css('z-index', '999');
Add it (and adapt it to your needs) inside your onclick() function.
if you need to modify the z-index of your div when clicking a buton, you shoud put in this code on your onclick() function, else if you need to activate it when you looding the page you shoud put it on a $( document ).ready() function , the code is :
$('#yourID').css('z-index', '10');
You can use:
document.getElementById("your-element-id").style.zIndex = 5;
It's pure Javascript and sets the z-index to 5. Just bind this to onClick event!

How to toggle an animation upon clicking a button

I have the following j-query code (using the jquery plugin ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1) to move a div element to the left upon clicking on a separate div element:
$.fx.speeds._default = 800;
What I want to happen is when the #tab_box3 div is clicked on a second time, the #tab3 div moves back to where it originally started.
I tried the following, using Toggle, but it does not seem to have worked:
$.fx.speeds._default = 800;
Can anyone offer advice please?
You must doing something like this :
var element = $(this),
clicked = parseInt(element.data('clicked')) || 0;
element.data('clicked', clicked + 1);
if (clicked % 2 == 0)
$("#tab3").animate({left:"+=97%"}, 800);
$("#tab3").animate({left:"-=97%"}, 800);
An example here :
You will have to use -=97% to offset the previous animation change.
var $tab3 = $("#tab3");
if ($tab3.data("animated")) {
$tab3.animate({left: "-=97%").data("animated", false);
else {
$tab3.animate({left: "+=97%").data("animated", true);

Two divs click event works only on one div

I'm using jquery and ajax to create a drawer (#DrawerContainer) and load content into it if I click a thumbnail in a gallery. My function is almost finished but I want to be able to close that drawer if I click again the opening button (now #current).
Here is a jsfiddle of my code: http://jsfiddle.net/RF6df/54/
The drawer element appears if you click a square/thumbnail, it's the blueish rectangle.
The current thumbnail is turned green.
I added a button in my drawer (not visible in the jsfiddle) to close it. I use this part of code for this purpose and it's working like a charm.
// Close the drawer
$(".CloseDrawer").click(function() {
setTimeout(function(){ // then remove it...
}, 300); // after 500ms.
return false;
Now I need my #current div to be able to close #DrawerContainer the same way .CloseDrawer does in the code above. Unfortunately adding a second trigger like this $("#current,.CloseDrawer").click(function() to my function isn't working... When clicking my "current" thumbnail, it just reopen the drawer instead of closing it...
How can I modify my code to close my #DrawerContainer with the "current" thumbnail?
Please keep in mind that I'm learning jquery, so if you can comment it could be of a great help. And please do not modify my markup or css, since everything works beside the closing part.
As per my understanding, you can use "toggle()" function which does exactly the same (i.e, toggle visiblity).
Updated the script to work.
$(document).ready(function() {
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
$('#portfolio-list>div:not(#DrawerContainer)').click(function() {
if ($(this).attr("id") != "current")
// modify hash for sharing purpose (remove the first part of the href)
var pathname = $(this).find('a')[0].href.split('/'),
l = pathname.length;
pathname = pathname[l-1] || pathname[l-2];
window.location.hash = "#!" + pathname;
$(this).attr('id', 'current');
// find first item in next row
var LastInRow = -1;
var top = $(this).offset().top;
if ($(this).next().length == 0 || $(this).next().offset().top != top) {
LastInRow = $(this);
else {
$(this).nextAll().each(function() {
if ($(this).offset().top != top) {
return false; // == break from .each()
LastInRow = $(this);
if (LastInRow === -1) {
LastInRow = $(this).parent().children().last();
// Ajout du drawer
var post_link = $(this).find('.mosaic-backdrop').attr("href");
$('#DrawerContainer').remove(); // remove existing, if any
$('<div/>').attr('id', 'DrawerContainer').css({display: 'none'}).data('citem', this).html("loading...").load(post_link + " #container > * ").insertAfter(LastInRow).slideDown(300);
return false; // stops the browser when content is loaded
else {
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function() {
Cufon('h1'); //refresh cufon
// Toggle/close the drawer
$("#current,.CloseDrawer").click(function() {
setTimeout(function(){ // then remove it...
}, 300); // after 500ms.
return false;
//updated Ene's version
var hash = window.location.hash;
if ( hash.length > 0 ) {
hash = hash.replace('#!' , '' , hash );
Also, updated it here: Updated JS Fiddle
EDIT -2: Updated Link
Hope this Helps!!

