Pulling external JSON file into a javascript variable using jQuery - javascript

I've been building onto some example code for the Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead plugin.
In an early development version of the script, I included the following, lifted almost directly from the example, with a few customisations that have worked perfectly;
source: function (query, process) {
buildings = [];
map = {};
var data = [{"buildingNumber":"1","buildingDescription":"Building One"},{"buildingNumber":"2","buildingDescription":"Building Two"},{"buildingNumber":"3","buildingDescription":"Building Three"}];
$.each(data, function (i, building) {
map[building.buildingDescription] = building;
updater: function (item) {
selectedBuilding = map[item].buildingNumber;
return item;
In practice, this isn't much use while I've got the array of options written directly into the code, so I've been looking at reading an external file with the JSON written in. I've created a file, containing just the array as follows;
[{"buildingNumber":"1","buildingDescription":"Building One"},
{"buildingNumber":"2","buildingDescription":"Building Two"},
{"buildingNumber":"3","buildingDescription":"Building Three"}]
And I've now attempted to update the Javascript to include the code to load up the remote file. I can verify the file exists and is in the correct relative location.
source: function (query, process) {
buildings = [];
map = {};
var data = function () {
'async': false,
'global': false,
'url': "../json/buildings",
'dataType': "json",
'success': function (result) {
data = result;
return data;
$.each(data, function (i, building) {
map[building.buildingDescription] = building;
updater: function (item) {
selectedBuilding = map[item].buildingNumber;
return item;
On running the page, all of the elements appear to work as expected, and nothing appears in the Console, until you click inside the text field and being typing. After each keypress, nothing visibly happens, but the following is produced in the Console;
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined [jquery.min.js:3]
Any ideas/thoughts/starting points to try and fix this would be much appreciated!

First of all, I would recommend you to use $.getJSON instead of $.ajax (you can save a lot of unnecessary lines of code). // See $.getJSON doc here: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getJSON/
Second, you have to reference the data variable according to its scope (when calling data var inside the success function, the scope has changed and the data var is not found, that is why it's throwing "Cannot read 'leangth' of undefined"). You have to set a self reference variable that points to the data variable scope.
This will help:
source: function (query, process) {
var buildings = [];
var map = {};
var self = this; //This is a self reference to use in the nested function of $.getJSON
$.getJSON('../json/buildings', function(data){
if ($.isArray(data)) {
$.each(data, function (i, building) {
self.map[building.buildingDescription] = building;
updater: function (item) {
selectedBuilding = map[item].buildingNumber; // This won't work. I'd suggest to move the map variable as part of the top level object.
return item;

I shall add a little explaination of the point I reached in the end, as it's quite a change;
As the content of the JSON file is dynamic, but doesn't need to be called on every keypress, I decided to import it once, using $.getJSON inside a $document.ready(). It then writes the content into a global variable, which can be loaded by the source function exactly as before.
Here's the code for reference;
source: function (query, process) {
buildings = [];
map = {};
$.each(buildinglist, function (i, building) {
map[building.buildingDescription] = building;
updater: function (item) {
selectedBuilding = map[item].buildingNumber;
return item;
var buildingList;
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON('../json/buildings/', function(json){
buildinglist = json;


Devextreme Display database results in Selectbox

I have searched this site and tried, but I am still not coming right. I have searched these threads (among others):
How to get return value in a function with inside Ajax call - JQuery
get return value of jQuery get().done() function
I have one page on my app. I have one dxSelectBox on my page. I need to display a list of depots inside the dxSelectBox. My Webservice works. I am trying this to show the results in the dxSelectBox but it does not show anything:
App.FirstScreen = function (params) {
// "use strict";
var viewModel = {
dsDepots: ko.observableArray([]),
GetDepots: getDepots (),
return viewModel;
function getDepots() {
// this will generate another thread to run in another function
url: 'connection_string + "/rest/_getDepots"',
type: 'get',
success: function (data) {
if (data != "") {
var _result = JSON.parse(data.childNodes['0'].childNodes['0'].data);
return (data);
error: function () {
return "Hello";

Javascript global variables only accessible after application runs

I have a series of nested Ajax requests to external APIs, which is very ugly but it was the only way I could figure out how to make calls in a specified order with each call utilizing some values brought back from the previous call. (I attempted this but couldn't get it to work, so I reverted to the advice here.)
Anyway, this works well to a point. All my calls work in succession, and I end up with an array called people, which is just a list of names: ["name1","name2","name3"].
My problem is that I don't seem to be able to do anything with this array from my javascript code. I can't append them to a div, nor can I alert them, or even console.log them during code execution. However, once my code completes, I can type people into the browser console and there they all are, as expected.
I am guessing this has something to do with the scope of the variable - I have tried making it global and moving the placement of its declaration, but the only way I can access people from the runnable code is from within the final AJAX loop, and then I get lots of repeating values because it's looping and adding to the array incrementally.
The goal here is to get people from that final API call and list them in HTML.
Here's my code. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
HTML to trigger event:
<input type='file' accept='image/*' onchange='openFile(event)'>
<!--process is triggered by file upload-->
var openFile = function(event) {
//... Some UI stuff happens here.
//... When finished, just call getGraph(); below
performances = new Array(); // global scope
people = new Array(); // global scope
getGraph(); // call function below
console.log(people); // retrieve array; doesn't work
function getGraph(){
url:'http://...' + document.getElementById('prDate').value,
success: function(response){
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
var programID = item.id;
url:'http://...'+ programID',
success: function(response){
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
performances.push( item.id );
$.each(performances, function(index, value){
url:'http://...' + this.valueOf() +'/persons/',
success: function(response){
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
people.push( item.firstname + ' ' + item.lastname ); // the magic moment
From your code it is visible that people variable will be create only once you call openfile function. If you want it be created even when the openfile method is not called then declare it outside of all the functions and then it will be accessible or else declare it in the place where you intend to use it like above the ajax call, then use it.
Have you tried putting it inside a IIFE closure ?
var OpenFile = function() {
if ( !(this instanceof OpenFile) ) {
return new OpenFile();
var performances = new Array(); // closure Scope
var people = new Array(); // closure Scope
function getGraph(){
url:'http://...' + document.getElementById('prDate').value,
success: function(response){
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
var programID = item.id;
url:'http://...'+ programID',
success: function(response){
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
performances.push( item.id );
$.each(performances, function(index, value){
url:'http://...' + this.valueOf() +'/persons/',
success: function(response){
$.each(response, function(i, item) {
people.push( item.firstname + ' ' + item.lastname ); // the magic moment
return {
get performances() : { return performances;},
get people() : { return people; },
getGraph : getGraph
window.OpenFile = OpenFile;
which you can then call by doing something like
var myOpenFile = new OpenFile();
var people = myOpenFile.people;
with the added benefit that the OpenFile object is immediately available after the code loads. All the variables inside the code are only scoped to the object OpenFile and don't pollute the global namespace and you can choose what you wish to expose to others by putting them in the return statement at the end.

ajax complete callback function is never called

I'm using Django.
I have the following code
var done_cancel_order = function(res, status) {
var cancel_order = function() {
data = {};
var args = {
return false;
The function var cancel_order is called when I press a button on the page. That url when accessed is does some things on the server side, which I can check indeed are done, and then returns a json specifying whether or not the request was successful. You get:
{'status':200, 'message':'order canceled'}
The problem is that the callback is never called. I would like to have the callback display to the user the thing that was returned from the server. But even the first alert("xpto") inside the callback is never executed. Why is that?
I have checked that this code:
var cancel_order = function() {
data = {};
var args = {
complete: function() { alert("xpto"); }
return false;
displays the same behavior as described above: everything goes great on the server side, but the callback isn't called.
Be sure nothing is messing with your debug tools [e.g. console.log], it may end up wrecking your js code, delivering unexpected results.
Why don't you change it to this:
function done_cancel_order (res, status) {
/* remains same */
I hope, this one would work for you!
Or just simply:
complete: alert("xpto");

Javascript - Trouble using for...in to iterate through an object

I have a dynamically-generated object that looks like this:
colorArray = {
AR: "#8BBDE1",
AU: "#135D9E",
AT: "#8BBDE1",
... }
I'm trying to use it to color a map by using this plugin and the 'colors' attribute during the call to the plugin. Like this:
backgroundColor: '#c2e2f2',
colors: colorArray,
... (some other params)
But it doesn't color in the countries. When I hard code this in, it works fine - but it must be dynamically generated for this project, so something like this won't work for me (although it does in fact color the map):
backgroundColor: '#c2e2f2',
colors: { AR: "#8BBDE1", AU: "#135D9E", AT: "#8BBDE1" },
... (some other params)
I've traced the issue far enough into the plugin to find it has something to do with this loop:
setColors: function(key, color) {
if (typeof key == 'string') {
} else {
var colors = key; //This is the parameter passed through to the plugin
for (var code in colors) {
if (this.countries[code]) {
I've also tried iterating through the colorArray object on my own, outside of the plugin and I'm running into the same issue. Whatever sits inside the for ( var x in obj ) isn't firing. I've also noticed that colorArray.length returns undefined. Another important note is that I've instantiated var colorArray = {}; in a separate call, attempting to ensure that it is sitting at the global scope and able to be manipulated.
I'm thinking that the problem is either:
The way I'm dynamically populating the object - colorArray[cCode] =
cColor; (in a jQuery .each call)
I'm once again confusing the differences between Arrays() and Objects() in javascript
It is a scope issue perhaps?
Some combination of everything above.
EDIT #1: I've moved my additional question about Objects in the Console in Firebug to a new post HERE. That question deals more specifically with Firebug than the underlying JS problem I'm asking about here.
Edit #2: Additional info
Here's the code I'm using to dynamically populate the Object:
function parseDensityMapXML() {
type: "GET",
url: "media/XML/mapCountryData.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function (xml) {
$(xml).find("Country").each(function () {
var cName = $(this).find("Name").text();
var cIniCount = $(this).find("InitiativeCount").text();
var cUrl = $(this).find("SearchURL").text();
var cCode = $(this).find("CountryCode").text();
//Populate the JS Object
iniDensityData[cCode] = { "initiatives": cIniCount, "url": cUrl, "name": cName };
//set colors according to values of initiatives count
colorArray[cCode] = getCountryColor(cIniCount);
} //end function parseDensityMapXML();
This function is then called on a click event of a checkbox elsewhere on the page. The Objects iniDensityData and colorArray are declared in the head of the html file - hoping that keeps them in global scope:
<script type="text/javascript">
//Initialize a bunch of variables in the global scope
iniDensityData = {};
colorArray = {};
And finally, here's a snippet from the XML file that is being read:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
... and so on ...
Solved it! Originally, I was calling the function parseDensityMapXML() and then immediately after it calling another function loadDensityMapXML() which took the object created dynamically in the first function and iterated through it. Problem was, it wasn't called as a callback from the first function, so was firing before the Object had even been built.
To fix, I just amended the first function mentioned above to call the second function after the .each() was finished creating the objects:
function parseDensityMapXML() {
type: "GET",
url: "media/XML/mapCountryData.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function (xml) {
$(xml).find("Country").each(function () {
var cName = $(this).find("Name").text();
var cIniCount = $(this).find("InitiativeCount").text();
var cUrl = $(this).find("SearchURL").text();
var cCode = $(this).find("CountryCode").text();
//Populate the JS Object
iniDensityData[cCode] = { "initiatives": cIniCount, "url": cUrl, "name": cName };
//set colors according to values of initiatives count
colorArray[cCode] = getCountryColor(cIniCount);
/* and then call the jVectorMap plugin - this MUST be done as a callback
after the above parsing. If called separately, it will fire before the
objects iniDensityData and colorArray are created! */
} //end function parseDensityMapXML();

Making functions wait until AJAX call is complete with jQuery

Im trying to develop a class in JavaScript I can use to access a load of data that is gathered by an AJAX request easily. The only problem is I need to make the members of the class accessible only once the AJAX call is complete. Ideally what I would like to end up is something where by I can call this in a script:
courses.getCourse('xyz').complete = function () {
// do something with the code
And this will only fire after the AJAX call has been complete and the data structures in the "class" are ready to be used. Ideally I dont want to have to create a .complete member for every function in the class
Here is the "class" I am trying to make so far:
var model_courses = (function() {
var cls = function () {
var _storage = {}; // Used for storing course related info
_storage.courses = {}; // Used for accessing courses directly
_storage.references = new Array(); // Stores all available course IDs
var _ready = 0;
type: "GET",
url: "data/courses.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
$(xml).find("course").each(function() {
_storage.courses[$(this).attr('id')] = {
title : $(this).find('title').text(),
description : $(this).find('description').text(),
points : $(this).find('points').text()
cls.prototype = {
getCourse: function (courseID) {
getCourses: function () {
return _storage.courses
getReferences: function (),
return _storage.references
return cls
At the moment getCourse will be fired before the AJAX request is complete and obviously it will have no data to access.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, im stuck on this one!
jQuery already handles this for you using deferred objects, unless i'm misunderstanding what you are looking for.
var courses = {
getCourse: function (id) {
return $.ajax({url:"getCourse.php",data:{id:id});
I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, I'm hoping it's enough to push you in the right direction. Deferred objects are awesome.
The following changes allow you to make the AJAX request just once and you can call your function like
courses.getCourse('xyz', function(course){
// Use course here
Here are the changes
var model_courses = (function() {
// This is what gets returned by the $.ajax call
var xhr;
var _storage = {}; // Used for storing course related info
_storage.courses = {}; // Used for accessing courses directly
_storage.references = []; // Stores all available course IDs
var cls = function () {
xhr = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: "data/courses.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
$(xml).find("course").each(function() {
_storage.courses[$(this).attr('id')] = {
title : $(this).find('title').text(),
description : $(this).find('description').text(),
points : $(this).find('points').text()
cls.prototype = {
// Made changes here, you'd have to make the same
// changes to getCourses and getReferences
getCourse: function (courseID, callback) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
else {
getCourses: function () {
return _storage.courses
getReferences: function (),
return _storage.references
return cls
As a side note, your module pattern will not work very well if you need to instantiate two of these model_courses objects, since the storage objects are all shared in your self calling function's closure. You usually don't mix the module pattern with prototypes (returning a constructor from a module), unless you really know what you are doing, that is, the shared closure variables work as static properties of your class.
This is what I would do if I were you (since you really want private variables)
function ModelCourses() {
var storage = {
courses: {},
references: []
var xhr = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: "data/courses.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
$(xml).find("course").each(function() {
storage.courses[$(this).attr('id')] = {
title : $(this).find('title').text(),
description : $(this).find('description').text(),
points : $(this).find('points').text()
this.getCourse = function(courseId, callback) {
function getCourse() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
else {
in getStorage either add a check to see if there is any data to pilfer (preferred), or make the "actual" method private than publicize it when it has items it can access. (I would recommend the first though otherwise you'll get exceptions about calling a method that doesn't exists on an object).
You can define a function getData that would perform the ajax request and that would take the getCourse as a callback.
The getData could possibly store locally the result of the Ajax call and test the local storage before performing the ajax call.
You could also specify a private member to allow the ajax call to be run only once.
You might want to check underscore.js for some handy tool
Here is a short example code :
cls.prototype.getData = function(callback) {
/*perform ajax call or retrieve data from cache*/
cls.prototype.getCourse = function(id) {
this.getData(function() {
/*do something with the data and the id you passed*/

