Don't replace regex if it is enclosed by a character - javascript

I would like to replace all strings that are enclosed by - into strings enclosed by ~, but not if this string again is enclosed by *.
As an example, this string...
The -quick- *brown -f-ox* jumps.
...should become...
The ~quick~ *brown -f-ox* jumps.
We see - is only replaced if it is not within *<here>*.
My javascript-regex for now (which takes no care whether it is enclosed by * or not):
var message = source.replace(/-(.[^-]+?)-/g, "~$1~");
Edit: Note that it might be the case that there is an odd number of *s.

That's a tricky sort of thing to do with regular expressions. I think what I'd do is something like this:
var msg = source.replace(/(-[^-]+-|\*[^*]+\*)/g, function(_, grp) {
return grp[0] === '-' ? grp.replace(/^-(.*)-$/, "~$1~") : grp;
jsFiddle Demo
That looks for either - or * groups, and only performs the replacement on dashed ones. In general, "nesting" syntaxes are challenging (or impossible) with regular expressions. (And of course as a comment on the question notes, there are special cases — dangling metacharacters — that complicate this too.)

I would solve it by splitting the array based on * and then replacing only the even indices. Matching unbalanced stars is trickier, it involves knowing whether the last item index is odd or even:
'The -quick- *brown -f-ox* jumps.'
.map(function(item, index, arr) {
if (index % 2) {
if (index < arr.length - 1) {
return item; // balanced
// not balanced
item = '*' + item;
return item.replace(/\-([^-]+)\-/, '~$1~');

Finding out whether a match is not enclosed by some delimiters is a very complicated task - see also this example. Lookaround could help, but JS only supports lookahead. So we could rewrite "not surrounded by ~" to "followed by an even number or ~", and match on that:
source.replace(/-([^-]+)-(?=[^~]*([^~]*~[^~]*~)*$)/g, "~$1~");
But better we match on both - and *, so that we consume anything wrapped in *s as well and can then decide in a callback function not to replace it:
source.replace(/-([^-]+)-|\*([^*]+)\*/g, function(m, hyp) {
if (hyp) // the first group has matched
return "~"+hyp+"~";
// else let the match be unchanged:
return m;
This has the advantage of being able to better specify "enclosed", e.g. by adding word boundaries on the "inside", for better handling of invalid patterns (odd number of * characters as mentioned by #Maras for example) - the current regex just takes the next two appearances.

A terser version of Jack's very clear answer.
return i%2?x:x.replace(/-/g,'~');
Seems to work,


How to split a string by a character not directly preceded by a character of the same type?

Let's say I have a string: "". What I would like to do is to split the string by the delimiter ., but I only wish to split by the first . and include any recurring .s in the succeeding token.
Expected output:
["We", "need", ".to", "..split", "asap"]
In other languages, I know that this is possible with a look-behind /(?<!\.)\./ but Javascript unfortunately does not support such a feature.
I am curious to see your answers to this question. Perhaps there is a clever use of look-aheads that presently evades me?
I was considering reversing the string, then re-reversing the tokens, but that seems like too much work for what I am after... plus controversy: How do you reverse a string in place in JavaScript?
Thanks for the help!
Here's a variation of the answer by guest271314 that handles more than two consecutive delimiters:
var text = "";
var re = /(\.*[^.]+)\./;
var items = text.split(re).filter(function(val) { return val.length > 0; });
It uses the detail that if the split expression includes a capture group, the captured items are included in the returned array. These capture groups are actually the only thing we are interested in; the tokens are all empty strings, which we filter out.
EDIT: Unfortunately there's perhaps one slight bug with this. If the text to be split starts with a delimiter, that will be included in the first token. If that's an issue, it can be remedied with:
var re = /(?:^|(\.*[^.]+))\./;
var items = text.split(re).filter(function(val) { return !!val; });
(I think this regex is ugly and would welcome an improvement.)
You can do this without any lookaheads:
var subject = "";
var regex = /\.?(\.*[^.]+)/g;
var matches, output = [];
while(matches = regex.exec(subject)) {
It seemed like it'd work in one line, as it did on, but had to be expanded in the code above because the /g option by default prevents capturing groups from returning with .match (i.e. the correct data was in the capturing groups, but we couldn't immediately access them without doing the above).
See: JavaScript Regex Global Match Groups
An alternative solution with the original one liner (plus one line) is:
.map(function(s) { return s.replace(/^\./, ''); })
Take your pick!
Note: This answer can't handle more than 2 consecutive delimiters, since it was written according to the example in the revision 1 of the question, which was not very clear about such cases.
var text = "";
// split "." if followed by "."
var res = text.split(/\.(?=\.)/).map(function(val, key) {
// if `val[0]` does not begin with "." split "."
// else split "." if not followed by "."
return val[0] !== "." ? val.split(/\./) : val.split(/\.(?!.*\.)/)
// concat arrays `res[0]` , `res[1]`
res = res[0].concat(res[1]);

Faster way match characters between strings than Regex?

The use case is I want to compare a query string of characters to an array of words, and return the matches. A match is when a word contains all the characters in the query string, order doesn't matter, repeated characters are okay. Regex seems like it may be too powerful (a sledgehammer where only a hammer is needed). I've written a solution that compares the characters by looping through them and using indexOf, but it seems consistently slower. ( Is Regex the fastest option for this type of operation? Are there ways to make my alternate solution faster?
var query = "word",
words = ['word', 'wwoorrddss', 'words', 'argument', 'sass', 'sword', 'carp', 'drowns'],
reStoredMatches = [],
indexOfMatches = [];
function match(word, query) {
var len = word.length,
charMatches = [],
while (len--) {
char = word[len];
charMatch = query.indexOf(char);
if (charMatch !== -1) {
return charMatches.length === query.length;
function linearIndexOf(words, query) {
var wordsLen = words.length,
while (wordsLen--) {
word = words[wordsLen];
wordMatch = match(word, query);
if (wordMatch) {
function linearRegexStored(words, query) {
var wordsLen = words.length,
re = new RegExp('[' + query + ']', 'g'),
while (wordsLen--) {
word = words[wordsLen];
match = word.match(re);
if (match !== null) {
if (match.length >= query.length) {
Note that your regex is wrong, that's most certainly why it goes so fast.
Right now, if your query is "word" (as in your example), the regex is going to be:
This means look for one of the characters: 'w', 'o', 'r', or 'd'. If one matches, then match() returns true. Done. Definitively a lot faster than the most certainly more correct indexOf(). (i.e. in case of a simple match() call the 'g' flag is ignored since if any one thing matches, the function returns true.)
Also, you mention the idea/concept of any number of characters, I suppose as shown here:
'word', 'wwoorrddss'
The indexOf() will definitively not catch that properly if you really mean "any number" for each and every character. Because you should match an infinite number of cases. Something like this as a regex:
That you will certainly have a hard time to write the right code in plain JavaScript rather than use a regex. However, either way, that's going to be somewhat slow.
From the comment below, all the letters of the word are required, in order to do that, you have to have 3! tests (3 factorial) for a 3 letter word:
Obviously, a factorial is going to very quickly grow your number of possibilities and blow away your memory in a super long regex (although you can simplify if a word has the same letter multiple times, you do not have to test that letter more than once).
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
6! = 720
That's probably why your properly written test in plain JavaScript is much slower.
Also, in your case you should write the words nearly as done in Scrabble dictionaries: all letters once in alphabetical order (Scrabble keeps duplicates). So the word "word" would be "dorw". And as you shown in your example, the word "wwoorrddss" would be "dorsw". You can have some backend tool to generate your table of words (so you still write them as "word" and "words", and your tool massage those and convert them to "dorw" and "dorsw".) Then you can sort the letters of the words you are testing in alphabetical order and the result is that you do not need a silly factorial for the regex, you can simply do this:
And that will match any word that includes the word "word" such as "password".
One easy way to sort the letters will be to split your word in an array of letters, and then sort the array. You may still get duplicates, it will depend on the sort capabilities. (I don't think that the default JavaScript sort will remove duplicates automatically.)
One more detail, if you test is supposed to be case insensitive, then you want to transform your strings to lowercase before running the test. So something like:
query = query.toLowerCase();
early on in your top function.
You are trying to speed up the algorithm "chars in word are a subset of the chars of query." You can short circuit this check and avoid some assignments (that are more readable but not strictly needed). Try the following version of match
function match(word, query) {
var len = word.length;
while (len--) {
if (query.indexOf(word[len]) === -1) { // found a missing char
return false;
return true; // couldn't find any missing chars
This gives a 4-5X improvement
Depending on the application you could try presorting words and presorting each word in words as another optimization.
The regexp match algorithm constructs a finite state automaton and makes its decisions on the current state and character read from left to right. This involves reading each character once and make a decision.
For static strings (to look a fixed string on a couple of text) you have better algorithms, like Knuth-Morris that allow you to go faster than one character at a time, but you must understand that this algorithm is not for matching regular expressions, just plain strings.
if you are interested in Knuth-Morris (there are several other algorithms) just have a round in wikipedia.
A good thing you can do is to investigate if you regexp match routines do it with an DFA or a NDFA, as NDFAs occupy less memory and are easier to compute, but DFAs do it faster, but with some compilation penalties and more memory occupied.
Knuth-Morris algorithm also needs to compile the string into an automaton before working, so perhaps it doesn't apply to your problem if you are using it just to find one word in some string.

change regex to match some words instead of all words containing PRP

This regex matches all characters between whitespace if the word contains PRP.
How can I get it to match all words, or characters in-between whitepsace, if they contain PRP, but not if they contain me in any case.
So match all words containing PRP, but not containing ME or me.
Here is the regex to match words containing PRP: \S*PRP\S*
You can use negative lookahead for this:
Working Demo
PS: Use group #1 for your matched word.
var re = /(?:^|\s)((?!\S*?(?:ME|me))\S*?PRP\S*)/;
var s = 'word abcPRP def';
var m = s.match(re);
if (m) console.log(m[1]); //=> abcPRP
Instead of using complicated regular expressions which would be confusing for almost anyone who's reading it, why don't you break up your code into two sections, separating the words into an array and filtering out the results with stuff you don't want?
function prpnotme(w) {
var r = w.match(/\S+/g);
if(r == null)
return [];
var i=0;
while(i<r.length) {
if(!r[i].contains('PRP') || r[i].toLowerCase().contains('me'))
return r;
console.log(prpnotme('whattttttt ok')); // []
console.log(prpnotme('MELOLPRP PRPRP PRPthemeok PRPmhm')); // ['PRPRP', 'PRPmhm']
For a very good reason why this is important, imagine if you ever wanted to add more logic. You're much more likely to make a mistake when modifying complicated regex to make it even more complicated, and this way it's done with simple logic that make perfect sense when reading each predicate, no matter how much you add on.

Javascript - remove repeating characters when there are more than 2 repeats

As what the title says. When there are more than 2 repeats of a letter in a string, the excess repeats are removed.
I have the following code based off this answer but it does not seem to work:
function removeRepeatingLetters (text) {
return text.replace('^(?!.*([A-Za-z0-9])\1{2})(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z0-9]+$', '');
But it does not seem to work for my test string:
"bookkeepers! are amaazing! loooooooool"
The output for the sample string should be:
"bookkeepers! are amaazing! lool"
What am I doing wrong?
"bookkeepers! are amaazing! loooooooool".replace(/(.)\1{2,}/g, '$1$1')
// "bookkeepers! are amaazing! lool"
The RegExp /(.)\1{2,}/ matches any single character followed by the same character two or more times.
The flag g ensures you match all occurrences.
Then, you replace each occurrence with the repeated character duplicated.
Note that the simpler .replace(/(.)\1+/g, '$1$1') should work too, but a bit slower because it does unnecessary replacements.
Another way (Oriol's answer works just fine) to do this is with a callback function:
function removeRepeatingLetters (text) {
return text.replace(/(.)\1{2,}/g, function(match, p1) {
return p1 + p1;
This will:
match an instances of an individual character repeated at least one - (.)\1{2,}
then it will pass the match and the first substring into a callback function - function(match, p1)
then it will return the first matched substring, appended to itself, as the value to replace the overall match - return p1 + p1;
Because of the g at the end of the regex, it will do it with all instances that it finds of repeated characters.
The above code works with the test string that you provided (along with a couple of others that I tested with ;) ). As mentioned, Oriol's works, but figured I'd share another option, since it gives you a glimpse into how to use the callback for .replace().

Moving index in JavaScript regex matching

I have this regex to extract double words from text
And this sample text
Mary had a little lamb
My output is this
[0] - Mary had; [1] - a little;
Whereas my expected output is this:
[0] - Mary had; [1] - had a; [2] - a little; [3] - little lamb
How can I achieve this output? As I understand it, the index of the search moves to the end of the first match. How can I move it back one word?
Abusing String.replace function
I use a little trick using the replace function. Since the replace function loops through the matches and allows us to specify a function, the possibility is infinite. The result will be in output.
var output = [];
var str = "Mary had a little lamb";
str.replace(/[A-Za-z]+(?=(\s[A-Za-z]+))/g, function ($0, $1) {
output.push($0 + $1);
return $0; // Actually we don't care. You don't even need to return
Since the output contains overlapping portion in the input string, it is necessary to not to consume the next word when we are matching the current word by using look-ahead 1.
The regex /[A-Za-z]+(?=(\s[A-Za-z]+))/g does exactly as what I have said above: it will only consume one word at a time with the [A-Za-z]+ portion (the start of the regex), and look-ahead for the next word (?=(\s[A-Za-z]+)) 2, and also capture the matched text.
The function passed to the replace function will receive the matched string as the first argument and the captured text in subsequent arguments. (There are more - check the documentation - I don't need them here). Since the look-ahead is zero-width (the input is not consumed), the whole match is also conveniently the first word. The capture text in the look-ahead will go into the 2nd argument.
Proper solution with RegExp.exec
Note that String.replace function incurs a replacement overhead, since the replacement result is not used at all. If this is unacceptable, you can rewrite the above code with RegExp.exec function in a loop:
var output = [];
var str = "Mary had a little lamb";
var re = /[A-Za-z]+(?=(\s[A-Za-z]+))/g;
var arr;
while ((arr = re.exec(str)) != null) {
output.push(arr[0] + arr[1]);
In other flavor of regex which supports variable width negative look-behind, it is possible to retrieve the previous word, but JavaScript regex doesn't support negative look-behind!.
(?=pattern) is syntax for look-ahead.
String.match can't be used here since it ignores the capturing group when g flag is used. The capturing group is necessary in the regex, as we need look-around to avoid consuming input and match overlapping text.
It can be done without regexp
"Mary had a little lamb".split(" ")
.map(function(item, idx, arr) {
if(idx < arr.length - 1){
return item + " " + arr[idx + 1];
}).filter(function(item) {return item;})
Here's a non-regex solution (it's not really a regular problem).
function pairs(str) {
var parts = str.split(" "), out = [];
for (var i=0; i < parts.length - 1; i++)
out.push([parts[i], parts[i+1]].join(' '));
return out;
Pass your string and you get an array back.
Side note: if you're worried about non-words in your input (making a case for regular expressions!) you can run tests on parts[i] and parts[i+1] inside the for loop. If the tests fail: don't push them onto out.
A way that you could like could be this one:
var s = "Mary had a little lamb";
// Break on each word and loop
s.match(/\w+/g).map(function(w) {
// Get the word, a space and another word
return s.match(new RegExp(w + '\\s\\w+'));
// At this point, there is one "null" value (the last word), so filter it out
// There, we have an array of matches -- we want the matched value, i.e. the first element
If you run this in your console, you'll see ["Mary had", "had a", "a little", "little lamb"].
With this way, you keep your original regex and can do the other stuff you want in it. Although with some code around it to make it really work.
By the way, this code is not cross-browser. The following functions are not supported in IE8 and below:
But they're easily shimmable. Or the same functionality is easily achievable with for.
Here we go:
You still don't know how the regular expression internal pointer really works, so I will explain it to you with a little example:
Mary had a little lamb with this regex /[A-Za-z]+\s[A-Za-z]+/g
Here, the first part of the regex: [A-Za-z]+ will match Mary so the pointer will be at the end of the y
Mary had a little lamb
In the next part (\s[A-Za-z]+) it will match an space followed by another word so...
Mary had a little lamb
The pointer will be where the word had ends. So here's your problem, you are increasing the internal pointer of the regular expression without wanting, how is this solved? Lookaround is your friend. With lookarounds (lookahead and lookbehind) you are able to walk through your text without increasing the main internal pointer of the regular expression (it would use another pointer for that).
So at the end, the regular expression that would match what you want would be: ([A-Za-z]+(?=\s[A-Za-z]+))
The only think you dont know about that regular expression is the (?=\s[A-Za-z]+) part, it means that the [A-Za-z]+ must be followed by a word, else the regular expression won't match. And this is exactly what you seem to want because the interal pointer will not be increased and will match everyword but the last one because the last one won't be followed by a word.
Then, once you have that you only have to replace whatever you are done right now.
Here you have a working example, DEMO
In full admiration of the concept of 'look-ahead', I still propose a pairwise function (demo), since it's really Regex's task to tokenize a character stream, and the decision of what to do with the tokens is up to the business logic. At least, that's my opinion.
A shame that Javascript hasn't got a pairwise, yet, but this could do it:
function pairwise(a, f) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
f(a[i], a[i + 1]);
var str = "Mary had a little lamb";
pairwise(str.match(/\w+/g), function(a, b) {
document.write("<br>"+a+" "+b);

