nodejs jugglingdb belongsTo and hasMany relations with existing db objects - javascript

jugglingdb exposes two functions to create relational dbs:
i now aks myself how i might use this in daily development.
belongsTo and hasMany are adding functions to the objects,
but as it seems there is no way to create relations between existing objects?
for an example.
i would like to not create the object but instead create linkages between existing objects,
how will that work?
maybe i am just misinterpreting the functions?
have fun
would be great if someone with 1500+ rep could create the jugglingdb tag and add it to this question? i really cant say if its relevant enough though.

When you, i.e. want to add articles for an existing author, you can do it like the following:
User.find(uid, function(err, user) {
var article ={articleName : 'Article Foo'});;
That will automatically create a foreign key for user inside the new created article.


Get an array of specific keys from Firebase using Angularfire

I have the following Firebase structure with:
A list of bakeries:
And a list of bakers:
Bakers can provide bread to several bakeries so in the baker details I have an object that lists all the bakeries they supply using the bakery ID as a key and a value of true.
In my app I have a $firebaseObject with a baker. I want to get an array with the details of the bakeries they service. I can obviously just go to each end point but surely there is a better way. So my questions are:
Is this data structure what the documentation means by flat structure? Or is there a better way to structure this?
How do I query several specific bakeries into an array?
This is my current code:
self.baker = $firebaseObject(firebase.baker.child($;
.then(function() {
self.bakeries = [];
for (var bakery in self.baker.bakeries) {
.catch(function(err) {
Firebase team member here.
To answer your questions:
1 - This is exactly what the docs means by flat structure! What wouldn't be flat is if you put the bakery data underneath the baker. Separating the two is what we recommend.
2 - Since you have an object that stores the bakery ids for the baker you can get all the bakeries for that baker. You can synchronize that object and then for each of those bakeries you can create an array given it's id. Be careful though that you're not downloading too much data, as it will make your app slow.
I answered a similar question recently about clients and invoices. That should show you enough code to get your started.

Parse - How do I query a Class and include another that points to it?

I have two classes - _User and Car. A _User will have a low/limited number of Cars that they own. Each Car has only ONE owner and thus an "owner" column that is a to the _User. When I got to the user's page, I want to see their _User info and all of their Cars. I would like to make one call, in Cloud Code if necessary.
Here is where I get confused. There are 3 ways I could do this -
In _User have a relationship column called "cars" that points to each individual Car. If so, how come I can't use the "include(cars)" function on a relation to include the Cars' data in my query?!! = relationship, Car.owner = _User(pointer)
Query the _User, and then query all Cars with (owner == _User.objectId) separately. This is two queries though. = null, Car.owner = _User(pointer)
In _User have a array of pointers column called "cars". Manually inject pointers to cars upon car creation. When querying the user I would use "include(cars)". = [Car(pointer)], Car.owner = _User(pointer)
What is your recommended way to do this and why? Which one is the fastest? The documentation just leaves me further confused.
I recommend you the 3rd option, and yes, you can ask to include an array. You even don't need to "manually inject" the pointers, you just need to add the objects into the array and they'll automatically be converted into pointers.
You've got the right ideas. Just to clarify them a bit:
A relation. User can have a relation column called cars. To get from user to car, there's a user query and then second query like user.relation("cars").query, on which you would .find().
What you might call a belongs_to pointer in Car. To get from user to car you'd have a query to get your user and you create a carQuery like carQuery.equalTo("user", user)
An array of pointers. For small-sized collections, this is superior to the relation, because you can aggressively load cars when querying user by saying include("cars") on a user query. Not sure if there's a second query under the covers - probably not if parse (mongo) is storing these as embedded.
But I wouldn't get too tied up over one or two queries. Using the promise forms of find() will keep your code nice and tidy. There probably is a small speed advantage to the array technique, which is good while the collection size is small (<100 is my rule of thumb).
It's easy to google (or I'll add here if you have a specific question) code examples for maintaining the relations and for getting from user->car or from car->user for each approach.

Reverse Relational Lookup on Parse

I'm using to manage my models, and I came to a problem that I couldn't find a good solution.
Let's say that I have to models:
Team: name, number, country
Member: name, Team (Pointer to Team)
I want to fetch ALL Teams, and include all it's Members in one single query. If this is not possible, I will have to run a query for every Team that I fetches.
Is it possible with Parse? I read their docs. but couldn't find a way to doit...
If the point is to get all of both members and teams, why not get all members and use
to include all team objects in the members query?
On another note, when designing for parse (or any other NoSQL database), you should start with defining what queries you will make and then design your "schema".
Since you have a pointer to Team from Member, it seems that this is a one-to-many relationship. A team can have many members, but a member can only belong to one team.
So, what queries will you mostly perform?
Never "list all Teams a Member belongs to", because it can only be one.
You will query for members, and it would probably be nice to see the Team as well.
You will (apparently) query for Team(s) and need to get all members for that team.
Other queries related to Team or Member?
If you need a list of members in a Team, you could make "Members" a PFRelation from Team to Member. I know this seems odd if you're used to SQL databases, but that is not unusual in NoSQL databases.
Looking through the link in your post, my best guess is this:
var Member = Parse.Object.extend("Member");
var query = new Parse.Query(Member);
// Include the Team data with each Member
success: function(members) {
for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
// This does not require a network access.
var team = comments[i].get("team");
The above (untested) sample is modified from the section on include.
You may not be able to do what you want here, depending on the size of your members list and team list... I ran across this in the docs:
If you want to retrieve objects where a field contains a Parse.Object
that matches a different query, you can use matchesQuery. Note that
the default limit of 100 and maximum limit of 1000 apply to the inner
query as well, so with large data sets you may need to construct
queries carefully to get the desired behavior. In order to find
comments for posts containing images, you can do:

Listing instances of a Model in Backbone application

In my Backbone application I have a Model. Is there a way of getting all instances of this Model in the app if not all of the instances belong to same Collection? Some of the instances might not belong to any Collection at all.
WHY do I need to do this?
I have a namespaced models (let's say Order.Models.Entry). This is the model of the instances I am talking about. There are some collections like Order.Models.Entries that contain instances of Order.Models.Entry type. But instances get to this collection only when they are selected (with a certain attribute). Before being selected the models are just… well… models.
Obviously I could load every model I create to some allModels collection as it has been suggested in the comments. But the question is not really about a workaround but about exact lookup. The reason why I would like to avoid adding models to an uber-collection is that most of the models will be added to different collections anyway and I just wanted to avoid creating dummy collection for just tracking purpose.
No. There are a couple of good design reasons why you shouldn't be doing it. (encapsulation, not polluting the global scope, etc...)
If you still wish to have this solution you could just maintain a Gloabl list and have your Backbone.Model insert itself into this list, here is a quick solution:
var allMyModels = [] ;
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Some more code here
// also if you wish you need to remove self on close delete function
var x = new MyModel();
var y = new MyModel();
in the end of this code, allMyModels will have both models
Why don't you create a Collection (we'll call it allModels) and each time a model is created, do: allModels.add(model). That way, you can access the models, and if you destroy one it will remove itself from the collection.

Transitioning Between Record Types in Salesforce

Salesforce allows you to extend Object definitions by using Record Types. Is there a quick and easy way to allow users to transition groups of Objects from one Record Type to another? In my case, I will be keeping track of students as they progress through the undergraduate student life cycle from applicant to alumnus. It makes sense to me to keep track of the different phases of the student life cycle as Record Types so that I can create custom interfaces/viewing permissions/business logic for each phase. I was hoping to be able to create a custom button or link to do this as per this example from Salesforce:
Salesforce: Getting Started With Buttons and Links.
However I have had no luck querying the RecordType object using the Ajax toolkit to find out which RecordTypeId I will need to update the Object to. (I am rather new to JavaScript so it may simply be my inexperience that's getting in the way. I would be happy to post code samples of what I've tried so far if anyone asks.)
On the IdeaExchange someone mentioned that you can just include the RecordType field in the object's custom layout page (IdeaExchange: Provide a Means of Changing Record Types), but this does not seem like a reasonable solution for managing hundreds of students.
Using a workflow or a trigger does not seem like a reasonable solution either because those apparently require you to update a record or create a new one. Students should be able to transition at any time, independently of updates or new additions.
SO likes it when you mention other things that your issue could pertain to, but I think those areas are pretty self-explanatory here; this issue is relevant any time you might like to programatically transition between different record types.
What you want is probably not the RecordType object itself, but rather the RecordTypeId field on your object you are using to track students which looks up to that RecordType object. For example, to find the record type of a given student, the SOQL would look like:
SELECT RecordTypeId FROM Student__c WHERE Id = {some id}
and then if you wanted to update the record, you could change the value of the RecordTypeId like this:
var student = new sforce.SObject("Student__c");
student.Id = '{some id}';
student.RecordTypeId = '{new record type id}';
result = sforce.connection.update([student]);
To find the eligible RecordTypeIds for a given object type, you can either query the RecordType object and filter on the SObjectType column, or just call describeSObject(Student__c) and inspect the RecordTypeInfos node in the result.

