Count all objects and variables in use - javascript

Is it possible to count created objects and variables in javascript?
I am using Google Chrome to analyse my web app. But to debug and find the objects that causes "Memory Leak" is not so easy (at least for me). So I want to know all objects and variables that are created on the current page so I can know if they are removed.

No, you can't do that in Chrome (or any other major browser). You can use Chrome's "memory" page (chrome://memory/) to get some idea what's going on, but it's not down to the object level, and it's important to understand that garbage collection does not happen synchronously or immediately. The browser / JavaScript engine may well allocate memory, use it for some JavaScript objects, and then later correctly understand that those objects aren't used anymore, but keep the memory handy for future use.
Instead, what you can do is study how JavaScript works in detail, which tells you what will (usually) be kept in memory, and why. Understand how closures work (disclosure: that's a post on my anemic little blog), and understand how IE doesn't handle circular references between DOM elements and JavaScript objects well (specifically, it doesn't clean them up well when nothing refers to either of them anymore, which is otherwise not normally a problem). And in general, don't worry too much about it until/unless you have a specific issue to address. (Which absolutely happens, but not as much as people sometimes think.)


Why is getting from Map slower than getting from object?

I'm considering migrating my state management layer to using Map versus using a standard object.
From what I've read, Map is effectively a hash table whereas Objects use hidden classes under the hood. Generally it's advised, where the properties are likely to be dynamically added or removed it's more efficient to use Map.
I set up a little test and to my surprise accessing values in the Object version was faster.
The article also mentions fast and slow properties. Perhaps the reason my code sample in test1 is so fast is because it is using fast properties? This seems unlikely as the object has 100,000 keys. How can I tell if the object is using fast properties or dictionary lookup? Why would the Map version be slower?
And yes, in practice, looks like a premature optimization, root of all evil ... etc etc. However, I'm interested in the internals and curious to know of best practices of choosing Map over Object.
(V8 developer here.)
Beware of microbenchmarks, they are often misleading.
V8's object system is implemented the way it is because in many cases it turns out to be very fast -- as you can see here.
The primary reason why we recommend using Map for map-like use cases is because of non-local performance effects that the object system can exhibit when certain parts of the machinery get "overloaded". In a small test like the one you have created, you won't see this effect, because nothing else is going on. In a large app (using many objects with many properties in many different usage patterns), it's still not guaranteed (because it depends on what the rest of the app is doing) but there's a good chance that using Maps where appropriate will improve overall performance -- if the overall system previously happened to run into one of the unfortunate situations.
Another reason is that Maps handle deletion of entries much better than Objects do, because that's a use case their implementation explicitly anticipates as common.
That said, as you already noted, worrying about such details in the abstract is a case of premature optimization. If you have a performance problem, then profile your app to figure out where most time is being spent, and then focus on improving those areas. If you do end up suspecting that the use of objects-as-maps is causing issues, then I recommend to change the implementation in the app itself, and measure (with the real app!) whether it makes a difference.
(See here for a related, similarly misleading microbenchmark, where even the microbenchmark itself started producing opposite results after minor modifications: Why "Map" manipulation is much slower than "Object" in JavaScript (v8) for integer keys?. That's why we recommend benchmarking with real apps, not with simplistic miniature scenarios.)

'marking' an object for garbage collection in NodeJS

I'm working with some code in NodeJS, and some objects (i.e, 'events') will be medium-lived, and then discarded.
I don't want them becoming a memory burden when I stop using them, and I want to know if there is a way to mark an object to be garbage-collected by the V8 engine. (or better yet- completely destroy the object on command)
I understand that garbage collection is automatic, but since these objects will, 60% of the time, outlive the young generation, I would like to make sure there is a way they don't camp out in the old-generation for a while after they are discarded, while avoiding the inefficiency of searching the entire thing.
I've looked around, and so far can't find anything in the NodeJS docs. I have two main questions:
Would this even be that good? Would it be worth it to be able to 'mark' large amounts of unused objects to be gc'ed? (possibly 100+ at a time)
Is there even a way to do this?
Anything (speculation, hints, articles) would be appreciated. Thanks!
(V8 developer here.) There's no way to do this, and you don't need to worry about it. Marking works the other way round: the GC finds and marks live objects. Dead objects are never marked, and there's no explicit act of destroying them. The GC never even looks at dead objects. Which also means that dead objects are not a burden.
"Garbage collector" really is a misleading term: it doesn't actually find or collect garbage; instead it finds non-garbage and keeps it, and everything it hasn't found it just ignores by assuming that the respective memory regions are free.
In theory, there could be a way to manually add (the memory previously occupied by) objects to the "free list"; but there's a fundamental problem with that: part of the point of automatic memory management is that automating it provides better security and stability than relying on manual memory management (with programmers being humans, and humans making mistakes). That means that by design, a GC can't trust anyone else to declare objects as unreachable; it would always insist on verifying that claim -- which is equivalent to disregarding it, as the only way to verify it is to run a full regular GC cycle.

Finalizers for JavaScript objects

Suppose I have some asm.js code, probably created by emscripten. Suppose it has some kind of rather large heap allocated structure, which gets returned by a asm.js function as a pointer that is picked up by some JavaScript library to be wrapped in a nice JavaScript object. Fine so far.
But what happens if that object goes out of scope and gets garbage collected. Right now, the asm.js code has no way of knowing about that, so the memory of the structure will remain allocated, causing a memory leak.
Is there some way to add a finalizer to a JavaScript object from within JavaScript?
Such a finalizer could be used to deallocate the memory in asm.js, thus avoiding the memory leak. So far I couldn't find a documented i.e. portable way to achieve this, but perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places.
Coming back to this question, I found another answer pointing out that there is a specification for weak references and finalization which some browsers implement. The central component for finalization is FinalizationRegistry.
So depending on which browsers you target, this may be possible now. If you need to support browsers without this feature, using explicit release calls, it might be possible to use the finalizers where supported to detect memory leaks (i.e. objects not explicitly released in JavaScript code) and let the developer know so they can fix this.
The simple answer is that there is no support for this.
Since asm.js code needs to manage its own memory, everything that interacts with objects stored on the asm side need to respect the memory manager that asm uses rather than the memory manager that the browser uses. The best that you can do is to explicitly call a method on any object referencing internal asm memory whenever you create or destroy a reference to it.

How to "follow" the references / memory profile of specific Javascript values, or how to tie references in memory profiler to source code

I'd like to know if it's possible (with any browser / dev tools) to pick a specific value or closure variable while debugging and "follow" or "watch" it somehow into future execution points on the page. Basically, a memory profiler attached to just a single value, which would show during debugging or snapshots whether that value is still being retained either directly or indirectly. Alternatively, I'd like to know if it's possible to look at references in the memory profiler/snapshot view in, say, Chrome, and tie those references to actual points in the source code.
My problem is that I am debugging a memory leak caused by rebuilding a DOM tree for a portion of a fairly complex page. Even taking a very controlled memory snapshot that just looks at a single redraw (removing the old DOM tree and adding a new one, where I know that I'm unintentionally retaining a reference to a small part of the old one), there are still hundreds of objects to look through, and to be quite honest I find the memory profiler in Chrome to be very confusing to navigate through. And even when I find references that might be of interest, I'm at a loss as to how to tie them to points in the code - it's great to know that I'm retaining an HTMLDivElement somewhere but that could be almost any of the files...
So basically, I'm unsure how to proceed, and the two solutions I'm asking about are the only things I can think of, if there is any way to do them. Sorry that this is such a vague question, I am open to other ways of tackling this as well.

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

Recently, I came across one of my application which consumes too much memory and increasing by 10 MB/sec.
So, I like to know how to destroy JavaScript object and variables so memory consumption stays down and my FF can't get destroyed.
I am calling two of my scripts every 8 seconds without reloading the page.
function refresh() {
if (refreshTimer) {
refreshTimer = null ;
$('<div id="preload_xml"></div>').html('<img src="pic/dataload.gif" alt="loading data" /><h3>Loading Data...</h3>').prependTo($("#td_123"));
How can I see which variable cause Memory overhead, what's the method to stop the execution of that process?
You could put all of your code under one namespace like this:
var namespace = {};
namespace.someClassObj = {};
delete namespace.someClassObj;
Using the delete keyword will delete the reference to the property, but on the low level the JavaScript garbage collector (GC) will get more information about which objects to be reclaimed.
You could also use Chrome Developer Tools to get a memory profile of your app, and which objects in your app are needing to be scaled down.
You can't delete objects, they are removed when there are no more references to them. You can delete references with delete.
However, if you have created circular references in your objects you may have to de-couple some things.
While the existing answers have given solutions to solve the issue and the second half of the question, they do not provide an answer to the self discovery aspect of the first half of the question that is in bold:
"How can I see which variable causes memory overhead...?"
It may not have been as robust 3 years ago, but the Chrome Developer Tools "Profiles" section is now quite powerful and feature rich. The Chrome team has an insightful article on using it and thus also how garbage collection (GC) works in javascript, which is at the core of this question.
Since delete is basically the root of the currently accepted answer by Yochai Akoka, it's important to remember what delete does. It's irrelevant if not combined with the concepts of how GC works in the next two answers: if there's an existing reference to an object it's not cleaned up. The answers are more correct, but probably not as appreciated because they require more thought than just writing 'delete'. Yes, one possible solution may be to use delete, but it won't matter if there's another reference to the memory leak.
Another answer appropriately mentions circular references and the Chrome team documentation can provide much more clarity as well as the tools to verify the cause.
Since delete was mentioned here, it also may be useful to provide the resource Understanding Delete. Although it does not get into any of the actual solution which is really related to javascript's garbage collector.
Structure your code so that all your temporary objects are located inside closures instead of global namespace / global object properties and go out of scope when you've done with them. GC will take care of the rest.
I was facing a problem like this, and had the idea of simply changing the innerHTML of the problematic object's children.
adiv.innerHTML = "<div...> the original html that js uses </div>";
Seems dirty, but it saved my life, as it works!

