Stored value generating [object HTMLInputElement] - javascript

I have an indexedDB and using it for a login function. I'm trying to populate a form with the users information when they log in. However the form populates with [object HTMLInputElement] instead of the users info.
This is where I take the user (db key) to access the Object (the user)
EDITThis is my site where it's running:
My site editor is updating it as I save, so there may be changes to the site script as I try new things.
This is where I take the user (db key) to access the Object (the user)
function loginCheck(user,pass){ db.transaction("users").objectStore("users").get(user).onsuccess = function(event) {
var loggedUser =;
alert('Sorry, Username does not exist. Please try again.');
}else if(pass !== ){
alert('Incorrect log in combination. Please try again.');
function loggedIn(loggedUser){
var u=loggedUser;
alert('Welcome '+u.fn+' '+u.ln+' to Macroplay');
//function to populate fields
alert('get values called');
//session store
var signedin = 'user';
var username = u.userName;
alert('local storage set');
I use this function getValues to store the various fields I want from the object.
EDIT: I declared the variable test as global and stored the users first name (fn). The alerts show the correct name but the populate still gives me undefined.
var test;
function getValues(loggedUser){
var u = loggedUser;
alert('storing first name');
test = u.fn;
alert('First name = '+test);
lName = u.ln;
users = u.userName;
pass =;
email = u.em;
dob = u.dob;
tel =;
bio =;
school = u.scl;
alert('user values stored');
if(u.gender == 'M'){
gender[0].checked= true ;
}else{gender[1].checked= true ;}
This is the function I use to populate the form that's giving me [object HTMLInputElement]
function populateFields(){
alert('Name of populated field: '+test);
fName.value = test;
lName.value = lName;
users.value = users;
pass.value = pass;
email.value = email;
dob.value = dob;
tel.value = tel;
bio.value = bio;
terms.disabled = true;
school.value = school;
alert('populate fields done');
save.value = 'Update';
signin.innerHTML = 'Log Out';
registerLabel.innerHTML = 'Account Information';
//open user info form
var accountInfo = document.getElementsByTagName('details');
accountInfo[1].open = open;

Just look at one line:
fName.value = fName
You are setting the value property of fName to fName itself.
Rather than creating numerous global variables, just use loggedUser directly in populateFields():
fName.value = loggedUser.fn;
Edit: Looking at your site, I see the important bit you left out. populateFields() is being called after the page reloads. So, populateFields() does not have access to any variable created before the page reloaded.
Since I'm helping you with homework, I don't want to just hand you the answer on a silver platter. The trick is that the user data must be retrieved from the database and made available to populateFields() before it is called, or from within the function. You can make the user object available as a global variable, but it may be better to pass it in as a parameter.
You probably want to also cancel the form submission:
document.getElementById("loginForm").onsubmit = function (e) {
And then just call populateFields() directly from loggedIn() instead of getValues().


Local storage set Item replaces instead of update

I tried to save my data in local Storage with setItem but when I refresh the chrome tab and add data to my array, the data in localStorage delete the old data and set new data instead of updating that old data.
Here is my code:
let capacity = 200;
let reservedRooms = 0;
let users = [];
let rsBox = document.getElementById('reservebox');
class Reserver {
constructor(name , lastName , nCode , rooms){ = name ;
this.lastName = lastName ;
this.nCode = nCode ;
this.rooms = rooms ;
if(this.rooms > capacity){
console.log('more than capacity');
name : ,
lastName : this.lastName ,
id : this.nCode ,
rooms : this.rooms
capacity -= this.rooms ;
reservedRooms += this.rooms ;
let rsName = document.getElementById('name').value;
let rsLastName = document.getElementById('lastname').value;
let rsNationalCode = Number(document.getElementById('nationalcode').value);
let rooms = Number(document.getElementById('rooms').value);
//Save the user data
let sign = new Reserver(rsName , rsLastName , rsNationalCode , rooms);
You are pushing an empty users array each time you reload the page, to resolve this you need to populate the users array from the items you have in storage.
let users = [];
needs to be something like
let users = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('list')) || [];
The key point being that you need to load your existing users to be able to add to them, if you don't then you are essentially creating the users array fresh each time the page loads and you put data into it.
You may want to create something like a "loadData" function that checks if the array is initialized, loads it if it is and creates it if it isn't. You can make this generic so that you can use it to access any key and provide a default value if the key isn't present e.g.
function loadData(key, def) {
var data = localStorage.getItem(key);
return null == data ? def : JSON.parse(data)
// load "list" - set to an empty array if the key isn't present
let users = loadData('list', []);
Another option would be to change the saveData method so you won't have to load the localStorage when the app is loading:
let newList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('list') || '[]')
if(users.length) newList.push(users[users.length - 1]);
Note: Be careful with localStorage because it doesn't have the same capacity on all browsers, you can check this post for more information

Firebase does multiple calls even with if/else statement JS

I am building an app with Vue and also Firebase. I am new to Firebase and i've some problems with it. I try to store names + emails in the database. What I want is to check first if the email is already in the database and if not, run another function that will store the name + email. If the email is stored in the database I would like to output an alert and cancel the submit.
So the check of the email in the database is going quite well, it will output an alert, and also I am able to retrieve the data. But where the problem lays is that when I enter an email that is not in the database. When I enter a new email (and name) it will check the database and return false but then right away does another call (I dont know why, that's the problem I guess) and it will return true, and the alert of already being there, at the same time. Then it will proceed to another function to store the data because that was the output of the first call (which was false).
My JS code:
checkForm() {
let app = this;
if ( == '' || this.emailadress == '') {
alert('You have to fill out the form');
} else {
getFirebase() {
let app = this;
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('/aanmeldingen/');
ref.on('value', function(snapshot) {
const array = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var checkEmail = childSnapshot.val().email;
const res = array.includes(app.emailadress);
if(res) {
alert('You already have entered the giveaway');
} else if (res == false) {;
store() {
this.step_two = false;
this.active_two = false;
this.active_three = true;
this.step_three = true;
let app = this;
email: app.emailadress,
Screenshot of console (entered Jane, not in the database)
You should be using once() instead of on(). on() leaves the listener attached, so when you push data in store() the listener fires again.

CRM Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items.get() Returning Null

I wrote javascript code and added it as a form on load event of entity(contact). In that Code I want to navigate from the opening form to another form.
For previous developments, I'm trying to get the id of the opening form which I need in order to navigate.
Code as shown below.
var id = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem().getId();
if (itemid != null)
Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem() function returns a null value. It doesn't get the item so I can't get the value. What's wrong with that code, what am I missing?
Thanks for replies in advance.
You are assigning the value to id variable but checking itemid in your IF condition.
In if condition just replace the if (itemid != null) with if (id != null)
To test your JavaScript. You can run following function:
var formItem = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem();
if (formItem != null)
var itemId = formItem.getId();
var itemLabel = formItem.getLabel();
alert(itemId + " | " itemLabel);
alert("Unable to get current form");
Finally, to switch between form, following is very useful function which takes the form name as parameter. you can make changes to use form Id if you like.
function redirectToForm(formName) {
var currentForm = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem();
if (currentForm != null) {
if (currentForm.getLabel().toLowerCase() != formName.toLowerCase()) { //make sure it's not already this form
var availableForms = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items.get();
for (var i in availableForms) {
var form = availableForms[i];
if (form.getLabel().toLowerCase() == formName.toLowerCase()) {
In My case, i prefer send the form name as parameter of a kind function such as constructor via load form function.
in the javascript code:
var Formname = "Default";
function Initialize(formname)
Formname = formname;
In customization of Form, in the onload function, you set this variable and this way remove the dependece from for selector component.
I hope that this solution can help many.
I took it up a notch and wrote the following post. You might find it interesting.

What is a good strategy for custom form validation in angular?

As my app is growing, I'm finding more need for more effective form validation. I personally don't like the angular built in validation that evaluates on field change. And there are always things it won't account for like verifying that a youtube video id is valid. Currently I'm doing validation in each forms controller. I have a function that looks like this. Each field has a message and if there is an error the message will appear red using ng-class.
$scope.validate = function (callback) {
// reset default messages
// create shorter references
var item = $scope.item,
message = $scope.itemMessage;
// title exists
if (item.title === '') {
message.title.message = 'You must give your item a title.';
message.title.error = true;
message.errors += 1;
// extract and clear video id with youtube api
if ($ !== undefined && $ !== '') {
var id = '';
var url = $>|<)/gi,'').split(/(vi\/|v=|\/v\/|youtu\.be\/|\/embed\/)/);
if(url[2] !== undefined) {
id = url[2].split(/[^0-9a-z_]/i);
id = id[0];
} else {
id = url;
$http.get("" + id)
.then(function (res) {
$ = id;
}, function (res) { = 'That is not a valid youtube video.'; = true;
message.errors += 1;
$ = '';
if (message.errors === 0) {
and then my actual form submission function calls $scope.validate(); passing it a function containing the $ The two major problems I see are that my callback isn't promise base so there's no guarantee it won't be called when an error exists and I've read again and again to keep large chunks of logic outside of your controller. I haven't found great examples of how this should be done but it must be a common problem.
You can still use Angular's built-in validation and have it not evaluate unless the form has been submitted:
Essentially you set $scope.submitted = true when the form is submitted and set a conditional check so that error messages and classes are only shown when $scope.submitted is set.

Constructor object name - javascript

function Account(password, email)
function createAccount()
var username="Moshiko22";
var password="1112"
var email="";
username=new Account(password, email);
The first function is a constructor. Assuming 'username', 'password' are user entered, I want to create an account object with the name the USER entered. (as in the object would be the 'username' the user has entered).
I know why what I've done doesn't work, but I don't know how to actually get it done.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry for being unclear: the user enters username, password and email. the password and email are just 2 properties in the object 'Account'. The username is what I want as the object itself.
Sounds like you want an object with the keys being the username?
var users = {};
function createAccount()
var username="Moshiko22";
var password="1112"
var email="";
users[username] = new Account(password, email);
Like this:
function Account(password, email)
this.constructor = function (password, email) {
}.apply(this, arguments);
And then :
var account = new Account("mypwd", "");

