JQuery Mobile LazyLoad Issues - javascript

So I'm doing lazy loading on a ListView on one jQuery page. When you click the ListItem it takes you to a details page. The problem is, that since I've binded a scrollstop event to the window, that the lazy load still tries to fire on the details page.
$("#index").on("pageshow", function () {
//get initial list view data
var inital = $('#filters').serialize(); //gets 'filter' params for data-access
RetrieveMeetings(inital); //Populate initial set
//lazy load
//Window Event From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9983835/detect-if-user-has-scrolled-to-the-bottom-of-a-div
$(window).bind('scrollstop', function () { //this also fires on details page!!!
var screenBottom = $(this).scrollTop() + parseInt($(window).height());
var $div = $('#meetings-list');
var divBottom = $div.offset().top + parseInt($div.height());
if (screenBottom > divBottom) {
var values = $('#filters').serialize();
//new dataset from filter forum
$("#submit").click(function (event) {
/* stop form from submitting normally */
var values = $('#filters').serialize();
I could fix this by removing the page from the DOM on the pagehide event but then I lose page state of a filter forums and such whenever the user returns to the ListView (also it increases pageload time).
//remove pages from DOM on hide
$(document).on("pagehide", function (e) {
Is there someway to attach the scrollstop event to the page instead of the window?
Another issue with this method is that if the Screen is big enough to load the page without a scroll bar then the lazy load obviously wont fire! Maybe there's a better overall solution for this problem?


HTML Load elements in a blank page

I have an empty HTML page with just a div and a button to load data.
<div id="main_div"></div>
<button class="load_more" onclick="myFunction()">Load More..</button>
myFunction is a function which creates and populate the div main_div.
I want to create an infinite scroll view out of it.
I have added scroll listener which call myFunction and loads the data once only 200px is left. (I got this code from a blog online)
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
console.log('Scroll detected')
var scrollHeight = $(document).height();
var scrollPos = Math.floor($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop());
var isBottom = scrollHeight - 200 < scrollPos;
if (isBottom && currentscrollHeight < scrollHeight) {
currentscrollHeight = scrollHeight;
The infinite scroll works fine when I manually tap the load button a few times and the page is loaded with elements. After that when I scroll, it loads new data.
But what I want is to fill the initial space from the same API.
I thought of calling the same function multiple time, but I am not sure how many times should I call, as the page can be opened from a mobile or any browser and I would not know the height of that.
Also, I want to avoid JQuery or other frameworks to keep it minimal. I know the code is already using JQuery, but I plan to remove it.
you can call a function which will check your div height and compare it with windowHeight. Till div height less than windowHeight you should call that function
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) {
function loadData(callBackFunction) {
// your function body
// in your ajax success request add following line
if (callBackFunction) {
function loadInitialData() {
if (document.getElementById('main_div').getBoundingClientRect().height < window.innerHeight) {
(function() {
// Also Your click event won't work here(inside the listener function).
// So it isn't visible outside of this function's scope.
// If you want to call the method directly 'from the button', then you have to attach it to `window`
window.loadData = loadData;

Is there a Javascript event that triggers when an HTML element scrolls into view?

I want to load elements as they scroll into view to reduce server load e.g. thumbnails, but would like their placeholder divs to exist from when the page loads. To do this, I think I need a trigger of some kind when the div becomes visible.
jquery-appear was suggested but I cannot seem to get a copy of it from anywhere (Google gives me a 403 error)
Does anyone know how else to do this?
I think jQuery way points is the plugin you might need:
Below is how you can call a waypoint plugin:
$(document).ready(function() {
var $loading = $("<div class='loading'><p>Loading more items…</p></div>"),
$footer = $('footer'),
opts = {
offset: '100%'
$footer.waypoint(function(event, direction) {
$.get($('.more a').attr('href'), function(data) {
var $data = $(data);
}, opts);

Stuck: hide/show divs with next button, redirect last div

Here's what I have so far, which allows the user to click an image to open a new window and go to a location. When that click occurs, the image in the parent window is replaced with the next div.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/rzTHw/
Here's the working code so far...
<div class = "box"><img src="http://placehold.it/300x150/cf5/&text=img+1"></div>
<div class = "box"><img src="http://placehold.it/300x150/f0f/&text=img+1"></div>
<div class = "box"><img src="http://placehold.it/300x150/fb1/&text=img+1"></div>
<div class = "box"><img src="http://placehold.it/300x150/444/&text=img+1"></div>​
$('.box a').click(
var newWin = window.open(this.href,'newWindow'),
that = $(this).closest('.box'),
duration = 1200;
if (that.next('.box').length){
What I am having trouble with is:
Creating a "next" button so the user can cycle through to the next div without having the click the image, thus avoiding having to open a new window to get to the next image.
Having a click on the last div redirect the window location to a URL, while still doing the normal function of opening a new window to the a href location if the image is clicked. Otherwise if clicking the "next" button when the last div is shown, simply redirect the user.
What's the best way to go about this? Thanks!
Here is my attempt at tweaking your code to allow for a next button, and my best guess at what you want to happen for the last image:
var redirectUrl = 'http://www.google.com'; // replace in your code
function next(event, duration) {
duration = duration || 1200; // default value
var that = $('.box:visible');
if (that.next('.box').length) {
that.fadeOut(duration, function() {
} else {
window.location.href = redirectUrl;
// the above line doesn't work inside jsFiddle, but should on your page
return false;
$('.box a').click(
function(e) {
var newWin = window.open(this.href, 'newWindow'),
duration = 1200;
next(e, duration);
jsFiddle example here. Note the redirect is prevented in some browsers since it is running inside an iframe. But it should work in a normal page.
Perhaps look at a slideshow jquery plugin. JQuery Cycle being just one example. There are plenty. Just google jquery Slideshow or jquery cycle and pick the one that suites you best. The cycle plugin itself has a number of "pager" examples that let you change the contents of the displayed picture without leaving the page.
Most of them offer having the contents be html and not just a simple picture so you can play around with what exactly you want.
There's also Fancybox, lightbox, colorbox, etc. if that's what you're trying to accomplish.

Exception for hashchange function - browser history back?

I have no idea how I should even call this problem … the title of this question doesn't make any sense at all, I know!
Following case: I have a single-page layout where users scroll downwards. I have sections .layer which, when inside the viewport should change the hash in the addressbar to its id. So e.g. the .layer#one is inside the viewport the url in the addressbar looks like this www.whatever.com/#!/one
$(window).scroll(function() {
hash = $('.layer:in-viewport').attr('id');
top.location.hash = "!/" + hash;
This works just fine and is exactly like I want it. The reason I have this syntax with the !/ is that if I would simply set the location to hash only the scroll-behaviour would be buggy because the browser tries to stick to the hash position.
The problem is now, that I want to be able to make browser history-back button working!
This would normally be rather simple with the hashchange function that comes with jQuery like so…
$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ) {
//query the hash in the addressbar and jump to its position on the site
The only problem I have with this is that the hashchange function would also be triggered if the hash is changed while scrolling. So it would again jump or stick to the current position in the browser. Any idea how I could solve this? I could probably unbind the hashchange while scrolling, right? But is this the best solution?
Sure, you could just unbind and rebind whenever the hash changes on scroll. For example:
var old_hash;
var scroller = function() {
hash = $('.layer:in-viewport').attr('id');
if ( old_hash != hash ) {
$(window).off('hashchange', GoToHash); // using jQuery 1.7+ - change to unbind for < 1.7
top.location.hash = "!/" + hash;
setTimeout(function() { // ensures this happens in the next event loop
$(window).on('hashchange', GoToHash);
}, 0);
old_hash = hash;
var GoToHash = function() {
//query the hash in the addressbar and jump to its position on the site

Call a function only once

I've 3 divs (#Mask #Intro #Container) so if you click on Mask, Intro gets hidden and Container appears.
The problem is that I just want to load this only one time, not every time I refresh the page or anytime I click on the menu or a link, etc.
How can I do this?
This is the script I'm using for now:
$("div#mask").click(function() {
$("div#mask").css("z-index", "-99");
Thank you!
You can try using a simple counter.
// count how many times click event is triggered
var eventsFired = 0;
$("div#mask").click(function() {
if (eventsFired == 0) {
$("div#mask").css("z-index", "-99");
eventsFired++; // <-- now equals 1, won't fire again until reload
To persist this you will need to set a cookie. (e.g. $.cookie() if you use that plugin).
// example using $.cookie plugin
var eventsFired = ($.cookie('eventsFired') != null)
? $.cookie('eventsFired')
: 0;
$("div#mask").click(function() {
if (eventsFired == 0) {
$("div#mask").css("z-index", "-99");
eventsFired++; // <-- now equals 1, won't fire again until reload
$.cookie('eventsFired', eventsFired);
To delete the cookie later on:
$.cookie('eventsFired', null);
Just point to an empty function once it has been called.
var myFunc = function(){
myFunc = function(){}; // kill it
console.log('Done once!'); // your stuff here
Web pages are stateless in that they don't hold states between page refreshes. When you reload the page it has no clue what has happened in the past.
Cookies to the rescue! You can use Javascript (and jQuery has some nice plugins to make it easier) to store variables on the client's browser. Store a cookie when the mask is clicked, so that when the page is next loaded it never shows.
this code with will work perfect for you and it is the standard way provided by jquery to bind events that you want to execute only once
$("div#mask").one('click', function() {
$("div#mask").css("z-index", "-99");

