Getting TypeError: cannot call getNumber method of undefined - javascript

I am working on a simple blackjack program. I am completely new to javascript and am having trouble debugging my program. I keep getting the TypeError: cannot call getNumber method of undefined..... and i'm totally lost. I am trying to get the numerical value stored for each card but it appears thats the error is happening in my printHand() method inside the Hand class. When printing out the hand of two or more cards, I loop through each card in the hand calling cards[i].getNumber() where cards[] is the array of cards in each hand. Am i not referencing cards[] properly? I double checked to make sure my methods and variables were set to public but I still cannot figure out why getNumber() is being called on an undefined object. Is there something wrong with the way I am referencing this object?
Here is my code:
// Card Constructor
function Card (suit, number){
var the_suit = suit;
var the_number = number;
this.getNumber = function(){
return the_number;
this.getSuit = function(){
return the_suit;
this.getValue = function (){
// face cards
if(the_number > 10){
return 10;
// aces
} else if (the_number < 2){
return 11;
// other cards
} else {
return the_number;
function deal (){
// get card suit
var rand1 = Math.floor(Math.random ( ) * 4 + 1);
// get car number
var rand2 = Math.floor(Math.random ( ) * 13 + 1);
var newCard = new Card(rand1, rand2);
function Hand (){
// create two cards for initial hand
var card1 = deal();
var card2 = deal();
// store cards in array
var cards = [card1,card2];
// getter
this.getHand = function (){
return cards;
// get the score
this.score = function(){
var length = cards.length;
var score = 0;
var numAces = 0;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
if (cards[i].getValue() === 11 ){
score += cards[i].getValue();
while(score > 21 && numAces !== 0){
sum -= 10;
this.printHand = function(){
var length = cards.length;
for(i=0; i< length; i++){
var string = string + cards[i].getNumber() + " of suit " + cards[i].getSuit() + ", ";
return string;
this.hitMe = function(){
var newCard = deal();
function playAsDealer(){
var newHand = new Hand();
while(newHand.score < 17){
return newHand;
function playAsUser(){
var newHand = new Hand();
var choice = confirm("Current hand: "+ newHand.printHand() + ": Hold (Ok) or Stand(Cancel)");
choice = confirm("Current hand: "+ newHand.printHand() + ": Hold (Ok) or Stand(Cancel)");
function declareWinner(user, dealer){
//user wins case
if (user.score > dealer.score){
console.log("You are the Champion!");
// tie game
else if(user.score===dealer.score){
function playGame (){
var user = playAsUser();
var dealer = playAsDealer();
console.log("User's Hand: " + user.printHand());
console.log("Dealer's Hand: " + dealer.printHand());

You don't return the card object in the function "deal":
should be:
function deal (){
// get card suit
var rand1 = Math.floor(Math.random ( ) * 4 + 1);
// get car number
var rand2 = Math.floor(Math.random ( ) * 13 + 1);
var newCard = new Card(rand1, rand2);
return newCard;

There are a few probs, but to get you started:
The error i got was "TypeError: cards[i] is undefined". Since you are calling your deal() function like this:
var card1 = deal();
You'll need to return the card in the deal func, so change
var newCard = new Card(rand1, rand2);
return new Card(rand1, rand2);
You'll also need to convert : cards[i].getNumber() to a string when you print the hand


how to return this value from my function? is it wrong method?

I don't understand how to solve the following problem when return the value from nested function. is it wrong method. How can I get it?
My basic purpose is to get array values (all coordinates) from var mymap_coordinates, but it can't. that's why I use .toString() to test.
mymap.on( //leftlet code
function (event)
var tg_marker = L.marker(event.latlng, {icon: treegroupIcon}).addTo(mymap);
store_coordinates[incre_coord] = new Point(tg_marker.getLatLng().lat.toFixed(8), tg_marker.getLatLng().lng.toFixed(8));
var n = store_coordinates.length;
var mymap_coordinates = abcdefg(store_coordinates, n);
window.alert (mymap_coordinates.toString()); //This alert can't print all array value when return the value from abcdefg function
incre_coord = incre_coord + 1;
function abcdefg(points, n)
// return Result
var num = 0;
var map_coordinate = new Array();
for (let temp of abc.values())
map_coordinate[num] = "[" + temp.x + ", " + temp.y + "]";
num = num + 1;
window.alert (map_coordinate.toString()); //This alert can print all array value
return map_coordinate;

Getting javascript undefined TypeError

Please help....Tried executing the below mentioned function but web console always shows
TypeError: xml.location.forecast[j] is undefined
I was able to print the values in alert but the code is not giving output to the browser because of this error. Tried initializing j in different locations and used different increment methods.How can i get pass this TypeError
Meteogram.prototype.parseYrData = function () {
var meteogram = this,xml = this.xml,pointStart;
if (!xml) {
return this.error();
var j;
$.each(xml.location.forecast, function (i,forecast) {
j= Number(i)+1;
var oldto = xml.location.forecast[j]["#attributes"].iso8601;
var mettemp=parseInt(xml.location.forecast[i]["#attributes"].temperature, 10);
var from = xml.location.forecast[i]["#attributes"].iso8601;
var to = xml.location.forecast[j]["#attributes"].iso8601;
from = from.replace(/-/g, '/').replace('T', ' ');
from = Date.parse(from);
to = to.replace(/-/g, '/').replace('T', ' ');
to = Date.parse(to);
if (to > pointStart + 4 * 24 * 36e5) {
if (i === 0) {
meteogram.resolution = to - from;
x: from,
y: mettemp,
to: to,
index: i
if (i === 0) {
pointStart = (from + to) / 2;
You are trying to access the element after the last one. You can check if there is the element pointed by j before proceeding:
Meteogram.prototype.parseYrData = function () {
var meteogram = this,
xml = this.xml,
if (!xml) {
return this.error();
var i = 0;
var j;
$.each(xml.location.forecast, function (i, forecast) {
j = Number(i) + 1;
if (!xml.location.forecast[j]) return;
var from = xml.location.forecast[i]["#attributes"].iso8601;
var to = xml.location.forecast[j]["#attributes"].iso8601;

Javascript: scope effect despite order of execution

Please note: This is not a question about scope, per se. I understand that in order to make the code work, I should make a deep copy of the variable board rather than assigning var tboard = board. However, I am not clear why making a shallow copy has the effect I describe below.
I am experiencing something I find baffling. Basically, a global variable (board) gets altered and I have no clue how. board is initialized in the function NewGame() (which is called from select()) as an empty array. After it is initialized, nothing else is called until the user clicks a square on the board (assuming the user has selected Xs for simplicity). When that happens, the function playerMove() is called. The baffling thing is that console.log(board) at the top of playerMove() prints out an array that has an x is the clicked position and os everywhere else (ie not empty). This is bizarre because the board is empty at the end of select() (which called NewGame()) and nothing else should happen in between. To demonstrate this, I print out the function name at the top of each function and I print out the board variable in the select() function and playerMove() function to show that it changes despite nothing else being called. Please note that to get this behavior, refresh the page (otherwise the board variable starts out full of os). I think this must be somewhat an issue of scope (because I am not making a deep copy of board) but it's strange because I have no clue what is being called that is changing the variable before it gets printed out at the top of playerMove().
Here is the link to my pen and the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var pSym; // player's symbol
var cSym; // computer's symbol
var board;
var whosMove; // can be "player" or "computer" or "neither"
var gameOver;
$("#newgame").on('click', '#X', select);
$("#newgame").on('click', '#O', select);
$("#restart").on('click', setup);
$("table").on('click', 'td', playerMove);
function playerMove()
if (whosMove === "player")
var val = $(this).data('value');
$('#g' + val).text(pSym);
var arr = PositionToCoords(val);
board[arr[0]][arr[1]] = pSym;
var tboard = board;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
if (gc>=0)
setTimeout(function(){setup();}, 1000);
whosMove = "computer";
function computerMove() {
//var p1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
//var p2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
var tboard = board;
var pos = chooseMove(tboard);
var arr = PositionToCoords(pos);
board[arr[0]][arr[1]] = cSym;
DrawPosition(arr[0], arr[1], cSym);
var tboard = board;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
if (gc>=0) {
setTimeout(function(){setup();}, 1000);
whosMove = "player";
function chooseMove(inboard) {
// get the possible moves
var moves=[];
var scores = [];
for (var i=1;i<10;i++) {
var arr = PositionToCoords(i);
if (inboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] === undefined) {
var tboard = inboard;
tboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] = cSym;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
return moves[0]; // TEMPORARY
function endGame(gc) {
var str;
if (gc===1) { // somebody won
if (whosMove==="player"){
str = "You Won!"
else {
str = "You Lost :(";
else if (gc === 0){//draw
str = "It's a draw."
html = '<div id="closer">' + str + '</div>';
function gameCheck(tboard) {
// get symbol to check for
var sym;
if (whosMove === "player") {
sym = pSym;
} else {
sym = cSym;
// check if in a row
var hrow;
var vrow;
// check for horizonal row
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
hrow = true;
vrow = true;
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (tboard[i][j] !== sym) {
hrow = false;
if (tboard[j][i] !== sym) {
vrow = false;
if ((hrow) || (vrow)) {
return 1;
var fdrow = true;
var bdrow = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (tboard[i][i] !== sym) {
fdrow = false;
if (tboard[i][2 - i] !== sym) {
bdrow = false;
if ((fdrow) || (bdrow)) {
return 1;
// otherwise, check if board is full
var full = true;
for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var arr = PositionToCoords(i);
if (tboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] === undefined) {
full = false;
if (full === true) {
return 0;
// if neither 0 (tie) or win (1), return -1 (game not over)
return -1;
function select() {
pSym = $(this).data('value');
function setup() {
html = '<div id="opener">Xs or Os? <div id="buttons">';
html += '<div id="X" data-value="X" class="btn btn-default">Xs</div>';
html += '<div id="O" data-value="O" class="btn btn-default">Os</div>';
html += '</div></div>';
function NewGame() {
board = new Array(3);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
board[i] = new Array(3)
if (pSym === "X") {
cSym = "O";
whosMove = "player";
} else {
cSym = "X";
whosMove = "computer";
function DrawPosition(p1, p2, sym) {
var pos = p1 * 3 + (p2 + 1);
$("#g" + pos).text(sym)
function PositionToCoords(pos) {
var p1 = Math.ceil(pos / 3) - 1;
var p2 = ((pos - 1) % 3);
var arr = [p1, p2];
return arr;
Thanks in advance.
Simply add the break in the for loop fixes the problem. Am I missing anything?
function chooseMove(inboard) {
// get the possible moves
var moves = [];
var scores = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var arr = PositionToCoords(i);
if (inboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] === undefined) {
var tboard = inboard;
tboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] = cSym;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
break; // <<<<<<<<<<<< This break guarantees that the computer only makes one move
return moves[0]; // TEMPORARY

Multiplying variables and showing result in a box

I'm having a problem when trying to multiply the totalPallets by the price-per-pallet ($25) and then showing that in the productSubTotal box. With the code as it is right now, the quatity total shows but when I try to get the price result, it doesn't show the operation. Also, if I try changing anythung from the code, the whole thing breaks down. I'll be thankful if anyone could help me. Thanks
function IsNumeric(n) {
return !isNaN(n);
function calcTotalPallets() {
var totalPallets = 0;
$(".num-pallets-input").each(function() {
var thisValue = parseInt($(this).val());
if ( (IsNumeric(thisValue)) && (thisValue != '') ) {
totalPallets += parseInt(thisValue);
function calcProdSubTotal() {
var prodSubTotal = 0;
$(".totalprice").each(function() {
var valString = parseInt(totalPallets) * multiplier;
prodSubTotal += parseInt(valString);
// "The Math" is performed pretty much whenever anything happens in the quanity inputs
$('.num-pallets-input').bind("focus blur change keyup", function(){
// Caching the selector for efficiency
var $el = $(this);
// Grab the new quantity the user entered
var numPallets = CleanNumber($el.val());
var totalPallets = CleanNumber($el.val());
var prodSubTotal = CleanNumber($el.val());
// Find the pricing
var multiplier = $el
.find("td.price-per-pallet span")
// Calcuate the overal totals
function CommaFormatted(amount) {
var delimiter = ",";
var i = parseInt(amount);
if(isNaN(i)) { return ''; }
i = Math.abs(i);
var minus = '';
if (i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
var n = new String(i);
var a = [];
while(n.length > 3)
var nn = n.substr(n.length-3);
n = n.substr(0,n.length-3);
if (n.length > 0) { a.unshift(n); }
n = a.join(delimiter);
amount = "$" + minus + n;
return amount;

Javascript Functions, Uncaught syntax error, Unexpected token?

The following code is giving me an error in the chrome developer tools:
"uncaught syntax error- unexpected token"
Specifically, the Errors come up in the populate header function at
var notraw = JSON.parse(arrayraw)
and in the first if statement, at
parsed = JSON.parse(retrieved); //var test is now re-loaded!
These errors haven't come up in previous iterations. Does anyone know why?
// This statement should be ran on load, to populate the table
// if Statement to see whether to retrieve or create new
if (localStorage.getItem("Recipe") === null) { // if there was no array found
console.log("There was no array found. Setting new array...");
//Blank Unpopulated array
var blank = [
["Untitled Recipe", 0, 0]
// Insert Array into local storage
localStorage.setItem("Recipe", JSON.stringify(blank));
} else {
console.log("The Item was retrieved from local storage.");
var retrieved = localStorage.getItem("Recipe"); // Retrieve the item from storage
// test is the storage entry name
parsed = JSON.parse(retrieved); //var test is now re-loaded!
// we had to parse it from json
// delete from array and update
function deletefromarray(id) {
var arrayraw = localStorage.getItem("Recipe")
var notraw = JSON.parse(arrayraw)
notraw.splice(id, 1);
localStorage.setItem("Recipe", JSON.stringify(notraw));
// This adds to local array, and then updates that array.
function addtoarray(ingredient, amount, unit) {
var arrayraw = localStorage.getItem("Recipe")
var notraw = JSON.parse(arrayraw)
notraw.push([ingredient, amount, unit]);
localStorage.setItem("Recipe", JSON.stringify(notraw));
var recipeid = notraw.length - 1
console.log("recipe id:" + recipeid)
//The calculation function, that gets the ingredients from the array, and calculates what ingredients are needed
function calculate(multiplier) {
alert("Calculate function was called")
var length = recipearray.length - 1;
console.log("There are " + length + " ingredients.");
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
console.log("raw = " + recipearray[i + 1][1] + recipearray[i + 1][2]);
console.log("multiplied = " + recipearray[i + 1][1] / recipearray[0][2] * multiplier + recipearray[i + 1][2]);
// The save function, This asks the user to input the name and how many people the recipe serves. This information is later passed onto the array.
function save() {
var verified = true;
while (verified) {
var name = prompt("What's the name of the recipe?")
var serves = prompt("How many people does it serve?")
if (serves === "" || name === "" || isNaN(serves) === true || serves === "null") {
alert("You have to enter a name, followed by the number of people it serves. Try again.")
verified = false;
} else {
var element = document.getElementById("header");
element.innerHTML = name;
var header2 = document.getElementById("details");
header2.innerHTML = "Serves " + serves + " people"
var arrayraw = localStorage.getItem("Recipe")
var notraw = JSON.parse(arrayraw)
notraw.splice(0, 1, [name, serves, notraw.length])
localStorage.setItem("Recipe", JSON.stringify(notraw))
// the recipe function processes the inputs for the different ingredients and amounts.
function recipe() {
// Declare all variables
var ingredient = document.getElementById("ingredient").value;
var amount = document.getElementById("number").value;
var unit = document.getElementById("unit").value;
var count = "Nothing";
if (isNaN(amount)) {
alert("You have to enter a number in the amount field")
} else if (ingredient === "" || amount === "" || unit === "Select Unit") {
alert("You must fill in all fields.")
} else if (isNaN(ingredient) === false) {
alert("You must enter an ingredient NAME.")
} else {
// console.log(recipearray[1][2] + recipearray[1][1])
var totalamount = amount + unit
edit(ingredient, amount, unit, false)
insRow(ingredient, totalamount) // post(0,*123456*,"Fish")
function deleteRow(specified) {
// Get the row that the delete button was clicked in, and delete it.
var inside = specified.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
var rowid = inside + 1 // account for the first one being 0
console.log("An ingredient was deleted by the user: " + rowid);
// Remove this from the array.
function insRow(first, second) {
//var first = document.getElementById('string1').value;
//var second = document.getElementById('string2').value;
// This console.log("insRow: " + first)
// Thisconsole.log("insRow: " + second)
var x = document.getElementById('table').insertRow(0);
var y = x.insertCell(0);
var z = x.insertCell(1);
var a = x.insertCell(2);
y.innerHTML = first;
z.innerHTML = second;
a.innerHTML = '<input type="button" onclick="deleteRow(this)" value="Delete">';
function populateheader() {
// Populate the top fields with the name and how many it serves
var arrayraw = localStorage.getItem("Recipe")
var notraw = JSON.parse(arrayraw)
var element = document.getElementById("header");
element.innerHTML = notraw[0][0];
var header2 = document.getElementById("details");
// if statement ensures the header doesn't say '0' people, instead says no people
if (notraw[0][1] === 0) {
header2.innerHTML = "Serves no people"
} else {
header2.innerHTML = "Serves " + notraw[0][1] + " people"
console.log("Now populating Header, The Title was: " + notraw[0][0] + " And it served: " + notraw[0][1]);
function populatetable() {
console.log("Now populating the table")
// Here we're gonna populate the table with data that was in the loaded array.
var arrayraw = localStorage.getItem("Recipe")
var notraw = JSON.parse(arrayraw)
if (notraw.length === 0 || notraw.length === 1) {
console.log("Array was empty.")
} else {
var count = 1;
while (count < notraw.length) {
amount = notraw[count][1] + " " + notraw[count][2]
insRow(notraw[count][0], amount)
console.log("Inserted Ingredient: " + notraw[count][0] + notraw[count][1])

