Modify regex matches inside the replacement string - javascript

I've a problem with some regex to grab url's from a text and modify all matches inside the replacement string again by a function.
The code below is a dummy example of what I want do to.
Is something like this possible?
var exp = /\b((http:\/\/|https:\/\/)[\S]*)/g;
text = text.replace(exp, "");

Supply a function as 2nd argument to .replace:
var exp = /\bhttps?:\/\/[\S]*/g;
text = text.replace(exp, function ($0) {
return ''
(Note that $0 is just a variable name, you can name it differently).
Check String.replace's documentation on MDN for the meaning of the arguments to the replacement function. The first argument is the text capture by the whole regex. Then the next N arguments are the text captured by the N capturing groups in the regex.
I also take my liberty to rewrite the regex. Since \b is an assertion, no text will be consumed.


How to get next 3 characters after a substring if it exist inside a string?

I have this string that's. The &# substring is common but number after it changes in almost every object of my JSON data. So I want to detect if there is this substring, then get next three characters after it replace it with something else. How can I do it?
You can do it like this
var para = 'that's';
para = para.substr(para.indexOf('#')+1, 3);
substr(start, length)
indexOf(searchvalue, [start])
Assuming you want to replace everything from &# until ; (if not, please update your question by specifying expected output):
You can use String.prototype.replace() with a regular expression:
var para = 'some string ' middle † end';
para = para.replace(/&#([\d]*);/g, 'replacement');
The g modifier is important to replace all occurences in the string.
With the RegEx used, you can include the found number (between &# and ;) in the replacement string by using $1.
you can define and use a utility function to replace HTML entities like that:
function decode(text, replaceWith = '') {
return text.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, replaceWith)

Regex Help for content between two strings (javascript)

Hoping someone might help. I have a string formatted like the example below:
Lipsum text as part of a paragraph here, yada. |EMBED|{"content":"foo"}|/EMBED|. Yada and the text continues...
What I am looking for is a Javascript RegEx to capture the content between the |EMBED||/EMBED| 'tags', run a function on that content, and then to replace the entire |EMBED|...|/EMBED| string with the return of that function.
The catch is that I may have multiple |EMBED| blocks within a larger string. For example:
Yabba...|EMBED|{"content":"foo"}|/EMBED|. Dabba-do...|EMBED|{"content":"yo"}|/EMBED|.
I need the RegEx to capture and process each |EMBED| block separately, since the content contained within will be similar, but unique.
My initial thought is that I could just have a RegEx that captures the first iteration of the |EMBED| block, and the function which replaces this |EMBED| block is either part of a loop or recursion to continuously find the next block and replace it, until no more blocks are found in the string.
...but this seems expensive. Is there a more eloquent way?
You can use String.prototype.replace to replace a substring found via a regular expression with a modified version of the match using a mapping function, e.g.:
var input = 'Yabba...|EMBED|{"content":"foo"}|/EMBED|. Dabba-do...|EMBED|{"content":"yo"}|/EMBED|.'
var output = input.replace(/\|EMBED\|(.*?)\|\/EMBED\|/g, function(match, p1) {
return p1.toUpperCase()
console.log(output) // "Yabba...{"CONTENT":"FOO"}. Dabba-do...{"CONTENT":"YO"}."
Make sure that you use a non-greedy selector .*? to select the content between the delimiters to allow multiple replacements per string.
This is the cod which iterate through the matches of the regex:
var str = 'Lipsum text as part of a paragraph here, yada. |EMBED|{"content":"foo"}|/EMBED|. Yada and the text continues...';
var rx = /\|EMBED\|(.*)\|\/EMBED\|/gi;
var match;
while (true)
match = rx.exec(str);
if (!match)
console.log(match[1]); //match[1] is the content between "the tags"

Replace with value '$' does not work in javascript

i tried to replace a string, provided the string regex with a value that has $ in the end.
Can anyone tell me what is happening in
Looking into mdn string replace docs, i found it is expected.
But what should one do he want to ignore this.
Means i want the replacing value should get as it is replaced, with 4 $s here.
You need to double the dollars in the replacement pattern as $$ are actually $.
.replace(/{{one}}/g, '000$$$$$$$$')
See String#replace help:
Pattern Inserts
$$ Inserts a "$".
If a user types $ in the replacement (that is, in case it is user-defined) you can just double it:
var ptrn = "{{one}}"; // regex pattern from user input
var repl = "000$$$$"; // replacement from user input
var rx = RegExp(ptrn, "g"); // building a dynamic regex
document.write("pp{{one}}pp".replace(rx, repl.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')));
// ^--- doubling $s-----^

Regular expression to match a string which is NOT matched by a given regexp

I've been hoving around by some answers here, and I can't find a solution to my problem:
I have this regexp which matches everyting inside an HTML span tag, including contents:
and I want to find a way to make a search in all the text, except for what is matched with that regexp.
For example, if my text is:
var text = "...for there is a class of <span class="highlight">guinea</span> pigs which..."
... then the regexp would match:
<span class="highlight">guinea</span>
and I want to be able to make a regexp such that if I search for "class", regexp will match "...for there is a class of..."
and will not match inside the tag, like in
"... class="highlight"..."
The word to be matched ("class") might be anywhere within the text. I've tried
but it keeps searching inside tags as well.
I want to find a solution using only regexp, not dealing with DOM nor JQuery. Thanks in advance :).
Although I wouldn't recommend this, I would do something like below
You can see this in action here
Rubular Link for this regex
You can capture your matches from the groups and work with them as needed. If you can, use a HTML parser and then find matches from the text element.
It's not pretty, but if I get you right, this should do what you wan't. It's done with a single RegEx but js can't (to my knowledge) extract the result without joining the results in a loop.
The RegEx: /(?:<span\b[^>]*>.*?<\/span>)|(.)/g
Example js code:
var str = '...for there is a class of <span class="highlight">guinea</span> pigs which...',
pattern = /(?:<span\b[^>]*>.*?<\/span>)|(.)/g,
res = '';
match = pattern.exec(str)
while( match != null )
res += match[1];
match = pattern.exec(str)
document.writeln('Result:' + res);
In English: Do a non capturing test against your tag-expression or capture any character. Do this globally to get the entire string. The result is a capture group for each character in your string, except the tag. As pointed out, this is ugly - can result in a serious number of capture groups - but gets the job done.
If you need to send it in and retrieve the result in one call, I'd have to agree with previous contributors - It can't be done!

Match a string if it comes after certain string

I need a regular expression for JavaScript to match John (case insensitive) after Name:
I know how to do it, but I don't know how to get string from a different line like so (from a textarea):
This is what I tried to do :: var str = /\s[a-zA-Z0-9](?= Name)/;
The logic: get a string with letter/numbers on a linespace followed by Name.
Then, I would use the .test(); method.
I tried to make the question more simple than it should have been. The thing I don't quite understand is how do I isolate "John" (really anything) on a new line followed by a specific string (in this case Name).
E.g., IF John comes after Name {dosomething} else{dosomethingelse}
Unfortunately, JavaScript doesn't support look-behinds. For something this simple, you can just match both parts of the string like this:
var str = /Name\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/;
You then just have to extract the first capture group if you want to get John. For example:
"Name\n John".match(/Name\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/)[1]; // John
However if you're just using .test, the capture group isn't necessary. For example:
var input = "Name\n John";
if (/Name\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]+/.test(input)) {
// dosomething
} else{
// dosomethingelse
Also, if you need to ensure that Name and John appear on separate lines with nothing but whitespace in between, you can use this pattern with the multi-line (m) flag.
var str = /Name\s*^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/m;
You do not need a lookahead here, simply place Name before the characters you want to match. And to enable case-insensitive matching, place the i modifier on the end of your regular expression.
var str = 'Name\n John'
var re = /Name\s+[a-z0-9]+/i
if (re.test(str)) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Use the String.match method if you want to extract the name from the string.
'Name\n John'.match(/Name\s+([a-z0-9]+)/i)[1];
The [1] here refers back to what was matched/captured in capturing group #1

