Use javascript to click all images based on src value only - javascript

I want to click all the links on a page that have a certain image src.
I know I can do the following if I know the id:
But I know know the src and nothing else is there. No id, alt or title, nothing only src.
Anyone have any idea on how to do this? Thanks!

Easy.. though please read jquery's documentation when you get the chance:
Assuming you want to click the link that has a child image with a particular source..
$("a img[src='src_goes_here']").parent().trigger("click");

I'm not sure what you mean with "clicking links with a certain image-src", as clicking would be a user-interaction and links don't tend to have a src - attribute like the <img>-tag
Anyhow, using jQuery as example, there is something called "Attribute-Selectors", in your case the Attribute Equals Selector (jQuery-API) should do the trick:
var yourSource = "/path/to/image.jpg";
var myImages = $('img[src="'+ yourSource +'"]');
So, for example, if your images are inside a link, all you'd need to do is:
but I really don't know what good that should do

$('img[src="' + yourKnownSrc + '"]').click();
In case you want to click links "having" an image:
$('a').has('img[src="' + yourKnownSrc + '"]').click();


Select all anchor tags based on href and Change it

i have a question regarding changing URL of anchor tags based on HREF.
What i do to select all anchor tags is like this:
var anchortags = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='']");
With this i select all anchor tags that refers to
What i want also is to CHANGE the links when user click on it (i want to remove a parameter)
example of URL can be:
i want to remove "lanekilde=" from the parameter. im using this code:
String(document.location.href).replace("&lanekilde=", "");
This gives me right URL but how do i change it for all users on website when they click on it.
Code ive made til now:
var anchortags= document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='']");
String(document.location.href).replace("&lanekilde=", "");
thank you :)
PS: NO Jquery please!
PS: im using tag manager if anyone has a idea of different way
You just need to iterate over the nodeset and change each one in turn:
var anchortags = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='']");
anchortags.forEach(function(tag) {
tag.href = tag.href.replace('&lanekilde=', '');

How to get background image of element on click event using jquery?

I try get value for style and also in side this tag values for background-image
I do this little script :
function url_image(id){
var valimg = jQuery("."+id+". cycle-slide").attr("src");
alert('' + valimg);
<div onclick="url_image('imm_1');" class="imm_1 cycle-slide" style="background-image:url('')"></div>
The idea it´s that when i do click over the div, send the value of background-image to the script and show, but no get this because i don´t know how get the value from tag style. That´s all problem
You can use :
var valimg = jQuery("."+id+".cycle-slide").css("background-image")
Like #Musa mentioned in comment.
Hope this helps.

jQuery: adding prefix to any url (.attr)

I cant seem to figure this out as simple as I am sure it is, but I am trying to use jQuery to modify all URL's for selected elements, not to replace, but to add something before the link. I was curious when i stumbled on
I am trying to make links more secure by changing them like so:
I have this code that adds after particular element URL's but I am not sure about adding for a pretence:
$("A.blah").attr("href", function(i, href) {
return href + '/blah';
try this one, will change href for all anchors having blah class
$old_url = $(this).attr('href');
$new_url = ''+$old_url;
$(this).attr('href',$new_url);//changed this line

Show URL in browser when link added with javascript

I have added an onclick function to a div here:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("fab").onclick = function() {
location.href = '';
When you hover over the div, it doesnt show the URL in the bottom left of the browser like an anchor tag does (see picture):
Is there any way to make the browser show the link, when it has been added with javascript?
Add the title attribute to your element:
<div id="fab" title="'></div>
Actually this is different than the popup you're seeing, but it might be as close as you can get.
As #Benten points out, you'd have to set window.status, which isn't allowed by most modern browsers.
I don't think you can directly access the property that you are looking for any more. Usually it's ignored. See this: . I'd say the other answer is your best bet.
I think something different. I hope i didnt understand it wrong. If you add -a- element as parent to your -div- it acts like what you want.
var element = document.getElementById("fab");
var aa = document.createElement("a");
aa.setAttribute('href', '');
var parent = element.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(aa, element);
please let me know if i understand it wrong?

onclick get thumbnail url id value

hopefully someone can help me.
i want to get a thumbnail id value when an onclick event happens, but no luck, any ideas? thanks
this is a small thumbnail image
Here is the js for swapping the thumbnail:
function swap(image) {
document.getElementById("main").src = image.href;
now i want to access the id at the end of the thunbnail url. note this url is not a location url. thanks
You can use the split() function to get the ID:
var url_split = image.href.split('=');
var id = url_split[1];
Why are you not using jQuery although you tagged your question this way?
Wrap your thumbnail imgs into anchors and set rel=<your_id> to them.
Then in jQuery you can access id via $('a.myclass').attr('rel'). So do I, maybe there are other better approaches.
Or maybe you provide some code here?

