Get visible from jQuery collection of objects - javascript

I have this line of code:
var filterInputs = $(this).siblings('.filterInputs');
which performs some work on filterInputs. Later on, I would like to reduce my collection of filterInputs to just those which are visible.
Clearly, I could do this:
var visibleFilterInputs = $(this).siblings('.filterInputs:visible');
but that seems inefficient given the fact that I already have a reference to the collection I was hoping to reduce.
Is there a way to say something like:
//TODO: Example
var visibleFilterInputs = $(filterInputs:visible);
without having to iterate over the DOM tree again? Thanks

You're absolutely right, there's no reason to recollect the DOM elements, since you already have them in a jQuery object. So that's exactly what the .filter() method is for:
Try this:
var visibleFilterInputs = filterInputs.filter(":visible");
Here's an example:
Note that it's better to target a certain HTML tag, such as <div>, to make the :visible selector a little more efficient (since it isn't part of the CSS specs and can't be optimized by native methods). At least in your case, you're already using the filterInputs class. Anyways, maybe something like:
var visibleFilterInputs = filterInputs.filter("div:visible");
but only if that's applicable. I mean, even selecting multiple known element tags is probably better:
var visibleFilterInputs = filterInputs.filter("div:visible, p:visible");


Struggling to bind and match DOM elements with vanilla JS

I prefer to bind all my DOM elements at the top of my code so that the ID or class reference is only hard coded once, even though the element is used multiple times within the code. Something like this:
var startButton = "#startButton";
var closeButtons = ".button.close";
That works well with selectors, such as document.querySelector. The challenge occurs when I'm about to compare an element ID to one of the static variables above, like for instance during a click event: == startButton
Since the variable startButton contains a sharp, I would have to do something like this: == startButton.replace('#', '')
This is obviously not the ideal way of handling things, so I'm wondering if there's a better way to bind DOM elements for later use?
Please note that I did consider retrieving the elements using a selector right away, like document.querySelector, but that prevents me from manipulating the elements later on.
EDIT: My note above turns out to be wrong. It's totally possible to manipulate the elements later on. So the question is whether it's better to store selectors in variables, or to store nodes in variables. As pointed out below, the DOM element might not exist while it's being declared, so it might be better to store the selector in a variable, like I'm doing above.
For the specific example in your question, you can use .matches():
if (
The .matches() DOM API takes a selector as its argument.

How to select multiple ID's in a badly designed webpage?

I am maintaining a complex web application.
I have a large number of divs which all have the same ID.
I know this is totally wrong, and as a matter of fact document.getElementById() with that id is going to only produce one match for me.
However I am able to pull out the element that I'm looking for using jQuery (we are on 1.6.2), like this: $('#bad_id[nonstandard_attr_name=somethingSpecific]')
Not quite ready to say that this is a "solution".
I'm worried about whether this is reliable or not. Is jQuery really actually gonna search through all the elements that match the ID using a DOM walk? That's probably the only way to get all of them.
Does it filter elements by the other attribute first, and then filter it down by the ID? That would achieve the desired behavior as well, but it would be good to know the order it does this in.
If you need to select multiple elements with same id you can simply use an attribute selector:
$( "[id='myid']" )
The attribute selector doesn't look at the attribute key for any semantics like unique ids or such.
I cannot tell you what jQuery or other dom traversals will do (doubtful it will work always) but you can try this :
document.filter = function(attr, val, r) {
r = r || document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var s = [];
for(var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if(r[i].getAttribute(attr) == val) {
return s;
var s = document.filter("nonstandard_attr_name", "somethingSpecific", document.filter("id", "bad_id"));
Well, as seen in comments, my guess was why would it go on searching for any element. Yes
getElementById returns the first element and then stops searching, but the same doesn't look right for jQuery. It does return all the elements with that "bad" id.
As can be seen in this Fiddle,
So it is selecting all the elements, this means jQuery doesn't stop at the first element, but goes on searching the entire doument, hence IMO, you may use jQuery to select multiple elements with the common id. There shouldn't be any problem.
Use a selector that will result in something other than getElementById() being used should result in consistent results, but make sure you test it with IE8 since IE8 doesn't use document.querySelectorAll().
Using methods such as .find .children and .filter should also yield consistent results regardless of the id being unique.

DRY attribute selection

Say I have an element on the page:
<div data-name='foo'>
What's the best way to get the attribute value? Is there anything more DRY than $('[data-name]').attr('data-name') or $('[data-name]').data('name')?
I don't know how do you define "DRY"...
if (x < 0) x = 1 isn't "DRY" because you wrote x twice?
Anyway with the current DOM structure, no there is not. The selector is inefficient which is more important!
You can give the element an id, which make the code faster.
<div id='foo' data-name='foo'> </div>
$('#foo').data('name'); // That's more like it.
I wouldn't know what this has to do with 'Don't Repeat Yourself', but if you don't have a cached reference to this node you would have to use that, rather verbose, call.
It might be a good idea to have at least an id for the nodes. The DOM query for that is lighting fast in comparison to that attribute-selector. But afterall, it's still the fastest technique to store a reference in a variable, like
var myNode = $('[data-name]');
and then use that variable throughout your whole application 'name' );
You could have a plugin that did something like this. I'm not sure the additional overhead is worth it, though.
function getData(varName) {
var selector = '[data-' + varName + ']';
return $(selector).data(varName);
(not tested)
Without a tag qualifier (e.g. div[data-name]) your selector will be very inefficient as it will have to traverse the entire DOM to check for matching elements.
It would be much preferable to identify a specific ID (or even a class) to help out the selector engine and restrict how much of the DOM has to be searched.
As long as you don't repeat that everywhere, (i.e cache the result), I don't really see how you can get anything more DRY.
var name = $('[data-name]').data('name');
You're technically not repeating yourself yet.

Can JQuery and Javascript be mixed together?

I am wondering if I could use query and javascript together so I could select an element by class with the javascript and then use javascript to work on that element. Sorry if that didn't make sense. Here is an example:
$('.nav_flag').src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif";
Would that work, if not how do I get an element by class using regular javascript. Thanks!
EDIT:I know JQUERY is JavaScript but I was wondering if I could mix jquery selectors and javascript 'controller'-for a loss of a better word
To answer your question as asked, there are several ways to take a jQuery object, i.e., what is returned by $('some selector'), and get a reference to the underlying DOM element(s).
You can access the individual DOM elements like array elements:
// update the src of the first matching element:
$(".nav_flag")[0].src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif";
// if you're going to access more than one you should cache the jQuery object in
// a variable, not keep selecting the same thing via the $() function:
var navFlgEls = $(".nav_flag");
for (var i = 0; i < navFlgEls.length; i++) { ... }
But you wouldn't manually loop through the elements when you can use jQuery's .each() method, noting that within the callback function you provide this will be set to the current DOM element:
$(".nav_flag").each(function() {
this.src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif";
However, jQuery provides a way to set attributes with one line of code:
$(".nav_flag").attr("src", "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif");
To answer the second part of your question, doing the same thing without jQuery, you can use .getElementsByClassname() or .querySelectorAll() if you don't care about supporting older browsers.
jQuery IS Javascript. You can mix and match them together. But you better know what you're doing.
In this case, you probably want to use .attr function to set value of attribute.
Use .attr() in jQuery, rather than mix the two here.
$('.nav_flag').attr('src', "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif");
In many instances, it is fine to mix jQuery with plain JavaScript, but if you have already included the jQuery library, you might as well make use of it. Unless, that is, you have an operation which in jQuery would be more computationally expensive than the same operation in plain JavaScript.
You can do it with jQuery too:
$('.nav_flag').attr("src", "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif");
keep in mind that jQuery is simply a library built upon javascript.
for any jQuery object, selecting its elements by subscription will return the corresponding dom element.
$('#foo')[0] // is equivalent to document.getElementById('foo');
You need to add an index to the jQuery object to get the native Javascript object. Change:
$('.nav_flag').src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif";
$('.nav_flag')[0].src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif";
To get elements by class name in Javascript you can use:
document.getElementsByClassName( 'nav_flag' )[0].src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif";
To answer your question, you could use .toArray() to convert the jQuery object into an array of standard DOM elements. Then either get the first element or loop through the array to set all the elements with the class.
However, you could do this easier with pure jquery with attr or prop depending on the version:
$('.nav_flag').attr("src", "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif");
Or use pure javascript:
if (navFlagElements = document.getElementsByClassName("nav_flag") && navFlagElements.length > 0) {
navFlagElements[0].src = "images/flags/"+userCountryLower+".gif"

how to concatenate two getElementsBy

I have a snippet of code like this:
var profileLinks = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i<searchResult.length; ++i)
var profileLink=searchResult[i].getElementsByTagName("a");
alert(i+1+" of "+searchResult.length+" "+profileLinks[i]);
It seems like I should be able to make it more concise by using this:
//alternate construction (why doesn't this work?)
var searchResult = document.getElementsByClassName("f_foto").getElementsByTagName("a");
What's wrong here?
Use querySelectorAll() instead:
var searchResult = document.querySelectorAll(".f_foto a");
IE 8 supports querySelectorAll() but not getElementsByClassName(), so this should give you better compatibility too.
For full compatibility, stick to your original code or use a library like jQuery.
returns a selection, therefore you cannot chain functions to it. You need to specify an element directly not a whole selection, for example this would work correctly.
Because document.getElementsByClassName("f_foto")[0] points to an object and not to a selection of objects.
This is why we have libraries - or even modern browsers. You are looking for the css selector $('.f_foto a') in jQuery, or $$('.f_foto a') in Prototoype/Chrome
You call getElementsByTagName on a node, not an array, which is what is returned by getElementsByClassName.
I believe that getElementsByTagName can only be applied to an element node, but the result of getElementsByClassName is surely going to be a list of nodes. You'll either have to pick one ([0]?) or iterate over the collection (make sure it's not empty!).

