Replace the current content of div with another page response - javascript

Sample code:
<div id="content">
<input type="submit" onclick="loadAnotherPage()"/>
I want to load another page say edit_profile.php in the content div. How can it be achieved without refreshing the page?
I tried to use jQuery load() method. But looks like I missed something. Any help would be highly appreciated.

When you click submit button it's submit form and page refresh that's why its not working.
Instead of type submit set button and then set function onclick.
function loadAnotherPage(){

function() {

Try this
<script src=""></script>
<div id="content"></div>
<button id="loadpage">load new page</button>
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#loadpage").click(function() {
$.get("edit_profile.php", function(response){


Page redirect and load file into div

I have index.php in which I would like when the user clicks the button "Click" it to redirect to "newpage.php" but also for another page "Click.php" to be loaded into the div "content" within the newly loaded "newpage.php".
Similarly I would like for when "Click Also" is clicked for the user to be redirected to the same page "newpage.php" but a different page "ClickAlso.php" to be loaded into the same div "content".
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.clickme', function() {
$(document).on('click', '.clickmealso', function() {
<button class="clickme">Click</button>
<button class="clickmealso">Click Also</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {});
<div id="content">
Try this solution:
change your document ready event to redirect to newpage.php using url params. For this example I used a parameter named 'page'.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.clickme', function() {
window.location = ("newpage.php?page=click");
$(document).on('click', '.clickmealso', function() {
window.location = ("newpage.php?page=clickAlso");
Define what happens once the page is accessed. This is where things get a bit more interesting. Each time this page (newpage.php) loads, it looks for the parameter 'page' in the URL and extracts its value. The parameter's value is then assigned to a variable I called $pageToGet.
After that we check whether the value is equal to 'click' or 'clickAlso' and we display the content accordingly using require.
$pageToGet = $_GET['page'];
<script src=""></script>
<div id="content">
if ($pageToGet == 'click') {
} elseif($pageToGet == 'clickAlso') {
Be sure to have your files: Click.php and ClickAlso.php in the same directory for this to work.
Good Luck

JQuery trigger click event not working

I'm having trouble getting the following to work:
When I run it, it doesn't trigger a click but it doesn't show any error logs in the console either.
I've also tried the following with no luck:
Any ideas as to what could be going wrong or a solution for this?
Update: Jquery is working and when I inspect the element, #elem does appear (it's an id for a button)
<a:button id="elem">My Button</Button>
P.when('A', 'jQuery').execute(function (A, $) {
//when this function is called, it should trigger a button click
triggerButtonClick = function() {
Try it in document.ready function, then all dom loads when the document is ready.You can do something like this based on your requirement.
$( document ).ready(function() {
i have tried this code and it works
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""> </script>
<script src=""></script>
<form action="sample.php">
<button id="chk1">click</button>
<input class="form-control" type="submit" id="usr">
this code works for me:
$(window).load(function() {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#elem').click(function () {
$(this).css('color', 'red');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="elem" >test</div>

Redirecting using JS file instead of HTML event handler?

So currently I want to have my javascript in an attached JS file instead of using the 'OnClick' function attached to HTML objects. So far I've got:
<h1 id = '5' class = ''>6</h1>
<button id = '7' class = ''>8</button>
<script src = 'js/9.js'></script>
But unfortunately, I can't quite get the redirect going from clicking the button. It should have this source
document.getElementById('7').onclick = function () {
and then redirecting to a different page. Any tips on how I can improve this?
Please use strings as ID. I know you can now use numbers but it is not recommended
Use the load event handler
You MAY be submitting the page to itself when not giving the button a type so return false or preventDefault
what's with the spacing around = in the attributes? Not necessary nor recommended.
Like this
<script src="js/9.js"></script>
<h1 id="five" class="">6</h1>
<button id="seven" class="">8</button>
where js file has
window.onload=function() {
document.getElementById("seven").onclick = function () {
location.replace("page2.html"); // or just location="page2.html";
return false;
Using jQuery it would be
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/9.js"></script>
<h1 id="five" class="">6</h1>
<button id="seven" class="">8</button>
where js file has
$(function() {
$("#seven").on("click",function (e) {
location.replace("page2.html"); // or just location="page2.html";
LASTLY you do not need script at all:
<form action="page2.html">
<button type="submit" id="seven" class="">8</button>

Simple button to close layer div using css javascript

I Just can't find the answer to this.
I have a div in my webpage, above on a different layer. I simply want to have a button or tag inside this div which will hide it. I have tried:
<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById("corporate_background").setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
<div id="corporate_background">
Could someone please show me where I have gone wrong.
Do this:
<script language="javascript">
function myFunction()
document.getElementById("corporate_background").setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
<div id="corporate_background">
This is just because you didn't define myFunction() as a function .
Next time, open your debugger with F12, and see what it is saying... !
You missed out declaring your function at the beginning
document.getElementById("corporate_background").setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
You should declare using the keyword function.
function myFunction()
document.getElementById("corporate_background").setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
You should probably use an event listener on your anchor also instead of using inline javascript. No harm just best practice.
Try this:
<script language="javascript">
function myFunction()
<div id="corporate_background">
I think what you wanna do is hide the content, so you can hide content like this,
Make the button ;
<button id="btn" name="button">Hide content</button>
By clicking the button it wil hide the div corporate_background
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#btn').click(function () {

Mouseover changes text inside separate DIV

Is it possible to change the text inside a separate div from a mouseover over a separate link? Would anyone know where to direct me or show me an example?
It takes a simple javascript to do this
function changeContent()
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML='New Content';
<div id="myDiv">
Old Content
Change Div Content
Here an small example with jquery:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function () {
$(".change").text("MOUSE HOVER");
function () {
$(".change").text("DIV TO CHANGE");
<div class="pass">PASS YOUR MOUSE OVER HERE</div>
<div class="change">DIV TO CHANGE</div>
You could use a Javascript library like JQuery
for example:
$('#youranchorid').mouseover(function() {
$('#yourdivid').html("Your new text");
check the API

