How do I insert HTML into Mongodb? - javascript

I keep getting kicked out of the shell when I try to paste in an HTML text file. How can this be done? Do I first need to use some javascript to encode it or something?
db.test.insert({x:"<div id='product-description'><p>Who hasn’t wished for a mini-Roomba to handle the arduous task of cleaning their iPhone screen? Now your dreams have come true!</p> <p>See the Takara web page for a <a href='' title='automee s' target='_blank'>demo video.</a></p>
<p><strong>Colors: </strong> White, Red, Orange and Blue<br>
Runs on a single AA battery.</p>
<p>1,575 yen</p><!-- end #product-description --></div>"})
I put only single quotes inside my html and wrapped the whole thing in double-quotes, but still no good. shell error:
> j = ({z:"<div id='product-description'><p>Who hasn
Unicode text could not be correctly displayed.
Please change your console font to a Unicode font (e.g. Lucida Console).

You need to remove or encode the control characters in your string.
For example, paste your text in here, and encode to UTF-8 ECMAScript (which means javascript strings).
ps: here an article about strings in javascript. tells you what needs escaping.

rompetroll provided some good references to get started. I too found a good solution online which works fine:
But I think there is still some confusion regarding "displaying html back to browser from db". So, following are the steps which removes this confusion :
Step 1: Store html in mongodb
Mongo store everything in form of object. Basically convert your html into utf-8 or ASCII complied string and then store it to mongo.
<div>hi!</div> [from]
<div>hi!</div> [to UTF-8]
Step 2: Display html to browser
This is the step which is the source of confusion to some. People often forget to convert string back to html before displaying it to browser.
You have to decode your html using the same method you used for encoding.
<div>hi!</div> [output from mongo (decode it to html)]
<div>hi!</div> [browser output of above string]
(browser will read it as string and display as it is and not html(hi!) and hence needs to be decoded)
Link that I have provided have reference for both the steps.
Hope this will help
Cheers :)

Use compass, you don't need to encode. Studio3T editor also works, but you need a license.

To add html through MongoDB console, you need to escape your string.
Use this:
copy HTML
go to the link above, paste HTML click on "Escape"
copy the Escaped HTML
Insert HTML (e.g: db.Emails.updateMany({name: 'email/seller'}, {$set: {template: "<!DOCTYPE html\">\r\n<html lang=\"en\"> ..."}})


Angular Markdown Parsing "\n" Newline Characters Issue

I've created a blog where markdown is returned as a string from my backend, however when I return a string with the correct newline characters it does not behave as expected.
I am using ngx-markdown to handle parsing of markdown characters, and using the ngPreserveWhitespaces attribute to ensure this should be functioning as expected.
// Example #1 Returned String
"## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence"
// Output
<h2>This is a subheader\n This is a sentence</h2>
It displays it as a single line with the newline character physically rendered as text, as above.
However within any of my Angular components I can literally write this same string as a property on the component and return it, and it renders correctly like so:
// Example #2 Hard Coded String
public correct: string = "## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence";
// Output
<h2>This is a subheader</h2>
<p>This is a sentence</p>
As mentioned, the markdown parser I am using is implemented as such:
<markdown ngPreserveWhitespaces>{{content}}</markdown>
I have also attempted to do this by setting ngPreserveWhitespaces within the main/tsconfig files. However I do not believe this is what the issue is, as I can (natively in JS) console.log both my returned string (#1) and the hard coded string (#2) and even my damn logs display differently (with the latter formatting correctly and the former just stringifying the output).
I have attempted:
JSON stringify/parsing the data in multiple ways (as well as without)
I have attempted using regex to manually replace characters
I have attempted to just manually use <br />
I have tried everything outlined here regarding this markdown parser handling whitespace (which I do not believe is the issue)
Nothing appears to appease the newline gods.
Okay so I've found my solution to this, I am now storing my markdown string as such:
"## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence"
This difference here is the interface I'm storing this within (a Mongo db) puts the speechmarks around string values already, so it now actually looks like this:
""## This is a subheader\n This is a sentence""
Which is more a weird thing with MongoDB Compass than with what I was attempting.
From this, I am able to JSON.parse the value correctly (previously it was attempting to do so with a string that wasn't valid JSON as it wasn't enclosed in double speechmarks).
I am now handling this in an extension of a Property class I have for each of these called HtmlProperty which when instantiated, parses the value correctly.

How to assign large string to a variable without ILLEGAL Token error?

I need to assign a long string (4 pages worth of text) to a variable, so far I've been doing it like this
var myText = "[SOME] Text goes \
.. here ? and 'there' \
is more ( to \
come etc. !)";
slashes at the end need to be added to all of the text, and I can't imagine how long this will take to do manually. Also, I get ILLEGAL error for some reason I don't understand for the first line.
Therefore I wanted to find out the best way to handle this situation. I was looking into solutions of passing in a .txt file, but would rather do it as a really long string (this is not a production app). Also string shown in example is random, showing that there can be a lot of various characters in it that need to be accounted for.
You have to concatenate the string:
var t = ""
+"text line 1"
+"text line n"
But I would put the text in a text file and read it using xhr (on client) or io (on server).
You cannot have a multiline string definition in javascript but you have several options :
save your text in a file and read this file from your program
use the multiline npm module which propose a hack to use function comments as multiline string definitions
use ES6 multi-line template strings notation, which have multi-line support -
saving the text in a file would seem to me as the preferred option in your case since the text seem to be very long an potentially coming from an untrusted source. You do not want the pasted text to close the string and start doing innapropriate function calls.

HTML labels are displayed with ascii characters?

I have html file and it has some labels.when i usually get the values through request parameters appended to URL. when i display the values in an html they will be dispalyed with ASCII chars as below. am getting values with %20 from my URL itself. And am reading them in servlet and forward to some.jsp
But i want out put as:
Name=Hello how are you
Do i need to do anything in my html to render the value without ASCII ?
Use unescape():
Name = unescape("Hellow%20how%20are%20you"); // = "Hellow how are you"
Example fiddle
I see that you have servlet here , so you talk about java not javascript i guess.
Any way In java you got StringEscapeUtils from Commons Lang to escape/unescape.
In Javascript you escape through encodeURIComponent, but I think the Commons component I gave to you will satisfy your needs.
I solved it by putting :
URLDecoder.decode(request.getQueryString(), "UTF-8");

what kind of encoding is this?

I've got some data from dbpedia using jena and since jena's output is based on xml so there are some circumstances that xml characters need to be treated differently like following :
Guns n &#039; Roses
I just want to know what kind of econding is this?
I want decode/encode my input based on above encode(r) with the help of javascript and send it back to a servlet.
(edited post if you remove the space between & and amp you will get the correct character since in stackoverflow I couldn't find a way to do that I decided to put like that!)
Seems to be XML entity encoding, and a numeric character reference (decimal).
A numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal
Character Set/Unicode code point, and uses the format
You can get some info here: List of XML and HTML character entity references on Wikipedia.
Your character is number 39, being the apostrophe: ', which can also be referenced with a character entity reference: &apos;.
To decode this using Javascript, you could use for example php.js, which has an html_entity_decode() function (note that it depends on get_html_translation_table()).
UPDATE: in reply to your edit: Basically that is the same, the only difference is that it was encoded twice (possibly by mistake). & is the ampersand: &.
This is an SGML/HTML/XML numeric character entity reference.
In this case for an apostrophe '.

" changes to double quotation mark

My problem right now is that i have a piece of text in a function call inside an onClick.
I can swear that the double quotation mark is encoded to " but the whole thing just breaks down because it changes somehow back to a normal double quotation mark.
usShow("LCD TV 0-23" SONY");
I have to add that it is all built dynamically in JS.
Does JS changes encoded characters to their original form on the fly, or there is something I've never understood about coding?
usShow("LCD TV 0-23\" SONY");
Simple, huh? There's even another solution:
usShow('LCD TV 0-23" SONY');
How is that line of code generated? I know in ASP.Net there were (are?) certain output functions which (incorrectly) decode HTML encoded characters. If you're having trouble, try outputting the following instead:
usShow("LCD TV 0-23\" SONY");
That should be easier to output.

