Create only one instance of constructor function? - javascript

I have a part of plugin which uses private variables and exposes public method :
function myWorld()
var myPrivate=1;
this.do1=function (){alert(myPrivate);} ;
var a=new myWorld();
a.do1() //1
alert(a.myPrivate); //undefined (as it should be)
But I want to prevent doing this again : new myWorld();
The only option I know is with object literal :
var myWorld=
do1:function (){alert(this.myPrivate);}
alert(myWorld.myPrivate); //1 ( ouch....)
myWorld.do1() //1
How can encapsulate private fields and still prevent uses from myWorld to be instanced >1 times ?

Closures are a great tool to define the scope:
var myWorld= (function(){
var myPrivate = 1;
return {
do1:function (){alert(myPrivate);}
You might want to check out the free Learning JavaScript Design Patterns book

Try something along these lines:
var instanciated = false;
window.myWorld = function() {
if( instanciated) throw new Error("myWorld can only be instanciated once!");
instanciated = true;
var myPrivate = 1;
this.do1 = function(){alert(myPrivate);};

You can hide the private variable inside an IIFE:
var myWorld = (function() {
var myPrivate = 1;
return { ... };

var a = new function myWorld()
var myPrivate=1;
this.do1=function (){alert(myPrivate);} ;
This makes myWorld available only inside the function. If you don't event want it accessable there, then remove the name.

You could use a singleton pattern to maintain one instance of the object. Something like:
(function (global) {
var _inst;
global.myWorld = function () {
if (_inst) throw new Error("A myWorld instance already exists. Please use myWorld.getInstance()");
_inst = this;
global.myWorld.prototype = {
do1: function() {
global.myWorld.getInstance = function() {
if (_inst) return _inst;
return new myWorld();
var world = new myWorld();
var world2 = myWorld.getInstance();
console.log(world === world2); // true
var world3 = new myWorld(); // throws Error


Javascript prototype method "Cannot set property"

I'm always getting Cannot set property 'saySomething' of undefined but why?
Am I making a mistake somewhere?
var Person = new Object();
Person.prototype.saySomething = function ()
Debugging tip: You get this ..of undefined errors when you try to access some property of undefined.
When you do new Object(), it creates a new empty object which doesn't have a prototype property.
I am not sure what exactly are we trying to achieve here but you can access prototype of function and use it.
var Person = function() {};
Person.prototype.saySomething = function() {
var aperson = new Person();
The prototype property exists on functions, not on instantiated objects.
var Person = new Object();
console.log(Person.prototype); // undefined
var Person2 = function () {}
console.log(Person2.prototype); // {}
This is useful because things put on the prototype of a function will be shared by all object instances created with that function (by using new).
var Person = function() {};
Person.prototype.saySomething = function() {
new Person().saySomething === Person.prototype.saySomething // true. they are the same function
If all you want is to add a method to the person object, there's no need for a prototype:
var Person = {};
Person.saySomething = function() {
You can even use object literal syntax:
var Person = {
saySomething: function() {
i was trying out some code thought of posting it, might help others.
var MODULE = {};
MODULE = (function (my) {
my.anotherMethod = function () {
console.log("hello ");
my.newMethod = function(){
console.log("hi new method ");
return my;
And please not var MODULE ={}, if this is not initialized with {} then it give cannot set property.
I know i am late to the party but as you see there is no satisfying answer available to the question so i am providing my own.
In your case when you write
var Person = new Object();
you are creating an instance of Object type.
You can add a property using prototype property to the Object, not to the instance of Object.which you can use by the instance laterly.
so you can define like
Object.prototype.saySomething = function ()
now you can call it like this.
You can check here.
var Person = function(name) {
this.canTalk = true; = name;
Person.prototype.greet = function() {
if (this.canTalk) {
console.log('Hi, I am ' +;
bob = new Person('bob');

How to control if an object should not be created in Javascript

What is the best way to control if an object should not be created in Javascript? I have been searching, and it seems that the only way to not returning this, is returning an object. This does not work:
var Example = function( params ) {
return null;
var foo = new Example(); // foo is not null
I donĀ“t want foo to be instanceOf Example.
Thanks, best regards.
Basically you're creating an object using your function as a constructor but the return value from a constructor is ignored.
What you can do is make a factory function like so
Example = function()
this.Value = 10;
Example.Create = function(params ) {
return null;
return new Example();
var result = Example.Create();
jsFiddle here :
Or you can add a bool value to your function and then check that after you have created your object
var Example = function( params ) {
this.isValid = true;
this.isValid = false;;
var example = new Example();
if(!example.isValid){ example = null; }

How to eliminate code repetition between different View Model modules?

My JS is organized into viewmodels and services. The services are mostly concerned with AJAX calls, whereas my viewModels describe the view that they're used in.
I have two view models now - StoreViewModel, and MyStoreViewModel. In each of these, I have the following:
function MyStoreVm(model) {
var self = this;
self.doThis = function(){
// do stuff
function StoreVm(model) {
var self = this;
self.doThis = function(){
// do stuff
I come from a C# background - normally I would just use inheritance in this kind of situation. How can I eliminate this code repetition between two distinct modules / viewmodels, by having them inherit from a third, shared module?
More details: These are being used in an MVC view where I have knockout bindings depending on whether or not the store is MyStore:
#if (!Model.IsMyStore) {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(ko.applyBindings(new StoreVm(#Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() })))));
} else if (Model.IsMyStore) {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(ko.applyBindings(new MyStoreVm(#Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }).Sanitize()))));
I looked into some of the suggestions below, but none seemed clean and simple enough for my novice skills. I tried the following which seems to work:
function BaseStore(model){
self.doThis = function(){
// do stuff
// and a whole lot of other shared code
function StoreVm(model) {
var storeVm = new BaseStoreVm(model)
var self = storeVm;
self.isolatedFunctionForGenericStores = function(){stuff}
// other stuff for only this type
return storeVm;
function MyStoreVm(model) {
var myStoreVm = new BaseStoreVm(model)
var self = myStoreVm;
self.isolatedFunctionForMyStore = function(){stuff}
// other stuff for only this type
return myStoreVm;
Is there anything wrong with this approach?
If you have two child types that need to inherit from the same parent, you can do:
function Parent( foo ) { = foo;
Parent.prototype.method = function() {
console.log( );
function Child1() { this, "bar" );
Child1.prototype = Object.create( Parent.prototype );
Child1.prototype.constructor = Child1;
function Child2() { this, "qux" );
Child2.prototype = Object.create( Parent.prototype );
Child2.prototype.constructor = Child2;
var parent = new Parent("blah");
var child1 = new Child1();
var child2 = new Child2();
parent.method(); // => "blah"
child1.method(); // => "bar"
child2.method(); // => "qux"
First you should understand how JavaScript implement inheritance. JavaScript is a prototype-based language which contains no class statement, such as is found in C#. Instead, it uses functions as classes(no classes, just objects).
So what we have here is objects inherit from other objects (now you might need to get some coffee).
So then JavaScript does not give you the full power of inheritance and polymorphism you get in C#.
If you want to know ways to implement inheritance in JS:
SO: Performing inheritance in JavaScript
My Blog: Javascript Inheritance techniques
Back to your question, i think you may need to implement The Factory Pattern. So your js code could be like that:
function MyStoreVm(model) {
var self = this;
self.doThis = function() {
// do stuff
function StoreVm(model) {
var self = this;
self.doThis = function() {
// do stuff
// Define factory object that create your proper store object
// StoreFactory takes the model as input.
// You can change it to accept seconf parameter that define class type
function StoreFactory() {
this.classType == "MyStoreVm"; // default value
this.createStore = function(model) {
if (model.IsMyStore === true)
this.classType = MyStoreVm;
this.classType = StoreVm;
return new this.classType(model);
Then in your MVC view:
$(document).ready(function() {
var mystoreFactory = new StoreFactory();
ko.applyBindings(mystoreFactory.createStore((#Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
Check out Klass.js. While this is basically the same as creating your own prototypes and inheritance methods, it's nice to use. It's also AMD aware.
// base class
var Store = klass(function() {
var self = this;
// add properties here
doThis: function () {
// do this
doThat: function () {
// do that
return Store;
// create the first constructor
var myStoreVm = Store.extend(function () {
// super class is called
doThis: function(){
this.supr(); // call Store.doThis
// some other code
return myStoreVm;
// create the second constructor
var storeVm = Store.extend(function () {
// super class is called
doThis: function(){
// override Store.doThis with my own code
return storeVm;

Javascript module pattern, nested functions, and sub modules

I am trying to wrap my head around javascript modules, but I'm unsure how to split up a module into further sub modules. I have read that nested functions are not really a great idea, due to performance, so how do I break up a function in a module? For example, lets say I have the following module:
var Editor = {}; = (function () {
var x = 100;
return {
bigFunction: function () {
// This is where I need to define a couple smaller functions
// should I create a new module for bigFunction? If so, should it be nested in somehow?
bigFunction is only related to Should I attach the smaller functions that make up bigFunction to the prototype bigFunction object? I'm not even sure if that would make sense.
var Editor = {}; = (function () {
var x = 100;
return {
bigFunction: function () {
bigFunction.prototype.smallFunction = function(){ /*do something */ };
// not sure if this even makes sense
Can someone please throw me in the right direction here? There is so much misleading information online, and would just like a definite guide on how to deal with this sort of modularization.
Thank you.
Here is a snippet I use to make names for an input:
var dynamicCounter = 0;
//custom dropdown names
var createContainerNames = function () {
function Names() { = "Tasks_" + dynamicCounter + "__ContainerId"; = "Tasks[" + dynamicCounter + "].ContainerId";
this.parent = "task" + dynamicCounter + "Container";
Names.prototype = { constructor: Names };
return function () { return new Names(); };
} ();
And then I use it:
var createdNames = createContainerNames();
var createdId =;
var differentNames = createContainerNames();
var differentId =;
Another approach would be to do this:
var NameModule = function(){
//"private" namemodule variables
var priv1 = "Hello";
//"private namemodule methods
function privMethod1(){
//TODO: implement
//"public namemodule variables
var pub1 = "Welcome";
//"public" namemodule methods
function PubMethod(){
//TODO: pub
return {
pub1 : pub1,
PubMethod: PubMethod
and then to use it
var myPubMethod = new NameModule();
var pubVar = myPubMethod.pub1;
You could also take this approach:
var mod = function(){
this.modArray = [];
mod.prototype = {
//private variables
modId: null,
//public method
AddToArray: function (obj) {

Is it possible to append functions to a JS class that have access to the class's private variables?

I have an existing class I need to convert so I can append functions like my_class.prototype.my_funcs.afucntion = function(){ alert(private_var);} after the main object definition. What's the best/easiest method for converting an existing class to use this method? Currently I have a JavaScript object constructed like this:
var my_class = function (){
var private_var = '';
var private_int = 0
var private_var2 = '';
var private_func1 = function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var private_func2 = function(id) {
public_func1: function(){
my_funcs: {
do_this: function{
do_that: function(){
Unfortunately, currently, I need to dynamically add functions and methods to this object with PHP based on user selected settings, there could be no functions added or 50. This is making adding features very complicated because to add a my_class.my_funcs.afunction(); function, I have to add a PHP call inside the JS file so it can access the private variables, and it just makes everything so messy.
I want to be able to use the prototype method so I can clean out all of the PHP calls inside the main JS file.
Try declaring your "Class" like this:
var MyClass = function () {
// Private variables and functions
var privateVar = '',
privateNum = 0,
privateVar2 = '',
privateFn = function (arg) {
return arg + privateNum;
// Public variables and functions
this.publicVar = '';
this.publicNum = 0;
this.publicVar2 = '';
this.publicFn = function () {
return 'foo';
this.publicObject = {
'property': 'value',
'fn': function () {
return 'bar';
You can augment this object by adding properties to its prototype (but they won't be accessible unless you create an instance of this class)
MyClass.prototype.aFunction = function (arg1, arg2) {
return arg1 + arg2 + this.publicNum;
// Has access to public members of the current instance
Edit: Make sure you create an instance of MyClass or nothing will work properly.
// Correct
var instance = new MyClass();
instance.publicFn(); //-> 'foo'
// Incorrect
MyClass.publicFn(); //-> TypeError
Okay, so the way you're constructing a class is different than what I usually do, but I was able to get the below working:
var my_class = function() {
var fn = function() {
this.do_this = function() { alert("do this"); }
this.do_that = function() { alert("do that"); }
return {
public_func1: function() { alert("public func1"); },
fn: fn,
my_funcs: new fn()
var instance = new my_class();
instance.fn.prototype.do_something_else = function() {
alert("doing something else");
As to what's happening [Edited]:
I changed your my_funcs object to a private method 'fn'
I passed a reference to it to a similar name 'fn' in the return object instance so that you can prototype it.
I made my_funcs an instance of the private member fn so that it will be able to execute all of the fn methods
Hope it helps, - Kevin
Maybe I'm missing what it is you're trying to do, but can't you just assign the prototype to the instance once you create it? So, first create your prototype object:
proto = function(){
var proto_func = function() {
return 'new proto func';
return {proto_func: proto_func};
Then use it:
instance = new my_class();
instance.prototype = proto;

