Memory leaks when using AJAX JSON call - javascript

In my javascript application I have big memory leak when making AJAX call to retrieve JSON object. Code is really simple:
function getNewMessage()
new_message = []; // this is global variable
var input_for_ball = [];
var sum;
var i;
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url + "/random_ball.json", false);
http.onreadystatechange = function()
if(http.readyState === 4 && http.status === 200)
var responseTxt = http.responseText;
input_for_ball = JSON.parse('[' + responseTxt + ']');
new_message = input_for_ball;
This is called every 1 milisecond and as you see, its synchronous call. This function costs me 1MB every 1 second.
When I use instead of AJAX just assigning to variable like:
input_for_ball = JSON.parse('[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]');
then its everything perfect. So error must be in my implementation of AJAX call. This happened when I use jQuery AJAX call too.
UPDATE 12/03/2013
As Tom van der Woerdt mentioned below, this really was intended behavior. So as Matt B. suggested, I have rewrote some code to make asynchronous calls possible and it helped a lot. Now my application memory consuming is stable and small.

I don't think it's the AJAX call, but the closure which is costing you memory. Your onreadystatechange function references the http object (so a reference to this will be kept with the anonymous function).
I think your code matches the pattern in example 1 in this link
If you've not come across closures in javascript before, they're well worth reading up on - understanding them explains a lot of behaviour which doesn't seem to make sense at first glance.


AJAX onreadystatechange function not always called

I have a AJAX call to retrieve some XML using the below method. Often when I run the code it does not enter the onreadystatechange function until the last iterations of my foreach loop. I'm assuming this is because the calls to "" + arrayValue are taking enough time that before the state is updated to "Ready" and then the next request beings. The method probably only runs for the last iteration of the loop because there is no other request to override it and thus has time to become "Ready". From what I've seen online you can't really do a tradition Wait() statement in javascipt or AJAX to give the calls time to complete. So how can I overcome this issue?
var getXML = new XMLHttpRequest();
myArray.forEach((arrayValue, index) => {"GET", "" + arrayValue, true);
getXML.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
getXML.setRequestHeader('Authorization', "Basic " + btoa(":something"));
getXML.onreadystatechange = function () {
if(this.readyState == this.DONE) {
Console.Log("We made it in!");
The problem here is that you are trying to use the same XMLHttpRequest object for multiple requests.
Don't do that. Create a new, clean instance of XMLHttpRequest for each request.
myArray.forEach((arrayValue, index) => {
var getXML = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "" + arrayValue, true);

XMLHttprequest.send(null) is crashing my code

I'm currently writing a search function using JavaScript.
However, when I attempt to test my creation, I find that it stops about halfway through for no discernible reason.
Below is my code:
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = "";
var Connect = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "xmlTest.xml", false);
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = "1";
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = "2";
var docX = Connect.responseXML;
var linjer = docX.getElementsByTagName("linjer");
The first line is there to clear a potential error message from earlier in the code. Then I attempt to open up an XML file, as I need to read from it.
As you can see, I've entered two debug statements there; they will print 1 or 2 depending on how far I get in the code.
Using this, I've found that it stops exactly on the Connect.send(null); statement (as 1 gets printed, but 2 never does), but I can't figure out why. Google says that it might be that chrome can't access local files, but when I found a way to allow Chrome to do this, it still did not work.
What am I doing wrong?
This might be a synchronous issue that requires a response that your code simply is not getting.
Try using an async call instead:"GET", "xmlTest.xml", true);
Also make sure to setup proper callbacks since you'll be using async here now instead of synchronous code, like so:
// Global variable scope
var docX;
var linjer;
// Define your get function
getDoc = function(url, cbFunc) {
var Connect = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Perform actions after request is sent
// You'll insert your callback here
Connect.onreadystatechange = function() {
// 4 means request finished and response is ready
if ( Connect.readyState == 4 ) {
// Here is where you do the callback
// 'true' param means async, it is also the default'GET', url, true);
// Define your callback function
callbackFunction = function(responseXML) {
// XML file can now be stored in the global variable
window.docX = responseXML;
window.linjer = window.docX.getElementsByTagName("linjer");
// And here is the call you make to do this
getDoc("xmlTest.xml", callbackFunction);
For better understanding of all of this, do some research on scope, closures, callbacks, and async.

How to store variable within javascript to limit number of http calls?

I am using a second party file downloader which returns a progress event. I can capture the event and call a program on the server to perform an update (for security purposes so I can tell the most recent activity).
I get about 30 events per second all at percent downloaded 1%, then 30 more at 2%, then 30 more at 3%, etc. I would like to limit my http calls to only once per percentage change, 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. I would put a hidden field on the page and compare that and update it, but I cannot refresh the page since the download is in progress.
Is there a way to use some type of client side storage within javascript or jquery for this?
In other words, I need to be able to tell when the PercentCurrent value changes from 1 to 2, etc.
My javascript function looks like this:
function onProgress(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
var xmlhttp;
//The handler will update the file progress
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!xmlhttp) {
throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.";
var data = "";"POST", "UpdateProgress.aspx?PercentCurrent=" + PercentCurrent, true);
//Send the proper header information along with the request
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
//xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
Thank you,
JavaScript does indeed have variables, you just need to store one in a scope that's accessible to your onProgress code. You may just be able to use a var in the same place onProgress is declared, but a simple and JavaScripty way to make that variable "private" is to use a closure:
var onProgress = (function(){
var lastSend = 0;
return function(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
if (Math.floor(PercentCurrent) > lastSend) {
lastSend = PercentCurrent;
var xmlhttp…
This'll look a little confusing if you haven't worked with JavaScript much. Here's what's going on:
I create a variable called onProgress
I create and immediately run an anonymous (unnamed) function, like this: (function(){ … })()
This function defines a local variable, lastSend, and returns the real onProgress function.
Whenever a function is called in JavaScript, it has access to the scope in which it was created. So, whenever onProgress() is called, it'll have access to the lastSend variable, and can check that progress is has moved past the next whole percent.
Of course, this is a bit ugly, and it can only be used once on a page (since there's only one closure with one lastSend variable. Instead of assigning it to a name, you might pass it directly into the function which calls it, anonymously (see below). Then, a new copy of the function, with a new closure, gets created when you hit downloadFile.
Your original question is tagged jquery. If you are indeed using jQuery on the page, you can simplify the posting of data significantly (down to one line) and make it more compatible, with
$.post("UpdateProgress.aspx", { PercentCurrent: PercentCurrent });
(This would replace all the XMLHTTPRequest-related code in onProgress.)
So, using a closure and might look like this:
// Not sure what your second-party file downloader looks like
var lastSend = 0;
return function(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
if (Math.floor(PercentCurrent) > lastSend) {
lastSend = PercentCurrent;
$.post("UpdateProgress.aspx", { PercentCurrent: PercentCurrent });
Have a look at jQuery's .data(). It allows you to store data and attach it to a particular DOM element like so:
$('body').data('foo', 52);
$('body').data('foo'); // 52
I am not sure to understand your problem. Is the page continously reloaded? If it is not all that you need to do is:
var lastPercent = null; // you need to initialize this when it all starts again.
function onProgress(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
var xmlhttp;
if (lastPercent == PercentCurrent)
return; //Does nothing if no change occurred.
lastPercent = PercentCurrent;
//The handler will update the file progress
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!xmlhttp) {
throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.";
var data = "";"POST", "UpdateProgress.aspx?PercentCurrent=" + PercentCurrent, true);
//Send the proper header information along with the request
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
//xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

onreadystatechange in a loop, readystate changes too late

I issue in a loop a total of eight xmlhttprequests to a Google map server and process the json objects the server returns to retrieve the zip codes. The code works fine if the xmlhttprequests are synchronous. Since I'm supposed to use asynchronous requests, I'm trying to convert the code to asynchronous. It doesn't work.
I use two alerts to monitor myZip. When the code is run, the second alert, right above the return, runs eight times and shows myZip as null or undefined and that is what is returned. Then the first alert runs eight times and gives the desired zip code, too late, unfortunately. It seems to me the readystate doesn't change until too late.
How should I modify the code so it will return the zip code, not null? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
var url = ""+address+city+state+"&sensor=false";"GET", url,true);
var myZip;
req.onreadystatechange = function()
if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
var myObj = eval( '(' + data + ')' );
for(i=0; i <myObj.results[0].address_components.length; i++){
alert('zip is '+myZip);
alert("Error: returned status code "+req.status+" "+req.statusText);
return myZip;
You should either use a callback instead of return statement, or you should run this as Stratified JavaScript:
Then you can write it in a synchronous fashion, like you kind of did, even though it will NOT block your browser.
I guess you use the same object(req) a couple of times and will be overwritten on each loop.
So use separate objects for every requests or start a new request if the last one is finished.
How exactly you can do this I cannot say without knowing what req is.

Consecutive Ajax requests without jQuery/ JS library

I have an issue, mainly with IE.
I need to be able to handle n queries one after another. But If I simply call my function below in a for loop IE does some strange things (like loading only so many of the calls).
If I use an alert box it proves that the function gets all of the calls, and surprisingly IT WORKS!
My guess is that IE needs more time than other browsers, and the alert box does just that.
Here is my code:
var Ajax = function(all) {
this.xhr = new XMLHTTPREQUEST(); // Function returns xhr object/ activeX
this.uri = function(queries) { // Takes an object and formats query string
var qs = "", i = 0, len = size(queries);
for (value in queries) {
qs += value + "=" + queries[value];
if (++i <= len) { qs += "&"; }
return qs;
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // called when content is ready
if (this.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status === 200) {
all.success(this.responseText, all.params);
}; = function() { // POST"POST", all.where, true);
this.get = function() { // GET"GET", all.where + "?" + uri(all.queries), true);
if (this instanceof Ajax) {
return this.Ajax;
} else {
return new Ajax(all);
This function works perfectly for a single request, but how can I get it to work when called so many times within a loop?
I think the problem might be related to the 2 concurrent connections limit that most web browsers implement.
It looks like the latency of your web service to respond is making your AJAX requests overlap, which in turn is exceeding the 2 concurrent connections limit.
You may want to check out these articles regarding this limitation:
The Dreaded 2 Connection Limit
The Two HTTP Connection Limit Issue
Circumventing browser connection limits for fun and profit
This limit is also suggested in the HTTP spec: section 8.14 last paragraph, which is probably the main reason why most browsers impose it.
To work around this problem, you may want to consider the option of relaunching your AJAX request ONLY after a successful response from the previous AJAX call. This will prevent the overlap from happening. Consider the following example:
function autoUpdate () {
var ajaxConnection = new;
method: 'GET',
url: '/web-service/',
success: function (response) {
// Add your logic here for a successful AJAX response.
// ...
// ...
// Relaunch the autoUpdate() function in 100ms. (Could be less or more)
setTimeout(autoUpdate, 100);
This example uses ExtJS, but you could very easily use just XMLHttpRequest.
Given that the limit to a single domain is 2 concurrent connections in most browsers, it doesn't confer any speed advantage launching more than 2 concurrent requests. Launch 2 requests, and dequeue and launch another each time one completes.
I'd suggest throttling your requests so you only have a few (4?) outstanding at any given time. You're probably seeing the result of multiple requests being queued and timing out before your code can handle them all. Just a gess though. We have an ajax library that has built-in throttling and queues the requests so we only have 4 outstanding at any one time and don't see any problems. We routinely q lots per page.
Your code looks like it's put together using the constructor pattern. Are you invoking it with the new operator like var foo = new Ajax(...) in your calling code? Or are you just calling it directly like var foo = Ajax(...) ?
If the latter, you're likely overwriting state on your later calls. It looks like it's designed to be called to create an object, on which the get/post methods are called. This could be your problem if you're "calling it within a loop" as you say.

