Regex replacement with prompting/callback UI - javascript

I'm trying to write a function that takes a long string of text, identifies place holders within the text, and prompts the user to supply a value that should take the place of the placeholder. The markup for the placeholders looks similar to markdown used for images or links:
some text, some more text, ?[name][description] more text, not just commas
Where name and description are arbitrary runs of text. When I've found these placeholders, I want to pop up a nicely formatted dialog, using the names and descriptions, and have the user supply a replacement value.
I already have a nice function (called htmlPrompt) available where you hand it a piece of HTML (for the main part of the prompt), has a text box, and then calls a callback function you've supplied with the result (or null if Cancel is pressed), with the following signature:
function (htmlText, inputStartValue, callback)
Before plugging in this function, I wrote the rough and ready:
myText = myText.replace(/(\?\[(.+)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.+)\])/g,
function (wholematch, m1, m2, m3) {
var repValue = prompt(m2);
if (repValue == null)
return m1;
return repValue;
Which uses the DOM built-in prompt method - which doesn't really do an adequate job for me, when it comes to formatting.
However, I can't think of a way of plugging in htmlPrompt - it only simulates a modal dialog and provides the final result by calling callback.
I did think of trying to manually do the replacements, using the results from match rather than replace - but so far as I can see, the values returned by match are just strings - they don't give you anything useful (such as the location of the match within the overall text).
Or do you think I'm going about this completely wrong? The overall flow I want is:
Find each placeholder in the text
Prompt the user for a replacement, using both the name and description values
Replace the placeholder expressions in the text with the user supplied value.

For each of the name and description tupples:
First use match to read name and desription.
Prompt user.
Then use replace to replace those.


Creating custom spell checking for html

Is it possible to use some custom functions for spell checking in html inputs? For example I have an input where values are divided by spaces (or commas, doesn't matter) and a function which receives tokens from it. That function decides if token is spelled correctly (in my case there would be some regular expression) and returns true/false value and based on that some words would be underlined. In my head it looks something like this:
<input type="text" onCheck="checkToken">
function checkToken(token) {
const oneCrazyRegex = /[a-b]/;
return oneCrazyRegex.test(token);
Or taking whole input:
function spellCheckInput(line) {
// line is an array of tokens
return => checkToken(tok));
Is it possible to do with js/css/html or not?
P.S. onCheck is example only, I know that this attribute is not valid
Yeah you can use regex for cleaning up text but you have to remember that people can fabricate any kind of input they want since the checks would be happening client-side, and anyone can just pop open a console and send anything they want.

How to populate currency symbols in html 5 input element

I have the following html Input element:
<input size=6 type="text" id="prd_price" title="prd_price" name="prd_price" >
I want Currency Symbol ман for "Azerbaijani manat
" to be saved in the database. I would like to populate this as the symbol inside HTML Input element and perhaps concatenate with the price of a product. But when I populate the Input Element dynamically with the UTF-8 Code, it remains in the code form and does not become the Currency Symbol it is suppose to become.
Anyone knows what am I missing here...
The UTF-8 encoding can represent the complete Unicode catalogue (in fact, the letter U in the acronym comes from Unicode) so you don't need HTML entities in the first place. Such entities are only necessary if have characters that your current encoding cannot handle, which isn't the case here.
If you absolutely need to use those HTML entities (e.g., you consume a third-party data feed you cannot tweak) you need to realise that they only make sense in HTML context. A fairly common error in jQuery is to use .text() where you should really be using .html().
In this precise situation you have an <input> element so you cannot use either. Your only choice is .val(). However, since an <input> cannot contain HTML at all everything you feed .val() with will be eventually handled as plain text.
A little trick you can use is to create a detached node so you can use .html() to populate it with HTML and .text() to extract the plain text representation:
var $input = $("#prd_price");
// Original string "&#1084 ;&#1072 ;&#1085 ;" fixed:
var symbols = "ман"
var plainText = $("<span></span>").html(symbols).text()
... will render as:
First of all I got the UTF-8 Code for Azerbaijani manat ман which is able to be run in javascript from "". In this case it came up to be \u043C\u0430\u043D. Then I ran it up with the following code to get it display inside the input element using javascript:
var x = "\u043C\u0430\u043D";
var r = /\\u([\d\w]{4})/gi;
x = x.replace(r, function (match, grp) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(grp, 16)); } );
x = unescape(x);

creating custom - regular expression searchable - variables in Javascript

The scenario: I'm creating is a mini-editor and would like to have the option of highlighting text in it, and creating a custom variable out of the highlighted text.
So, selecting the text opens a new textbox below the text area - to the left of the new textbox is the text selected (this would be the key - e.g. "selected_text"), and in the right - in the textbox - will be the value. this key/value pair will all be stored as part of a js object, and brought up later - as part of the full text that's currently in the textarea - in a wizard style environment.
So, the first part I can do - grab the text, put it in a new div with a textbox, and save it in the js object. It's the regular expression search that comes in the wizard that I'm not sure of.
I was thinking of wrapping the key with carrots - something like ^^selected_text^^ - and then do a regex search for that. once I have the key, I can look it up in my object, and replace the text. i'm not sure how to do this with regular expressions...
Something like this:
this will be a ^^custom_variable^^ and so will ^^chocolate_cake^^
So, first question: is something like this possible?
Second question - is anyone aware of a plugin that's already written?
I'm trying to search for this using:
var hover_match = new Array();
hover_match = card_text.match(/\x01([^\x01]*)\x01//g);
card_text equals (for example) x01Replacex01 Me! x01dfdx01 which should return two results, and store them into hover_match. but.. hover_match is coming back null, which is what match brings back if it can't find anything...
did I misunderstand the comment and how to use x01?

text nodeValue containing HTML entity

I'm creating a real time HTML editor that loads after a DOM has been rendered, and builds the source by looping through all nodes. I've noticed that when I try to read nodeValue of a text node containing an HTML entity, I always get the rendered unicode value of that entity.
How can I read a rendered text node, and keep the HTML entity code? (using vanilla JS)
<div id="test">copyright ©</div>
var test = document.getElementById('test');
// expected: copyright ©
// actual: copyright ©
Unfortunately you can't. The Text interface inherits from CharacterData, and both interfaces provide only DOMStrings as a return value, which contains Unicode characters.
Furthermore, the HTML5 parsing algorithm basically removes the entity entirely. This is defined in several sections of 8.2.4 Tokenization. Data state: describes that an ampersand puts the parser to the Character reference in data state Character reference in data state describes that the tokens followed by the ampersand should be consumed. If everything works fine, it will return the Unicode character tokens, not the entity! Tokenizing character references describes how one interprets &...; (basically do some things and if everything is OK, look it up in the table).
So by the time your parser has finished the entity is already gone and has been replaced by the Unicode symbols. This is not that surprising, since you can also just put the symbol © right into your HTML code if you want.
However, you can still undo that transformation: you need to take a copy of the table, and check for any character in your document whether it has a entry in it:
var entityTable = {
169: "©"
function reEntity(character){
var index = character.charCodeAt(0), name;
if( index < 127) // ignore ASCII symbols
return character;
if( entityTable[index] ) {
name = entityTable[index];
} else {
name = "#"+index;
return "&"+name+";"
This is quite a cumbersome task, but due to the parser's behaviour you probably have to do it. (Don't forget to check whether someone has already done that).

Interactive string manipulation via javascript

I have a webapp that must allow users to interactively manipulate strings (words, phrases and so on...)
given a foobar string, if the user clicks on b the string is split in two and a whitespace is added, resulting in foo bar.
I could put each single character inside a span element, but I fear this would be troublesome for long strings.
Any advice?
This version using jQuery (not necessary) should pretty much do what you need if I understood you correctly:
// Given a textarea with the content
var text = $('textarea').text().split('');
text.splice(this.selectionStart, 0, " ");
this.value = text.join('');
It's a very simple and not cross browser enabled example, but it should get you started.
Yes, it will be ok, but setup your event handler not on individual spans, but on the whole container and then see here:

