trigger change event except condition jquery - javascript

$('#query_txt').change(function() {
return window.location = $('#query_txt').data('url') + '/searches?query=' + $('#query_txt').val();
This event is triggered when it's made a change on input field #query_txt
However I want execute this code unless a user click on this link:
I have tried with this version with coffeescript but is not working:
unless $(".select2-search-choice-close").click()
$('#query_txt').change ->
window.location = $('#query_txt').data('url') + '/searches?query=' + $('#query_txt').val()
How can I do it?
Thank you!

Make a condition flag true when you click it. Or unbind to change in the click handler for your link.

Try this
var buttonClicked = false;
$('#query_txt').change(function() {
window.location = $('#query_txt').data('url') + '/searches?query=' + $('#query_txt').val();
buttonClicked = true;
return false;

The fix to this question is in when click on close button and when click on suggestions text with select2.
Select2 returns an object in callback and it is possible check if it's added or removed there. Thank you to Eru.


window is not loading immediately after clicking a link

When I click an anchor link, the current page should be loaded again immediately:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="BackToFirst"
function popNav(type) {
if(type == "BackToFirst") {
$('.BackToFirst').click(function() {
document.location.href = window.location.href;
I expect that when a user clicks on the link, the current page will load immediately but it is taking some time to load.
It is unclear what you are trying to do.
show/hide is immediately undone when you reload the page
it is recommended to use location.reload(1) instead of setting the supposedly read-only document.location
you might want to use e.preventDefault instead of the javascript void
Are you absolutely sure this is not an X/Y problem? Can you explain the actual usecase?
var current = sessionStorage.getItem("which"); // does not run in a snippet
current = current ? current.split("|") : []
if (current.length) {
$("." + current[0]).show();
$("." + current[1]).hide();
$(".BackToFirst").on("click", function(e) {
sessionStorage.setItem("which", "first|second")
setTimeout(function() {
location.reload(1); // are you absolutely sure this is not an X/Y problem?
}, 500); //let the show/hide sink in
Your Click handler is only assigning a new click handler to the link, try this which just directly navigates:
function popNav(type){
document.location.href = window.location.href;
I think that you got two concepts mixed up, the above code attaches a DOM event to the link directly on it, the other way would be to use JQuery to attach an event to that button like so:
document.location.href = window.location.href;
If you still want to check the type then data attributes are a nice way to go when working with JQuery:
if($(this).data('linktype') == 'BackToFirst'){
document.location.href = window.location.href;
I think you are overcomplicating your code. You are binding onClick after you click on the element. I think something like this should be better.
function onClickHandler(type){
if(type !== 'BackToFirst') {

Kendo toolbar button not firing click event after being enabled

This is my logic, here I am trying to disable the save changes button and prevent click event on it if the user enters a duplicate value and enable it again if the user changes the values but after enabling it the update / save event does not occur am I doing something wrong? This is my code
function OnChange(data) {
.attr("role", "button")
.click(function () {
return true;
//console.log("data", data.items["0"].ProviderTypeName);
var name = data.items["0"].ProviderTypeName;
var Id = data.items["0"].Id;
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
//console.log("Grid ", grid);
function () {
$(this).css('background', 'white');
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(this);
if (dataItem.ProviderTypeName == name && dataItem.Id != Id) {
$(this).css('background', 'red');
.click(function () {
return false;
This is where is call the on change event
.Events(events => events.RequestStart("OnRequestStart").Change("OnChange").RequestEnd("OnRequestEnd").Error("onError"))
If I remove the "return false;" it is working as expected but this allows duplicated values to be saved. So I have used this.
If I understand correctly in your code you do exactly what you mention as a problem. At every change you disable the save functionality with the return false. You don't enable it again at any point.
If you add an event handler to the button then you have to undo it at a later point. Since though I don't believe that the validation should occur at the change event but at the button click I would suggest to use the grid Save event where you could iterate of your grid (much better) do your check and if anything happens return false.
One other way to go since you probably want the css effect with the background is to keep your code and discard the click event. Just set a flag that you could use in the save event. Something like this:
if(// your control){
$(this).css('background', 'red');
duplicatedValue = true;
duplicatedValue = false;
And in the save event
function onSave(){
return false;

setting location.href does not work from a <a> click

This is code I took over from a colleague who left:
<input type="text" class="value" placeholder="0"></span><br>
Act Now
//window.location.href = window.location.origin + $(this).attr('url') + '?r=' + parseInt($('.value').val());
return true;
return false;
When I click on the link, I never get redirected to Originally what I want is to execute the commented code, but setting to debug, I think to realize that my redirection is being ignored, and instead the original href from the is used!
How can I set window.location.href when a link has been clicked, adding a GET parameter?
return true; tells the browser to do the link's default action. So, the browser is following the link instead of running window.location.
Remove both the return statements, and instead add e.preventDefault();
if(parseInt($('.value').val(), 10) > 0){
window.location.href = window.location.origin + $(this).attr('url') + '?r=' + parseInt($('.value').val(), 10);
P.S. You should add ,10 to parseInt to make sure the number is parsed as base 10.
Change reutrn true after window.location to return false;
//window.location.href = window.location.origin + $(this).attr('url') + '?r=' + parseInt($('.value').val());
return false;
return false;
Returning false on events such as click, submit and others prevent the default behavior of such event. Use return true only if you want to run a function and then let the event propagate to the other regular listeners such as following a link's href, continue normal form submission etc... This article is helpful for event bubbling basics:

How to have Jquery blur trigger on everything except hyperlinks/input buttons

I'm having a slight issue getting a jquery action to function ideally. Currently everything is working properly on a blur from a particular field, which is called "person_email". The issue is that if the end user does this, and decides to click a hyperlink for example on the rest of the page that jquery from the blur triggers, the user see's this briefly, and then continues to the corresponding link.
Ideally this would work that the blur would only trigger if a hyperlink was not clicked.
var $email = $("#person_email");
var $hint = $("#hint_edit");
$email.on('blur',function() {
$hint.hide; // Hide the hint
suggested: function(element, suggestion) {
// First error - Fill in/show entire hint element
var suggestion = "Did you mean: <span class='suggestion'>" +
"<span class='address'>" + "</span>" +
"<a href='#' class='domain'>" + suggestion.address +
"#" + suggestion.domain + "</a></span>?";
$hint.on('click', '.domain', function() {
// On click, fill in the field with the suggestion and remove the hint
$hint.fadeOut(200, function() {
return false;
I assume you want off
$("a").on("click",function() {

Why alert popup a few times after a click event?

On a page there are couple of Add buttons (li .plus).
When you click on a Add button and assume json.success is false, it will then popup via $.colorbox plugin
The popup pull the data from href:"/Handle/Postcode/?val" + Val
There is a submit button (#submitButton) from the popup, when I click on the submit button, it keep popup alert box a few times, I dont understand why that happen? how to fix it?
$("li .plus").click(function(event) {
var Val;
Val = $('#id').val()
$.getJSON(Address +"/Handle/Add", {
}, function(json) {
if (json.success == "false" && json.error == "NoArea") {
href:"/Handle/Postcode/?val" + Val
$("#submitButton").live('click', function() {
var PostCodeArea = $("#deliveryAreaPostcode").val();
//Why does it popup a few times?
if (json.success == "true") {
Thats an easy one, because you are using the .live() function to bind your click handler. If that code gets executed more than one time your binding happens more than one time.
You can either try to track the state of the binding and only apply it if it doesn't exist, or you can call your click function in the html with the onClick attr.
Edit: Just to clarify I meant something along the lines of -
<button id='submitButton' onclick="displayAreaCode();">Submit</button>
function displayAreaCode(){
var PostCodeArea = $("#deliveryAreaPostcode").val();

