Prototype of prototype function in Javascript - javascript

I know that it's possible to add to the prototype of a function such that
function main(){}
main.prototype.load = function()
and run the function called main.load.
Is it possible to make a prototype of a function within that prototype? In other words, can I do something like this:
main.prototype.get = function(){}
main.prototype.get.prototype.registration = function()
// load registration info
and call the function using main.get.registration();?
When I try to do this, I am given this error message in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (){} has no method 'registration'
EDIT: I am doing this after calling new main();. So I would be doing something like
var thisMain = new main();

I think you misunderstand prototypes a bit.
Given a function Foo, Foo.prototype is not the prototype of the Foo object. It is the prototype that will be assigned to objects created using new Foo(). For example:
// This is a constructor that creates objects whose prototype is Person.prototype
var Person = function(name) { = name;
Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
console.log("Hello, my name is " +;
var drew = new Person('Drew');
drew.sayHello(); // <-- Logs a message
drew.__proto__; // <-- Not part of the Javascript spec, but it some browsers this is a reference to Person.prototype
Your main.get.registration could be implemented without prototypes:
main = function() {/* do stuff*/}
main.get = function() {/* this is a getter function? */}
main.get.registration = function() {/* I don't know what this does */}
What kind of interface or API are you hoping to create? Does it involve creating objects using new?
UPDATE: Here's one of many possible ways to implement what you want:
main = function() {
// store a reference to this instance.
var self = this;
// Construct the get object. It doesn't need to be a function because it's never invoked
this.get = {};
this.get.registration = function() {
// Use self to refer to the specific instance of main you're interacting with.
retrieveRegistrationFor(self); // <-- pseudo-code
UPDATE 2: Here's how to construct the get object using a constructor, allowing you to use prototypes for everything. I've capitalized the names of your constructors, which is a best practice that helps to differentiate between normal functions/methods and constructors.
// Constructor for the get object. This is only ever invoked in Main's constructor.
Getter = function(mainInstance) {
this.self = mainInstance;
Getter.prototype.registration = function() {
retrieveRegistrationFor(this.self); // <-- pseudo-code
Main = function() {
// Construct the get object and attach it to this object.
this.get = new Getter(this);
As the other answers have pointed out, there are lots of ways to construct objects in Javascript. It all depends on the situation and your personal coding style.

I did get it to work with
But remember, as #the_system mentioned, that you can't use main.get directly; you have to go through the prototype to find the get function (and similarity with the registration function).

This is just my personal opinion, but I've always found the protypical inheritance model in JavaScript hard to grok. It's difficult to reason with when writing the code, and it's more difficult to reason with maintaining the code 6 months later.
However, what I think you're asking is really just this: "Can I write a class which inherits methods on its members from an anonymous class?" When you rephrase it this way, I think it becomes clear that there is uncertain value in the approach. The whole purpose of writing classes is to support simple abstraction and encapsulation while keeping composition tight.
It would be more straightforward to use a tradition Object, ala:
var main = {
get: {
registration: function() {
and main.get.registration() is simple as pie. If you can leverage Object.create() and Object.defineProperties() to do this, all the better.
If you absolutely have to use prototypical inheritance, I like the simple Function.prototype extension that Mr. Kistner proposes:
Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function(parentClassOrObject) {
if (parentClassOrObject.constructor === Function) {
//Normal Inheritance
this.prototype = new parentClassOrObject;
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClassOrObject.prototype;
} else {
//Pure Virtual Inheritance
this.prototype = parentClassOrObject;
this.prototype.constructor = this;
this.prototype.parent = parentClassOrObject;
return this;
This allows you to then compose classes and inheritance like so:
* Method to create a Class with optional inheritance.
* Generally, I oppose this semantic in JS:
* partly because of the ineffability of the 'this' operator,
* and partly because of the difficulty in grokking this.
* What we're really saying here (through the wonders of functional programming) is this:
* var MyClass1 = function(param1) {
* var ret = this;
* = param1;
* return ret;
* };
* var MyClass2 = function(param1, param2) {
* var ret = this;
* MyClass1.apply(this,, 0));
* = param2;
* return ret;
* };
* MyClass2.prototype = new MyClass1;
* MyClass2.prototype.constructor = MyClass1;
* MyClass2.prototype.parent = MyClass1.prototype;
* I find this whole mode of operation as dull as it is stupid.
* Nonetheless, there are occasions when the convention is suitable for type/instance checking
* Obviously, this method has very little utility if you are not using prototypal inheritance
var MyClassCreatorMethod = function(name, inheritsFrom, callBack) {
var obj = Object.create(null);
obj[name] = function() {
try {
if(inheritsFrom ) {
inheritsFrom.apply(this,, 0));
callBack.apply(this,, 0));
} catch(e) {
//do something
if(inheritsFrom) {
return obj[name];
From here, it becomes trivial to daisy-chain inherited classes. I just pulled this out of one of my projects, so not all of the semantics of this apply to you--it's just to illustrate a way to functionalize the behavior in a way that's easier to reason with.

Perhaps what you want to do is this:
function main(){}
main.prototype.load = function()
main.prototype.get = function(){};
main.prototype.get.prototype.registration = function()
// load registration info
alert('hi, I\'m working');
var thisMain = new main();
var other = new thisMain.get();


Writing JS Prototypes, should all functions use the Prototype object?

I'm beginning to learn more about writing JS using the Prototype object, but I want to make sure I don't pick up any bad habits from other developers. My understanding of using Prototype is to create public methods for your instance. For example:
var module = new Module();
But I see a lot of developers creating all their code inside the Prototype object, things that I would consider "private". Is this bad practice or considered okay? It just means I can then do:
Do they know this? Is that okay? Any help appreciated. I've been looking through the source code on GitHub to try establish the best way forward, here's a script that uses Prototypes for everything (for instance attachEvent which they clearly want privately kept):
Much appreciated, I want to make sure I develop using the correct implementations.
First of all you don't need to write modules using prototype. Think like if you writing something like a class you should use prototypes. And also it's important to where define your methods. Defining methods on prototype object and defining them in constructor function is totally different things!
Let's see a sample class definition with using methods defined in constructor:
var Dog = (function () {
var Dog = function (age, name) {
var that = this;
this.age = age; = name;
this.sayHi = function () {
console.log('Warf! Im ' +; // meaning of "this" changed!!!
this.anotherMethod = function () {};
return Dog;
var puppy = new Dog(1, 'puppy'); // sayHi and anotherMethod created
var sirius = new Dog(1, 'sirius'); // sayHi and anotherMethod recreated
sirius.sayHi = function () { console.log('Yohalolop!'); };
puppy.sayHi(); // -> 'Warf! Im puppy'
sirius.sayHi(); // -> 'Yohalolop!'
So there is some problems with the above example, firstly methods are defined like any other instance variables. Actually yeah you define them as instance variable and this means this functions are recreated for every instance object you create. I guess you have mentioned you can't use this keyword in your method definitions. This is error prone and there is a chance to forget that and use this keyword by mistaken. There are some times you can use methods as instance variables of course like variable callbacks.
Let's see a sample class definition with prototype object:
var Dog = (function () {
var Dog = function (age, name) {
this.age = age; = name;
// sayHi method defined only once in prototype
Dog.prototype.sayHi = function () {
console.log('Warf! Im ' +; // we can use this keyword
// anotherMethod defined only once in protoype
Dog.prototype.anotherMethod() {
return Dog;
var puppy = new Dog(1, 'puppy');
var sirius = new Dog(1, 'sirius'); // sirius and puppy sharing same prototype object
puppy.sayHi(); // -> 'Warf! Im puppy'
sirius.sayHi(); // -> 'Warf! Im sirius'
// remember puppy and sirius sharing same prototype object
Dog.prototype.sayHi = function () {
puppy.sayHi(); // -> 'Yohalolop'
sirius.sayHi(); // -> 'Yohalolop'
As an answer to your question about private functions, it is more complicated. Yes you can use private functions even you define your methods on prototype, but there are some concerns about testing. Usage of them is up to you. I prefer to don't use. Let me show some examples.
var Calculator = (function () {
var Calculator = function () {
this.importantNumber = 2;
// There is unfortunately no native implementation
// for private methods but you can mimic them with
// unaccessible functions and binding.
var someExtremeComputations = function () {
return 40 + this.importantNumber; // this keyword points to instance because of binding
Calculator.prototype.getMeaningOfLife = function () {
var result =; // we bind function to instance
return result;
return Calculator;
This is the one of the examples how you can define private methods in javascript. The problem with private functions, they can't be tested. There is no way to test someExtremeComputations method.
Some people (includes me) use prefixed underscore naming convention for private methods. So they are actually public methods but if someone calling them or overriding they were warned by prefixed underscore. After all we can test private methods since they are public in real.
var Calculator = (function () {
var Calculator = function () {
this.importantNumber = 2;
// private method's name prefixed by an underscore to warn
// other developers to be careful about that or not to use.
Calculator.prototype._someExtremeComputations = function () {
return 40 + this.importantNumber;
Calculator.prototype.getMeaningOfLife = function () {
var result = this.someExtremeComputations(); // no need to bind
return result;
return Calculator;
Explaining this with a few words is impossible. A generally good pattern is to construct methods through prototypes when you want to optimize your code. A good guideline is to only put the most essential data in the memory, using prototypes is critical for this since the prototyped variables and methods isn't injected into the memory until you request them.
When it comes yo your example there are no prototypes.
Simple example
// new object
var Dog = function() {
var that = this;
// add a property = "Fido";
// add a method
that.getName = function() {
// ... all the above is stored in memory directly
// Requires to be constructed
var dogObj = new Dog();
console.log(dogObj.getName()); // Fido
delete // false
typeof // "string"
delete // true
typeof // "undefined"
typeof // "string" (still there)
// Will be available in the dogObj (after you call it)
dog.prototype.first = "first";
// Will be available in the dogObj (after you call it)
dog.prototype.second = function() {
return "second";
// Will not be available in dogObj
dog.third = "third";

Javascript inheritance and privileged functions

Is it possible to inherit privileged methods in Javascript? In the below, Widget successfully inherits the D function, but not subscribe. Changing the second line in inherit to f.prototype = new base(); seems to work, but I know that's bad for all sorts of reasons. Is there a clean way to do this, or do I have to make everything public? This answer seems to imply that I have to make the methods public (attach to prototype) but I'd like to ask directly.
function EventRaiser() {
var events = {};
this.subscribe = function(key, func) { /* elided */ };
EventRaiser.prototype.D = function() { alert("D"); };
function Widget() { }
function Inherit(sub, base) {
function f() { }
f.prototype = base.prototype;
sub.prototype = new f();
sub.prototype.constructor = sub;
Inherit(Widget, EventRaiser);
this.subscribe = function(key, func) { /* elided */ };
here your adding a method to the current thisContext.
Inherit(Widget, EventRaiser)
Here your saling the prototype Widget should consume the prototype EventRaiser.
The best you can do is to not mix this.x with prototype.y
Or you can call inside function Widget() { } but that's bad style.
If your going to use an inheritance pattern I would recommend you use Object.create & pd :
// prototype
var EventRaiser = {
D: function() { alert("D"); },
subscribe: function(key, func) { ... }
// factory
var eventRaiser = function _eventRaiser(proto) {
proto = proto || EventRaiser;
return Object.create(proto, pd({
events: {}
// prototype
var Widget = {
// factory
var widget = function _widget() {
var o = eventRaiser(pd.merge(Widget, EventRaiser));
Object.defineProperties(o, pd({
return o;
Or if you insist Widget should inherit from EventRaiser
var Widget = Object.create(EventRaiser, pd({
var widget = function _widget() {
var o = eventRaiser(Widget);
Object.defineProperties(o, pd({
return o;
The reasons for recommending this pattern is a clear seperation of the prototype and the factory. This allows you to interact with the prototype without handling the factory. With the use of the new keyword you muddy those waters (as shown in your code) and you also tend to hack this around.
The above code also doesn't look elegant. This means that your realy aught to look for a different pattern. For example EventEmitter from node.js has an explicit check for the this._events object which makes the factory code more elegant.
Your privileged method this.subscribe is only ever attached to an instance of EventRaiser.
This should be obvious when you consider that this line:
this.subscribe = function(...) { } ;
is only ever executed when EventRaiser() is called.
If you don't create an EventRaiser object that property is simply never there to be inherited from.

Javascript apply — Inheriting classes

The code below is adapted from this answer
function MessageClass() {
var self = this;
this.clickHander = function(e) { self.someoneClickedMe = true; };
var _private = 0;
this.getPrivate = function() { return _private; };
this.setPrivate = function(val) { _private = val; };
ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new MessageClass();
function ErrorMessageClass() {
MessageClass.apply(this, arguments);
var errorA = new ErrorMessageClass();
var errorB = new ErrorMessageClass();
The original post did not have the MessageClass.apply(this, arguments); since the purpose was to show how inheritance can go wrong in Javascript.
My question is, is saying: ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new MessageClass(); before the ErrorMessageClass constructor has even been declared bad practice? My understanding is that calling undeclared identifiers like that causes a silent declaration to occur, with the result being placed on the global window object, which I understand is bad.
Is this form:
function ErrorMessageClass() {
MessageClass.apply(this, arguments);
ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new MessageClass();
considered to be better practice? This link shows the code written as it was originally above, which is why I even tried it. Does this blogger know something I don't (quite likely)?
Lots of great info in the answers below, but I did want to highlight this link which really explains things perfectly
Usually, to avoid this confusion, you would just attach the prototype after, but as Adam Rackis pointed out, function declarations are hoisted, like var statements.
However, you should not instantiate the base object as the prototype. If your base object takes arguments, what are you supposed to use? Use an empty "surrogate" constructor
// Used to setup inheritance
function surrogate () {};
function MessageClass() {
var self = this;
this.clickHander = function(e) { self.someoneClickedMe = true; };
var _private = 0;
this.getPrivate = function() { return _private; };
this.setPrivate = function(val) { _private = val; };
// The key steps to creating clean inheritance
surrogate.prototype = MessageClass;
// Sets up inheritance without instantiating a base class object
ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new surrogate();
// Fix the constructor property
ErrorMessageClass.prototype.constructor = ErrorMessageClass
function ErrorMessageClass() {
MessageClass.apply(this, arguments);
There's much more to be said.
It works because function declarations are evaluated first. If you tried to move these classes under an object literal "namespace" the first version would fail.
I personally find the second method to be much easier to read - also, don't forget to set the sub-class' prototype.constructor property back to itself. Personally, I use an inherits() method on the Function prototype which wraps up essentially the type of code you're using here.

Javascript OO syntax

There seem to be many different ways of doing OO in JavaScript.
I like:
function ClassA(){};
var c=new ClassA();
and have never used features beyond what this provides (despite being a proficient OOer). I suspect this is old fashioned, because every so often I see new spangled variants, and it makes me wonder if I'm choosing the best approach. For instance, you can do magic in the constructor method to create private variables and accessor methods, something I believed (until relatively recently) to be impossible. What about subclassing? I wouldn't know how to achieve this, but it must have some sort of common pattern by now.
How do you do it and why?
function foo() {
var bar = function() { console.log("i'm a private method"); return 1; };
var iAmAPrivateVariable = 1;
return {
publicMethod: function() { alert(iAmAPrivateVariable); },
publicVariable: bar()
var thing = foo()
This is known as a functional appoach, since you are actually leveraging closures for encapsulation (which is the only way to do it in javascript).
In a general way, you shouldn't be doing OO in javascript, it isn't that great a language for it for a great many reasons. Think scheme with squiggly brackets and semi-colons, and you will start writing the language like the pros do. That being said, sometime OO is a better fit. In those cases, the above is typically the best bet
EDIT: to bring inheritance into the mix
function parent() {
return { parentVariable: 2 };
function foo() {
var bar = function() { console.log("i'm a private method"); return 1; };
var iAmAPrivateVariable = 1;
me = parent();
me.publicMethod = function() { alert(iAmAPrivateVariable); };
me.publicVariable = bar();
return me;
This makes things a tad more complected, but accomplishes the desired end result while still taking a functional approach to OO concepts (in this case, using decorator functions instead of real inheritance). What I like about the whole approach is we are still really treating objects the way they are intended to be in this kind of language -- a property bag you can attach stuff to at will.
Just wanted to give credit where credit is due, this approach is a very slight simplification to what doug crockford suggests in Javascript: The Good Parts. If you want to take your js skills to the next level, I would highly suggest starting there. I don't think I have ever learned so much from such a small book.
Another note is this is wildly different then what you will see most of the time in most of the jobs you will ever work at, and often is very hard to explain a) what is going on, and b) why it is a good idea to coworkers.
Simple JavaScript Inheritance
Because John Resig said so.
"Subclassing" in JavaScript generally refers to prototype-based inheritance, which basically follows this pattern:
function Superclass() { }
Superclass.prototype.someFunc = function() { };
function Subclass() { }
Subclass.prototype = new Superclass();
Subclass.prototype.anotherFunc = function() { };
var obj = new Subclass();
This builds a "prototype chain" from obj -> Subclass.prototype -> Superclass.prototype -> Object.prototype.
Pretty much every OOP library for JavaScript builds upon this technique, providing functions that abstract most of the prototype "magic".
I think joose is a pretty cool way to do OOP in javascript
Objects in JavaScript are unlike almost all the other high-profile languages. Instead of being class-based (like in Java, C++, PHP, etc etc), they are prototype-based. As such, the basic paradigm of object-oriented programming has to be considerably modified. People who can't or don't want to re-think this and insist on using class-based thinking have to build class-based logic in JavaScript or use code from someone else who has already built it.
I like to do something like
// namespace "My"
var My = new function {
// private methods
* Create a unique empty function.
* #return {Function} function(){}
function createFn () {return function(){}}
/** A reusable empty function. */
function emptyFn () {}
* Clone an object
* #param {Object} obj Object to clone
* #return {Object} Cloned object
function clone (obj) { emptyFn.prototype=obj; return new emptyFn() }
// public methods
* Merge two objects
* #param {Object} dst Destination object
* #param {Object} src Source object
* #param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* #return {Object} Destination object
this.merge = function (dst, src, options) {
if (!options) options={};
for (var p in src) if (src.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
var isDef=dst.hasOwnProperty(p);
if ((options.noPrivate && p.charAt(0)=='_') ||
(options.soft && isDef) ||
(options.update && !isDef)) continue;
return dst;
* Extend a constructor with a subtype
* #param {Function} superCtor Constructor of supertype
* #param {Function} subCtor Constructor of subtype
* #param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* #return {Function} Constructor of subtype
this.extend = function (superCtor, subCtor, options) {
if (!subCtor) subCtor=createFn();
if (!options) options={};
if (!options.noStatic) this.merge(subCtor, superCtor, options);
var oldProto=subCtor.prototype;
this.merge(subCtor.prototype, oldProto);
if (!options.noCtor) subCtor.prototype.constructor=subCtor;
return subCtor;
And then something like...
// namespace "My.CoolApp"
My.CoolApp = new function(){
// My.CoolApp.ClassA
this.ClassA = new function(){
// ClassA private static
var count=0;
// ClassA constructor
function ClassA (arg1) {
// ClassA public static
My.merge(ClassA, {
create: function (arg1) {
return new ClassA(arg1);
// ClassA public
My.merge(ClassA.prototype, {
doStuff : function (arg1) {
alert('Doing stuff with ' + arg1);
doOtherStuff : function (arg1) {
alert('Doing other stuff with ' + arg1);
return ClassA;
// My.CoolApp.ClassB
this.ClassB = new function(){
My.extend(My.CoolApp.ClassA, ClassB);
// ClassB constructor
function ClassB () {
ClassA.apply(this, arguments);
return ClassB;
...the clone function is the key to inheritance. In short:
Clone an object by making it the prototype of a throwaway function and calling the function with 'new'.
Clone the parent constructor's prototype, and set it the result as the prototype of the child class.
OOP in Javascript for Canvas
Check out how useful OOP in js can be in a different situation... This lets you draw squares and circles as objects so that you can go back and loop over or manipulate them as you like.
function Shape(x,y,color){
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.color = color
function Square(height,width,color){, event.x, event.y, color)
this.height = height
this.width = width
this.x -= canvas.offsetLeft + (this.height/2)
this.y -= canvas.offsetTop + (this.width/2)
Square.prototype = new Shape();
Square.prototype.draw = function(color){
ctx.fillStyle = color
function Circle(color, width){
this.x = event.x -60
this.y = event.y -60
this.width = width
Circle.prototype = new Shape();
Circle.prototype.draw = function(color){
ctx.arc(this.x,this.y,this.width,0,2*Math.PI, false);
ctx.fillStyle = color

Object Creation in javascript

Just for the kicks i am trying to create a simple data object in javascript. Here is the code.
var roverObject = function(){
var newRover = {};
var name;
var xCord;
var ycord;
var direction;
newRover.setName = function(newName) {
name = newName;
newRover.getName = function() {
return name;
newRover.setDirection = function(newDirection) {
direction = newDirection;
newRover.getDirection = function() {
return direction;
newRover.setXCord = function(newXCord) {
xCord = newXCord;
newRover.getXCord = function() {
return xCord;
newRover.setYCord = function(newYCord) {
yCord = newYCord;
newRover.getYCord = function() {
return yCord;
newRover.where = function(){
return "Rover :: "+ name +" is at Location("+xCord+","+yCord+") pointing to "+direction;
return newRover;
rover1 = new roverObject();
rover2 = new roverObject();
rover1.setName("Mars Rover");
rover2.setName("Moon Rover");
There are few questions that I have around this creation.
I want to create an object where the properties/attributes of object are private and not visible to world. Am I successful in doing that? Can I really not access the object attributes?
Is there a better way to create this kind of object?
If I want to inherit this object, I should do a newObject.prototype = roverObjectwill that work? And will that make sense most of all.
Finally I have a wierd problem. Notice the last method of objet "where" which returns a concatenated string. Here I tried following code instead.
newRover.where = function(){
return "Rover :: "+ name +" is at Location("+xCord+","+yCord+") pointing to "+direction;
and then did a following console.log
It threw following error for me:
cannot access optimized closure
Why would it say that? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for all the help. Any review comments would be appreciated too!
Am I successful in doing that? Can I really not access the object attributes?
Indeed. You don't have object attributes, you have local variables in the roverObject function. Local variables can't be accessed from outside, only from the functions inside the roverObject function that have a closure over them.
That you are calling roverObject as a constructor, with new roverObject, is irrelevant, as you are returning a different object from the function. Saying var rover1= roverObject() without the new would do exactly the same thing. Notably the object returned by [new] roverObject is a plain Object as you created it from {}; rover1 instanceof roverObject is false.
If you wanted instanceof to work, you would have to call with new, and use this instead of newRover in the constructor function.
If I want to inherit this object, I should do a newObject.prototype = roverObject will that work? And will that make sense most of all.
No. You currently have no allowance for prototyping. You are using a separate copy of each method for each instance of the roverObject. You can do certainly objects this way but it's a different approach than prototyping. If you wanted to make something like a subclass of roverObject in the arrangement you have now, you'd say something like:
function AdvancedRover() {
var rover= new roverObject();
rover.doResearch= function() {
return rover.where()+' and is doing advanced research';
return rover;
Note since the ‘private’ local variables in the base class constructor really are private, even the subclass cannot get at them. There's no ‘protected’.
newRover.where = function(){ ... }();
What's that trying to do? I can't get the error you do; all the above does is assigns the string with the location to where (before the setter methods have been called, so it's full of undefineds).
Is there a better way to create this kind of object?
Maybe. see this question for a discussion of class/instance strategies in JavaScript.
Q1: you can create 'private' members in javascript 'classes'. In javascript, privacy is not determined by any access specifier. Instead, access needs to be specifically instrumented. Example:
function MyClass() {
this.val = 100; // public;
var privateVal = 200;
function getVal() { return this.val; } // private method;
this.getPrivateVal = function() { // public method, accessor to private variable
return privateVal;
Object scope in javascript is governed by a queer concept called closures. AFAIK, there is no parallel concept in any other popular launguage like C+/Java etc.
While I understand what closures are, I cannot put it in words. Perhaps a demonstration will help you:
function closureDemo() {
var done=false;
function setDone() { done=true; }
function doLater(func) { setTimeout(func,1000); }
now, while setDone is called from within doLater, it can still access done in closureDemo, even though done is not in scope (in the conventional procedural sense).
I think you will understand more when you read this.
Q2: I can only say what I do; I don't know if it is better or not. If I wrote your code, it would look like this:
function RoverObject() {
var newRover = {}; // privates
var name;
var xCord;
var ycord;
var direction;
this.setName = function(newName) {
name = newName;
this.getName = function() {
return name;
this.setDirection = function(newDirection) {
direction = newDirection;
// and so on...
this.where = function(){
return "Rover :: "+ name +" is at Location("+xCord+","+yCord+") pointing to "+direction;
var rover1 = new RoverObject();
Points to note:
capitalization of "class name"'s first letter
use of this instead of roverObject
this function is a pure constructor. it returns nothing.
Q3: if you want to do inheritance, then my method (use of this) will not work. Instead, the public methods should be a part of the prototype of RoverObject. Read this. Excellent material.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: There is a problem with the way your code is doing work. Problems:
your function does not do what its name suggests. Its name had better be createRoverObject, because that's exactly what it is doing. It is not working like a class constructor
the methods supported by your class are part of the object, but the data members are not. While this may work (and it is not, as your console.log() problem suggests), it is not a good way to implement a class in javascript. The problem here is of closures. Again, i'm unable to articulate what the problem specifically is, but I can smell it.
With regards to 4. - you are trying to log the function, not the result of calling the function. Should be console.log(rover1.where()); My guess firebug(I assume it's firebug's console.log) does not like to log function definitions.
EDIT Oh I get it, you are actually executing the where funcion when you assign rover.where. Are you trying to get what looks like a property to actually be a function? If that's the case it won't work. It will have to be a function if you want it to be evaluated when it's called.
What happens in you case where gets executed in the constructor function. At that point you are still creating the roverObject closure and hence it's too early to access it's private variables.
This is just addressing point 1 of your post.
Here's a good article on javascript private members and more:
Private Members in JavaScript
Defining your object like this gives you private members.
function RolloverObject() {
var name;
var xCord;
var ycord;
var direction;
this.setName = function(newName) { name = newName; };
this.getName = function() { return name; };
this.setDirection = function(newDirection) { direction = newDirection; };
this.getDirection = function() { return direction; };
this.setXCord = function(newXCord) { xCord = newXCord; };
this.getXCord = function() { return xCord; };
this.setYCord = function(newYCord) { yCord = newYCord; };
this.getYCord = function() { return yCord; };
this.where = function() {
return "Rover :: " + name + " is at Location(" + xCord + "," + yCord + ") pointing to " + direction;
var rolloverObject = new RolloverObject();

