Fadeout Div Content - Empty Div Content - Fadein New Content - javascript

I am using onClick functionality for my buttons. My button code looks like this:
<a onClick="fadeNext('#myDIV1',500);">Button 1</a>
<a onClick="fadeNext('#myDIV2',500);">Button 2</a>
My JS Function looks like this:
function fadeNext(selectedId, speed) {
var containerID = '#imageSwap';
var vis = ($(containerID + ' div:visible').length > 0) ? $(containerID + ' div:visible').eq(0) : $(containerID + ' div').eq(0);
var next = $(selectedId);
This fades the content correctly and works great, but Video content (Vimeo) still plays when its not visible. Tried this JS, but still no luck:
function fadeNext(selectedId, speed) {
var containerID = '#imageSwap';
var vis = ($(containerID + ' div:visible').length > 0) ? $(containerID + ' div:visible').eq(0) : $(containerID + ' div').eq(0);
var next = $(selectedId);
vis.fadeOut(speed, function() {
With this JS, the content no longer fades out or empties.
I'm a JS rookie and having trouble getting the empty() code to work. The main reason for this is that my DIV will be containing videos (Vimeo). When the user clicks to change content, I'd like for the videos to be unloaded, so the video/sound no longer plays.
Any help / advice would be appreciated!

Checkout my fork of your fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/tutanramen/umJQ9/16/
I added a link to an external resource: https://raw.github.com/vimeo/player-api/master/javascript/froogaloop.js
I then gave each iframe an id (v1 and v2 but they are not used in this fiddle) and a class of player.
And then added this to fadeNext:
$(".player").each(function() {
Now when you click to select the other video it actually pauses all the videos.


Image gallery with previous/next buttons displayed using xml and javascript ALMOST works

I'm making an image gallery with all the thumbnails displayed to the left which, when clicked, will display on the right the image itself and previous/next buttons displayed as thumbnails of the previous/next images.
The test page is here (view on desktop; mobile doesn't include this functionality), javascript is here and within the php document I have this code:
<div class="gallery-desktop-thumbs" id="perditionrock"></div>
var x,xmlhttp,xmlDoc
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET", "perditionrock.xml", false);
xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML;
x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("scrn");
for (i = 0; i <x.length; i++) {
div += "<div class='thumbnail' onclick='displayIMG(" + i + ")' style='background-image:url(";
div += x[i].getElementsByTagName("zone")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
div += "/t/"
div += x[i].getElementsByTagName("photo")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
div += ".jpg);'></div>";
document.getElementById("perditionrock").innerHTML = div;
<section id="gallery-desktop">
It almost works! Clicking the thumbnail from the gallery functions perfectly. Clicking the previous/next thumbnails loads the previous/next image, but only in its own timestream, starting from the final image. The thumbnails and the previous/next don't work in concert.
eg. If you scroll backwards through the images, say to image 10, then click image 15 in the thumbnails, image 15 loads with images 14 as the previous thumbnail and image 16 as the next. However, if you click the next thumbnail, it goes back to the previous/next stream and loads image 11.
How do I make the previous/next link relative to the image that's already loaded?
(Side note: I'm no code monkey, but I am trying to learn! If any solutions could also be explained as you give them, that'd be awesome. Thanks!)
The problem is, that you want to access a variable, that doesn't exist within your next and previous function.
So basically you have to store the selected index, so you can access it.
// JavaScript Document
var idx = 0;
function next() {
if (idx < x.length-1) {
function previous() {
if (idx > 0) {
function displayIMG(i) {
idx = i;
document.getElementById("gallery-desktop").innerHTML =
"<a href=" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("zone")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
"/" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("photo")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
".jpg target=_blank><div id=main-image style=background-image:url(" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("zone")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
"/m/" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("photo")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
".jpg);></div></a> <nav id=gallery-pn><h6>" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
"</h6><nav id=gallery-p onClick=previous() style=background-image:url(" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("prevzone")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
"/t/" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("prev")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
".jpg);></nav>" +
"<nav id=gallery-n onClick=next() style=background-image:url(" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("nextzone")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +
"/t/" +
x[i].getElementsByTagName("next")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue +

Implementing multiple carousels on a single page

So, I'm building myself a webpage which will need to contain multiple carousels. I've been successful in creating the first carousel, but haven't been able to crack creating any others.
I've been following Christian Heilmann's Javascript carousel guide and all was going well until I tried to place 2 carousels on the same page.
As the js is affecting classes I assumed that the existing js would affect the copies too. Here's how the working carousel looks and here is how the broken carousel looks.
Any advice about the best way to go about this would be great, I'd love to keep it in vanilla js if possible. Thanks for your help!
And here's the updated js:
carousel = function(id) {
var box = document.querySelector(id + ' .project-pictures');
var next = box.querySelector(id + ' .next');
var prev = box.querySelector(id + ' .prev');
var items = box.querySelectorAll(id + ' .content li');
var counter = 0;
var amount = items.length;
var current = items[0];
function navigate(direction) {
counter = counter + direction;
if (direction === -1 &&
counter < 0) {
counter = amount - 1;
if (direction === 1 &&
!items[counter]) {
counter = 0;
current = items[counter];
next.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
prev.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
carouselA = carousel('#carousel-a');
carouselB = carousel('#carousel-b');
note: The div being affected is .project-pictures.
Thanks for your response! Im still not getting the carousel to work - it appears the same in the not working screenshot above, I feel I'm missing something pretty basic here, here's the html for reference and I've updated the js above to reflect your advice:
<div id="carousel-a">
<div class="project-pictures">
<ol class="content">
<li><img src="images/portfolio_img/design_museum/cropped/1.png">
<div class="buttons">
<button class="prev">
<button class="next">
<span class="offscreen">Next</span> ▶
You are on the right track saying that the javascript affecting css class which applied to both carousels.
What you need to do is to differentiate between the two carousels. One way to do it is to create a unique id for each carousel.
For example
carousel = function(id) {
var box = document.querySelector(id + ' .project-pictures');
var next = box.querySelector(id + ' .next');
var prev = box.querySelector(id + ' .prev');
var items = box.querySelectorAll(id + ' .content li');
// ...
carouselA = carousel('#carousel-a');
carouselB = carousel('#carousel-b');
And in your HTML code, insert the appropriate ID for the two carousel elements.

AJAX returns previous value in array

I'm making a website to host artwork. The idea is that when the page loads I have JavaScript run a php file that makes a query to the server to get the names and IDs of the image files (artwork.jpg) and display them as thumbnails on a page.
When you scroll over the thumbnail, the artwork is displayed larger on a different part of the screen and the description, specs, etc for the piece of art fades in. My issue is that when I make this second AJAX call it appends the value of the previously moused over image to the screen and does nothing until you've moused over at least two images.
Here's my code for the first ajax call that appends thumbnails to the page and creates a form with the value of the thumnbnail's id:
function getArtDescriptions()
$.post('../../path/to/script/get_art.php', function(json)
if (json.art.length > 0)
var info =
'<div class = "thumbnail_box">'
+ '<img src = "images/thumbnails/'
+ this['img']
+ '"id = "'
+ this['ID']
+ '"> '
+ '<form id = "art_descriptions'
+ this['ID']
+ '" '
+ 'name = "art_descriptions'
+ this['ID']
+ '">'
+ '<input type = "hidden" id = "descriptions" name = "descriptions" value = "'
+ this['ID']
+ '"></form>'
+ '</div>';
}, 'json');
And this is the code I'm using to make the second AJAX call that is giving me a problem:
setTimeout(function get_id()
var tooltipTimeout;
$(".thumbnail_box img").on("mouseenter", function()
tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(details(this.id),0);
$(".thumbnail_box img").on("mouseleave", function()
function hideTooltip()
}, 800);
function details(art)
var formname = "#art_descriptions"+art;
var filename = '../../file/path/to/script/get_descriptions.php';
$(".thumbnail_box img").on("mouseenter", function()
$.post(filename, $(formname).serialize(), function(json)
if (json.descriptions.length > 0)
console.log("art method"+this['ID']);
}, 'json');
When I console.log(this['ID']) in the get_id() method the correct value is displayed in the console, but when I console.log("art method"+this['ID'] in the details method I get a value equal to the previously scrolled over thumbnail's ID. I'd really appreciate any insight on this issue.
Is it something to do with the use of setTimeout()? My code would not run without specifying a timeout for the method. For example if I load the page and then scroll over images with ID's 14 and then 13, my console will display:
art method 14
The issue is that you are appending more of the same events. After the first mouseenter event occurs the details function is called, which then appends another mouseenter event. So subsequent calls will be doing the same thing. You can see an example of this here: http://jsfiddle.net/6qre72fk/.
var counter = 0;
$('#container1').on('mouseenter', function(){
$('#container2').text('First mouseenter');
function appendingAnotherMouseEnter(){
$('#container1').on('mouseenter', function(){
You can see how the counter is incremented several times due to all appended the mouseenter events.

Create JavaScript fill href based upon var

I'm using a lovely Lightbox plugin that requires the following piece of code per image
<a href="images/portfolio/full/1.jpg"
class="kleur multiple">
<img src="images/portfolio/thumbs/1.jpg" width="375px" height="250px" />
And I would like to write, together with some of you, a piece of Javascript/jQuery script that elminates writing some of the lines of the above piece of code.
Let me explain: The
- full image (href),
- blackwhite version (data-flare-bw=""),
- lightbox thumb (data-flare-thumb="")
- and the page thumb (<img src=""/>)
all have one thing in common: The filename is identical, only the path differs from eachother. So I would like to write/have a script that, based upon a var it automatically writes those lines of code. Not only the SRC, but also the attribute itself, so the href="", data-flare-bw="", data-flare-thumb="" and the <image src=""/>
As I'm not a Jquery master, i'll try to write down the code that, I'd think somewhat give you guys an idea of what should come:
$function(InsertAttributesAutomaticcly() {
var filenames = $('#container a').attr('data-flare-title', this')
$('#container a').each(function() {
$(this).append('href', 'images/portfolio/full/' + 'filenames' + '.jpg');
$(this).append('data-flare-bw', 'images/portfolio/blackwhite/' + 'filenames' + '.jpg');
$(this).append('data-flare-thumb', 'images/portfolio/thumb/' + 'filenames' + '.jpg');
$(this).html('<img src=" 'images/portfolio/thumb/' + 'filenames' + '.jpg'">');
Let me explain the code:
It searches within #container for a and then appends the href, data-flare-thumb, data-flare-bw tag to it, with the src/url/href image location, which would be + var (identical to data-flare-title="") + .jpg.
After inserting those three attributes, it inserts a <img> within the a tag, with an src of <path> + var (as before) + '.jpg'
I'm pretty sure this isn't that hard to write, but I'm not that skilled to create a working piece of script, sadly.
Thanks guys!
Bonus task: Those who succesfully write a piece of code above, including a script that tracks the size of the thumb (width + height) and writes that, next to the , will get a beer from me!
Granted that you have such links for example:
<div id="container">
This would be a viable approach:
$('#container a').each(function(){
var $link = $(this),
title = $link.data('flare-title');
$link.attr('href', 'images/portfolio/full/' + title);
$link.attr('data-flare-bw', 'images/portfolio/blackwhite/' + title);
$link.attr('data-flare-thumb', 'images/portfolio/thumbs/' + title);
$link.append($('<img>', {
src : 'images/portfolio/thumbs/' + title,
width : '375px',
height : '250px'
Edit: see fiddle.

jquery trigger on('click') of dynamically loaded content

I'm writing a webpage that uses an image map. The image and map are loaded dynamically. If I click on the area element new content is loaded. Also the url changes its hash (eg. index.php#somepage). I have three layers of pages, the main layer (homepage) has it's own image with a map (index.php), the second layer offers a new image + map (index.php#somepage) and the third layer opens an overlay on the second layer, therefore changing the hash (index.php#somepage_somesubpage).
I now want to be able to send someone a link to index.php#somepage_somesubpage. So I slice the hash and trigger the click-method of the imagemap on the first level to load index.php#somepage when the page is loaded. I added a callback to that, calling the desired click-method of the now updated imagemap. This does not work for some reason I can't figure out. I am able to open index.php#somepage, but when I enter index.php#somepage_somesubpage I end up getting the same result.
Here is the code of $(document).ready:
var cont = $('#content');
$( document ).ready(function() {
cont.load('pages/home.php', function(responseTxt,statusTxt,xhr){
lineparser('#content'); //Perform some fancy stuff on the page
var hash = location.hash.replace('#', '');
if (hash != ''){
if(hash.indexOf('_') > 0)
//open page with content
$('area[href~="#' + hash.slice(0, hash.indexOf('_')) + '"]').first().trigger("click", function(){
$('area[href~="#' + hash + '"]').first().trigger("click");
//open menu page
$('area[href~="#' + hash + '"]').first().trigger("click");
I solved the problem like this:
$('area[href~="#' + hash.slice(0, hash.indexOf('_')) + '"]').first().trigger("click", [hash]);
Then I added the following:
$(document.body).on('click', "map area", function(e, schachteln){
$('area[href~="#' + schachteln + '"]').first().trigger("click");

