Does Google Chrome follow Firefox specifications [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I use MDN as my Javascript and CSS reference. Considering that the creator of the Javascript language works at Mozilla, I assume this is the best reference. However, every now and then I hear about new features that are available in Google Chrome but Firefox doesn't have them yet. It makes me wonder:
Where and how these new specs are announced?
For the things that are similar between Chrome and Firefox, is it safe to assume that Chrome follows Firefox standards? I get the impression that Chrome's main aim is to be a faster Firefox (?) and that's why it doesn't have a vast wiki like Firefox.
If I'm developing for Chrome (let's say making Chrome apps for example), can I rely on Firefox's MDN as a reference? I couldn't find something equivalent to MDN for Chrome.
I'll mark the best reply as answer. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

All modifications are announced in the google chrome release blog.
As far as I see it, chrome isn't just a faster Firefox. It's a different browser altogether, that provides, in my view, much better user customization (as seen in things like themes) as well as having a developer base which provides some really good extensions. As to the wiki, chrome is considerably newer, however, it provides some really good user support via chrome support.
AFAIK, spidermonkey (Firefox) and v8 (chrome) engines are reasonably similar in terms of javascript, so you should be alright just using MDN. There's a webmaster.SE thread about the issue here.


Javascript : What are the different conditions when javascript work in IE but not in Firefox or some other browser? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Javascript : What are the different conditions when javascript work in IE but not in Firefox or some other browser?
one that i know of is that while using certain window events..
What other scenarios can cause javascript to not work properly?
The answer is too complex to fully list here. Use sites like that will tell you which JavaScript is available in which browser.
Generally speaking, all browsers implement JavaScript differently. Microsoft have long been stuck in their own world, implementing their own ways to do things, whereas everyone else seems to try and conform to the standards as much as possible. Microsoft are coming around to the "standards" way of doing things, and from what I hear, IE11 will be a massive step in this direction.
As already mentioned, you can use to find what you can and can't do in different browsers, but then you'll likely end up doing what many others have done...write your own API which works around these to achieve a task...which is a bit unnecessary, unless you can find a ground-breaking way to implement your API that will be beneficial to other developers.
APIs like jQuery already work around these differences. The aim with these libraries is to provide clean JavaScript, whilst being completely transparent from the underlying JavaScript implementation.
Also, look into "shim"/"polyfill" implementations. These are used when a core feature that is recognised as part of an ECMAScript version has not been implemented in the browser. These provide the implementation for you, if it is not natively supported.

JavaScript Debugger for Understanding Source Code [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to understand the internals of a big, hairy JavaScript library.
I already have the un-minified version.
JavaScript's dynamic-ness is making it hard for me to guess what is happening by just reading the code.
I want something like gdb ... where I can "step" through each individual JavaScript function / line of code.
What browser (Safari? Firefox? Chrome?) should I be using, and with what plugin?
Use the Chrome Developer Tools. A debugger and a profiler are included.
And when you just want to know what's inside an object, use console.log(obj) : you'll see its content in a property tree. As there are many tools, I suggest you completely read the official documentation : using them correctly really makes a big difference in your productivity.
A similar tool is now present in Firefox (you had to use Firebug before) but Chrome is more used, partly because of its more powerful js engine (V8).
IE starts to include such a toolset, but it's really poor and painful to use for now (I guess this will change).
there is a developer tool in every modern browser these days. press F12 OR ctrl+shift+k on the browser window to get one.
you can set breakpoints and use immediate console to analyse the code
You could get FireBug for Firefox.
For debugging i would use Firefox's Developer tools->Error console to check the errors first. Yes, i Use firebug for more advance debugging. But i solve most of my problems by looking at the error console.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
- Leonardo da Vinci

Firefox Vs Chrome from web developers prespective [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I hope I am asking a question that fits Stack Overflow standards. I am curious to know from web developers point of view, what do you prefer Firefox or Google Chrome. Is Firefox or chrome your best choice of developing web apps and websites. Which one do you prefer and why.
I prefer Firefox, as I find it easier thanks mainly to the Web Developer add-on, and a few others. Interestingly, a recently-leaked Google document for internal testers said they had to use Firefox.
Chrome, its built in dev tools are easily as powerful as Firebug, yet no need for an extension.
Chrome also loads up within a few seconds, while Firefox still takes an age to startup, that really bugs me!

Javascript Code Performance analysis tool [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I am stuck with one task now. Requesting your help on this.
Description :
There is a functionality written in purely javascript - but with lack of performance.
Its taking more than 3.5 seconds to complete the workflow.
Of cource, Its includes a lot of DB calls & functionalities and loops.
This set of codes written by long years ago, so i am not aware of any functionality much on that.
Question :
Are there any (free) tools available to trace how many times functions getting called and how much time its taking? (Like DotTrace for .Net)
Note : using IE 6.0 & Our product is very huge will not support firefox.
You shoud try the dynaTrace Ajax IE profiler. Its awesome product (and free).
Check out the JQuery author john resig's review about this tool
Have a look at Jiffy:
If you can afford to buy a product then look at:
Another one that comes to mind is
I never heard of pure Javascript calling directly a DB unless u mean it's using XML requests to call server and this last one performs the DB calls.
Anyway a well known tool to profile Javascript is Firebug. You can go on using your website and application with IE6 if you like, but to profile it I would stringly suggest using Firebug.
Download Firefox and than install the Firebug plugin
Profile your Javascript code on Firefox and try to fix the poorly performant parts.
Once you have done it's highly probable that your code will also run faster on IE6.
You can try the "Log calls to 'function name'" on Firebug plugin
If you're like me and not isolated to IE, then it may be helpful to know that there are profilers available in both Chrome and Safari's Web Inspector tool as well as Firebug. In Webkit, click the Profile tab. In Firebug, the profiler is available through the Console tab.
The firebug plugin mentioned in some of the older answers no longer exists. It has been replaced by Firefox's Developer tools.

what tools do you use for writing jquery code and debugging your code? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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what tools do you use for writing jquery code and testing/debugging your code?
The Firebug plugin for firefox is essential - it lets you:
Debug your code (step into, out, etc)
Set watch variables and expressions
See contents of all requests and responses, as well as all content received
Time to download each resource
Inspect and modify the DOM, including viewing the DOM after it has been dynamically modified by JavaScript
And much more!
There are also debuggers available for Internet Explorer and other browsers, but none are quite as powerful as firebug.
Depending on the language, there are other resources available for debugging server side code that come in quite handy, too. But that is another question...
jsFiddle is very handy for quick snippet debugging. There are competitors such as jsbin, but fiddle remains my favorite, even though it's only in alpha at the moment.
Of course I think Chrome's developer tools and FireBug/Web Developer for Firefox are tremendously helpful as well...each tool has it's area that it helps with.
Lastly, let's not forget: the jQuery API itself, a tremendous resource for information.
Google Chrome Developer Tools are really powerful.
Also great for debugging CSS and HTML issues. The DOM highlighting is really handy.
Aptana might be what you are looking for. It has support for jQuery, debugging and also CSS, html and ruby, and is generally very nice to work with.
even if it is funny, I find IE 8 dev tools very convinient for js debug
console.log(); is your friend. Pick up its output with Firebug for Firefox, or the built-in consoles in the developer tools in Safari and Chrome (IE no help as usual).

