How to integrate QUnit tests into Yii - javascript

I have a Yii project that is starting to rely more heavily on javascript for a lot of its operation.
To achieve a decent level of test coverage I'd like to use QUnit to test the javascript. Much of the javascript relies on ajax calls to pick up data from models (e.g. lists of items in drop downs).
I'd like to be able to use my Yii fixtures to set the database to a known state before running the QUnit tests - does anyone know of a way to make this happen? Or can anyone suggest another javascript unit testing framework that works well with Yii?

I would take a look at Venus ( It works with QUnit (and other test libraries) and may give you something close to what you are looking for. If you have questions, I'd be happy to work with you. Disclaimer: I am the creator of Venus.


Frameworks and tools for UI testing of ExtJS based web apps

I would like to test a web app that was drastically redesigned to use ExtJS to drive its UI.
I have done some online searching but couldn't find any recommendation for a good framework to handle it properly.
Up till now we have been using WatiN to create tests.
Note that we do not own the web app code.
What are the best options currently available?
You should look at using Siesta, it's a unit testing and functional testing tool designed to help you test Ext JS and Sencha Touch (and it's also used by Sencha internally to test Ext JS itself). Since Siesta knows a lot about Ext JS you can write expressive tests using Component Query instead of CSS and get much more robust test compared to simpler tools described in other answers in this thread. Here's a sample test script in plain JS:
{ click : ">>textfield[name=user]" },
{ type : "Mike[TAB]Password" },
{ click : ">>button[name=loginbutton]" }
DISCLAIMER: I work for the company that created it.
Are you looking to do a straight functional test of your web page or are you looking to narrow your tests specifically to the JavaScript in ExtJS?
If it's the former (functional at the UI level), then WatiN/Watir/Webdriver ought to work for you. (If they're not working then I'd love to get more details around specific issues you're running in to.)
If it's the latter then you might investigate Jasmine which gives a lot of interesting capabilities around unit testing your JavaScript at the UI layer.
(If it's functional testing, you might also check out Telerik's Test Studio for functional automation. I'm the Evangelist for that tool, so I'm a bit biased...)
You may want to look at RIATest.
Version 5.0 fully supports ExtJS testing. ExtJS UI widgets are first class citizen in RIATest. This means that unlike other HTML testing tools you do not need to write tests that manipulate the HTML DOM elements. The tests in RIATest operate in terms of ExtJS UI widgets.
Examples of RIATest scripts that work with ExtJS widgets:
The following clicks on an ExtJS button with label "Next Page":
ExtButton("Next Page")=>click();
And the following does drag-n-drop of a row from one ExtJS tree to another:
ExtRow("Controller.js")=>dragAndDropTo(ExtTreePanel("#tree2")->ExtRow("Custom Ext JS"));
And this collapses the header of an ExtJS box:
(All sample code above is from real test scripts that run on ExtJS sample applications).
RIATest also knows when to automatically wait for ExtJS AJAX to finish, so if your UI does dynamic content downloading the tests will auto-magically wait until data is received from server.
(Disclaimer: I am a RIATest team member).
Sahi is an automation and testing tool I have recently come around as I am in a similar search as you... Selenium hasnt worked for me (as it hasnt for many around the web... havent found anything to make it work... dynamic IDs and other Ext related particularities mess with it apparently)...
take a look at sahi maybe it will be useful... (I have no relation, I discovered it recently and found it useful).
You want to do Functional Testing. Selenium is a good choice. It has API implementations in a slew of languages (Java, Ruby, Python) and it uses Webdriver under the covers.
Ranorex can handle Ext-Js as well, although turning it into first class citizens will require some custom coding. The secret in general is to avoid using id's for object recognition, as they change around and use innertext property instead.
Personally found using xpath with extjs flaky in places.
You're better off (in Java) writing a method which uses a JavaScript component query to pull out the element id. (if it has one)

Examples of JavaScript RIAs with unit tests

Can anyone give me examples of large-scale JS apps (including AJAX, different UI widgets, and a sophisticated architecture) with unit tests?
I'm not talking about Selenium tests here, just plain ol' stupid unit tests using mocks, decent result reporting and such.
Not sure why people voted to close, or downvoted the question. Maybe a comment would be nice.
Seriously, I've been trying hard to find unit tested web apps, since I'm having a hard time building mocks and I wonder if it's even possible with reasonable effort. It made me think about the benefits of unit tests on widgets as compared to Selenium tests. People are babbling a lot about unit tests in theory but evidently nobody actually has done it in JS-RIAs. Or have they?
Personally I like Qooxdoo, check it out for your self and see if this is what you want
This is one good tool:
You should look at Jasmine & Sinon.js :
Here is a good tutorial on testing using Backbone.js, Jasmine & Sinon.js :
I also recommend Phantom.js for integration testing... It's a headless browser and much faster than using Selenium...
Btw here is an example of unit-tested app from Pivotal : You can find client-side tests there -> cimonitor/public/javascripts/js-common
I'm not sure if this answer will qualify but I'm working on the next iteration of my pet project "Atomic OS" (an OS-metaphor for web developers) which will, eventually, meet your criteria.
I'm working on a related project (which I can't share just yet) that is built on a bare-bones Atomic OS v2 foundation and provides a rich set of UI widgets for mobile web apps.
I built & use JSDog to produce documentation from a subset of JSDoc syntax and unit test runners with QUnit.
For an example of where I'm intending to go with unit tests, please see the Atomic OS documentation. (Click "Docs" in the taskbar and select a class, such as HxJSFS)
Just one perspective:
I work on a web application that is the front end of a video analytics system. (The back end is typically an IP camera, DVR or video router running a very, very lean, embedded web server.) It uses a number of jQueryUI widgets, allows user to configure the device, create video analysis rules, and draw markup over video frames using canvas elements. I think of it as fairly sophisticated.
We use unit tests (originally written for JSUnit, but now using qunit) for a very limited subset of the code. We have unit tests to verify the behavior of business objects, including the ability to serialize/deserialize to/from XML. And we have unit tests to test the basic geometry classes we've written for the canvas markup.
However, we have no unit tests that manipulate the DOM or that verify that the elements on a page are in the correct state. Doing that correctly struck us as too difficult a problem to solve, so we rely on Selinium tests to verify that a given set of inputs will put the DOM into the correct state.

how to unit test a multi-domain cookie based javascript library?

I would like to set up a kind of google analytics like javascript library.
I would like to write unit tests for this library that will be cookie intensive on a multi-domain basis.
This seems hard to test because I cannot find a way to use the javascript unit test framework i know for multi-page load tests (domain changes location to or to ...)
Is there something I am missing here ?
I may have found a terrific answer with Node.js Zombie project.
Linked to one of the Node.js testing frameworks it shoud lead to an elegant solution.
maybe not totally real-life-browser based but elegant nonetheless.

How do you know if a JavaScript library you are using will break your code after an upgrade?

So, you are using a bunch of javascript libraries in a website. Your javascript code calls the several APIs, but every once in a while after an upgrade, one of the API changes, and your code breaks, without you knowing it.
How do you prevent this from happening?
I'm mostly interested in javascript, but any answer regarding dynamically typed languages would be valuable.
I don't think there's much you can do. You always run a risk when updating any piece of software. The best advice is to:
Read and understand documentation about upgrading
Upgrade in your test environment
Roll out live when you are happy there are no regressions
You should consider building unit tests using tools such as JsUnit and Selenium. As long as your code passes the tests, you're good to go. If some tests fail, you would quickly identify what needs to be fixed.
As an example of a suite of Selenium tests, you can check the Google Maps API Tests, which you can download and run locally in your browser.
Well there are two options:
Don't upgrade
Retest everything after you upgrade.
There is no way to guarantee that an upgrade won't break something. Even if you have something that could check the underlying API and make sure it still all lines up, you can't be certain that the underlying functionality is the same.

Developing UI in JavaScript using TDD Principles

I've had a lot of trouble trying to come up with the best way to properly follow TDD principles while developing UI in JavaScript. What's the best way to go about this?
Is it best to separate the visual from the functional? Do you develop the visual elements first, and then write tests and then code for functionality?
I've done some TDD with Javascript in the past, and what I had to do was make the distinction between Unit and Integration tests. Selenium will test your overall site, with the output from the server, its post backs, ajax calls, all of that. But for unit testing, none of that is important.
What you want is just the UI you are going to be interacting with, and your script. The tool you'll use for this is basically JsUnit, which takes an HTML document, with some Javascript functions on the page and executes them in the context of the page. So what you'll be doing is including the Stubbed out HTML on the page with your functions. From there,you can test the interaction of your script with the UI components in the isolated unit of the mocked HTML, your script, and your tests.
That may be a bit confusing so lets see if we can do a little test. Lets to some TDD to assume that after a component is loaded, a list of elements is colored based on the content of the LI.
<script src="jsunit.js"></script>
<script src="mootools.js"></script>
<script src="yourcontrol.js"></script>
<ul id="mockList">
function testListColor() {
assertNotEqual( $$("#mockList li")[0].getStyle("background-color", "red") );
var colorInst = new ColorCtrl( "mockList" );
assertEqual( $$("#mockList li")[0].getStyle("background-color", "red") );
Obviously TDD is a multi-step process, so for our control, we'll need multiple examples.
yourcontrol.js (step1)
function ColorCtrl( id ) {
/* Fail! */
yourcontrol.js (step2)
function ColorCtrl( id ) {
$$("#mockList li").forEach(function(item, index) {
item.setStyle("backgrond-color", item.getText());
/* Success! */
You can probably see the pain point here, you have to keep your mock HTML here on the page in sync with the structure of what your server controls will be. But it does get you a nice system for TDD'ing with JavaScript.
I've never successfully TDDed UI code. The closest we came was indeed to separate UI code as much as possible from the application logic. This is one reason why the model-view-controller pattern is useful - the model and controller can be TDDed without much trouble and without getting too complicated.
In my experience, the view was always left for our user-acceptance tests (we wrote web applications and our UATs used Java's HttpUnit). However, at this level it's really an integration test, without the test-in-isolation property we desire with TDD. Due to this setup, we had to write our controller/model tests/code first, then the UI and corresponding UAT. However, in the Swing GUI code I've been writing lately, I've been writing the GUI code first with stubs to explore my design of the front end, before adding to the controller/model/API. YMMV here though.
So to reiterate, the only advice I can give is what you already seem to suspect - separate your UI code from your logic as much as possible and TDD them.
See also: JavaScript unit test tools for TDD
I've found the MVP architecture to be very suitable for writing testable UIs. Your Presenter and Model classes can simply be 100% unit tested. You only have to worry about the View (which should be a dumb, thin layer only that fires events to the Presenter) for UI testing (with Selenium etc.)
Note that in the I'm talking about using MVP entirely in the UI context, without necessarily crossing to the server-side. Your UI can have its own Presenter and Model that lives entirely on the client-side. The Presenter drives the UI interaction/validation etc. logic while the Model keeps state information and provides a portal to the backend (where you can have a separate Model).
You should also take a look at the Presenter First TDD technique.
This is the primary reason I switched to the Google Web Toolkit ... I develop and test in Java and have a reasonable expectation that the compiled JavaScript will function properly on a variety of browsers. Since TDD is primarily a unit testing function, most of the project can be developed and tested before compilation and deployment.
Integration and Functional test suites verify that the resulting code is functioning as expected after it's deployed to a test server.
I'm just about to start doing Javascript TDD on a new project I am working on. My current plan is to use qunit to do the unit testing. While developing the tests can be run by simply refreshing the test page in a browser.
For continuous integration (and ensuring the tests run in all browsers), I will use Selenium to automatically load the test harness in each browser, and read the result. These tests will be run on every checkin to source control.
I am also going to use JSCoverage to get code coverage analysis of the tests. This will also be automated with Selenium.
I'm currently in the middle of setting this up. I'll update this answer with more exact details once I have the setup hammered out.
Testing tools:
What I do is to poke the Dom to see if I'm getting what I expect. A great side effect of this is that in making your tests fast, you also make your app fast.
I just released an open source toolkit which will help with JavaScript tdd immensely. It is a composition of many open source tools which gives you a working requirejs backbone app out of the box.
It provides single commands to run: dev web server, jasmine single browser test runner, jasmine js-test-driver multi browser test runner, and concatenization/minification for JavaScript and CSS. It also outputs an unminified version of your app for production debugging, precompiles your handlebar templates, and supports internationalization.
No setup is required. It just works.

