Iterate JSON response from API using AngularJS ngResponse - javascript

I'm taking my first steps with AngularJS calling an API that would send back a JSON object with the data that I need. I calls the API and takes the response and print it on the HTML, iterating as needed.
But I haven't found a way on the actual Javascript file, to iterate to lets say, group and sum items, or to print the actual values of the JSON to the console.
angular.module('dashboard', ['ngResource']);
function DashboardCtrl($scope, $resource) {
$scope.dailyReports = $resource('',
{action:'dailyreports', appid:'#appid', begindate:'#begindate', enddate:'#enddate'});
$scope.loadData = function() {
$scope.dailyreportsResults = $scope.dailyReports.get({appid:$('#sel-apps').val(), begindate:$('#fecha-inicial').val(), enddate:$('#fecha-final').val()});
//it works!!!!
$scope.iterate = function() {
for (i=0; i < $; i++){
$scope.periodUnits += $[i].units;
//It doesnt work :(
ng-repeat="data in"
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks guys!

I'm not sure what your data looks like, but maybe you should be using 'for in' instead of incrementing an array.
$scope.iterate = function() {
for (x in ${
$scope.periodUnits += $[x].units;
also, I think your ng-repeat should be attached to an element.
<div ng-repeat="data in">


How to make filters work with array in angularjs

Iam trying to create a custom filter to filter matching array of values in angularjs. Array Structure below
Now I need to filter all objs having tags matching id1,id2.. Below is the filter I have tried
var autoFilter = angular.module("autoFilters",[]);
autoFilter.filter('arrayData', function (){
return function(){
return ["id1","id2"];
//$scope.arrayValues = ["id1","id2"];
and UI code below
<li style="cursor:pointer" ng-cloak class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="values in suggestionResults | arrayData">{{}} -- {{values.title}}</li>
But Data is not showing up. Can you help me out where Iam doing wrong. Plunker Code available below
plunker here
see the code below :) This is not the best approach in my opinion and will definitely have some performance issue with larger lists, but it does the work (now I used indexOf(2) but there you can pass any truthy/falsy argument)
var autoFilter = angular.module("autoFilters",[]);
autoFilter.controller("filterController",['$scope','$http', function ($scope,$http) {
$scope.searchSuggest = function(){
//$http({method: 'GET', url: 'json/searchSuggestions.json'}).success(function(data) {
$http.get("assets.json").then(function(response) {
//var str = JSON.stringify(response);
//var arr = JSON.parse(str);
$scope.suggestionResult =;
//$scope.arrayData = ["asset_types:document/data_sheet","asset_types:document/brochure"];
}).catch(function activateError(error) {
alert('An error happened');
$scope.showProduct = function(){
autoFilter.filter('arrayData', function (){
return function(data){
// if you are using jQuery you can simply return $.grep(data, function(d){return'2') >-1 });
return data.filter(function(entry){
return'2') > -1
Having experienced working with large lists I would, however, suggest you to avoid using a separate filter for this and rather manipulate it in the .js code. You could easily filter the data when you query it with your $http.get like:
$scope.suggestionResult ={
return /* condition comes here */
This way you are not overloading the DOM and help the browser handling AngularJS's sometimes slow digest cycle.
If you need it to be dynamic (e.g. the filtering conditions can be changed by the user) then add an ng-change or $watch or ng-click to the modifiable information and on that action re-filter $scope.suggestionResult from the original

Issue with pulling JSON data in SuiteScript - NetSuite

I am trying to see if a value in the "apply" sublist for customer payment data has changed and do some action based on it.
My SuiteScript is as follows:
define(['N/record', 'N/https'],
function afterSubmit(context)
var oldRec = context.oldRecord;
log.debug({title: 'oldRec ', details: oldRec });
// This log shows that the JSON has an
// attribute called sublists which contains "apply" which has all the applied payments
// eg: {"id":"1234", "type":"customerpayment", "fields":{all the fields},
// "sublists": {"apply" : {"line 1"...}}}
var oldRecSublists = oldRec.sublists;
log.debug({title: 'oldRecApply ', details: oldRecSublists });
// This returns empty or null though there is data
What am I doing wrong here?
Basically what I am trying to achieve is compare the context.oldRecord.sublists.apply and context.newRecord.sublists.apply to find if the amt has changed or not.
Is there a better way to do this is SuiteScript 2.0?
Thanks in advance!
Part of what is going on there is that it looks like you are trying to spelunk the NS data structure by what you see in the print statement. You are not using the NS api at all.
When you send the NS object to the log function I believe it goes through a custom JSON.stringify process so if you want to just inspect values you can do:
var oldRecObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldRec));
now oldRecObj can be inspected as though it were a simple object. But you won't be able to manipulate it at all.
You should be using the NS schema browser
and referring to the help docs for operations on N/record
A snippet I often use for dealing with sublists is:
function iter(rec, listName, cb){
var lim = rec.getLineCount({sublistId:listName});
var i = 0;
var getV = function (fld){
return rec.getSublistValue({sublistId:listName, fieldId:fld, line:i});
var setV = function(fld, val){
rec.setSublistValue({sublistId:listName, fieldId:fld, line:i, value:val});
for(; i< lim; i++){
cb(i, getV, setV);
and then
iter(oldRec, 'apply', function(idx, getV, setV){
var oldApplied = getV('applied');

How to filter with Array#filter()

I'm getting info from an API, and i want to filter some results:
This is my code to consume the API:
function listData() {
.then(function(data) {
$scope.list =;
Then, with ng-repeat, i feed a list:
<tr ng-repeat="info in list">
I want to filter for Id when the API is consumed. Someone sugest me to use Array#filter(), but i cannot make it work. This is my test, but i'm not sure is right:
function listData() {
$scope.list =;
var pool = $scope.list;
var ajax = pool.filter(function(xavier) {
return xavier.StatusId === 1;
I've got two questions:
Is correct the way i'm working with the filter?
Did i need to put the variable on the html view?
Can you help me with an example?
filter() returns a new array. Just filter the Response array as you assign it to $scope.list if you don't care about any of the other data
$scope.list ={
return xavier.StatusId === 1;
If you need to store the Response array you can assign it to another variable for using another filter on it later on

How to get the json array length from firebase database

I have a code that retrives a simple json array and i just want to loop
var ref = new Firebase("firebase object path");
var sync = $firebase(ref);
var result = sync.$asArray();
and then i can't get the json array length using "result.length" it just give a result of 0 length but not the exact value can anyone help me...?
Probably because it's not loaded yet. Looks like you're using an old verison of angularFire as $asArray is deprecated see: When does one use $asArray vs $asObject in Angularfire?,
Once you've upgraded (if you can)
I can't seem to find the docs for when $asArray was around but looking through the second link up there I think you can accomplish it like this:
sync.$asArray().$loaded().then(function(array) {
With a watch:
$ = [];
sync.$asArray().$loaded().then(function (array) {
$ = array;
$scope.$watch('data', function (newValue, oldValue) {

Angular.js render data in controller

I have a rather simple question. I have a simple controller and its $scope.coords = []; renders JSON in HTML:
[24.43359375, 54.6611237221]
[25.2905273438, 54.6738309659]
[25.3344726562, 54.6102549816]
[25.2685546875, 54.6801830971]
[25.2960205078, 54.6611237221]
How can I render that JSON not in html, but in my controller itself ? The code looks like that. Please see the comment in code:
propertyModule.controller('propertyController', ['$scope', 'Property', function ($scope, Property) {
// Query returns an array of objects, MyModel.objects.all() by default
$ = Property.query();
// Getting a single object
$ = Property.get({pk: 1});
$scope.coords = [];
$ = Property.query({}, function(data){
angular.forEach(data , function(value){
$scope.positions = //$Resource('').items();
[54.6833, 25.2833], [54.67833, 25.3033] // those coordinates are hardcoded now, I want them to be rendered here by $scope.coords
First off, you're showing us a bunch of arrays, not a JSON document. But since your code seems to be working, I'll assume you do have a valid JSON to work with.
You need to consider the fact that you are making an asynchronous request here :
$ = Property.query({}, function(data) {
angular.forEach(data , function(value){
This means you won't be able to fetch data from $scope.coords before anything has arrived.
There are several ways to solve that :
You could simply fetch data while you're still in the loop :
angular.forEach(data , function(value) {
if('your condition') {
You could use a promise, see the angular doc.
Or you could watch over $scope.coords with $scope.$watch.

