Trying to build a map/hashmap in javascript - javascript

I'm trying to run a query in javascript and pass the results to other querys to pull more data. I also want to be able to display this data all in one table so I'm trying to get the results arranged in a javascript map but I seem to be having issues.
This is being built inside of with their AJAX toolkit
The code I have is...
var cn = Query("select id, LastName, FirstName, Middle_Name__c, Gender__c, HomePhone, Birthdate, Birth_City__c," +
"Birth_Country__c, SSN_Encrypted__c, Provider_NPI_ID__c, Primary_Specialty__c," +
"Practicing_Specialty__c, Title, GlobalProviderID__c from contact where Name like " +
"'%" + sBox + "%'");
var PFA;
for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) {
var x = new Array();
var PFA = Query("select id, First_Scheduled_Date__c, Region__c " +
"from Provider_Facility_Associations__c where Provider__c='" + cn[i].Id + "'");
m['cn'] = cn[i];
m['PFA'] = PFA;
m[i] = x;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can use a basic javascript object as a map.
var map = {};
map["key1"] ="value1"
map["key2"] = "value2"
will create an object like this:
map = {
When you pass an integer i to your m object it will try to treat it as an array though rather than an object.
You have deeper issues than this though since you should not be running SQL queries from javascript. That will allow anyone to run arbitrary queries on your database when accessing your website.

Please read up about how relationships work in Salesforce and their specific "joins" that look weird at the beginning but actually save your bacon many many times in common development situations like that.
SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName,
(SELECT Id, First_Scheduled_Date__c, Region__c
FROM Provider_Facility_Associations__r)
FROM contact
WHERE Name LIKE '%Smith%'
(note the "__r" in the "subquery")
This will give you Contacts and each of them will have a "field" called Provider_Facility_Associations__r that will be an array of items (or just empty array if nothing found).
Salesforce security model is not a silver bullet, you should worry about performance and SQL injections. People can't use them to delete stuff they shouldn't but they can learn information you didn't intend to expose.
Last but not least - this will perform better and be more secure if you'd have the query server side and just pass the variable (part of contact's name) there. This can be apex exposed as webservice or if you're in Visualforce - action function, JavaScript remoting... There are plenty of options!
I'm not saying the AJAX toolkit is an abomination... But it should be used very rarely if at all. It's an artifact from so-called SControl days and with introduction of Visualforce (hmm... 4 years now?) many of it's use cases can be done faster & in more secure way.

Running SQL from JS is a bad idea usually unless you are using a sql-lite localstorage engine of some sort. Anyways, I believe your problem may be that your m's and x's are mixed up. Also, running queries in a for loop where using an IN in the second query or a JOIN and just doing one query would probably be better.


Google Scripts Simple Search

I want to search a sheet for a value in a sheet, and then return the row and the column where the value was found.
I am well-versed in VBA and have used the .Find function to accomplish this very easily. However, after searching for the last 30 minutes online, I have been stunned to discover that is is so hard to find the code for this extremely simple function. I feel like I am in the twilight zone. Does Javascript really not have anything analogous to .Find? If so, why is this language used so much when VBA appears to be able to accomplish the same tasks in a much more simple manner? Please advise.
I assume you are calling something like mysheet.getDataRange().getValues(), which returns the contents of a google sheet as an array of arrays, eg, [[row1A, row1B], [row2A, row2B]].
With JS, you can get the index of a value in an array using indexOf, which returns the index of the found item or -1 if the item is not in the array. I don't think you can directly search across the two nested arrays. Instead, you could try iterating over the outer array and searching the inner array. Something like this:
// get data from google sheet, doing something like this
var data = mysheet.getDataRange().getValues()
// define our own function
function findItem(data) {
// loop over outer array
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
var row = data[i]; // get the inner array
var idx = row.indexOf(searchValue); // search for value
// if the value is found, return [row, column]
if (idx > -1) {
return [i, idx];
// call the function
var res = findItem(data);
var row = res[0];
var col = res[1];
You're comparing apples and oranges. JavaScript and VBA are different languages with different goals. VBA was built to allow it to integrate seamlessly with the MSSQLServer. JavaScript in its native form has no relational-database functionality at all. It's meant more for manipulating web pages through the DOM. (It can do more than that, but that's its primary function.) While VBA can do some of the things Javascript can do, it's a rather clunky way (IMHO) of doing so and narrowly focused on a rather specific set of problems that are tied to very specific software and hardware infrastructures. While that functionality might be nice to have in some cases, most of the JavaScript you see on the web today isn't interested in databases at all.
It's not clear to me what source of data you're trying to connect to but if you are specifically looking for a JavaScript data solution you might want to look into something like MongoDB, and the code libraries that have been developed specifically for that. And there are tons of other JS libraries that are relational-data or database-specific, and you can search places like npm for those. Or you can combine JavaScript with languages that inherently include database functionality, and PHP is an excellent example of that.

Node.js DB2 query with parameters

I am using node.js to connect to a DB2 database and loading different queries. But I would like to use parameters from user input.
My connection string is:
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
, cn = "DATABASE=namedb;HOSTNAME=hst;UID=portal;PWD=portalpwd;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;"
But my query is static, I need to pass parameters/variables from user input.
I am using user input with var rl = require('readline'); but the problem now is how to communicate variables to this query and put dynamic parameters not a single value like name, id etc.
var rows = conn.querySync(
"select name,id,uid,password,type from db21.rep_name fetch first 10 rows only"
The Node.js package ibm_db is fully documented. There are several ways you could solve the problem, depending on whether you want to have the async or sync version and whether you want to first prepare, then execute the statement.
The simplest option probably is to use querySync as already done by you. There is an optional parameter bindingParameters to pass in an array of values. Those are bound to all places having a ?. Something like the following should work.
var rows = conn.querySync(
"select name,id,uid,password,type from db21.rep_name where name=? fetch first 10 rows only", ['henrik']

Breeze - Getting All Navigation Properties For Array of Entities

I'm trying to figure out with Breeze how to expand a specific navigation property for all items in an array of entities with a single request.
On this page of the Breeze documentation it shows the following way of achieving this:
var orderEntityType = selectedOrders[0].entityType;
var navProp = orderEntityType.getNavigationProperty("OrderDetails");
var navQuery = EntityQuery
.fromEntityNavigation(selectedOrders, navProp)
However, when I tried this I get the error
The 'entity' parameter must be an entity
So I looked up in the documentation specifically for the EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation method and it shows:
// 'employee' is a previously queried employee
var ordersNavProp = employee.entityType.getProperty("Orders");
var query = EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation(employee, ordersNavProp);
The documentation indicates that it is for a specific entity, not multiple. Which is consistent with the error I'm getting.
Is it possible to get all the navigation properties in a single request, or is the preferred way to iterate over an array making a request for each entity?
Basically, I'm working on filtering a list of items. My goal is that when a user selects a filter it then expands the needed navigation property at that time instead of loading all the data up front.
Thanks for the help.
I think this might be a typo or some out of date information on the navigation properties documentation page. According to the API documentation for EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation, the first parameter should be a single entity, not an array. Took a look at the breeze code, didn't see any evidence that an array of entities could be passed.
As a workaround, you could construct the query a bit differently. Continuing with the Order/OrderDetails scenario, you could do something like this:
var subsetOfOrders = ..., // array containing the subset of orders whose OrderDetails we need to load
predicates = { return new breeze.Predicate('OrderId', '==', order.OrderId()); }),
predicate = breeze.Predicate.or(predicates),
query = new breeze.EntityQuery('Orders').expand('OrderDetails').where(predicate);
If you're able to query the order details directly you don't even need expand. Breeze will wire up the freshly loaded OrderDetails to the respective orders entities that are already cached in the entity manager:
var subsetOfOrders = ..., // array containing the subset of orders whose OrderDetails we need to load
predicates = { return new breeze.Predicate('OrderId', '==', order.OrderId()); }),
predicate = breeze.Predicate.or(predicates),
query = new breeze.EntityQuery('OrderDetails').where(predicate);
This predicate based workaround may or may not be feasible depending on the number of orders you're dealing with. Could end up with a long query string. You could then consider using a dedicated controller action (ie "OrderDetailsByOrderId(int[] orderIds)" and use the withParameters EntityQuery method to load the order details using the new action.
The documentation was in error. I just corrected it.
#Jeremy Danyow offered a superb explanation and a solution. I probably would use his approach to solve a specific use case.
The documentation now discusses the problem and describes yet another approach that might be more appropriate if you were trying to write a general utility.
// create an array of filter criteria (`wherePredicate`) for each order
var predicates = (order) {
return EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation(order,'OrderDetails')
// OR the predicates together
var filter = breeze.Predicate.or(predicates);
Thanks to you both for identifying the problem and working through it.

Reverse Relational Lookup on Parse

I'm using to manage my models, and I came to a problem that I couldn't find a good solution.
Let's say that I have to models:
Team: name, number, country
Member: name, Team (Pointer to Team)
I want to fetch ALL Teams, and include all it's Members in one single query. If this is not possible, I will have to run a query for every Team that I fetches.
Is it possible with Parse? I read their docs. but couldn't find a way to doit...
If the point is to get all of both members and teams, why not get all members and use
to include all team objects in the members query?
On another note, when designing for parse (or any other NoSQL database), you should start with defining what queries you will make and then design your "schema".
Since you have a pointer to Team from Member, it seems that this is a one-to-many relationship. A team can have many members, but a member can only belong to one team.
So, what queries will you mostly perform?
Never "list all Teams a Member belongs to", because it can only be one.
You will query for members, and it would probably be nice to see the Team as well.
You will (apparently) query for Team(s) and need to get all members for that team.
Other queries related to Team or Member?
If you need a list of members in a Team, you could make "Members" a PFRelation from Team to Member. I know this seems odd if you're used to SQL databases, but that is not unusual in NoSQL databases.
Looking through the link in your post, my best guess is this:
var Member = Parse.Object.extend("Member");
var query = new Parse.Query(Member);
// Include the Team data with each Member
success: function(members) {
for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
// This does not require a network access.
var team = comments[i].get("team");
The above (untested) sample is modified from the section on include.
You may not be able to do what you want here, depending on the size of your members list and team list... I ran across this in the docs:
If you want to retrieve objects where a field contains a Parse.Object
that matches a different query, you can use matchesQuery. Note that
the default limit of 100 and maximum limit of 1000 apply to the inner
query as well, so with large data sets you may need to construct
queries carefully to get the desired behavior. In order to find
comments for posts containing images, you can do:

Preventing SQL injection in Node.js

Is it possible to prevent SQL injections in Node.js (preferably with a module) in the same way that PHP had Prepared Statements that protected against them.
If so, how? If not, what are some examples that might bypass the code I've provided (see below).
Some Context:
I'm making a web application with a back-end stack consisting of Node.js + MySql using the node-mysql module. From a usability perspective, the module is great, but it has not yet implemented something akin to PHP's Prepared Statements (though I'm aware it is on the todo).
From my understanding, PHP's implementation of prepared statements, among other things, helped greatly in the prevention of SQL injections. I'm worried, though, that my node.js app may be open to similar attacks, even with the string escaping provided by default (as in the code snippet below).
node-mysql seems to be the most popular mysql connector for node.js, so I was wondering what other people might be doing (if anything) to account for this issue - or if it is even an issue with node.js to begin with (not sure how this wouldn't be, since user/client-side input is involved).
Should I switch to node-mysql-native for the time being, since it does provide prepared statements? I'm hesitant to do this, because it does not seem to be as active as node-mysql (though that may just mean that it is complete).
Here is a snippet of user registration code, which uses the sanitizer module, along with node-mysql's prepared statement-like syntax (which, as I mentioned above, does character escaping), to prevent cross site scripting and sql injections, respectively:
// Prevent xss
var clean_user = sanitizer.sanitize(username);
// assume password is hashed already
var post = {Username: clean_user, Password: hash};
// This just uses connection.escape() underneath
var query = connection.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', post,
function(err, results)
// Can a Sql injection happen here?
The node-mysql library automatically performs escaping when used as you are already doing. See
The library has a section in the readme about escaping. It's Javascript-native, so I do not suggest switching to node-mysql-native. The documentation states these guidelines for escaping:
Edit: node-mysql-native is also a pure-Javascript solution.
Numbers are left untouched
Booleans are converted to true / false strings
Date objects are converted to YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss strings
Buffers are converted to hex strings, e.g. X'0fa5'
Strings are safely escaped
Arrays are turned into list, e.g. ['a', 'b'] turns into 'a', 'b'
Nested arrays are turned into grouped lists (for bulk inserts), e.g. [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] turns into ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')
Objects are turned into key = 'val' pairs. Nested objects are cast to strings.
undefined / null are converted to NULL
NaN / Infinity are left as-is. MySQL does not support these, and trying to insert them as values will trigger MySQL errors until they implement support.
This allows for you to do things like so:
var userId = 5;
var query = connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [userId], function(err, results) {
//query.sql returns SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '5'
As well as this:
var post = {id: 1, title: 'Hello MySQL'};
var query = connection.query('INSERT INTO posts SET ?', post, function(err, result) {
//query.sql returns INSERT INTO posts SET `id` = 1, `title` = 'Hello MySQL'
Aside from those functions, you can also use the escape functions:
To escape query identifiers:
And as a response to your comment on prepared statements:
From a usability perspective, the module is great, but it has not yet implemented something akin to PHP's Prepared Statements.
The prepared statements are on the todo list for this connector, but this module at least allows you to specify custom formats that can be very similar to prepared statements. Here's an example from the readme:
connection.config.queryFormat = function (query, values) {
if (!values) return query;
return query.replace(/\:(\w+)/g, function (txt, key) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return this.escape(values[key]);
return txt;
This changes the query format of the connection so you can use queries like this:
connection.query("UPDATE posts SET title = :title", { title: "Hello MySQL" });
//equivalent to
connection.query("UPDATE posts SET title = " + mysql.escape("Hello MySQL");
In regards to testing if a module you are utilizing is secure or not there are several routes you can take. I will touch on the pros/cons of each so you can make a more informed decision.
Currently, there aren't any vulnerabilities for the module you are utilizing, however, this can often lead to a false sense of security as there very well could be a vulnerability currently exploiting the module/software package you are using and you wouldn't be alerted to a problem until the vendor applies a fix/patch.
To keep abreast of vulnerabilities you will need to follow mailing lists, forums, IRC & other hacking related discussions.
PRO: You can often times you will become aware of potential problems within a library before a vendor has been alerted or has issued a fix/patch to remedy the potential avenue of attack on their software.
CON: This can be very time consuming and resource intensive. If you do go this route a bot using RSS feeds, log parsing (IRC chat logs) and or a web scraper using key phrases (in this case node-mysql-native) and notifications can help reduce time spent trolling these resources.
Create a fuzzer, use a fuzzer or other vulnerability framework such as metasploit, sqlMap etc. to help test for problems that the vendor may not have looked for.
PRO: This can prove to be a sure fire method of ensuring to an acceptable level whether or not the module/software you are implementing is safe for public access.
CON: This also becomes time consuming and costly. The other problem will stem from false positives as well as uneducated review of the results where a problem resides but is not noticed.
Really security, and application security in general can be very time consuming and resource intensive. One thing managers will always use is a formula to determine the cost effectiveness (manpower, resources, time, pay etc) of performing the above two options.
Anyways, I realize this is not a 'yes' or 'no' answer that may have been hoping for but I don't think anyone can give that to you until they perform an analysis of the software in question.
Mysql-native has been outdated so it became MySQL2 that is a new module created with the help of the original MySQL module's team. This module has more features and I think it has what you want as it has prepared statements(by using.execute()) like in PHP for more security.
It's also very active(the last change was from 2-1 days) I didn't try it before but I think it's what you want and more.
Preventing SQL injections
SQL injections is a common web hacking technique to destroy or misuse your database. To prevent SQL injections, you should use escape the values when query values are variables provided by the user.
Escape query values by using the mysql.escape() method:
var adr = 'Mountain 21';
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE address = ' + mysql.escape(adr);
con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
Escape query values by using the placeholder ? method:
var adr = 'Mountain 21';
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE address = ?';
con.query(sql, [adr], function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
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