calling an external script and .load jquery conflict - javascript

I'm pretty sure this is another DOH! facepalm questions but as designer and not a programmer I need some help getting it right.
What I have is an index file calling local .html files via jQuery .load. Just like this:
(some tabs functionality not relative here - thus the link target call)
<div id=lightbox">
<div class="load">
<script type="text/javascript">
I also have an external .js file that has a bunch of functions that handles some lightboxes among other things. Standard <script src="js/typography.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Which contains:
$(".open-lightbox").on("click", function(){
My problem is that if the externally called .html file has any elements dependent on the .js file ie. the lightbox popup it doesn't work.
something like :
LightBox Link
<div class="lightbox">
lightbox content
If i move the html code right to the index page instead of the .load, no problem, same if I moved the JS as an inline <script>...</script> rather than calling it extrenally. Works fine in both cases.
My spidey sense tells me this has something to do with my function and .load not executing in the order I need them to, but my javascript copy/paste skills only go this far.
Can anyone tell me if I can make this combination work? I'd really appreciate it.
Maybe I explained my self poorly so let me try and post a better example.
If my index code is as followed everything works: My lightbox pops up as intended.
<li>Link to open Tab Content</li>
<div id="thistabid">
<--Tab Content below-->
<div class="somehtmlpage-load">
LightBox Link
<div class="lightbox">
lightbox content
<--End Tab Content-->
When the said tab is clicked the content inside "thistabid" show up. Whatever that content may be.
Now if i do :
<li>Link to open Tab Content</li>
<div id="thistabid">
<--Tab Content below-->
<div class="somehtmlpage-load">
<script type="text/javascript">
<--End Tab Content-->
The lightbox doesn't work. The content of lightbox.html is
LightBox Link
<div class="lightbox">
lightbox content
Same as the html in the 1st example where everything works. The only difference it's being jQuery loaded rather than hard coded.
What I mean by "if the externally called .html file has any elements dependent on the .js file ie. the lightbox popup" is that if the html is part of the externally called file then the lightbox function isn't working. If it's hard coded it pops up like intended.
On 1st glance the .on seems like should be the solution but most likley my implementation of it is off the mark :/

The 'on' or the 'live' function needs to be applied through an element that exists on the page. Generally some parent of the actual element is used. Can you try something on the following lines with the correct references to the elements on your page:
<li>Link to open Tab Content</li>
<div id="thistabid">
<--Tab Content below-->
<div class="somehtmlpage-load">
<!--leave tab empty for now -->
<--End Tab Content-->
//live or on needs to be applied to an element that exists on th page
$('#thistabid').on('click', '.open-lightbox', function(){
$('#thistabid').on('click', '.close-lightbox', function(){

There seems to be a race condition between your load() and document ready.
To address this you'll need to:
either wait for the load() to complete before you attach the click events
or attach the click to the container of your load() step and use event delegation.
See this page and this other one for more information on how to use on() for delegation.
The code would look like this:
$(".somehtmlpage-load").on("click", ".open-lightbox", function(){

Using a SSI solved my problem. I was trying to keep it all Local Drive friendly but it seemed to be causing more problems than anticipated.
Pick your favorite dev environment...I didn't run into any conflicts on either.
ASP - <!--#include file = "examples/lightbox.html" -->
PHP - <?php include 'examples/lightbox.html';?>
Just in case someone else runs into a similar problem.


Gallery not showing

I have a photo gallery on a website:
However, no images are displayed on the website.
I believe the problem lies in the CSS (or JS), since the HTML looks good to me.
The HTML looks as follows:
<div id="flickrGal0" class="justified-gallery">
<a href="" rel="flickrGal0" title="20130213_153547"><img alt="20130213_153547" src="" data-safe-src="">
<div class="caption">
<div class="photo-title photo-title-with-desc">20130213_153547</div>
The html by itself works elsewhere. So I think there is a conflict somewhere in the JS or CSS somewhere however, I'm unsure exactly where.
I looked up the source code, and the library. justifiedGallery.js file isn't loaded in the page. Function fjgwppInit_flickrGal0() that calls justifiedGallery() isn't called; this explains why the console doesn't fire up any error. Load justifiedGallery.js in the <head>
Somewhere on your page.
It seems the gallery is generated by a plugin, I presume you should play the settings, or, the plugin could be damaged. Plugin homepage

Load js when visible

I have a phtml page that has separate tabs
<div id="maintabs">
<ul id='mainTabNav'>
<li>Tab 1</li>
<li>Tab 2</li>
<div id="maintabs-1">
<p><?php require_once VIEW_DIR."somewhere/tab1.phtml"; ?></p>
<div id="maintabs-2">
<p><?php require_once VIEW_DIR."somewhere/tab2.phtml"; ?></p>
Each tab/page has a header with a js source specific to the page like this
<script src="js/tab<num>.js"></script>
On the page load though each javascript file is loading. Is there a way to only load the js for the tab currently open? When a new tab opens then the js reloads with just the js for the current tab?
You could keep click events on each of the main tabs that would dynamically load the appropriate javascript using something like jQuery.getScript().
var tabno = $( this ).index();
The pitfall I'd imagine with this is that you seem to want to have all the previous javascript to be washed away once the latest JS file was loaded. I'm not sure if that's doable or if you'll have side effects from it.
Also this could totally be done with vanilla JS but well, time savings.
Is there a way to only load the js for the tab currently open?
Since you are using PHP you could manage to pass the number of the current page to view. Pseudo-code
->set('page_number', $page_number)
The $page_number variable now holds the page number that can be used in your scripts with ease
<script src="js/tab<?php echo $page_number; ?>.js"></script>
<div id="maintabs">
<ul id='mainTabNav'>
<li>Tab 1</li>
<li>Tab 2</li>
<div id="maintabs-".<?php echo $page_number; ?>>
<p><?php require_once VIEW_DIR."somewhere/tab".<?php echo $page_number; ?>.".phtml"; ?></p>
Can't you just put this:
<script src="js/tab<num>.js"></script>
into your somewhere/tab*.phtml?
Using pure Javascript, I believe it is possible if you are loading the page using AJAX.
This tutorial,, demonstrates a way of loading another page (I call them child pages) into the main page (which I call the index page). As far as I can tell, if you include associated script tags in the child pages rather than the index page, then they are dynamic in that they load when the child page loads, and unloads when he child page unloads.
I have used a modified version of this tutorial in my own projects before, where I don't create the child pages with the same content as the index page as the tutorial shows, and instead use the whole child html file solely for only the child page's content.
Here’s an example based off your code:
indexScript.js :
/* When index.html is loaded and ready */
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Handels on-click of menu buttons */
$('#mainTabNav a').click(function(){
/* Getting the linked page */
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href');
/* Hiding content and calling loadContent function - creates animation*/
$('#contentDiv').hide('slow', loadContent);
/* Injects content to contentDiv div tag */
function loadContent(){
$('#contentDiv').load(toLoad, '', showNewContent);
/* Shows contentDiv div */
function showNewContent() {
demonstratePageChange(); //For testing - you can remove this
/* In order to stop the browser actually navigating to the page */
return false;
/* Initial Load - load first child page by simulation of clicking on it*/
/* To demonstrate the respective JS script is loaded as needed */
function demonstratePageChange() {
alert(testMsg); //Alerts the message from resepctive child page script
}, 3000);
index.html :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id='maintabs'>
<ul id='mainTabNav'>
<a id='maintabs_1' href='childA.html'><li>Tab 1</li></a>
<a id='maintabs_2' href='childB.html'><li>Tab 2</li></a>
<div id='contentWrapper'>
<div id='contentDiv'></div>
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-2.1.1.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='indexScript.js'></script>
childA.html :
<div id='maintabs-1' class='contentBody'>
<script type='text/javascript' src='childAScript.js'></script>
Child A - Page
childAScript.js :
console.log("childAScript has been loaded");
var testMsg = "This is Child A";
childB.html :
<div id='maintabs-2' class='contentBody'>
<script type='text/javascript' src='childBScript.js'></script>
Child B - Page
childBScript.js :
console.log("childBScript has been loaded");
var testMsg = "This is Child B!!!!";
However, there are few things to consider using this method:
This particular method requires jQuery
This method doesn't support reload, you'd have to code that in. i.e. if you're on tab 2, you need store that fact and on refresh, point back to tab 2.
Local testing - as far as I can tell, only FF supports this when testing it locally. If you want to test this on Chrome for example, you'd need to upload this onto a server and only then will this work. This is due to the "XMLHttpRequest cannot load" error, if you try this locally.
I hope this helps and resolves your problem.
The use of AMD requirejs can do this also. It is possible to use pure js although I prefer AMD modules [i.e. define()]. For my apps depending on user actions, code is downloaded on the fly reducing load. An onclick event fires on the tab control calling requirejs and the script get downloaded and you call it. PsuedoExample:
<script type="text/javascript" src="require.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
//Assuming using jQuery, use document.getElementById and what not otherwise
$('#maintabs-1').click(function(e) {
require(['/js/tabnum1.js'], function (tab1) {
Use a for loop for multiple tabs. Also, I try and put as much processing [sans data storage and server validation (obviously)] into the client side.

template insertion in a editor

Describing a scenario:
I am going through the code mentioned below.B asically I am trying to figure out how to program so that
when a user clicks on "Use Template" button , it gets inserted into an editor.
Page 1:
There are lot of templates present
When a user clicks on the "Use Template" button on , it gets inserted into an editor that is present in
the next page (Page 2).
Please find the code snippet below for the first two templates I am going through:
<div id="templatesWrap">
<div class="template" data-templatelocation="templateone" data-templatename="Template ONE" data-templateid="" >
<div class="templateContainer">
<a href="" title="Use Template">
<img class="thumbnail" src="templatefiles/thumbnail_010.jpg" alt="templateone">
<div class="templateName">Template ONE</div>
Use Template
<div class="template" data-templatelocation="templatetwo" data-templatename="Template TWO" data-templateid="" >
<div class="templateContainer">
<a href="" title="Use Template">
<img class="thumbnail" src="templatefiles/thumbnail_011.jpg" alt="templatetwo">
<div class="templateName">Template TWO</div>
Use Template
And so on ....
How does the link "" is inserting the template into the editor which is located on the next page? I haven't understood the token part and lot's of ID's present in the link
which I think are thereason behind inserting the template.
Has anyone come across such link before? Please advise.
Thanks for your answer.It did help me somewhat. I have few more questions:
Basically, I am using TinyMCE 4.0.8 version as my editor. The templates, I am using are from here:
Some questions based on "Tivie" answer.
1) As you can see in the code for "2col-1-2-leftsidebar.html " it's not defined inside <div> tags unlike you defined it in <div> tags. Do you think that I can still
use it using "2col-1-2-leftsidebar.html " name?
2)I believe,for explanation purpose, you have included
`"<div contenteditable="true" id="myEditor">replaced stuff</div>`
<button id="btn">Load TPL</button>
$("#btn").click(function() {
in the same page. Am I right? ( I understand you were trying to make an educated guess here, hence
just asking :) )
In my case, I have a separate page, where I have written code for buttons just like you wrote in editor.html like the following:
<button id="btn">Load TPL</button>. My button is defined inside <div class="templateContainer">.
Also, my templates are defined in a separate folder. So, I will have to grab the content(HTML Template), from
that folder and then insert into TinyMCE 4.08 editor. (Looks like two step process). Could you elaborate
on how should I proceed here?
More Question As of Dec 27
I have modifier my code for the template as follows:
<div class="templateName">Template ONE</div>
Use Template
Please note, I have added an additional id attribute for the following purpose.
If I go by the answer mentioned in the Tivia's post, is the following correct?
$("#temp1").click(function() {
My editor is defined like the following on Page 2 (Editor Page).
<div class="field">
<textarea id="sTextBody" name="sTextBody" style="width:948px; max-width:948px; height: 70%"></textarea>
I am confused, like, the script tag I have defined is in Page 1 where I have defined all the template related code
and the Page 2(Editor) page is a different page. It's simply taking me to Editor page (Page 2) and hence not working.
Please advise where I am wrong.
The problem Iam facing is as follows. Basically, for first template , I have the following code.
Code Snippet #1 where "Use "Template" button is present:
<div class="templateName">Template ONE</div>
Use Template
And the function suggested in the answer is as follows:
Code Snippet #2 where Editor is present:
$("#temp1").click(function() {
Since, I believe I first need to reach to that page after user clicks on "Use Template" button, where the editor is located, I have defined Code Snippet #1 on Page 1 and have defined the Code Snippet #2 and <script src=""></script> as the very first two script tags in the Page 2 ( Editor Page). But still when I click on "User Template" button on Page 1, it's just letting me to next page and not loading the template into the editor.
Am I doing something wrong here? Please advise.
P.S. The problem I feel is somehow the click function on Page 2 is not getting activated with the temp1 id button mentioned on Page 1.
Well, one can only guess without having access to the page itself (and it's source code). I can, however, make an educated guess on how it works.
The URL params follows a pattern. First you have a token that is equal in all templates. This probably means the token does not have any relevance to the template mechanism itself. Maybe it's an authentication token or something. Not relevant though.
Then you have the template identification (templateOne, templateTwo, etc...) followed by a HubId that is empty. Lastly you have a goalComplete=200 which might correspond to the HTTP success code 200 (OK).
Based on this, my guess would be that they are probably using AJAX on the background, to fetch those templates from the server. Then, via JScript, those templates are inserted into the editor box itself.
Using JQuery, something like this is trivial. here's an example:
<span>This is a template</span>
<script src="//"></script>
<div contenteditable="true" id="myEditor">
replaced stuff
<button id="btn">Load TPL</button>
$("#btn").click(function() {
1) Well, since those templates are quite complex and include CSS, you probably want to keep them separated from you editor page (or the template's CSS will mess up your page's css).
However, since you're using TinyMCE, it comes with a template manager built in, so you probably want to use that. Check this link here for documentation.
2) I think 1 answers your question but, just in case, my method above works for any page in any directory, provided it lives on the same domain. Example:
$("#btn").click(function() {
I recomend you check this page for the specifics on using TinyMCE
Let me explain the above code:
$("#btn").click(function() { });
This basically tells the browser to run the code inside the brackets when you click the element with an id="btn"
This is an AJAX request (check the documentation here). It grabs the contents of someDirectory/template.html and places them inside the element whose id="myEditor"

Dynamic Content Swap via AJAX

Only this much now: I'm creating a vcard design for myself. My motivation is to make it look as good as possible. I want to apply to a webdesign company with this vcard to get a professional education for webdesign.
I still have a lot to change till it completely fulfills in my requirements, but this is my current version of the design I just uploaded to get you an overview over the design.
So as you can see it's focused on retro, vintage, ribbons and scetch elements.
Right know I want to get rid of these jerking content refreshs. So I thought a dynamic content swap via ajax and jQuery would be the best way to do it.
I never did much with js or actually ajax.
I want to ask you guys about a solution you think benefits in my design. I was thinking about something smoothly.
The content which needs to be changed is placed in
<ul class="ribbon s"><!--Following links got the class="ribbon b/p/l/k"-->
<li class="ribbon-content">Link</li>
<section id="content">
<div class="con clearfix">
</div><!--An empty div for possibly swapping without touching the vintage paper thing -->
for example use jquery.
first add jquery to your html. within the domready-event you can register click events on your ribbon-menue. on each click you load the div-content from the given link-url in the html-part.
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".ribbon-content a").on("click", function(event){
$(".con").load($("href"), function(){
// add code after loading - for example change classes of menue
additionly you can the the browser-history to enable the prev- and next-buttons of the browser.

Better alternative to an iframe to display tab content?

I have a page with an iframe to feature the contents of the clicked tab. There are 3 tabs and 1 iframe. The sources of the contents relating to each tab clicked are formatted and coded in other html & css files.
What is another alternative to using an iframe, because I noticed that when the tab is clicked, it still shows the white background, similar to when a new page is loading?
Here's my code:
<div id="tabs">
<div id="overview">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="toframe.html">Overviews</a>
<div id="gallery">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="tawagpinoygallery.html">Gallery</a>
<div id="reviews">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="trframe.html">Reviews</a>
<div id="tabs-1">
<iframe src="toframe.html" name= "tabsa" width="95%" height="100%" frameborder="0">
The only alternative to using IFRAMEs to load dynamic content (after the page has loaded) is using AJAX to update a container on your web page. It's pretty elegant and usually faster than loading a full page structure into an IFRAME.
Ajax with JQuery (use this and you will be loved on SO; the AJAX functions are great and simple)
Ajax with Prototype
Ajax with MooTools
Standalone Ajax with Matt Kruse's AJAX toolbox (Used to use this, using JQuery today because I needed a framework)
AJAX with Dojo (Said to be fast, but AJAX is not as straightforward)
Another alternative is to use AJAX to load the content of a tab and use a div to display the content. I would suggest that using an existing Tab library might be an option rather than trying to solve all the problems associated with creating tabs.
Maybe the jQuery UI Tab might be helpful here if you like to try it.
EDIT: AJAX example with UI Tabs.
First, the HTML will look like this.
<div id="tabs">
Then make sure that you import the appropriate jQuery files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then add the code to create the tabs:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
There's an alternative to AJAX!
You can load ALL three possible contents into separate DIVs.
Then clicking on a tab will simply make the display attribute of the appropriate content's DIV "block" while making the other two DIVs' display property "none".
Cheap, easy, does not require AJAX costs for extra http request or for coding.
Mind you, AJAX is a better solution if the contents of the tabs will change dynamically based on other data as opposed to being known at the time the page loads.
You don't need script.
<ul><li>foo link<li>bar link</ul>
<div class="tab" id="foo">foo contents</div>
<div class="tab" id="bar">bar contents</div>
Plus this CSS, in most browsers: .tab:not(:target) { display: none !important; }, which defaults to all content visible if :target isn't supported (any modern browser supports it).
If you're showing content with script, always hide it with script. Let it degrade gracefully if that script doesn't run.
It's probably better to load in the content for each tab into DIVs on the same page and then switch the visibility of each DIV when a tab button is clicked using JavaScript and the CSS display property.
If you can't do that then iframe is probably the best solution. You can make the iframe background transparent, see below:
<iframe src="toframe.html" name= "tabsa" width="95%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
You would then need to add the following CSS to the BODY element using:
BODY { Background: transparent; }
The HTML iframe is to be used to include/display non-template content, such as a PDF file. It's considered bad practice when used for template content (i.e. HTML), in both the SEO and UX opinions.
In your case you just want to have a tabbed panel. This can be solved in several ways:
Have a bunch of links as tabs and a bunch of div's as tab contents. Initially only show the first tab content and hide all others using CSS display: none;. Use JavaScript to toggle between tabs by setting CSS display: block; (show) and display: none; (hide) on the tab content divs accordingly.
Have a bunch of links as tabs and one div as tab contents. Use Ajax to get the tab content asynchronously and use JavaScript to replace the current tab contents with the new content.
Have a bunch of links as tabs and one div as tab contents. Let each link send a different GET request parameter or pathinfo representing the clicked tab. Use server-side flow-control (PHP's if(), or JSP's <c:if>, etc) or include capabilities (PHP's include(), or JSP's <jsp:include>, etc) to include the desired tab content depending on the parameter/pathinfo.
When going for the JavaScript based approach, I can warmly recommend to adopt jQuery for this.
This is jQuery example that includes another html page into your document. This is much more SEO friendly than iframe. In order to be sure that the bots are not indexing the included page just add it to disallow in robots.txt
<script src="/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript">
<div id='include-from-outside'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
You could also include jQuery directly from Google: - this means optional auto-inclusion of newer versions and some significant speed increase. Also, means that you have to trust them for delivering you just the jQuery ;)
As mentioned, you could use jQuery or another library to retrieve the contents of the HTML file and populate it into the div. Then you could even do a fancy fade to make it look all pretty.
Something along these lines:
$.get("toframe.html", function(data){
you could prepopulate or onclick you could do the get dynamically
$("#tabs a").click(function(){
var pagetoget = $(this).attr("href");
If you prepopulate could have three containers instead of the one you have now, 2 hidden, 1 display, and the click functions will hide them all except for the one you want.
The get is less code though, easier time.

