Ext.Ux.Printer Print Image doesn't work - javascript

i have downloaded the https://github.com/edspencer/Ext.ux.Printer and
import the Printer.js and Base.js
in Base.Js i added the image rendder code:
Ext.ux.Printer.imageRenderer = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Printer.BaseRenderer, {
generateBody: function(image) {
return String.format("<div class='image-print'>{0}</div>", image.body.dom.innerHTML);
Ext.ux.Printer.registerRenderer('image', Ext.ux.Printer.imageRenderer);
this is the place display the image with id displayimage
items: [Printtoolbar,{
xtype : 'image',
id : 'displayimage',
style: {
'display': 'block',
'margin': 'auto'
width: 320,
height: 240,
When Pressed Print Button Print The Image
var PrintImgBtn = Ext.getCmp('btnPrint');
PrintImgBtn.on('click', function(){
printImg = Ext.getCmp('displayimage');
Unfortunately when i pressed the print button,nothing happen.

You can just open a window and print it. In your button handler:
handler: function() {
var img = Ext.getCmp('displayimage');
if(img) {
var html = img.container.dom.innerHTML;
var win = window.open();
Example with print: http://jsfiddle.net/wXfFN/3/

if your are using Iframe 'Ext.ux.iFrame', then you can use something like this
var iframe = this.down('iframe');
if you want to add some additional content along with iframe content
var iframe = this.down('iframe');
var contentWindow = iframe.getFrame().contentWindow;
var iFrameNewContent = "<div>This will be helpfull</div>" + contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
// set iFrameNewContent to content window
contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = iFrameNewContent;
Advantage is that all the styles applied to iframe content, you can see in print document
Also check this link whether it comes usefull


show each div content individually in each page

I am exporting the data present inside the div to PDF when user click on the export button. I want to show each div content to show in individual pages inside the PDF.
The above scenario is working in the demo https://plnkr.co/edit/KvkVlYmmmJiZ71sghb1l?p=preview
The same when applied to below code, it is not working.
Demo here : https://plnkr.co/edit/P9nUSRY5TytkonM6dUHl?p=preview
js code:
$scope.export = function() {
var pdf = new jsPDF('landscape');
var source = $('#append-source');
var html = "<div>"+$(this) + "</div><!--ADD_PAGE-->";//the code is broken with this line
// var html = $(this);
source, 0, 0, {
pagesplit: true
It is not recommended to use jquery like this inside an angular app. To see why look here: Can we use both jQuery and Angular in our Web Application?
However what you want to do is possible if you put the following into your controller:
$scope.export = function() {
var pdf = new jsPDF('landscape');
var source = "";
var width1 = pdf.internal.pageSize.width;
var textForPdfPage = $(this).children().eq(1).children()[0].textContent;
var html = "<div>"+ textForPdfPage + " </div><!--ADD_PAGE-->";
margins = {
top: 80,
bottom: 60,
left: 10,
width: '100%'
source, // HTML string or DOM elem ref.
margins.left, // x coord
margins.top, { // y coord
'width': width1 // max width of content on PDF
function (dispose) {
Your main problem is that when you where trying to create your html string you only used $(this). $(this) gives you a jquery object. The string you want to put on the page is inside this object and is accessed using the jquery .children() method.
Here is a way of doing what you asked using addHTML() instead of fromHTML():
$scope.export = function() {
var pdf = new jsPDF('landscape');
var pdfName = 'test.pdf';
var options = {};
var $divs = $('.myDivClass') //jQuery object of all the myDivClass divs
var numRecursionsNeeded = $divs.length -1; //the number of times we need to call addHtml (once per div)
var currentRecursion=0;
//Found a trick for using addHtml more than once per pdf. Call addHtml in the callback function of addHtml recursively.
function recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions){
//Once we have done all the divs save the pdf
//$('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion] selects one of the divs out of the jquery collection as a html element
//addHtml requires an html element. Not a string like fromHtml.
pdf.addHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function(){
recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions)
pdf.addHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function(){
recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, numRecursionsNeeded);
I left the other answer so people can see both ways of doing it.

How to put dynamically created multiple iframe in one div to flush them for printing

I have created multiple iframes, and for printing all of them together, I want to append those to one div, so that it can be used for printing. Could you please provide JavaScript or jQuery code for accessing code.
Code for creating iframe dynamically at run-time
var contentDiv = document.createElement("contentDiv" + count++);
var iframe = $('<iframe>', {
src: 'blank.htm',
id: 'printFrame',
frameborder: '0',
border: '0',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
scrolling: 'no'
var frameNode = contentDiv.lastElementChild;
frameNode.setAttribute("src", url.getURL());
var printFrameDiv = document.getElementById("printContentDiv");
Code for Printing the content
function onPrint(){
document.getElementById('printTag').hidden = true;
var dummyContent = document.getElementById("printContentDiv");
var iFrame = document.getElementById("printFrame");
dummyContent.innerHTML = iFrame.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
This code currently printing only first iframe I have created dynamically.

ExtJS 4 - Printing Forms Programatically sometimes gives "Print Preview Failed" in Chrome

Good day. I am developing a Web Application and there's a part where I print the form on button click. To achieve this, I overrode the definition of my Form Panel so that I can call form.print() anywhere in my code when I need to. Here is how I overrode my form:
Ext.define('my_app_name.override.form.Panel', {
override: 'Ext.form.Panel',
print: function(pnl) {
if (!pnl) {
pnl = this;
// instantiate hidden iframe
var iFrameId = "printerFrame";
var printFrame = Ext.get(iFrameId);
if (printFrame === null) {
printFrame = Ext.getBody().appendChild({
id: iFrameId,
tag: 'iframe',
cls: 'x-hidden',
style: {
display: "none"
var cw = printFrame.dom.contentWindow;
// instantiate application stylesheets in the hidden iframe
var stylesheets = "";
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
stylesheets += Ext.String.format('<link rel="stylesheet" href="{0}" />', document.styleSheets[i].href);
// various style overrides
stylesheets += ''.concat(
".x-panel-body {overflow: visible !important;}",
// experimental - page break after embedded panels
// .x-panel {page-break-after: always; margin-top: 10px}",
// get the contents of the panel and remove hardcoded overflow properties
var markup = pnl.getEl().dom.innerHTML;
while (markup.indexOf('overflow: auto;') >= 0) {
markup = markup.replace('overflow: auto;', '');
var str = Ext.String.format('<html><head>{0}</head><body>{1}</body></html>',stylesheets,markup);
// output to the iframe
// remove style attrib that has hardcoded height property
// print the iframe
// destroy the iframe
Then on a click of a button in my Web App, I do something like:
var form = Ext.getCmp('formIDHere');
However, this code is rather inconsistent at times. There are times that I can print the form no problem and there are times that it gives the "Print Preview Error" message. I can't replicate the issue consistently and the logs aren't showing anything so I'm in the dark.
What I've noticed however, is that when I save my project (I'm using Sencha Architect), preview it (or refresh the current window where I'm previewing my Web App), stay with the web app all throughout the process (meaning I don't shift tabs or windows), hit the print button, the print preview appears and I don't have problems with it.
So far I haven't tested in other Web Browsers. Any ideas anyone? I'll be really thankful for anyone who can point out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
Sorry I forgot to update this. Thanks to whoever upvoted my question.
The concept is simple. Since ExtJS4 is asynchronous, I placed my code in "blocks" and then I delayed my calls to those functions to ensure that they finish constructing what they need to construct before moving on to the next part.
print: function(pnl) {
if (!pnl) {
pnl = this;
// instantiate hidden iframe
var iFrameId = "printerFrame";
var printFrame = Ext.get(iFrameId);
if (printFrame === null) {
printFrame = Ext.getBody().appendChild({
id: iFrameId,
tag: 'iframe',
cls: 'x-hidden',
style: {
display: "none"
var cw = printFrame.dom.contentWindow;
var stylesheets = "";
var markup;
// instantiate application stylesheets in the hidden iframe
var printTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){
// print the iframe
// destroy the iframe
var strTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){
var str = Ext.String.format('<html><head>{0}</head><body>{1}</body></html>',stylesheets,markup);
// output to the iframe
// remove style attrib that has hardcoded height property
// cw.document.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0].removeAttribute('style');
var markUpTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){
// get the contents of the panel and remove hardcoded overflow properties
markup = pnl.getEl().dom.innerHTML;
while (markup.indexOf('overflow: auto;') >= 0) {
markup = markup.replace('overflow: auto;', '');
while (markup.indexOf('background: rgb(255, 192, 203) !important;') >= 0) {
markup = markup.replace('background: rgb(255, 192, 203) !important;', 'background: pink !important;');
var styleSheetConcatTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){
// various style overrides
stylesheets += ''.concat(
".x-panel-body {overflow: visible !important;}",
// experimental - page break after embedded panels
// .x-panel {page-break-after: always; margin-top: 10px}",
var styleSheetCreateTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
stylesheets += Ext.String.format('<link rel="stylesheet" href="{0}" />', document.styleSheets[i].href);

How to create an iframe modal form pre described js?

I have a js file called makeIframeModal.js . Normally when i try to create an iframe, is use the iframe tag in jsp like this :
<iframe id="myIframeId" style="display:none;" height="430" width="675" src="myjsp.jsp" ></iframe>
Now makeIframeModal.js contains the iframe description like this :
iframemodal = new modal($('framebtn'), {
afterOpen : function(){$$('.close a').invoke('observe','click',function(e){modal.close(); Event.stop(e);});},
opacity: 0.3,
width: 675,
fade: true,
fadeDuration: 0.1,
autoOpenIfLinked: false
So , my iframe opens up in a pop up. Now I have a link in this iframe, which when clicked will close the iframe. This i am doing like this :
function closeMyIframe()
var parentDynamicDiv = window.parent.document.getElementById('dynamic_id1');
var iframe = window.parent.document.getElementById('dynamic_id2');
iframe.style.display = 'none';
parentDynamicDiv.style.display = 'none';
However, now i need to open up another iframe called myNewIframeModal.
So in short: When i close the first iframe another iframe must open up in a pop up automatically. How can achieve I this functionality ? Kindly help me .
you can call the new modal inside the closeMyframe...
function closeMyIframe()
var parentDynamicDiv = window.parent.document.getElementById('dynamic_id1');
var iframe = window.parent.document.getElementById('dynamic_id2');
iframe.style.display = 'none';
parentDynamicDiv.style.display = 'none';
iframemodal2 = new modal($('framebtn'), {
afterOpen : function(){$$('.close a').invoke('observe','click',function(e){modal.close(); Event.stop(e);});},
opacity: 0.3,
width: 675,
fade: true,
fadeDuration: 0.1,
autoOpenIfLinked: false

jQuery - running a function on a new image

I'm a jQuery novice, so the answer to this may be quite simple:
I have an image, and I would like to do several things with it.
When a user clicks on a 'Zoom' icon, I'm running the 'imagetool' plugin (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-imagetool/) to load a larger version of the image. The plugin creates a new div around the image and allows the user to pan around.
When a user clicks on an alternative image, I'm removing the old one and loading in the new one.
The problem comes when a user clicks an alternative image, and then clicks on the zoom button - the imagetool plugin creates the new div, but the image appears after it...
The code is as follows:
// Product Zoom (jQuery)
$("#productZoom").click(function() {
// Set new image src
var imageSrc = $("#productZoom").attr("href");
$("#productImage").attr('src', imageSrc);
// Run the imagetool plugin on the image
$(function() {
viewportWidth: 300,
viewportHeight: 300,
topX: 150,
topY: 150,
bottomX: 450,
bottomY: 450
return false;
// Alternative product photos (jQuery)
$(".altPhoto").click(function() {
$('#productImageDiv div.viewport').remove();
// Set new image src
var altImageSrc = $(this).attr("href");
$("#productZoom").attr('href', altImageSrc);
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function () {
}).error(function () {
// notify the user that the image could not be loaded
src: altImageSrc,
id: "productImage"
return false;
It seems to me, that the imagetool plugin can no longer see the #productImage image once it has been replaced with a new image... So I think this has something to do with binding? As in because the new image is added to the dom after the page has loaded, the iamgetool plugin can no longer use it correctly... is this right?
If so, any ideas how to deal with it?
Wehey! I've sorted it out myself...
Turns out if I remove the containing div completely, and then rewrite it with .html, the imagetool plugin recognises it again.
Amended code for anyone who's interested:
// Product Zoom (jQuery)
$("#productZoom").click(function() {
$('#productImageDiv').html('<img src="" id="productImage">');
// Set new image src
var imageSrc = $("#productZoom").attr("href");
$("#productImage").attr('src', imageSrc);
// Run the imagetool plugin on the image
$(function() {
viewportWidth: 300,
viewportHeight: 300,
topX: 150,
topY: 150,
bottomX: 450,
bottomY: 450
return false;
// Alternative product photos (jQuery)
$(".altPhoto").click(function() {
$('#productImageDiv div.viewport').remove();
// Set new image src
var altImageSrc = $(this).attr("href");
// Set new image Zoom link (from the ID... is that messy?)
var altZoomLink = $(this).attr("id");
$("#productZoom").attr('href', altZoomLink);
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function () {
}).error(function () {
// notify the user that the image could not be loaded
src: altImageSrc,
id: "productImage"
return false;
You could try abstracting the productZoom.click() function to a named function, and then re-binding it after changing to an alternate image. Something like:
// Product Zoom (jQuery)
// Alternative product photos (jQuery)
$(".altPhoto").click(function() {
$('#productImageDiv div.viewport').remove();
// Set new image src
var altImageSrc = $(this).attr("href");
$("#productZoom").attr('href', altImageSrc);
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function () {
}).error(function () {
// notify the user that the image could not be loaded
src: altImageSrc,
id: "productImage"
return false;
function bindZoom() {
// Set new image src
var imageSrc = $("#productZoom").attr("href");
$("#productImage").attr('src', imageSrc);
// Run the imagetool plugin on the image
$(function() {
viewportWidth: 300,
viewportHeight: 300,
topX: 150,
topY: 150,
bottomX: 450,
bottomY: 450
return false;
Also, rolled both your ready() blocks into the same block.
First, i have one question, are the .altPhoto links or images? Cause if its images then this line is wrong
var altImageSrc = $(this).attr("href");
it should be
var altImageSrc = $(this).attr("src");
its the only thing i could find in a glance

