Creating a JSON dynamically with each input value using jquery - javascript

I got a situation where I would like to read some data off a JSON format through PHP, however I am having some issues understanding how I should construct the Javascript object to create the JSON format dynamically.
My scenario is as follows:
<input title="QA" type="text" class="email">
<input title="PROD" type="text" class="email">
<input title="DEV" type="text" class="email">
The Javascript code I have so far goes through each input grabs the data, I am however unable to understand how to process from here on.
var taskArray = {};
$("input[class=email]").each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("title");
var email = $(this).val();
//how to create JSON?
I would like to get the following output if possible.
[{title: QA, email: ''}, {title: PROD, email: ''},{title: DEV, email: ''}]
Where the email is acquired by the input field value.

Like this:
function createJSON() {
jsonObj = [];
$("input[class=email]").each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("title");
var email = $(this).val();
item = {}
item ["title"] = id;
item ["email"] = email;
You are looking for an array of objects. So, you create a blank array. Create an object for each input by using 'title' and 'email' as keys. Then you add each of the objects to the array.
If you need a string, then do
jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
Sample Output

I don't think you can turn JavaScript objects into JSON strings using only jQuery, assuming you need the JSON string as output.
Depending on the browsers you are targeting, you can use the JSON.stringify function to produce JSON strings.
See for more information, there you can also find a JSON parser for older browsers that don't support the JSON object natively.
In your case:
var array = [];
$("input[class=email]").each(function() {
title: $(this).attr("title"),
email: $(this).val()
// then to get the JSON string
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(array);

May be this will help, I'd prefer pure JS wherever possible, it improves the performance drastically as you won't have lots of JQuery function calls.
var obj = [];
var elems = $("input[class=email]");
for (i = 0; i < elems.length; i += 1) {
var id = this.getAttribute('title');
var email = this.value;
tmp = {
'title': id,
'email': email

same from above example - if you are just looking for json (not an array of object) just use
function getJsonDetails() {
item = {}
item ["token1"] = token1val;
item ["token2"] = token1val;
return item;
this output ll print as (a valid json)

I tried this:
// Sample JS object
var varobject = {
name: "Name",
Intern: "Test",
// Converting JS object to JSON string


A quicker way to update lots of values

Im updating many fields using ajax. My server is getting a row from the database then I am JSON encoding the row and sending this as my xmlhttp.responseText.
The response text is of the form
{"JobCardNum":5063,"IssueTo":"MachineShop","Priority":"High" ...lots of data}
In the browser I then JSON parse the response text and then begin the long process of updating the values like so:
var obj = JSON.parse(info);
document.getElementById("JobCardNum").value = obj.JobCardNum;
document.getElementById("IssueTo").value = obj.IssueTo;
document.getElementById("MachineShop").value = obj.MachineShop;
....... lots of similar statements
As the element id matches the column names I though there might be a way to loop through my JavaScript object and set all my values. Any Ideas?
This code should iterate over your json object and update the values.
for (var key in p) {
if (p.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var el = document.getElementById(key);
if(el) el.value = p[key];
The solution using Object.keys and Array.forEach functions:
var obj = JSON.parse(info);
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) el.value = obj[id];

How to get json value by string?

I receive the following string from the server response:
var jsonData = '[{"firstName":"Bill","lastName":"Gates"},{"firstName":"George","lastName":"Bush"},{"firstName":"Thomas","lastName":"Carter"}]';
I see some jquery plugins can predefine the keys they want
like: index:"firstName", and they get a ul like
If index:"lastName", they get a ul like
The only way I know how to parse a json format string is:
var object = JSON.parse(jsonData);
var firstName = object[i].firstName;
var lastName= object[i].lastName;
The plugin pass the index like a parameter
function f(index) {
return object[i].index;
How can they achieve this?
Thanks for helping!
You can access object properties with square brackets. JS objects work like arrays in this regard.
var objects = JSON.parse(jsonData),
key = "firstName";
objects.forEach(function (obj) {
var value = obj[key];
// ...

Jquery post a Array

I am having a Array which is generated by my Javascript in run time.
once that array is full with all the values I want to send it using POST to the server.
How can I do that ...
Pseudo code:
$.post("receiver.php", { xxxxx }, function(data){ console.log(data);});
How can I get that xxxx updated in the post
I checked the documentation in jquery but they are expecting to give all the values in POST.I do not want to do that.
Also, I want to send post only once so that traffic will be less.
You can use join() to get all your array values converted to a string, using some char to separate it.
EDIT 2: As Kumar said he was using 2 arrays
var idsArray;
var namesArray;
idsArray[] =[i].id;
namesArray[] =[i].name;
var ids = idsArray.join(",");
var names = namesArray.join(",");
$.post("receiver.php", { ids:ids, names:names }, function(data){ console.log(data);});
similar to iBlue's comment, You can just send an object with post; you don't have to define the object in the post function, { } are simply the delimiters to define objects, which are similar to PHP associative arrays:
$.post('reciever.php', myData, function(data){ /*callback*/ });
The only thing is that you setup myData as an object like follows:
myData = {
0: 'info',
1: 'info'
//or even something like this
myData = {
someProp: 'info',
someProp2: {
anotherProp: 'moreInfo'
you can also use non-numerical indexes with objects, and easily add properties:
myData[2] = 'info';
or you can loop through it, just in a slightly different way:
for(i in myData){
myData[i]; //Do something with myArr[i]
the for in loop will also loop through non-numerical properties. And you can still get the length of myData by
Instead of sending a string:
IDs = {}
Names = {}
for(var i = 0; i <; i++){
IDs[i] =[i].id;
Names[i] =[i].name;
$.post('reciever.php', {IDs: IDs, Names: Names}, function(data){});
In the PHP file you would access them like so
$_POST['IDs'][0] = "some id";
$_POST['Names'][0] = "some name";
Actaully I think the indexes are sent as strings, so might have to do
Not sure, but it seems like you want to do this:
var sendObj = {};
for (var i=0; i<; i++) {
var id =[i].id,
name =[i].name; // or some similiar computation
sendObj[name] = id;
$.post("receiver.php", sendObj, function(data){ console.log(data);});
This will send the as name=id-value-pairs.

Push to array a key name taken from variable

I have an array:
var pages = new Array();
I want to push my pages data to this array like this:
$('').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type');
var info = $(this).attr('data-info');
but this code doesn't replace datatype as variable, just puts datatype string as a key.
How do I make it place there actual string value as a key name?
I finally saw what you were trying to do:
var pages = new Array();
$('').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type');
var info = $(this).attr('data-info');
var temp = {};
temp[datatype] = info;
$('').each(function () {
//get type and info, then setup an object to push onto the array
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type'),
info = $(this).attr('data-info'),
obj = {};
//now set the index and the value for the object
obj[datatype] = info;
Notice that you can put a comma between variable declarations rather than reusing the var keyword.
It looks like you just want to store two pieces of information for each page. You can do that by pushing an array instead of an object:
pages_order.push([datatype, info]);
You have to use datatype in a context where it will be evaluated.
Like so.
var pages = [];
$('').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type'),
info = $(this).attr('data-info'),
record = {};
record[datatype] = info;
You only need one var it can be followed by multiple assignments that are separated by ,.
No need to use new Array just use the array literal []
You may add below single line to push value with key:
pages_order.yourkey = value;

How to create dynamically named JavaScript object properties?

Here is what I have
<input type="text" name="item1" class="grab" value="userInput" />
<input type="text" name="somethingelse1" class="grab" value="differentUserInput" />
... (any number of inputs)
Using JQuery/Javascript I want to build an array of objects with name value pairs that looks like this:
output = [ {item1: userInput}, {somethingelse1: differentUserInput} ... etc.];
I have tried this with no success:
var output = new Array();
$('.grab').each( function(index) {
output.push({$(this).attr('name'): $(this).val()} );
I have tried several variations including experimenting with eval(), but to no avail. If I remove the $(this).attr('name'), and give it a static name it works... so how can I create dynamically named objects?
The literal-object syntax cannot be used for non-literal keys.
To use a non-literal key with an object requires the object[keyExpression] notation, as below. (This is equivalent to object.key when keyExpression = "key", but note the former case takes an expression as the key and the latter an identifier.)
var output = []
$('.grab').each(function(index) {
var obj = {}
obj[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val()
Happy coding.
Also, consider using .map():
var output = $('.grab').map(function() {
var obj = {}
obj[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val()
return obj
I took only the id of the form as a parameter of this function:
function form2JSON(form){
var info_ser = $('#'+form).serialize();
var data = info_ser.split('&');
var output = {};
$.each( data, function( i, l ){
var data_input = l.split('=');
output[data_input[0]] = data_input[1];
return output;
The result object is something like this Object { fieldname="value", fieldname1="value1", fieldname2="value3", ...}

