When Javascript callbacks can't be used - javascript

I know that you're not supposed to do blocking in Javascript and I've never been unable to refactor away from having to do that. But I've come across something that I don't know how to handle with callbacks. I'm trying to use Downloadify with html2canvas (this is for IE only, downloading data URIs doesn't work in IE). You have to specify a data function so the Flash object knows what to download. Unfortunately, html2canvas is asynchronous. I need to be able to wait until the onrendered event is filled in before I can get the data URI.
filename: function(){
return 'timeline.png';
data: function(){
var d = null;
d = canvas.toDataURL();
//need to be able to block until d isn't null
return d;
swf: '../static/bin/downloadify.swf',
downloadImage: '../static/img/camera_icon_32.png?rev=1',
width: 32,
height: 32,
transparent: true,
append: false
I'm open to suggestions on other ways to do this, but I'm stuck.
EDIT - A couple of comments have made it seem that more information on Downloadify is needed (https://github.com/dcneiner/Downloadify). Downloadify is a Flash object that can be used to trigger a browser's Save As window. The downloadify() function is simply putting initializing the Flash object and sticking an <object/> tag in the element. Since it's a Flash object, you can't trigger events from Javascript without causing a security violation.
I'm using it for IE only to download an image of a Canvas element. In all other browsers, I can just use a data URI, but IE is a special flower.

For the poor soul that spends an entire night trying to get an HTML5 feature to work on IE9, here's what I ended up using. I can sorta-kinda get away with it because we aren't too terribly concerned about IE users getting a less user friendly experience and this is an internal application. But, YMMV.
Basically, Downloadify will do nothing when the return string is blank. So, due to the asynchronous nature of html2canvas's rendering, the first time a user clicks, nothing will happen. The second time (assuming the render is done, if not nothing will continue to happen until it is), the value is not blank and the save proceeds. I use the onCancel and onCoplete callbacks to blank out the value again to ensure that the next time the user tries to save, the image is not too stale.
This doesn't account for the event that the user changes the DOM in some way in between clicks, but I don't know what can be done for that. I'm not at all proud of this, but IE is what it is. It works, which is enough for now.
var renderedPng = '';
var rendering = false;
filename: function(){
return 'timeline.png';
data: function(){
if(!rendering && renderedPng == ''){
rendering = true;
renderedPng = canvas.toDataURL().replace('data:image/png;base64,','');
rendering = false;
return renderedPng;
renderedPng = '';
onCancel: function(){
renderedPng = '';
dataType: 'base64',
swf: '../static/bin/downloadify.swf',
downloadImage: '../static/img/camera_icon_32.png?rev=1',
width: 32,
height: 32,
transparent: true,
append: false


How automatic download works using blob URL's and programmatic click events?

I recently needed to implement an automatic download of a CSV file in javascript. I didn't want to use any 3rd party libraries so instead I studies how the 3rd party libraries do it. I took a look at FileSaver npm package specifically at the function saveAs from here.
Eventually I changed the code to suit my needs into something like this:
class BlobDownload {
constructor(window, blob, fileName, contentType) {
this.window = window;
this.document = window.document;
this.blob = blob;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.contentType = contentType;
asyncCreateObjectURL = blob => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const blobURL = this.window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
blobURL ? resolve(blobURL) : reject();
click = (node) => {
try {
node.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
} catch (e) {
const evt = this.document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, this.window, 0, 0, 0, 80,
20, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
download = async () => {
const blob = new Blob([this.blob], { type: this.contentType });
const a = this.document.createElement('a');
a.download = this.fileName;
a.href = await this.asyncCreateObjectURL(blob);
setTimeout(() => { this.window.URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href) }, 60000) // 1min
setTimeout(() => { this.click(a) }, 0)
export default BlobDownload;
I don't understand a few things in the code though:
we're create an a node but it doesn't display anywhere on the page. Where does this node actually reside, only as an object in RAM?
the function click dispatched click event immediately, but if this doesn't work it creates a new event and then dispatches it. Why do we need to account for the case where simple dispatching doesn't work?
the whole procedure of creating an temporary a link and artificially clicking on it seems like a hack. Is this really a good pattern or better practices exist to download files?
we're create an a node but it doesn't display anywhere on the page. Where does this node actually reside, only as an object in RAM?
Yes, it will only reside in the memory but it's still possible to call an event on it as evident by the source code. Note: this will not work on iOS Safari. There you have to display the actual link and prompt the user to tap it - there's a note about it on FileSaver.js's README.md.
the function click dispatched click event immediately, but if this doesn't work it creates a new event and then dispatches it. Why do we need to account for the case where simple dispatching doesn't work?
Reading the MDN page for initMouseEvent tells us it deprecated. If the click function fails and the try-catch is triggered then we're on a really old browser where initMouseEvent should be available. If you go back in the commit history the code used to be far more complicated due to edge cases and ultimately not needed feature detection.
the whole procedure of creating an temporary a link and artificially clicking on it seems like a hack. Is this really a good pattern or better practices exist to download files?
It's a hack, there's no way around it. Best practices won't get you far if you need to have backwards compatibility. FileSaver.js strives to abstract away all of the gnarly hacking needed to handle programmatic file saving so that you don't have to.
In general I would advise against copying over library code for a custom implementation. FileSaver.js is over 9 years old now and still relevant. Having it as a package.json dependency or a copy-paste in a library folder would preserve it's attribution making maintenance easier on the next guy :).
In general it's a good set of questions! I'm also implementing a CSV download feature right now. I stumbled on it from googling based on this SO answer while trying to get file saving to work with Web Workers without the need to postMessage the contents of a file. Apparently passing only an URL to a blob is enough for saveAs to work!
// in web worker return from promise-worker/postMessage ->
URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' }));
// on main thread
// done :)
Consider using Web Workers if your CSV's get big and there are considerable freezes when you prepare data for downloading. The sheetjs library is also quite helpful if you need to do anything with spreadsheet data.
Happy coding!

ReportViewer Web Form causes page to hang

I was asked to take a look at what should be a simple problem with one of our web pages for a small dashboard web app. This app just shows some basic state info for underlying backend apps which I work heavily on. The issues is as follows:
On a page where a user can input parameters and request to view a report with the given user input, a button invokes a JS function which opens a new page in the browser to show the rendered report. The code looks like this:
$('#btnShowReport').click(function () {
document.getElementById("Error").innerHTML = "";
var exists = CheckSession();
if (exists) {
window.open('<%=Url.Content("~/Reports/Launch.aspx?Report=Short&Area=1") %>');
The page that is then opened has the following code which is called from Page_Load:
rptViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote
rptViewer.AsyncRendering = True
rptViewer.ServerReport.Timeout = CInt(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ReportTimeout")) * 60000
rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri(My.Settings.ReportURL)
rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/" & My.Settings.ReportPath & "/" & Request("Report")
'Set the report to use the credentials from web.config
rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = New SQLReportCredentials(My.Settings.ReportServerUser, My.Settings.ReportServerPassword, My.Settings.ReportServerDomain)
Dim myCredentials As New Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.DataSourceCredentials
myCredentials.Name = My.Settings.ReportDataSource
myCredentials.UserId = My.Settings.DatabaseUser
myCredentials.Password = My.Settings.DatabasePassword
rptViewer.ServerReport.SetDataSourceCredentials(New Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.DataSourceCredentials(0) {myCredentials})
I have omitted some code which builds up the parameters for the report, but I doubt any of that is relevant.
The problem is that, when the user clicks the show report button, and this new page opens up, depending on the types of parameters they use the report could take quite some time to render, and in the mean time, the original page becomes completely unresponsive. The moment the report page actually renders, the main page begins functioning again. Where should I start (google keywords, ReportViewer properties, etc) if I want to fix this behavior such that the other page can load asynchronously without affecting the main page?
Edit -
I tried doing the follow, which was in a linked answer in a comment here:
context: document.body,
async: true, //NOTE THIS
success: function () {
this replaced the window.open call. This seems to work, but when I check out the documentation, trying to understand what this is doing I found this:
The .context property was deprecated in jQuery 1.10 and is only maintained to the extent needed for supporting .live() in the jQuery Migrate plugin. It may be removed without notice in a future version.
I removed the context property entirely and it didnt seem to affect the code at all... Is it ok to use this ajax call in this way to open up the other window, or is there a better approach?
Using a timeout should open the window without blocking your main page
$('#btnShowReport').click(function () {
document.getElementById("Error").innerHTML = "";
var exists = CheckSession();
if (exists) {
setTimeout(function() {
window.open('<%=Url.Content("~/Reports/Launch.aspx?Report=Short&Area=1") %>');
}, 0);
This is a long shot, but have you tried opening the window with a blank URL first, and subsequently changing the location?
If (CheckSession()) {
var pop = window.open ('', 'showReport');
pop = window.open ('<%=Url.Content("~/Reports/Launch.aspx?Report=Short&Area=1") %>', 'showReport');
`$('#btnShowReport').click(function () {
document.getElementById("Error").innerHTML = "";
var exists = CheckSession();
if (exists) {
window.location.href='<%=Url.Content("~/Reports/Launch.aspx?Report=Short&Area=1") %>';
it will work.

Is it possible to define a layer which will retry to load, e.g. with exponential back-off?

I am using OpenLayers to connect to a home-grown server, and unlike professional grade servers like Google or Cloudmade that box will actually take a while to calculate the result for a specific tile. And as it is a mathematical function I am plotting, there is no big chance to accelerate the server or even pre-render the tiles.
My initial trials with Leaflet quickly came to the conclusion that Leaflet actually leaves all of the reloading and load-error handling to the browser, while OpenLayers at least has an event that is fired when the tile server does return with an error code.
The idea I am following was to basically start rendering a tile when it was requested and fire an HTTP 503 immediately, relying on the client to try again.
To try again, I implemented a simple layer like this:
var myLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.MYLayer("mine", {
myLayer.events.register("tileerror", myLayer, function (param) {
// Try again:
var targetURL = param.tile.layer.getURL(param.tile.bounds);
var tile = param.tile;
tile.timeout = tile.hasOwnProperty("timeout") ? tile.timeout * 2 : 1000;
setTimeout(function (tileToLoad, url) {
if (tileToLoad.url === url) {
tileToLoad.url = url;
}.bind(undefined, tile, targetURL), tile.timeout);
I figured out the code required to reload a tile from the source of OpenLayers, but maybe there is a cleaner way to accomplish this.
My problem is: The tiles themselves are reused, as are the divs in the DOM, so the reload procedure might actually try to reload a tile into a DIV that long as been successfully reused, e.g. because the user scrolled to someplace else where the server was able to provide data quickly.
The question I guess boils down to - is there an official way to use the tileerror event to simply try to reloading, or at least a simpler way in the API to trigger a reload? I spent quite a while in the source of OpenLayers itself but couldn't shed light on why it is still going wrong (the test for tileToLoad.url == url didn't really do it).
Thanks for your help!
Ok, after some more trial and error I found that I could actually add an eventListener to my Layer class, which will do what I want - try to reload the tile again after a certain wait. The trick was the consecutive call of setImgSrc() for cleanup and to draw with the true parameter, which effectively is an (undocumented) force flag. Thanks to the code!
OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.MyLayer= OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
initialize:function (name, options) {
var url = [
options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
'loaderror':function (evt) {
// Later reload
window.setTimeout(function () {
console.log("Drawing ", this);
}.bind(this), 3000); // e.g. after 3 seconds
}, options);
var newArguments = [name, url, options];
OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
You should have a look at the following resources:

Detect Close windows event by jQuery

Could you please give me the best way to detect only window close event for all browsers by jQuery?
I mean clicking X button on the browser or window.close(), not meaning F5, form submission,
window.location or link.
I was looking for many threads but have not found the right way yet.
You can use :
$(window).unload(function() {
//do something
Unload() is deprecated in jQuery version 1.8, so if you use jQuery > 1.8 you can use even beforeunload instead.
The beforeunload event fires whenever the user leaves your page for any reason.
$(window).on("beforeunload", function() {
return confirm("Do you really want to close?");
Source Browser window close event
There is no specific event for capturing browser close event.
You can only capture on unload of the current page.
By this method, it will be effected while refreshing / navigating the current page.
Even calculating of X Y postion of the mouse event doesn't give you good result.
The unload() method was deprecated in jQuery version 1.8.
so if you are using versions older than 1.8
then use -
and if you are using 1.8 and higher
then use -
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "Bye now!";
hope this will work :-)
There is no specific event for capturing browser close event. But we can detect by the browser positions XY.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
if(e.pageY <= 5)
//this condition would occur when the user brings their cursor on address bar
//do something here
Combine the mousemove and window.onbeforeunload event :-
I used for set TimeOut for Audit Table.
$(document).ready(function () {
var checkCloseX = 0;
$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
if (e.pageY <= 5) {
checkCloseX = 1;
else { checkCloseX = 0; }
window.onbeforeunload = function (event) {
if (event) {
if (checkCloseX == 1) {
type: "GET",
url: "Account/SetAuditHeaderTimeOut",
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
if (result != null) {
You can solve this problem with vanilla-Js:
Unload Basics
If you want to prompt or warn your user that they're going to close your page, you need to add code that sets .returnValue on a beforeunload event:
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
event.returnValue = `Are you sure you want to leave?`;
There's two things to remember.
Most modern browsers (Chrome 51+, Safari 9.1+ etc) will ignore what you say and just present a generic message. This prevents webpage authors from writing egregious messages, e.g., "Closing this tab will make your computer EXPLODE! đź’Ł".
Showing a prompt isn't guaranteed. Just like playing audio on the web, browsers can ignore your request if a user hasn't interacted with your page. As a user, imagine opening and closing a tab that you never switch to—the background tab should not be able to prompt you that it's closing.
Optionally Show
You can add a simple condition to control whether to prompt your user by checking something within the event handler. This is fairly basic good practice, and could work well if you're just trying to warn a user that they've not finished filling out a single static form. For example:
let formChanged = false;
myForm.addEventListener('change', () => formChanged = true);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
if (formChanged) {
event.returnValue = 'You have unfinished changes!';
But if your webpage or webapp is reasonably complex, these kinds of checks can get unwieldy. Sure, you can add more and more checks, but a good abstraction layer can help you and have other benefits—which I'll get to later. 👷‍♀️
So, let's build an abstraction layer around the Promise object, which represents the future result of work- like a response from a network fetch().
The traditional way folks are taught promises is to think of them as a single operation, perhaps requiring several steps- fetch from the server, update the DOM, save to a database. However, by sharing the Promise, other code can leverage it to watch when it's finished.
Pending Work
Here's an example of keeping track of pending work. By calling addToPendingWork with a Promise—for example, one returned from fetch()—we'll control whether to warn the user that they're going to unload your page.
const pendingOps = new Set();
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
if (pendingOps.size) {
event.returnValue = 'There is pending work. Sure you want to leave?';
function addToPendingWork(promise) {
const cleanup = () => pendingOps.delete(promise);
Now, all you need to do is call addToPendingWork(p) on a promise, maybe one returned from fetch(). This works well for network operations and such- they naturally return a Promise because you're blocked on something outside the webpage's control.
more detail can view in this url:
Hope that can solve your problem.

Problems preloading audio in Javascript

I'm trying to make a cross-device/browser image and audio preloading scheme for a GameAPI I'm working on. An audio file will preload, and issue a callback once it completes.
The problem is, audio will not start to load on slow page loads, but will usually work on the second try, probably because it cached it and knows it exists.
I've narrowed it down to the audio.load() function. Getting rid of it solves the problem, but interestingly, my motorola droid needs that function.
What are some experiences you've had with HTML5 audio preloading?
Here's my code. Yes, I know loading images in a separate function could cause a race condition :)
var resourcesLoading = 0;
function loadImage(imgSrc) {
//alert("Starting to load an image");
var image = new Image();
image.src = imgSrc;
image.onload = function() {
//alert("A image has been loaded");
function loadSound(soundSrc) {
//alert("Starting to load a sound");
var loaded = false;
//var soundFile = document.createElement("audio");
var soundFile = document.createElement("audio");
soundFile.autoplay = false;
soundFile.preload = false;
var src = document.createElement("source");
src.src = soundSrc + ".mp3";
function onLoad() {
loaded = true;
soundFile.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, true);
soundFile.removeEventListener("error", onError, true);
//alert("A sound has been loaded");
//Attempt to reload the resource 5 times
var retrys = 4;
function onError(e) {
if(retrys > 0) {
} else {
loaded = true;
soundFile.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, true);
soundFile.removeEventListener("error", onError, true);
alert("A sound has failed to loaded");
soundFile.addEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, true);
soundFile.addEventListener("error", onError, true);
function onResourceLoad() {
if(resourcesLoading == 0)
It's hard to diagnose the problem because it shows no errors and only fails occasionally.
I got it working. The solution was fairly simple actually:
Basically, it works like this:
channel.volume = 0.00000001;
If it isn't obvious, the load function tells browsers and devices that support it to start loading, and then the sound immediately tries to play with the volume virtually at zero. So, if the load function isn't enough, the fact that the sound 'needs' to be played is enough to trigger a load on all the devices I tested.
The load function may actually be redundant now, but based off the inconsistiency with audio implementation, it probably doesn't hurt to have it.
Edit: After testing this on Opera, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, it looks like setting the volume to 0 will still preload the resource.
canplaythrough fires when enough data has buffered that it probably could play non-stop to the end if you started playing on that event. The HTML Audio element is designed for streaming, so the file may not have completely finished downloading by the time this event fires.
Contrast this to images which only fire their event once they are completely downloaded.
If you navigate away from the page and the audio has not finished completely downloading, the browser probably doesn't cache it at all. However, if it has finished completely downloading, it probably gets cached, which explains the behavior you've seen.
I'd recommend the HTML5 AppCache to make sure the images and audio are certainly cached.
The AppCache, as suggested above, might be your only solution to keep the audio cached from one browser-session to another (that's not what you asked for, right?). but keep in mind the limited amount of space, some browsers offer. Safari for instance allows the user to change this value in the settings but the default is 5MB - hardly enough to save a bunch of songs, especially if other websites that are frequented by your users use AppCache as well. Also IE <10 does not support AppCache.
Alright so I ran into the same problem recently, and my trick was to use a simple ajax request to load the file entirely once (which end into the cache), and then by loading the sound again directly from the cache and use the event binding canplaythrough.
Using Buzz.js as my HTML5 audio library, my code is basically something like that:
var self = this;
$.get(this.file_name+".mp3", function(data) {
self.sound = new buzz.sound(self.file_name, {formats: [ "mp3" ], preload: true});
self.sound.bind("error", function(e) {
console.log("Music Error: " + this.getErrorMessage());
self.sound.bind("canplaythrough",function(){ self.onSoundLoaded(self); });

