Sorting grouped items in listview - javascript

I need to sort individual items in groups.
The Listview api lets me to create sorted groups or sort whole list.
I need to sort item in the respective groups.
Is it possible?

I was struggling with the same issue and neither found a useful example, nor a hint. Then I started to combine SortedListProjection and GroupedSortedListProjection, and by that, finally made it work.
My use case was to have groups in alphabetical, ascending order, but within a group, have the items ordered by a timestamp, descending.
Here is how I set it up in the JavaScript file:
var list = new WinJS.Binding.List(); // list gets populated later in the code
var sortedList = list.createSorted(compareItems);
var groupedList = list.createGrouped(getGroupKey, getGroupData, compareGroups);
WinJS.Namespace.define("my.stuff", {
sortedList: sortedList,
groupedList: groupedList
The important thing was to keep the item sorting in sync with the grouping. Therefore the item sorting function is calling grouping functions.
Below are all four functions used for sorting and grouping:
compareItems = function (leftItem, rightItem) {
let leftKey = getGroupKey(leftItem);
let rightKey = getGroupKey(rightItem);
let compare = compareGroups(leftKey, rightKey);
if (compare == 0) { // if keys are equal compare timestamps
return leftItem.timestamp < rightItem.timestamp ? 1
: leftItem.timestamp > rightItem.timestamp ? -1 : 0;
return compare;
getGroupKey = function (item) {
return + item.category;
getGroupData = function (item) {
return {
name: + " (" + item.category + ")"
compareGroups = function (leftKey, rightKey) {
return leftKey.toUpperCase().localeCompare(rightKey);
Finally, the combined declaration of both lists for the ListView:
<div id="dataDeliveriesList" class="hidden"
itemDataSource: my.stuff.sortedList.dataSource,
itemTemplate: select('#itemTemplate'),
groupDataSource: my.stuff.groupedList.groups.dataSource,
groupHeaderTemplate: select('#groupHeaderTemplate'),
layout: {
type: WinJS.UI.ListLayout

It's possible. ObservableCollection doesn't provide a sorting option, and therefore you'll have to create a new collection that's sorted on a selected property. See sample code below. For other sorting options, read the blog post here and another stackoverflow thread.
// TODO: Create an appropriate data model for your problem domain to replace the sample data
var group = SampleDataSource.GetGroup((String)navigationParameter);
this.DefaultViewModel["Group"] = group;
//this.DefaultViewModel["Items"] = group.Items;
// Sort items by creating a new collection
ObservableCollection<SampleDataItem> grpSorted = new ObservableCollection<SampleDataItem>(
group.Items.OrderBy(grp => grp.Title));
this.DefaultViewModel["Items"] = grpSorted;


Pouchdb join / link documents

I have pouchdb/couchbase data with equipment that has user assigned to them.
Equipment with _id and in the equipment doc there is a checkedOutBy with the user._id as the value. Within the employee object there is When I get the equipment objects how do I also get the and display with the equipment.
I have searched and read about map/reduce that uses emit and do not grasp the idea. My code that i wrote from what i learned is:
by the way I am also using Angularjs.
field = "eq::"
this.getAllEquip = function(field){
function map(doc) {
if (doc.checkedOutBy !== undefined) {
emit(doc.checkedOutBy, {empName :});
var result = database.query(map, {include_docs: true,
attachments: true,
startkey: field,
endkey: field + '\uffff'})
.catch(function (err) {
//error stuff here
return result
I don't see where the two docs would get together. What am i missing? My result is empty.
The equipment json looks like:
{checkedOutBy: "us::10015", description: "3P Microsoft Surface w/stylus & power cord", equipId: "SUR1501", purchaseDate: "", rCost: 1000, id:"eq::10001"}
Emlpoyee json:
Thank you for your help.
Something like this should work, if I understood the question correctly:
//Sample Array of Objects with Equipment
var arr1=[{checkedout:"abc1",desc:"item1",id:1},
//Sample array of objects with Employee - the "id" in arr2 matches with "checkout" in arr1
var arr2=[{name:"john",id:"abc1"},
var result = []; //final result array
//loop through equipment array arr1
arr1.forEach(function(obj) {
var tempObj = obj;
var checkedout_id=obj.checkedout;
//do array.find which will return the first element in the array which satisfies the given function. This is absed on the assumption that that the id is unique for employee and there wont bwe multiple employees with same id (which is the "checkedout" field in equipment. If the employee is not found, it will return undefined.
var foundname = arr2.find(function(obj) {
if ( == checkedout_id)
//Create the object to be inserted into the final array by adding a new key called "name", based on the result of above find function
if (foundname != undefined) {
else { = "Not found";
This is my Pouchdb solution, thank you Vijay for leading me to this solution.
First I get all my equipment. Then I use Vijay's idea to loop through the array and add the name to the object and build new array. I found there is a need to go into the .doc. part of the object as in obj.doc.checkedOutBy and to get the job done.
var result = [];
//loop through equipment array
udata.rows.forEach(function(obj) {
var tempObj = obj;
var checkedout_id=obj.doc.checkedOutBy;
if (checkedout_id != undefined) {
return emp.firstname + " " + emp.lastname
}).then(function(name){ = name;
in my service I have:
this.get = function(documentId) {
return database.get(documentId);
this.getAllDocs = function(field){
return database.allDocs({
include_docs: true,
attachments: true,
startkey: field,
endkey: field + '\uffff'});

JS - Pushing data into JSON structure using forEach loops on Arrays

I am attempting to extract JSON values (from structure called jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters) if it matches with an element in my inputted array (inputedJurisdictionArray). My inputed array contains sting values that include singular or multiple state names (i.e. var inputedJurisdictionArray = ["Iowa", "California, Indiana, Delaware", "Florida"]). The singular State values in this array are handled normally at the end, but the multiple state values is where it gets tricky. I am using split() in order to turn them into another array so they can get processed one by one. Anytime one of the states from this inputed array matches with a "state" value in jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters, I am extracting it into another JSON structure and pushing it at the end of every block into my initial variable myJurisdictionJSON. The problem I am having is that once these forEach loops are completed, I am still left with my original values in myJurisdictionJSON, instead of the val and counter that should be extracted. The jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters definitely contains the values that should match with the elements of my inputedJurisdictionArray, but the information is not being pushed into myJurisdictionJSON. What am I doing wrong? Any tips/pointers will be helpful.
var myJurisdictionJSON = [{
jurisdiction_val: 'jurisdiction_val',
jurisdiction_counter: 'jurisdiction_counter'
inputedJurisdictionArray.forEach(function each(item) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
} else {
var jurisdictionInput = item;
jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters.forEach(function each(item) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
} else {
if (jurisdictionInput.includes(",") === true){//Checking if more than one jurisdiction in string
var jurisdictionArr = jurisdictionInput.split(", ");
var jurisdictionCounter = item.jurisdictionCounter;
var jurisdictionState = item.jurisdictionState;
jurisdictionArr.forEach(function(element) {
if (myJurisdictionJSON.jurisdiction_counter == 'jurisdiction_counter'){ // If nothing is pushed into our predefined JSON object
if (jurisdictionState.toLowerCase() == trim(element.toLowerCase())) {
var jurisdictionJSON_inner = {
jurisdiction_val: element,
jurisdiction_counter: jurisdictionCounter
}else if (myJurisdictionJSON.jurisdiction_counter != 'jurisdiction_counter'){ // if an item has been pushed into myJurisdictionJSON, append the next items
var jurisdictionCounter = item.jurisdictionCounter;
var jurisdictionState = item.jurisdictionState;
if (jurisdictionState.toLowerCase() == trim(jurisdictionInput.toLowerCase())) {
jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_val = jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_val + ", " + jurisdictionInput;
jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_counter = jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_counter + ", " + jurisdictionCounter;
else{// if only one jurisdiction state in jurisdictionInput string
var jurisdictionCounter = item.jurisdictionCounter;
var jurisdictionState = item.jurisdictionState;
if (jurisdictionState.toLowerCase() == trim(jurisdictionInput.toLowerCase())) {
var jurisdictionJSON_inner = {
jurisdiction_val: jurisdictionInput,
jurisdiction_counter: jurisdictionCounter
I'm not totally sure the output is what you want but it's close.
// input data as per your example
let inputedJurisdictionArray = [
'California, Indiana, Delaware',
// I had to make this part up. It's missing from the example
let jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters = [{
jurisdictionCounter: 2,
jurisdictionState: 'Florida'
jurisdictionCounter: 4,
jurisdictionState: 'Indiana'
jurisdictionCounter: 3,
jurisdictionState: 'Texas'
// first, fix up inputedJurisdictionArray
// reduce() loops over each array element
// in this case we're actually returning a LARGER
// array instead of a reduced on but this method works
// There's a few things going on here. We split, the current element
// on the ','. Taht gives us an array. We call map() on it.
// this also loops over each value of the array and returns an
// array of the same length. So on each loop, trim() the whitespace
// Then make the accumulator concatenate the current array.
// Fat arrow ( => ) functions return the results when it's one statement.
inputedJurisdictionArray = inputedJurisdictionArray.reduce(
(acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr.split(',').map(el => el.trim())), []
// now we can filter() jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters. Loop through
// each element. If its jurisdictionState property happens to be in
// the inputedJurisdictionArray array, then add it to the
// myJurisdictionJSON array.
let myJurisdictionJSON = jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters.filter(el =>

vuejs - Caching searchresults of table based on multiple filters

I'm using vuejs for this project, but this problem is not necessarily connected - but if there is a vue-way, I would prefer that.
I'm building a table, that enables the user to have per-column-filters (in this case simple inputs). The columns are dynamic, so is the amount of data (thousands of rows, but less than 100.000 entries).
// example data
var columns = ['id', 'title', 'date', 'colour']
var data = [{ id: 1, title: 'Testentry 1', date: '2017-02-21T07:10:55.124Z', colour: 'green'}]
Here is the problem: I'm iterating over the columns, checking if a search-input exists, and if so, I try to filter the data based on the searchquery. In case of the ID, the time complexity is O(n). If I know search for a title additionally, I can reuse the result of the first searchquery, dramatically reducing the amount of data has to be looked at.
The searchqueries are stored in an object search, and the filtered data is a computed property, that gets updated whenever search changes. The way how that works though is, that if I change the searchquery for title, it would re-evaluate the searchquery even for the ID, although the searchquery for that didn't change.
This would require some kind of caching of data filtered for each column. And only the proceeding columns need to be queried upon.
edit: added code for the filtering:
filteredRows () {
var rows =
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
var column = this.columns[i].name
var search = this.tSearch[column]
if (!search && search.length === 0) continue
console.log(column + ': ' + ' (' + search + ') -> ' + rows.length)
rows = _.filter(rows, (row) => {
var value = '' + row[column] > -1
return rows
Just a suggestion, but did you try to use a watcher to get old and new value of input.
data: function() {
return {
propertyToWatch: 'something'
computed: {
watch: {
'propertyToWatch': function (val, oldVal) {
console.log(oldVal); // logs old value
console.log(val); // logs current value
// here you can call a function and send both of these args and detect diff

JavaScript database correlation

I've been trying to 'correlate' between user picked answers and an object property name so that if the two matches then it will display what is inside.
My program is a recipe finder that gives back a recipe that consists of the ingredients the user picked.
my code currently looks like:
//property are the ingredients and the value are the recipes that contain those ingredients. The map is automatically generated
``var map = {
"pork" : [recipe1, recipe2, ...],
"beef" : [],
"chicken" :[],
//this gets the user pick from the dom
var cucumber = specificVegetable[7];
var lemon = specificFruits[0];
//Then this code finds the intersection of the recipe(recipes that use more than one ingredients)
function intersect(array1, array2)
return array1.filter(function(n) {
return array2.indexOf(n) != -1
var recipiesWithLemon = map["lemon"]; **// makes the lemon object is map**
var recipiesWithCucumber = map["cucumber"]; **// makes the cucumber object in map**
//Here is where I am stuck
function check(){
var both = intersect(recipiesWithLemon, recipiesWithCucumber);
if ( cucumber.checked && lemon.checked){
for (var stuff in map){
if(stuff="cucumber" && stuff="lemon"){
return both;
so basically what I tried to do was I made my intersect and then if user pick is lemon and cucumber then look at the properties in the map object. if the name of the property equals to the exact string then return both. That was the plan but the code does not work and I'm not sure how to fix it.
My plan is to write code for every possible outcome the user may makes so I need to find the correlation between the user pick and the map which stores the recipe. I realize this is not the most effective way but I'm stumped on how to do it another way.
Thanks for the help.
Im using the open source project jinqJs to simplify the process.
I also changed your map to an array of JSON objects. If you must have the map object not as an array, let me know. I will change the sample code.
var map = [
{"pork" : ['recipe1', 'recipe2']},
{"beef" : ['recipe3', 'recipe4']},
{"peach" :['recipe5', 'recipe6']},
{"carrot" :['recipe7', 'recipe8']}
var selectedFruit = 'peach';
var selectedVeggie = 'carrot';
var selections = [selectedFruit, selectedVeggie];
var result = jinqJs().from(map).where(function(row){
for(var f in row) {
if (selections.indexOf(f) > -1)
return true;
return false;
document.body.innerHTML += '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) + '</pre><br><br>';
<script src=""></script>

Applying a date range filter to a crossfilter dimension

I'm attempting to use the crossfilter javascript library (in conjunction with D3.js) to group and filter json data.
My json data has the following fields: week_date, category, team_name, title, subtitle
I've been able to successfully group on all records to produce YTD totals, using something like this:
var dimension = data.dimension(function(d) { return d[target]; });
var dimensionGrouped =;
Where target is either category or team_name.
In addition to keeping the YTD totals, I also want to display totals for a given range. For example, a user-selected week (i.e. Oct 1st - 5th).
How do I create a filtered group which returns the totals for a given date range? Using my week_date field.
Well, after some superficial research, including skimming over crossfilter's issues list, I've concluded that crossfilter does not currently support grouping on multiple fields.
I was able to work around this by using a filtered copy of the data instead, as such:
// YTD rows
var crossfilterData = crossfilter(data);
var ytdDimension = crossfilterData.dimension(function(d) { return d[target]; });
var ytdDimensionGrouped =;
ytdDimensionGrouped.forEach(function (item) {
// ...
// Ranged rows
var filteredData = data.filter(function (d) {
return d.week_date >= filter[0] && d.week_date <= filter[1];
crossfilterData = crossfilter(filteredData);
var rangeDimension = crossfilterData.dimension(function(d) { return d[target]; });
var rangeDimensionGrouped =;
rangeDimensionGrouped.forEach(function (item) {
// ...

