Matching content within a string with one regex [duplicate] - javascript

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How do you use a variable in a regular expression?
(27 answers)
Simple way to use variables in regex
(3 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a way to RegEx match for a string (double quote followed by one or more letter, digit, or space followed by another double quote). For example, if the input was var s = "\"this is a string\"", I would like to create a RegEx to match this string and produce a result of [""this is a string""].
Thank you!

Use the RegExp constructor function.
var s = "this is a string";
var re = new RegExp(s);
Note that you may need to quote the input string.

This should do what you need.
s =~ /"[^"]*"/
The regex matches a double quote, followed by some number of non-quotes, followed by a quote. You'll run into problems if your string has a quote in it, like this:
var s = "\"I love you,\" she said"
Then you'll need something a bit more complicated like this:
s =~ /"([^"]|\\")*"/

I just needed a pattern to match a double quote followed by one or more characters(letters, digits, spaces) followed by another double quote so this did it for me:


Javascript Regex replace [] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I put [] (square brackets) in RegExp javascript?
(8 answers)
What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?
(13 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to replace the following in a Regex:-
Using Regex I would expect I could use was to use:-
str.replace(/[company-name]/g, 'Google');
But I know that the regex will replace any matching letter.
How am I able to replace the [company-name] with Google using JS Regex?
Thanks in advance for your help.
But I know that the regex will replace any matching letter.
This is only the case because you have encapsulated your characters in a character class by using [ and ]. In order to treat these as normal characters, you can escape these using \ in front of your special characters:
str.replace(/\[company-name\]/g, 'Google');
See working example below:
const str = "[company-name]",
res = str.replace(/\[company-name\]/g, 'Google');
You need to escape the starting [ as well, in this case as they are special characters too:
var str = "I am from [company-name]!";
console.log(str.replace(/\[company-name]/gi, "Google"));
str = "[company-name]'s awesome!";
console.log(str.replace(/\[company-name]/gi, "Google"));
you could do it this way :
var txt = "So I'm working at [company-name] and thinking about getting a higher salary."
var pattern = /\[.+\]/g;
console.log(txt.replace(pattern, "Google"))
You should escape special characters like square brackets in this case.
Just use:
str.replace(/\[company-name\]/g, 'Google');

How to match with new RegExp exactly [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Backslashes - Regular Expression - Javascript
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have this string:
var str = ""
I need to match it exactly (between / and ?), so only this-match matches, not this-ma or anything (shorter) that is contained in this-match.
var myre = new RegExp('\/this-ma\?');
Still matches:
How can I avoid that a shorter string contained in this-match does give a match?
The definition of your regex is wrong. You'd think that \? would match literal ? character, instead of being non-greedy modifier. Not true. Quite the opposite, in fact.
var myre = new RegExp('\/this-ma\?');
> /\/this-ma?/
The backslash here works within the string literal, and outputs single ? to regex, which becomes non-greedy modifier. Use the regex literal.
var myre = /\/this-ma\?/

Split string on newline and comma [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I split a string with multiple separators in JavaScript?
(25 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
My input String is like
Currently its splitting only on comma but in future it will contain both comma and newline.
Current code as below:
$scope.memArray = $scope.memberList.split(",");
In future I need to split on both comma and newline what should be the regex to split both on comma and newline.
I tried - /,\n\ but its not working.
You can use a regex:
var splitted = "a\nb,c,d,e\nf".split(/[\n,]/);
Explanation: [...] defines a "character class", which means any character from those in the brackets.
p.s. splitted is grammatically incorrect. Who cares if it's descriptive though?
You could replace all the newlines with a comma before splitting.
$scope.memberList.replace(/\n/g, ",").split(",")
this regex should work.

same dynamic regex and inline regex not giving same output in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Backslashes - Regular Expression - Javascript
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have been staring at these two flavors of same regex and can't figure out why the outcome is different:
var projectName="SAMPLE_PROJECT",
re1 = new RegExp('^(\d+)_SAMPLE_PROJECT$','gi'),
re2 = /^(\d+)_SAMPLE_PROJECT$/gi,
matches1 = re1.exec(fileName),
matches2 = re2.exec(fileName);
console.log(matches1);//returns null
console.log(matches2);//returns correctly
Here is the jsbin :,js,output
Any idea what I must be doing wrong with instantiating RegExp?
In the first case, you have a string literal, which uses \ to introduce escape sequences. \d in a string is just d. If you want \d, you need to type \\d instead.
In the second case, you have a regular expression literal, which does not interpret \ as a string escape sequence.

Javascript Regular Expression to match six-digit number [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why do regex constructors need to be double escaped?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to incorporate a regular expression i have used in the past in a different manner into some validation checking through JavaScript.
The following is my script:
var regOrderNo = new RegExp("\d{6}");
var order_no = $("input[name='txtordernumber']").val();
Why would this not come back with true if the txtordernumber text box value was a six digit number or more?
You have to escape your \ when used inside a string.
new RegExp("\\d{6}");
Insert an extra "\" in your regexp.
You need to escape your backslash. It's looking for "\d", not digits.
var regOrderNo = new RegExp("\\d{6}");

