Removing an SVG element from the DOM using jQuery - javascript

I'm using jQuery to add an element to an embedded SVG like this:
var rect = SVG('rect');
$(rect).attr( { x: left,
y: top,
width: right - left,
height: bottom - top,
style: style } );
parentElement could be for example $('g:first', svgRoot), where svgRoot refers to the embedded SVG element.
function SVG(elementName) {
return document.createElementNS('', elementName);
This works well, the new rectangle is shown in the browser and added to the DOM:
However, removing this rectangle fails. It is still shown in the browser and present in the DOM:
I also tried
which results in the error message "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'removeChild' of null".
Do you have any idea how I can fix that?
Using jQuery SVG or another plugin/framework is not possible in my project.

I ended up solving this problem using groups.
I ended up with this code :
var group = getGroupByName(name);
function getGroupByName(name) {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var groups = container.getElementsByTagName("g");
for(var i=0; i<groups.length; i++) {
if(groups[i].getAttributeNS(null, "name") === name) {
return groups[i];
return null;
Where container is my main SVG element.
This is tried and true. Works properly.
As pointed out in the comments. You can find this fiddle that works. Similar to your example. It creates 4 rectangles and removes the 2 first ones.
If you want to remove the first element you have to specify this :
Or if you want to do something with ALL of your rectangles you could approach this with something of the sort :
$("rect").each(function() {
... //could remove them here
Edit 2
According to last comment, as long as you have the reference to the object, you can use it's variable to remove it.
This updated fiddle will show you that using lastRect you can remove this last rectangle that was added.

I found that doing a .find("*") helped a lot, I'm guessing it flattens the DOM out and thus ignores any nesting complexities that jQuery can't handle (perhaps... this is my theory at least).
So for example this removes anything other than rect, g, svg elements.
$("svg").find("*").not("rect, g").remove();
A jSFiddle showing find() and removing svg elements


How to bind to 'inview' event on multiple elements

I'm playing around with Velocity.js and jquery.inview, and I want all the titles on my page to slideDownIn when they come into view. This code works fine for the first title:
$('.movies-title').bind('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) {
if (isInView) {
// element is now visible in the viewport
if (visiblePartY == 'top') {
// top part of element is visible
} else if (visiblePartY == 'bottom') {
// bottom part of element is visible
} else {
// whole part of element is visible
$(this).velocity("transition.slideDownIn", 500);
} else {
// element has gone out of viewport
If I copy and paste the above several times and replace .movies-title with the classes of the other titles, it works as I want it to.
However, that seems like a lot of extra code. I tried changing $('.movies-title') to $(.movies-title, .tv-title, .books-title) but then the animation only works for the last element in the list. I also tried adding a new class called .title to all of the titles and changing .movie-title to .title but that didn't work either.
What am I doing wrong? How can I condense the code?
The best solution is to use a single class on each of these elements since they have something so in common. You might just add title as a class type and apply it to that class.
<div class="title movie-title"></div>
I know you mentioned this in your question, but I can't see why this wouldn't work.
Try using delegate instead of bind for multiples. Also make a unified class for all of them (I just used title)
so like this -
$('body').delegate('.title','inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) {
Edit - sorry linked wrong fiddle initially
see fiddle

change attributes of SVG object before appending it to DOM

I'm working on an app where I add elements dynamically to a container via myModule.getElement() . That will return me a template:
function getElement(){
var source = $("#entry-template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
return template;
and then I'll just append it to a container.
The template contains an SVG object.
I'd like though to 'initialize' the element, before appending it to the DOM (or right after doing so), for example:
$(template).find("path, polygon, circle").attr("fill", "#ddd");
But that doesn't work, and my guess is because at that point the element hasn't been added to the DOM (please correct me if I'm wrong).
I can do this:
for (var i = numElements; i > 0; i--) {
and then in MyModule::
function initElements(){
$('.elClass').find("path, polygon, circle").attr("fill", "#ddd");
But it doesn't feel good. I wonder if I could change the properties of the SVG object before it's been appended to the DOM, is that possible?
I read that I could extend the append function and create a trigger for an event handler to it, but that seems overly complex to this situation.
Any ideas? I'm also not tied to this pattern/architecture, this is a very simple case and I could easily re-arrange it.

not able to append html using jQuery (JavaScript)

In this jquery plugin:
There's this line:
$(obj).append('<div id="textholder'+randID+'" class="textholder" style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;margin-bottom:'+-imgHeight*o.textholderHeight+'px;left:'+$(obj).css('paddingLeft')+'"></div>');
Problem is when it dumps the text node in this div, it aligns to the top of the div. I want text to align to bottom of div. So I decided to create another div within this div:
$(obj).append('<div id="textholder'+randID+'" class="textholder" style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;margin-bottom:'+-imgHeight*o.textholderHeight+'px;left:'+$(obj).css('paddingLeft')+'"></div>');
$('#textholder'+randID).append('<div style="display:table-cell; height: 94.25px; width: 1000px; vertical-align:bottom;"></div>');
The console outputs this:
However, my above append is not working. The nested div never shows up, so when I later do this:
if(t != null)
$('#textholder'+randID+' div').html(t).animate({marginBottom:'0px'},500); // Raise textholder
No text becomes visible because the nested div never gets created.
So I am extremely confused. If you look at original plugin, this line works:
$('#textholder'+randID+' div').html(t)
How is it able to target the right div here yet when I append to it right after it's created, it doesn't exist, as you guys suggest?
This doesn't work either:
var $texthold = jQuery('<div id="textholder'+randID+'" class="textholder" style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;margin-bottom:'+-imgHeight*o.textholderHeight+'px;left:'+$(obj).css('paddingLeft')+'"></div>');
Thanks for response.
It sounds as though perhaps randID has been modified between the $(obj).append... line and your added $('#textholder'+randID)... line. Are you quite sure the value of randID is the same on the two lines?
Are you sure that $(obj) really refers to the element you want to append to? Just in case, you might want to try it the other way round:
$('<div id="textholder'+randID+'" class="textholder" style="position:absolute;'
It appears this worked:
function showtext(t)
if(t != null)
if(typeof $('#textholder'+randID).find('div')[0] == 'undefined'){
$('#textholder'+randID).append('<div style="display:table-cell; height: 94.25px; vertical-align:bottom;"></div>');
$('#textholder'+randID+' div').html(t);
$('#textholder'+randID).animate({marginBottom:'0px'},500); // Raise textholder
It's just kind of crazy I had to resort to using typeof to check whether div is declared or not. Why the author of the plugin decided to randomly assign integers as ids of divs is beyond me. By doing that, it appears javascript has difficulty retaining the randomly created id. That's my only explanation for the unusual behavior I could come up with.
Documentation is here.

How can I undo the setting of properties?

I have an element in my document that has a background color and image set through a regular CSS rule.
When a certain event happens, I want to animate that item, highlighting it (I'm using Scriptaculous, but this question applies to any framework that'll do the same).
new Effect.Highlight(elHighlight, { startcolor: '#ffff99', endcolor: '#ffffff', afterFinish: fnEndOfFadeOut });
The problem i'm facing is that after the animation is done, the element is left with the following style (according to FireBug): {
Which overrides the CSS rule, since it's set at the element level, so I'm losing the background that the item used to have...
What I'm trying to do is, in the callback function I'm running after the animation is done, set the style properties to a value that'll make them "go away".
var fnEndOfFadeOut = function() { = "xxxxx"; = "xxxxx";
What I'm trying to figure out is what to put in "xxxx" (or how to do the same thing in a different way).
I tried 'auto', 'inherit', and '' (blank string), and neither worked (I didn't really expect them to work, but I'm clueless here).
I also tried = ""; which, expectably, threw an exception.
What can I do to overcome this?
I know I can put a span inside the element that I'm highlighting and highlight that span instead, but I'm hoping I'll be able to avoid the extra useless markup.
Chances are you're not setting the style on the correct element. It's probably being set somewhere up the line in a parent node. = ""; = "";
You can also remove all the default styling by calling: = "";
In any case, you'll still have to do this on the specific element that is setting these properties, which means you may need to do a recursion on parentNode until you find it.
have you tried = "";?
I have a highlighter code on my site and this works
function highlight(id) {
var elements = getElementsByClass("softwareItem");
for (var ix in elements){
elements[ix].style.background = ""; //This clears any previous highlight
document.getElementById(id).style.background = "#E7F3FA";
An HTML element can have multiple CSS classes. Put your highlight information inside a CSS class. Add this class to your element to highlight it. Remove the class to undo the effect.

Remove all the children DOM elements in div

I have the following dojo codes to create a surface graphics element under a div:
<script type=text/javascript>
function drawRec(){
var node = dojo.byId("surface");
// remove all the children graphics
var surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(node, 600, 600);
x1 : 0,
y1 : 0,
x2 : 600,
y2 : 600
<div id="surface"></div>
drawRec() will draw a rectangle graphics first time. If I call this function again in an anchor href like this:
it will draw another graphics again. What I need to clean all the graphics under the div and then create again. How can I add some dojo codes to do that?
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
node.innerHTML = "";
Non-standard, but fast and well supported.
First of all you need to create a surface once and keep it somewhere handy. Example:
var surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(domNode, widthInPx, heightInPx);
domNode is usually an unadorned <div>, which is used as a placeholder for a surface.
You can clear everything on the surface in one go (all existing shape objects will be invalidated, don't use them after that):
All surface-related functions and methods can be found in the official documentation on dojox.gfx.Surface. Examples of use can be found in dojox/gfx/tests/.
while(node.firstChild) {
In Dojo 1.7 or newer, use domConstruct.empty(String|DomNode):
require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// Empty node's children byId:
In older Dojo, use dojo.empty(String|DomNode) (deprecated at Dojo 1.8):
dojo.empty( id or DOM node );
Each of these empty methods safely removes all children of the node.
From the dojo API documentation:
If you are looking for a modern >1.7 Dojo way of destroying all node's children this is the way:
// Destroys all domNode's children nodes
// domNode can be a node or its id:
Safely empty the contents of a DOM element. empty() deletes all children but keeps the node there.
Check "dom-construct" documentation for more details.
// Destroys domNode and all it's children
Destroys a DOM element. destroy() deletes all children and the node itself.
const wipeOut = elm => [...elm.childNodes].forEach(child => child.remove());

