Javascript get node innertext based on hierarchy - javascript

My HTML looks like
<li value="0">
<a href="#">
<span>DATA TO GET</span><![if gt IE 6]>
</a><![endif]><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
<li value="0">
<a onclick="return showPane('SomePane',this)" href="#">ACTIVE NODE</a>
This html is produced using xsl. Now i want to get the data inside span tag using javascript. I tried the following:
var nameParent = activeTab.parentNode.parentNode.previousSibling;
Here the variable activeTab is passed the anchor that contians the text ACTIVE NODE.The first alert gives proper data i.e ACTIVE NODE but the second alert says undefined.
I think i am travsring the correct path and proper elements. Can some body point out what is wrong here and what else i can do to get the required data.
Thanks in advance.

Try this
var nameParent = activeTab.parentNode.parentNode;
I stronly suggests use jQuery in your Project, it provides methods for easy navigation among dom elements like
.find() and .children(), .parent for more readable code.

Try using firstChild instead of childNode:
var nameParent = activeTab.parentNode.parentNode.previousSibling;


Replace all childnodes that have classname attribute in java script

I am using Selenium Webdriver for my project. I have a webpage where there are multiple menu items which in turn has sub menu items. I want to replace the classname attribute for all child elements under the nav-left-main div tag with "" (space) so that all elements are visible in the main page to click (instead of navigating to each menu->sub menu)
Basically i want to find all elements with classname under id=main and replace them with ''. How do i do that with JavaScriptExecutor in selenium webdriver?
<div id="nav-left-main">
<a class="left-nav-icons icomoon-icon-users3 " title="Users" href="#Users-tab">
<div id="Users-sub" class="nav-left-subnav">
<div id="Users-tab" class="hidden-menu">
<ul class="level3menu">
<i class="cm-icon18 iconfont-arrow-sans-right" style="margin-top:-2px;margin-left:-17px;"></i>
<ul class="second-level-hidden-menu" style="margin-left:5px;margin- top:10px;">
<ul class="second-level-hidden-menu" style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:10px;">
<ul class="second-level-hidden-menu" style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:10px;">
<a id="AdminGroups" class="$item.className" title="" href="cms?action=groupList&pageTitle=Groups">Groups</a>
This might work for you:
var main_div = document.getElementById("nav-left-main");
var all_childs = main_div.getElementsByTagName("*"); // get all child elements
for (var i=0; i<all_childs.length; i++)
if ( all_childs[i].hasAttribute("class") ) all_childs[i].className = ""; // or all_childs[i].removeAttribute("class")
I'm assuming you're trying to write some automated tests. Consider this: if you modify the UI content, you just might affect the behavior of something else on the page (e.g. some JS assuming those class-attribute values might stop functioning).
Alternatively, inject CSS (via STYLE or LINK) that changes the appearance and visibility of those elements (hint: !important). However, even this, theoretically, is not ideal solution, because like-JS (for example) might go bananas for the same reason.
I'm not experienced in testing webpages, but isn't the point of Selenium to automate behavior of a human user? In other words, maybe the best would be to write test-code to activate the menu the same way human-user would (mouseover, etc).

jQuery Editing innerHTML after selecting it with .html()

I am generating rows dynamically with PHP from DB, once it compiles the initial page code looks something like this:
<div class="options" id="options">
<div class="left_wrap">
<li class="col_id b-bottom"></li>
<li class="hazard_header"><h3>Hazard</h3></li>
<li class="hazard_input b-bottom"></li>
<li class="con_header b-bottom"><h3>Controls</h3></li>
<li class="cat_header"><h3>Consequence Category</h3></li>
<li class="cat_options"></li>
<div class="right_wrap">
<h2>Inherent Risk (Assessed risk without controls)</h2>
<ul class="fields">
<li class="bg b-top b-right"><h3>Consequence Level</h3><br/><span class="con_level_val"></span></li>
<li class="b-top b-right"><h3>Probability</h3><br/>Possible</li>
<li class="bg b-top b-right"><h3>Exposure (frequency)</h3><br/></li>
After page load I grab contents of the wrap options.
jQuery Snippet:
content = $("div.options").html();
Which in turns stores the above code in the variable content. Now, my question is how can I edit contents of variable content. For example I need to add value to li with class Col_ID like 1,2,3,4 and same when I am deleting I need to modify the contents again.
How can I do something along the lines content.getElement?
If you really need to work with the HTML string, here's something you can do:
content = $("div.options").html();
var $content = $(content);
// now $content is a jQuery object with a bunch of (detached) elements
// you can use the common functions on it without problems, such as
$content.find("li.col_id").text("Some text");
// now you need to do something with $content, or everything you did will...
// lost. You cold, for instance, update the other variable back:
content = $content.html();
// content now has the updated HTML
Now, if you don't need the HTML string at all, then you can work directly like:
content = $("div.options");
content.find("li.col_id").text("Some text");
// now the DOM was already updated as you are dealing with attached elements

How to turn off auto-formating code in CKEditor 3.6.4?

maybe is way to turn off auto-formating HTML code in CKEditor version 3.6.4?
I found only how to disable auto </br> after <td> in CKEditor?, but i need to turn off this function.
Now i try to save code:
{if key is 1}<li>custom text</li>{/if}
and i get:
{if key is 1}</li>
custom text</li>
CKEditor works with a valid HTML only and text outside <li> tags is not valid. Quoting CKEditor basic concepts:
CKEditor is not a tool that will let you input invalid HTML code. CKEditor abides by W3C standards so it will modify code if it is invalid.
You can however try to use config.protectedSource to hide these template's markers, but you would need to create a good RegExps to hide only real tags and not any text between { and }. The simplest implementation that could work would be:
config.protectedSource = [
/{\/?[\w]+(?: [\w\s]+)?}/g
But the real on will depend on what really may be used in these tags.

How to get the parent element too with getElementByClassName?

I have certainly extremely simple problem and I'm a little ashamed of not being able to solve it by myself.
<ul class="test">
<ul class="test">
var tests = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0].innerHTML;
Try it
Currently, the result shows me <li>1</li>.
This is not what I want. I want the result to be <ul class="test"><li>1</li></ul>.
I tried using .parent() (I can use jQuery) but it gives me all <ul> tag while I just want the first. I also know that I could use some .split() but it is surely not the adviced way.
I thought the problem might be coming from the .innerHTML, there is a function that would allow me to recover also the target element, and not just his children?
Just use outerHTML instead of innerHTML
var tests = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0].outerHTML
Check Fiddle
You can do the same with jQuery. $.each to iterate over the elements and then use this so that it only points to that elements instead of all the elements with that class
var $tests = $('.test');
$tests.each(function() {
jQuery Fiddle

How do I find a specific child element using javascript

I've just started using javascript and am trying to do the following:
My html doc contains divs and span elements like below.
I want to create a variable which will store the value of my-new-id for a specific div child element.
The only information I have to go on, is that I always know what the span text will be cause it's based on a username.
Therefore, how would I get the value of my-new-id for user1?
I have already figured out how to navigate to the correct div elemenet using the document.getElementById method. I then try to use a jquery selector such as :contains, but get stuck.
Many thanks on advance.
<div id=1>
<span my-new-id=x>user1</span>
<span my-new-id=y>user2</span>
<span my-new-id=z>user3</span>
<div id=2>
<span my-new-id=x>user10</span>
<span my-new-id=y>user1</span>
<span my-new-id=z>user30</span>
Using jQuery:
var val = $('span:contains("user1")').attr('my-new-id');
A couple of additional points:
Do not use IDs that begin with a number. This is not allowed in the HTML4 spec, and can cause unexpected behavior in some browsers. Instead, prefix your ID's with an alphabetic string, like this:
<div id="container1">
I would recommend that you use data-* attributes instead of making up non existent attributes. You can make data attributes like this:
<span data-new-id="x">user1</span>
You can then retrieve this value using:
Note that the attribute name has been stripped of dashes and camel-cased.

