How to write regular expression in the following case using javascript? - javascript

var value = "ID=advIcon1&CLASS=advIcon&PAGE=43&TOP=2%&LEFT=15%&WIDTH=20%&HEIGHT=10%&RSC= Adv"
What I would like to achieve is from
which replace all the "=" between &RSC and &ICON
value = value.replace (/&RSC=%[=]+%&ICON/,/&RSC=%[#]+%&ICON/);
The above is the code I tried, not working though, how to fix the problem ? thanks

I would do it like this:
var value = "ID=advIcon1&CLASS=advIcon&PAGE=43&TO...";
var startIndex = value.indexOf("&RSC");
var endIndex = value.indexOf("&ICON");
var head = value.substring(0, startIndex);
var tail = value.substring(endIndex);
var body = value.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
var result = head + body.replace(/=/g, '#') + tail;
I don't see any advantage in trying to do the whole thing with one crazy regex.
That will only make your code harder to read and less efficient.
Better yet, make it a function you can re-use:
// Replaces every occurrence of replaceThis with withThis in input between
// startPattern and endPattern.
function replaceCharactersBetween(input, startPattern, endPattern, replaceThis, withThis) {
var startIndex = input.indexOf("startPattern");
var endIndex = input.indexOf("endPattern");
var head = input.substring(0, startIndex);
var tail = input.substring(endIndex);
var body = input.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
var regex = new RegExp(replaceThis, 'g');
return head + body.replace(regex, withThis) + tail;

value = value.replace(/RSC=([^=]+)=([^=]+)/, 'RSC=$1#$2');
You should look at endoceURIComponent() as well.


JavaScript Split, Split string by last DOT "."

JavaScript Split,
str = '123.2345.34' ,
expected output 123.2345 and 34
Str = 123,23.34.23
expected output 123,23.34 and 23
Goal : JS function to Split a string based on dot(from last) in O(n).
There may be n number of ,.(commas or dots) in string.
In order to split a string matching only the last character like described you need to use regex "lookahead".
This simple example works for your case:
var array = '123.2345.34'.split(/\.(?=[^\.]+$)/);
Example with destructuring assignment (Ecmascript 2015)
const input = 'jquery.somePlugin.v1.6.3.js';
const [pluginName, fileExtension] = input.split(/\.(?=[^\.]+$)/);
console.log(pluginName, fileExtension);
However using either slice or substring with lastIndexOf also works, and albeit less elegant it's much faster:
var input = 'jquery.somePlugin.v1.6.3.js';
var period = input.lastIndexOf('.');
var pluginName = input.substring(0, period);
var fileExtension = input.substring(period + 1);
console.log(pluginName, fileExtension);
var str = ""
var arr = str.split("."); // Split the string using dot as separator
var lastVal = arr.pop(); // Get last element
var firstVal = arr.join("."); // Re-join the remaining substrings, using dot as separator
console.log(firstVal + " and " + lastVal); //Printing result
I will try something like bellow
var splitByLastDot = function(text) {
var index = text.lastIndexOf('.');
return [text.slice(0, index), text.slice(index + 1)]
I came up with this:
var str = '123,23.34.23';
var result = str.replace(/\.([^.]+)$/, ':$1').split(':');
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(result);
<div id="output"></div>
let returnFileIndex = str =>
Try this:
var str = '123.2345.34',
arr = str.split('.'),
output = arr.pop();
str = arr.join('.');
var test = 'filename.....png';
var lastStr = test.lastIndexOf(".");
var str = test.substring(lastStr + 1);
I'm typically using this code and this works fine for me.
var afterDot = value.substr(value.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
var myString = 'asd/f/df/xc/asd/test.jpg'
var parts = myString.split('/');
var answer = parts[parts.length - 1];
Note: Replace quoted string to your own need
My own version:
var mySplit;
var str1;
var str2;
mySplit = function(myString){
var lastPoint = myString.lastIndexOf(".");
str1 = myString.substring(0, lastPoint);
str2 = myString.substring(lastPoint + 1);
Working fiddle:
Str = '123,23.34.23';
var a = Str.substring(0, Str.lastIndexOf(".")) //123,23.34
var b = Str.substring(Str.lastIndexOf(".")) //23
Try this solution.
Simple Spilt logic
<script type="text/javascript">
var str = "123,23.34.23";
var str_array = str.split(".");
for (var i=0;i<str_array.length;i++)
if (i == (str_array.length-1))
The simplest way is mentioned below, you will get pdf as the output:
var str = "";
var ext = str.split('.')[str.split('.').length-1];
Output: pdf

Replace dynamic string value in Javascript

I need to replace a dynamic value of a string:
My dynamic value is resulOffset=25
I tried like this:
var str = '';
var resultOffset = 50;
var newOffset = str.replace(/(resultOffset=)([0-9]+)/, '$1' + resultOffset);
but doesn't work. How can I solve it?
here: var str = '';
you have resulOffset instead of resultOffset.
try this one,
var str = '{0}';
var resultOffset = 50;
var newOffset = str.replace('{0}',resultOffset);

How to get parameter value inside a string?

Here's a thing i've been trying to resolve...
We've got some data from an ajax call and the result data is between other stuff a huge string with key:value data. For example:
"2R=OK|2M=2 row(s) found|V1=1,2|"
Is it posible for js to do something like:
var value = someFunction(str, param);
so if i search for "V1" parameter it will return "1,2"
I got this running on Sql server no sweat, but i'm struggling with js to parse the string.
So far i'm able to do this by a VERY rudimentary for loop like this:
var str = "2R=OK|2M=2 row(s) found|V1=1,2|";
var param = "V1";
var arr = str.split("|");
var i = 0;
var value = "";
for(i = 0; i<arr.length; ++i){
if( arr[i].indexOf(param)>-1 ){
value = arr[i].split("=")[1];
if i put that into a function it works, but i wonder if there's a more efficient way to do it, maybe some regex? but i suck at it. Hopefully somebody may shine a light on this for me?
This seems to work for your specific use-case:
function getValueByKey(haystack, needle) {
if (!haystack || !needle) {
return false;
else {
var re = new RegExp(needle + '=(.+)');
return haystack.match(re)[1];
var str = "2R=OK|2M=2 row(s) found|V1=1,2|",
test = getValueByKey(str, 'V1');
JS Fiddle demo.
And, to include the separator in your search (in order to prevent somethingElseV1 matching for V1):
function getValueByKey(haystack, needle, separator) {
if (!haystack || !needle) {
return false;
else {
var re = new RegExp('\\' + separator + needle + '=(.+)\\' + separator);
return haystack.match(re)[1];
var str = "2R=OK|2M=2 row(s) found|V1=1,2|",
test = getValueByKey(str, 'V1', '|');
JS Fiddle demo.
Note that this approach does require the use of the new RegExp() constructor (rather than creating a regex-literal using /.../) in order to pass variables into the regular expression.
Similarly, because we're using a string to create the regular expression within the constructor, we need to double-escape characters that require escaping (escaping first within the string and then escaping within in the created RegExp).
This should work for you and it's delimiters are configurable (if you wish to parse a similar string with different delimiters, you can just pass in the delimiters as arguments):
var parseKeyValue = (function(){
return function(str, search, keyDelim, valueDelim){
keyDelim = quote(keyDelim || '|');
valueDelim = quote(valueDelim || '=');
var regexp = new RegExp('(?:^|' + keyDelim + ')' + quote(search) + valueDelim + '(.*?)(?:' + keyDelim + '|$)');
var result = regexp.exec(str);
if(result && result.length > 1)
return result[1];
function quote(str){
return (str+'').replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1");
Quote function borrowed form this answer
Usage examples:
var str = "2R=OK|2M=2 row(s) found|V1=1,2|";
var param = "V1";
parseKeyValue(str, param); // "1,2"
var str = "2R=OK&2M=2 row(s) found&V1=1,2";
var param = "2R";
parseKeyValue(str, param, '&'); // "OK"
var str =
2M->2 row(s) found\n\
var param = "2M";
parseKeyValue(str, param, '\n', '->'); // "2 row(s) found"
Here is another approach:
<div id="2R"></div>
<div id="2M"></div>
<div id="V1"></div>
function createDictionary(input) {
var splittedInput = input.split(/[=|]/),
kvpCount = Math.floor(splittedInput.length / 2),
i, key, value,
dictionary = {};
for (i = 0; i < kvpCount; i += 1) {
key = splittedInput[i * 2];
value = splittedInput[i * 2 + 1];
dictionary[key] = value;
return dictionary;
var input = "2R=OK|2M=2 row(s) found|V1=1,2|",
dictionary = createDictionary(input),
div2R = document.getElementById("2R"),
div2M = document.getElementById("2M"),
divV1 = document.getElementById("V1");
div2R.innerHTML = dictionary["2R"];
div2M.innerHTML = dictionary["2M"];
divV1.innerHTML = dictionary["V1"];
2 row(s) found

JavaScript regex using a character twice

So I'm using regex to grab information from a string, the issue is I need to both start up and stop at a / in the string.
Here's an example
var regexp = /\/(.*?)=(.*?)\//g;
var url_hash = "/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/";
var match;
var result = {};
while ((match = regexp.exec(url_hash)) != null) {
result[match[1]] = match[2];
I can grab result['s'] without issue, but grabbing result['p'] becomes problematic, because the ending / for result['s'] is the same as the starting / for result['p']. If I changed the string to /s=lorem+ipsum//p=2/ it works perfectly, but of course that's hideous. So how can I fix this so that it both ends and starts up at the /? I'm stuck, any help is appreciated.
Use this regex:
var regexp = /\/([^/=]+)=([^/]+)/g;
var url_hash = "/#!/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/";
var match;
var result = {};
while ((match = regexp.exec(url_hash)) != null) {
result[match[1]] = match[2];
document.writeln(match[1] + ' = ' + match[2] + '<br>');
s = lorem+ipsum
p = 2
Online demo of the code
Why can't you just split it?
var result = {};
var url = "/#!/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/".slice(4, -1).split('/');
for (i in url) {
var value = url[i].split('=');
result[value[0]] = value[1];
You can determine the look-ahead set for part after the = yourself instead of adding it to the regular expression. The look-ahead set is "everything but a forward slash".
var regexp = /\/(\w+)=([^/]+)/g;
Btw, I'm assuming that the part before the = is word-like (i.e. alphanumeric)

String to array then remove last element

I have the strings below and I am trying to remove the last directory from them but I cant seem to get the grasp of it.
var x = path.split("/")
alert(path +' = ' +x.slice(0, -1));
Expected Result
/foo/bar/ = /foo/
/bar/foo/ = /bar/
/bar/foo/moo/ = /bar/foo/
let path = "/bar/foo/moo/";
let split = path.split("/");
let splicedStr = split.slice(0, split.length - 2).join("/") + "/";
var sourcePath="/abc/def/ghi";
var lastIndex=sourcePath.lastIndexOf("/");
var requiredPath=sourcePath.slice(0,lastIndex+1);
Output: /abc/def/

