Disabling a textbox when the other textbox have a value HTML - javascript

im sorry for this question but how can i disable a textbox if another textbox have a value??
I already try this code but its not working,, sorry for the noob question T_T
function disable(downpayment,full_payment)
if ( downpayment.value.length >= 1 )
document.getElementById(full_payment).disabled = true;
document.getElementById(full_payment).disabled = false;
<input name="downpayment" id="downpayment" type="text" onselect="function disable(downpayment,full_payment);" style="width:250px" />
<input name="full_payment" id="full_payment" type="text" style="width:250px" />

If you want to stay with plain JavaScript:
// finding the relevant elements *outside* the function
var downpayment = document.getElementById('downpayment'),
full_payment = document.getElementById('full_payment');
function enableToggle(current, other) {
/* 'current' is the element that currently has focus
'other' is the other input element, that does not have focus.
1. if the 'current' value of the focused/active element, once the whitespace
is removed, is greater than 0 (so it has something in it other than whitespace,
the disabled property of the 'other' element is true,
2. if the 'current' element has only whitespace, and/or a zero-length value,
the 'other' element's disabled property is false.
other.disabled = current.value.replace(/\s+/,'').length > 0;
// using the onkeyup event to call a function on the elements.
downpayment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, full_payment);
full_payment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, downpayment);
This works with the following HTML:
<input name="downpayment" id="downpayment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
<input name="full_payment" id="full_payment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
JS Fiddle demo.
If you're using jQuery already, then you can either nest the above into jQuery's $(document).ready(function(){ /* the code in here */});, or switch to a jQuery-only solution, such as Alex's.
To stick with plain-JavaScript, and avoiding explaining how to set up an equivalent DOM-ready event, put the following at the end of your HTML content, just before the closing </body> tag:
var downpayment = document.getElementById('downpayment'),
full_payment = document.getElementById('full_payment');
function enableToggle(current, other) {
other.disabled = current.value.replace(/\s+/,'').length > 0;
downpayment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, full_payment);
full_payment.onkeyup = function () {
enableToggle(this, downpayment);
(This is exactly the same JavaScript as above, with the comments stripped out, but wrapped in <script></script> tags)
Putting this at the bottom of the HTML means that the elements exist in the DOM prior to your trying to assign event-handlers to them.
Incidentally, with adjusted HTML, to give:
I associated the relevant elements with a class-name 'enableToggle',
you don't have to, it just reduces the work the jQuery has to do later
when using siblings('.enableToggle') to find the relevant elements.
<label for="downpayment">Downpayment</label>
<input name="downpayment" class="enableToggle" id="downpayment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
<label for="full_payment">Full payment</label>
<input name="full_payment" class="enableToggle" id="full_payment" type="text" style="width:250px" />
The following jQuery could be used:
// binds both event-handler to both 'keyup' and 'paste' events.
$('.enableToggle').on('keyup paste', function(){
/* 'curVal' is a Boolean (true or false) depending on whether there's
a value other than whitespace */
var curVal = $(this).val().replace(/\s+/g,'').length > 0;
/* sets the 'disabled' property of the sibling elements of the current
element, as long as those siblings have the class 'enableToggle'
(this avoids having to explicitly identify all the elements you want
to act on). */
$(this).siblings('.enableToggle').prop('disabled', curVal);
JS Fiddle demo.

You have tagged the question jQuery, so it's as simple as...
$("#downpayment").on("change paste", function() {
$("#full_payment").prop("disabled", this.value.length);
As soon as your down payment has some content in it (even if it's a space, if that's not ideal, $.trim() the input before you check its length property) then it will enable the full payment.

var myLength = $('input[name="DebitAmount"]').val().length;
if (myLength!=0)
$('input[name="CreditAmount"]').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$(".PaxHeads").on('keypress', 'input[name="CreditAmount"]', function()
var myLength1 = $('input[name="CreditAmount"]').val().length;
if (meLength1!=0)
$('input[name="DebitAmount"]').attr("disabled", "disabled");


Using checkboxes to update UI in realtime

I'm currently in the process of trying to develop a smarter UI for one of my clients. However the only code I can use to develop this 'feature', is pure JS. I have no access to the source HTML or CSS files the only access I have is the ability to inject JavaScript through an external .js file.
I'm not too familiar with JS, but I can work my way around a basic script or two.
What we're doing is allowing users to edit PDF Templates online using a software called Core Create. The UI accessed through the browser is quite cluttered and I would like to provide an option to hide and show UI elements <textareas>/<inputs> through the use of checkboxes.
Here is a very basic JS Fiddle that I have built with the
intention of hiding and displaying UI.
The page in question
Above is a screen grab of the page I am working with, on the left you can see the UI and its composition on the right within the 'Inspect Element' tool.
I have come to the conclusion that I need to iterate through the highlighted selection and link them accordingly with seven checkboxes. The result would then be a selection of checkboxes that would hide / display the correct UI element.
The Caveat
In realizing I cannot edit or introduce new HTML I noticed the lack of on-click attributes. So I'm a bit lost on how to invoke the JavaScript I will eventually build.
My Question
With my limited knowledge of JS I don't know how I would iterate though div elements editoraccvar - editoraccvar6 picking out the ones I need to manipulate.
Due to the lack of ID's / Names (I assume it would have to be done using Parent/Child rules somehow, as the classes are widley used by the rest of the UI. I would appreciate a small example demonstrating how I could achieve this, so I can learn from it.
I should clarify, I have already added the checkboxes to the page, I just need to build the JS link between the Checkbox and the UI element I'm attempting to target. You can find all attributes linking to these checkboxes included in the JS Fiddle.
EDIT // A Working Simplified Example;
Due to some confusion I have 'frankensteined' some code together to show the final result I am after. A working example of sorts. The actual result needs to target 7 Checkboxes and 7 Divisions. I'll list thier common properties below.
// This script is already in place and constructed by the system.
// Written inside script tags and located straight after 'editopt1'.
// $(document).ready(function() {
// $('#checkboxopt1').click(function() {
// if ($('#checkboxopt1').val() == 'true') {
// $('#opt1').val('false');
// $('#checkboxopt1').val('false');
// $('#checkboxopt1').prop('checked', false);
// $('#previewrefresh').trigger('click');
// } else {
// $('#opt1').val('true');
// $('#checkboxopt1').val('true');
// $('#checkboxopt1').prop('checked', true);
// $('#previewrefresh').trigger('click');
// };
// });
// });
function exFunction() {
// Check the function is called
console.log("200 : OK");
// grab all elements with the class, .field-summernote
var uiblocks = document.querySelectorAll('.field-summernote');
for (var i = 0; i < uiblocks.length; i++) {
var current = uiblocks[i];
if (current.className.indexOf('editoraccvar') < 0) //not found: -1
// check elements in the array
// control the elemets in the array.
if (document.getElementById('checkboxopt1').checked) {
uiblocks[0].style.display = 'block'; // display the element
} else {
uiblocks[0].style.display = 'none'; // hide the element
// Trigger the collection the check, and the control.
var x = document.getElementById("checkboxopt1");
x.addEventListener("click", function() {
.editoraccvar1 {
width: 300px;
background: #0ff;
padding: .5em;
.editoropt1 {
width: 300px;
background: #ff0;
padding: .5em;
textarea {
display: block;
width: 95%;
resize: none;
padding: .5em;
<!-- I'm trying to hide & show this entire division... -->
<div class="seq-box-form-field field-summernote editoraccvar1 ">
<label for="accvar1">Ground Floor Info</label>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<textarea id="richaccvar1" name="richaccvar1" class="summernote"></textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="accvar1" id="accvar1" value="" />
<!-- Using only what the system has supplied. -->
<div class="seq-box-form-field editoropt1 ">
<label for="opt1"><span style="padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: 1px;">Ground Floor </span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxopt1" id="checkboxopt1" value="true" checked="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="opt1" id="opt1" value="true" />
Divisions <div class=""></div>
* editoraccvar,
Checkboxes <input id=""></input>
* checkboxopt,
As far as I can see, your problem boils down to link checkboxes (that seem to have been generated in some way) to "division" parts of your html that you want to hide. Plus, you have to inject javascript code in the page (so I guess the less code the better).
One approach could be as follows:
// Wrap the code in an anonymus function, to avoid clustering the global space.
(function (domElements) {
// This is the callback that will fire when a checkbox is clicked.
function clickCallback() {
// the context of this callback is the DOM element thus we can access its attributes through this.
// extract the checkNumber of the class of the element. This number is the link to the division that we want to hide/show.
var checkNumber = ((/ editoropt(\d*) /).exec(this.className))[1],
checkBox = document.getElementById('checkboxopt' + checkNumber),
division = document.querySelectorAll('.editoraccvar' + checkNumber)[0];
// Hide/show division, update checkBox state.
toggleElements(division, checkBox, window.getComputedStyle(division).display === 'none');
function toggleElements(division, checkBox, isShown) {
// Toggle the division (show/hide) accordingly.
division.style.display = isShown ? 'block' : 'none';
// Due to the fact that the event listener is attached to the parent of the checkBox, we need to maintain consistency manually.
checkBox.checked = isShown;
// Remove from the array of DOMElements those that aren't checkboxes and add a click event listener to each of them.
.filter(function (el) {
return el.className.indexOf('editoropt') !== -1;
.forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener('click', clickCallback, false);
// Call the function passing the dom elements with class '.seq-box-form-field' as argument. Checkboxes are contained within them. Also, transform the nodelist
// into a proper array so that methods defined in Array.prototype can be used.
The code is commented and (I think) quite self-explanatory. However, if you have any doubt or want me to elaborate any point further, please, let me know.
Finally, here's the working fiddle.
Same function (more or less) but now it accepts an array of values that will correspond to the initial state of the checkboxes:
(function (domElements, cbState) {
function clickCallback() {
function toggleElements(className, initialShow) {
var checkNumber = ((/ editoropt(\d*) /).exec(className))[1],
checkBox = document.getElementById('checkboxopt' + checkNumber),
division = document.querySelectorAll('.editoraccvar' + checkNumber)[0],
isShown = initialShow === undefined ? window.getComputedStyle(division).display === 'none' : initialShow;
division.style.display = isShown ? 'block' : 'none';
checkBox.checked = isShown;
.filter(function (el) {
return el.className.indexOf('editoropt') !== -1;
.forEach(function (el, index) {
el.addEventListener('click', clickCallback, false);
toggleElements(el.className, cbState[index]);
// Initial state of the checkboxes goes in the second parameter. The index in the array correspond to the checkbox position in the page.
})([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.seq-box-form-field')), [false, false]);
Here's the Fiddle to play with. Hope it helps.
The other half of your problem, not addressed in the other answer has to do with events. Generally, adding an "onclick" attribute to the actual HTML is considered bad practice. You can attach event handlers with Javascript.
var a = document.getElementById("checkboxopt1");
a.addEventListener("click", exFunction, false);
See the manual for more info about how to use this.
Looks like that you need the elements that have the class "field-summernote", but not the class "editorbdyvar".
You can use a query selector to get elements by class name using the default tools from Javascript:
var items = document.querySelectorAll('.field-summernote');
for(var i = 0; i<items.length; i++){
var current = items[i];
if( current.className.indexOf('editoraccvar') < 0) //not found: -1
//now you can manipulate the current element
well ... you should either learn javascript, DOM, HTML and CSS or hire an somebody that can do it.
in my opinion the latter would come cheaper.
if not,
here goes something to put in your script.js file.
the checkboxes must have the id="toggleTextareas" respectively id="toggleInputs".
(function isolateScope() {
function tryInit() {
setTimeout(tryInit, 100);
function createUI(){
var div=document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML='<input type="checkbox" id="toggleTextareas">toggle Textareas<br>'
+'<input type="checkbox" id="toggleInputs">toggle Inputs';
function init() {
var tta=document.getElementById("toggleTextareas");
var ti=document.getElementById("toggleInputs");
var textareaVisible=true;
var inputVisible=true;
function toggleTextareas() {
var elms=document.querySelectorAll("textarea");
if (textareaVisible) {
function toggleInputs() {
var elms=document.querySelectorAll("input");
if (inputVisible) {
function show(collection) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
function hide(collection) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
let me know if it works,
You can traverse all your fields and generate a checkbox that will toggle it open/close for each of your fields. Also set the checkbox label as innerText of the corresponding field.
// Block to be run
generateCheckboxes = function() {
var button = document.getElementById("generateButton");
// grab all elements with the class, .field-summernote
var uiblocks = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.field-summernote')).filter(function(x) {
return x.className.indexOf('editoraccvar') >= 0
if (!uiblocks.length) return;
var chcontainer = document.createElement('div');
chcontainer.style.display = "inline-block";
document.body.insertBefore(chcontainer, document.body.children[0]);
uiblocks.forEach(function(x) {
var cdiv = document.createElement('div');
var clabel = document.createElement('label');
clabel.innerHTML = x.innerText.trim();
var cinput = document.createElement('input');
cinput.type = 'checkbox';
cinput.checked = true;
cinput.onchange = function(ev) {
var checked = this.checked;
x.style.display = checked ? "" : "none";
#container {
width: 150px;
input {
float: left;
label {
width: 120px;
display: block;
float: right;
text-align: left;
<button onclick="generateCheckboxes()" id="generateButton">Generate Checkboxes</button>
<div id="example" class="field-summernote editoraccvar">
<div id="example1" class="field-summernote editoraccvar1">
<div id="example2" class="field-summernote">

Animated form, how to check input value on page refresh?

I have a form which uses dynamic styling. Consider this html
<div class="field-name field-form-item">
<label class="placeholder" for="name">Name</label>
<input class="form-input" id="name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="50" size="30">
The label is ABOVE the input, with CSS. When you click the label :
$('.placeholder').on('click focus', function() {
Then the label is animated and let the user type in the input.
If the user dont wan't to write anything, the animation goes back, and hide input field :
$('input').on(' blur', function(){
if ($(this).val().length === 0) {
That's alright.
But when a user fill the input, THEN refresh the page and its browser didn't reset input fields(ie firefox) : the label is above the input, even if the latter is not empty.
I tried this :
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('input').val().length) {
But it doesn't seem to trigger, I tried several ways to write this function. Up to now I never managed to give the class ph-activated to a label with a filled input on page refresh.
Sorry I can't fiddle this. I just have far too much html/css/js/php to copy paste
Well you are targeting wrong element in $(document).ready because you are referring label with this thinking that $(this) is input whereas it is document. So try applying below code and I hope there will be multiple input elements in page, so I've used $.each and looping through all the inputs
$(document).ready(function() {
$('input').each(function(){ //loop through each inputs
if ($(this).val().length) {
DEMO - Inspect the label and you will find ph-activated class added to label
Try this one:
$(document).ready(function() {
var length = $('input').filter(function( index ) {
return ($(this).val() !== '');
if (length > 0) {

Why jquery selector select element from old value instead of new value

Whenever I select element with jquery with selector it select element from old value instead of new value if I get value of selected element it give me new value. My code is here http://jsfiddle.net/HUdkN/3/.
Here I have use Australia value for selecting element ,even if I change value. It will select element. Why ??? could somebody explain it.
<input type="text" class="lbl" value="Australia" />
<div id="result"></div>
<br />
<input type="button" value="check" id="check_btn">
function check_fnc() {
jQuery('input[value="Australia"]').each(function () {
$('#check_btn').click(function () {
That's because an Attribute Equals selector such as [value="Australia"] matches the actual HTML attribute, not the current DOM property, and the value HTML attribute will always contain the original value of the element.
To match the current value, you can use filter() instead:
$("input").filter(function() {
return this.value == "Australia";
}).each(function() {
you use this
// (") should be remove after (value=) and after Australia
You can use that also
function check_fnc() {
// I eddited here
jQuery('input[value=Australia]').each(function () {
hope this will work..Thanks
You don't need to use any filter for this scenario. Just remove quotes ie, use
$("input[value=Australia]") .each(...)

display form validation hint with form elements

I use this java script function to display a form validation hint. This function is working properly with input elements.. My problem is I need to modify this function with other form elements such as textarea, select box, checkbox... can anybody tell me how can I do this?
This is the function I have been using..
function prepareInputsForHints() {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++){
// test to see if the hint span exists first
if (inputs[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]) {
// the span exists! on focus, show the hint
inputs[i].onfocus = function () {
this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "inline";
// when the cursor moves away from the field, hide the hint
inputs[i].onblur = function () {
this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "none";
// repeat the same tests as above for selects
var selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (var k=0; k<selects.length; k++){
if (selects[k].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]) {
selects[k].onfocus = function () {
this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "inline";
selects[k].onblur = function () {
this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "none";
this is Html
<label for="mobile">Mobile<img alt="required" src="images/required_star.png"> :</label>
<input id="mobile" class="text" type="text" maxlength="10" name="mobile" title="Eg: 0714556260"/>
<span class="hint">Use a 10 digits length number<span class="hint-pointer"> </span></span>
I tried something like this with textarea but it is not working...
<label for="qualification">Qualification Details<img alt="required" src="images/required_star.png">:</label>
<textarea id="qualification" class="textarea" rows="4" cols="30" name="qualification"></textarea>
<span class="hint">Describe about you<span class="hint-pointer"> </span></span>
$(document).ready( function() {
$(".hint").css({ "display":"none" });
$("input.hint_needed, select.hint_needed, textarea.hint_needed, radio.hint_needed").on("mouseenter", function() {
$(".hint").css({ "display":"inline" });
}).on("mouseleave", function() {
$(".hint").css({ "display":"none" });
<textarea id="qualification" class="hint_needed" rows="4" cols="30" name="qualification"></textarea>
you can use this!
Update: Per OP's request, allow hints to be displayed on hover as well.
Here's what I have based on non-jQuery implementation of the code:
(JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/E9njP/)
<label for="mobile">Mobile* :</label>
<input id="mobile" class="text" type="text" maxlength="10" name="mobile" />
<span class="hint">Use a 10 digits length number</span>
<label for="qualification">Qualification Details*:</label>
<textarea id="qualification" class="textarea" rows="4" cols="30" name="qualification"></textarea>
<span class="hint">Describe about you</span>
<label for="dropdown">Dropdown*:</label>
<select id="dropdown"><option>A</option><option>B</option></select>
<span class="hint">Hints for Select</span>
<!-- This is just for demo purpose -->
<label>Tricky Input:</label>
<span>Don't hide me! I am not a hint!</span>
... Instead of doing CSS on the element, I'm using CSS instead. Here are the classes...
div span.hint {
display: none;
div span.over,
div span.focus {
display: inline;
... and here's the javascript ...
(function() {
// Since it's likely that you'll only ever run this function once
// (Once you attached the events, you'll probably never reuse this
// function again), I put it inside an IIFE to keep it "clean".
* Toggle class on element without jQuery...
* #param {DOMElement} el Element to apply CSS to
* #param {string} css CSS class name to be applied
* #param {boolean} on Determine whether class name should be on the element or not
function getHandler(el, css, on) {
return function() {
// If we want to add CSS to the element, and it doesn't exist on the
// element yet, add it.
if (on && el.className.indexOf(css) === -1) {
el.className += ' ' + css;
// If we want to remove CSS from the element, and it exists, remove
// it.
else if (!on && el.className.indexOf(css) >= 0) {
el.className = el.className.replace(css, '');
// NOTE This solution will lead to extra spacing in CSS name...
function setHandler(inputEl, hintEl) {
// the span exists! on focus, show the hint
inputEl.onfocus = getHandler(hintEl, "focus", true);
inputEl.onmouseover = getHandler(hintEl, "over", true);
// when the cursor moves away from the field, hide the hint
inputEl.onblur = getHandler(hintEl, "focus", false);
inputEl.onmouseout = getHandler(hintEl, "over", false);
function prepareHintsByTag(tag) {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for (var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++){
// test to see if the hint span exists first
if (inputs[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]) {
var hintEl = inputs[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];
// Show "hint" only if it has the class of "hint"
if (hintEl.className.indexOf("hint") === 0) {
setHandler(inputs[i], hintEl);
// Scan the code
Added couple of things to the code...
By default, the hints should probably be hidden. I made that a default in CSS.
Added a check to see if the "span" class is of "hint" before toggling the CSS. (Just so you won't hide something that wasn't intended!)
I refactored the prepareHint function so it's reusable for SELECT, INPUT and TEXTAREA.
I put the function that handles prepare hints in an IIFE, since it's likely that you'll only do this one. You can read more about IIFE here: http://benalman.com/news/2010/11/immediately-invoked-function-expression/
Instead of doing style manipulation on the element's style directly, I moved those to CSS classes. It should make more sense hopefully...
This is, again, the non-jQuery version - There are more rooms for improvements, but hopefully this would be sufficient for your task.

Default text on input

How to set blank default text on input field and clear it when element is active.
In modern browsers, you may set the placeholder attribute on a field to set its default text.
<input type="text" placeholder="Type some text" id="myField" />
However, in older browsers, you may use JavaScript to capture the focus and blur events:
var addEvent = function(elem, type, fn) { // Simple utility for cross-browser event handling
if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
textField = document.getElementById('myField'),
placeholder = 'Type some text'; // The placeholder text
addEvent(textField, 'focus', function() {
if (this.value === placeholder) this.value = '';
addEvent(textField, 'blur', function() {
if (this.value === '') this.value = placeholder;
Demo: http://jsbin.com/utecu
Using the onFocus and onBlur events allows you to achieve this, I.e.:
The full example is as follows:
<input name="example" type="text" id="example" size="50" value="EGTEXT" onfocus="if(this.value=='EGTEXT')this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='EGTEXT'" />
Or simply
<input name="example" type="text" id="example" value="Something" onfocus="value=''" />
This will not post back the default text once the box is cleared but also will allow the user to clear the box and see all results in the case of an autocomplete script.
Declare styles for inactive and active states:
.active {
color: black;
.inactive {
color: #909090;
Add the Javascript to handle the changing of state:
function toggleText(el)
var v = el.value;
//Remove text to allow editing
if(v=="Default text") {
el.value = "";
el.className = "active";
else {
//Remove whitespace
if(v.indexOf(" ")!=-1) {
split = v.split(" ").join("");
v = split;
//Change to inactive state
if(v=="") {
el.value = "Default text";
el.className = "inactive";
Add your input box, with the default value set, the inactive class set and Javascript handlers pointing to the toggleText() function (you could use event listeners to do this if you wish)
<input type="text" value="Default text" class="inactive" onFocus="toggleText(this);" onBlur="toggleText(this);">
From a usability point of view the text in the input component should be preserved only for user's input purposes. The possible default value in the input should be valid if left untouched by the user.
If the placeholder text is meant to be a hint for how to fill the input, it is better to be blaced near the input where it can be seen also when the input has been filled. Moreover, using a placeholder text inside text components can cause troubles e.g. with braille devices.
If a placeholder text is used, regardless of usability guidelines, one should make sure that it is done in an unobtrusive way so that it works with user agents without javascript or when js is turned off.
I have found jQuery plugin (http://www.jason-palmer.com/2008/08/jquery-plugin-form-field-default-value/) and use it :)
What I did is put a placeholder attribute for modern browsers:
<input id='search' placeholder='Search' />
Then, I made a fallback for older browsers using JQuery:
var placeholder = $('search').attr('placeholder');
//Set the value
//On focus (when user clicks into the input)
$('search').focus(function() {
if ($(this).val() == placeholder)
//If they focus out of the box (tab or click out)
$('search').blur(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '')
This works for me.
You can use this plugin (I'm an co-author)
It clones an input field and put it there.
It works on IE, Firefox, Chrome and even iPhone Safari, which has the famous focus problem.
This way you do not have to be worried about clearing input field before submitting.
If you want to HTML5 only, you can just use attribute "placeholder" on input field
You can use placeholder attribute.
np. <input type="text" name="fname" placeholder="First name">
check http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_placeholder.asp

