jquery modal / dialog - javascript

I want to use some jquery plugin to show modal. I have been using fancybox but it has problem that second fancybox can not be shown on one. I have used jquery UI but it has images and I want some plugin which is not dependent on images. Here are my requirements:
to show on page load
to show on ajax success
customizable with custom css
second modal/dialog can be shown on first one.
Please suggest.

I like http://jqueryui.com/dialog/ I know you said that you used it but did not like it as it has images, but I would override your images with custom css - which is not to difficult. simnple model is fine but I find ui better

Your question is not in the Q&A format of Stackoverflow, because you are essentially soliciting opinions (i.e., no definitive answer).
Nevertheless, SimpleModal is an excellent light-weight jQuery plugin I've used for modal dialog boxes.

Have a look on this one, I used it in the past: http://www.paulund.co.uk/how-to-create-a-simple-modal-box-with-jquery


Simple jquery plugin that quick looks information

Is there any good JavaScript/jQuery plug-in that will 'quicklook' an information on click?
I want it simple so when you click the quick view link it just displays it as a modal form
Ideally it would be set up by just giving said links a class and the JavaScript/jQuery does the rest.
Similar to the (http://us.norton.com/downloads/) quick view button.
qtip plugin might come in handy too
Norton is using colorbox i think.. http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/
colorbox is a jQuery lightbox.. you can customize it using CSS.. it can handel inline content as well as fetch data by making an ajax call

Is there a basic/simple lightbox/overlay jQuery-based library anywhere?

Is there any Lightbox-live or overlay library out there that only provides the "basic cross-browser centered popup with a dark background" without attempting to perform requests and display images?
I would like to populate the contents myself using my own JS code which is non-trivial and all of these libraries expecting a link with something displayable inside it are unusable for my simple yet unusual (it would appear) use case...
I've gone over maybe 15 Lightbox clones today and for the life of me couldn't find a simple way to just get the basic overlay functionality without the added fluff. Is anyone familiar with something like that ?
Look into Colorbox. Check the Inline Examples. It works well.
Look here: http://jacklmoore.com/colorbox/example1/ under "Other Content types"
Try jQuery UI dialog!
jQuery Dialog in jQuery UI might be an option to consider.
You can customize the download of the library to give you only the dialog.
Just de-select everything from here and select "Dialog" only (it will select the minimum dependencies for you):

Do Auto complete plug-in for jquery comes with out css

Is their any jQuery plug-in for auto complete that allows our own styling?
Every library i see comes with a built in cascading style sheet.
Yes and no.
At http://jqueryui.com/download you can select "no theme", but you will still get an .css that you need to use. That css is used in the javascript code to open, close and interact with the autocomplete menu and text.
It is pretty easy to alter the .css to make it look like you want it to. Try some small changes and reload the page to see what happens!
I don't have a perfect script for you, but you can download the Jquery-ui library with the "No Theme" option.
In fact, there is a minimalist default theme, but you can easily override it in order to build your own theme.
jQuery UI Does indeed allows user-based styling. You can simply change the css file as if you'd do from scratch. Heck, just write down the class names and create your own...

jquery ui widget for tabbed content

Jquery ui doesn't show examples of a tabbed content widget like the list on the right http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#default where you choose examples (default functionality, content via ajax, etc)
Does anyone know how to create a similar tabbed content using jquery UI? No addition scripts.
From this question there is a link to vertical jQuery UI tabs demo.
Also Wijmo Open has added an alignment property to their jQuery UI based tabs if the no additional script constraint can be stretched.
I do believe you can use the jquery ui tabs script you linked to. Use CSS to get the tabs on the right hand side and vertical, instead of along the top and horizontal.
jQuery wise I see no difference. Its a styling thing.
It is not a widget itself but a combination of event handlers and CSS. You can check the source code of it:
I'd like to say also that the AJAX content loading is not a great solution as it is used in jQuery UI demos, because they load content via AJAX and they update hash part or URL, but you can't go back in browser history and you can't enter directly to a demo by using a special hash.

How to show/hide selected object like div?

So i'm trying out MVC after only playing with it some time ago.
Need to find the best way to selectively show and hide sections (divs, etc) on clicking or changing a value of a control, but not having to post back, i.e. javascript?
Any suggestions.
Use jQuery. You can use a jQuery Event to detect a click and then hide or show divs.
So, You have a button called "HideDiv" and "DivToHide" is the div you wish to hide.
$("#HideDiv").click(function() {
It's that easy. Can't really go in-depth here but check out their tutorials: http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials or browse this site: http://www.learningjquery.com/category/levels/beginner
jQuery actually comes with ASP.Net MVC, check the scripts folder of a new MVC project and you'll see it in there. This site using jQuery and MVC :) So your browsing a sample of what is possible with it
You can use jQuery. It is included with the standard MVC project template.
$("#myButtonId").click(function () {
See more at the jQuery docs for toggle.
You can do the same way as you are doing it with normal ASP.NET application using JavaScript. I think JavaScript is best as its fast and works on client-side.
If you are having a specific requirement then please put the specific requirement here.
You can use jQuery or MooTools if you want some animation.

