Send value from Javascript to servlet - javascript

Hi i have this code here:
$(document).ready(function() {
var clickCount = {}
aList = document.getElementsByTagName('a')
clickCounter = function()
clickCount[this.href] = clickCount[this.href] ? clickCount[this.href]+1 : 1;
// The event is attached to every link having a "href" attribute
for (var i=0 ; i<aList.length, a=aList[i] ; i++)
if (this.href)
a.onclick = clickCounter;
I need to send this to a servlet so that i can store the value on a database, i found this example for PHP, but don't know how to do it for a Servlet. And also how can i get the value to the Servlet?
// This example uses jQuery to send the data to a PHP script
// A POST request is sent just before the window is closed
onbeforeunload = function()
$.post('/tracking.php', clickCount);
The objective of the program, is to count downloads and store the in a database using JSP.


uilocations is declared but its value is never read

I'm building a price prediction model using Python, Flask Server, HTML, and CSS. I've implemented the HTML and CSS code but I'm having issues getting my dropdown button to read all my locations via a JavaScript call (all the locations are saved in a json file). Concerning 'uilocations' it keeps showing 'uilocations is declared but its value is never read. Below is my javascript code:
function onClickedEstimatedPrice(){
var uiBathrooms = document.getElementsByName("uiBathrooms");
for(var i in uiBathrooms) {
if(uiBathrooms[i].checked) {
return parseInt(i)+1;
return -1;
function getBHKValue() {
var uiBHK = document.getElementsByName("uiBHK");
for(var i in uiBHK) {
if(uiBHK[i].checked) {
return parseInt(i)+1;
return -1; // The above functions iterate through the buttons and return the values
function onClickedEstimatedPrice() {
console.log("Estimated price button clicked");
var sqft = document.getElementById("uilocations");
var bathrooms = document.getElemenbtById("uiEstimatedPrice");
var estPrice = document.getElementById("uiEstimatedPrice")
var url = ""; //url for the price prediction endpoint
$.post(url, { //This is a jquery POST call that makes a POST call to the url, we will get our output back in 'data'
total_sqft: parseFloat(sqft.value),
bhk: bhk,
bath: bathrooms,
location: location.value
},function(data, status) {
estPrice.innerHTML = "<h2>" + data.estimated_price.toString() + " Lakh</h2>";
function onPageLoad() {
console.log( "document loaded" );
var url = ""; //Here we make our HTTP Call
$.get(url,function(data, status) { //This is a jquery GET call that makes a GET call to the url, we will get our response back in the 'data'
console.log("got response for get_location_names request");
if(data) {
var locations = data.locations; //This will be our list of locations
var uilocations = document.getElementById("uilocations");
for(var i in locations) {
var opt = new Option(locations[i]);
} //The above goes through our locations one by one and adds them to our dropdown
window.onload = onPageLoad; //This will be used to load our HTML page and load the locations
I tried the code above, i expected my dropdown button to pick more locations but whenever i refresh the page on my browser, i don't get the expected output

ServiceNow auto-populate Script not being called

I have a table in ServiceNow that contains Store and a corresponding Tier that is associated with the Store.
I am trying to auto-populate a record producer, once Store is selected. and my script is not running.
The table is a custom table created in a scoped application which is new to me so not sure what I am doing wrong in the scripting. Any advice?
//Catalog Client Script (runs on [Store] Record Producer Change)
function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {
if (isLoading || newValue == '') {
// new GlideAjax object referencing store of AJAX script include
var ga = new GlideAjax("HRProfileAjax");
// add store parameter to define which function we want to call
// method store in script include will be getFavorites
ga.addParam("sysparm_store", "getHRProfile");
ga.addParam("sysparm_tier", "getHRProfile");
// submit request to server, call ajaxResponse function with server response
function ajaxResponse(serverResponse) {
// get result element and attributes
var result = serverResponse.responseXML.getElementsByTagstore("result");
var message = result[0].getAttribute("tier");
//check for message attribute and alert user
//build output to display on client for testing
// get favorite elements
var favorites = serverResponse.responseXML.getElementsByTagstore("favorite");
for(var i = 0; i < favorites.length; i++) {
var store = favorites[i].getAttribute("store");
var tier = favorites[i].getAttribute("tier");
//output += store + " = " + tier + "\n";
* HRProfileAjax script include Description - sample AJAX processor returning multiple value pairs
var HRProfileAjax = Class.create();
HRProfileAjax.prototype = Object.extendsObject(global.AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
* method available to client scripts call using:
* var gajax = new GlideAjax("HRProfileAjax");
* gajax.addParam("sysparm_store", "getFavorites");
getHRProfile : function() {
// build new response xml element for result
var result = this.newItem("result");
var store = this.getParameter('store');
var hrPro = new GlideRecord('x_hiring_gri_hr_storetier');
result.setAttribute("message", "returning all favorites");
this._addFavorite("tier", hrPro.tier);
_addFavorite : function(store, value) {
var favs = this.newItem("favorite");
favs.setAttribute("store", store);
type : "HRProfileAjax"

Send Ajax request to many server?

I have problem with my code:
Now I want to send request Ajax to 2 page, is it ok ? if ok, can show me how to do. Thanks.
function change_select_employee(){
var p="";
document.getElementById('select_employee').innerHTML = "";
new Ajax.Request('a.php', { method:'get', onSuccess:onLoad_select ,parameters:p});
I want send this ajax to 2 file, a.php, b.php, how do I do it ?
As both comments suggest you can go both ways about this, either run the Ajax.Request twice or use an array to hold your target urls.
function change_select_employee(){
var p = "&month="+document.getElementById('F02S').value;
document.getElementById('select_employee').innerHTML = "";
new Ajax.Request('a.php', { method:'get', onSuccess:onLoad_select ,parameters:p});
new Ajax.Request('b.php', { method:'get', onSuccess:onLoad_select ,parameters:p});
function change_select_employee(){
destinations = ["a.php","b.php"];
var p = "&month="+document.getElementById('F02S').value;
destinations.forEach(function(dest) {
new Ajax.Request(dest, { method:'get', onSuccess:onLoad_select ,parameters:p});
document.getElementById('select_employee').innerHTML = "";
You can even define the target url array outside the main function and pass it as an argument to change_select_employee($destinations)
Create a function ( makeAjaxRequestTo(page) ) that sends an AJAX request to a given page, and then simply call it with a few pages, like this:
var pages = [ "/page1/somewhere.php", "/page2/somewhere.php" ];
var page;
for (var i in pages){
page = pages[i];
makeAjaxRequestTo(page); // Your own code goes here to send an AJAX request to page x

Send parameters to another page

I have a mystic problem with sending parametrs from one page to another.
In one of ExtJs methods i send parameter by POST to another page:
autoLoad : {
url : url_servlet+'form.jsp',
params: str,
scripts: true
But i dont know how to get this parametr in JavaScript. Okey i says, and sent parameter in url:
url : url_servlet+'form.jsp?ss=333'
And in another page:
function param(Name){
var Params ="&");
var variable = "";
for (var i = 0; i < Params.length; i++){
if(Params[i].split("=")[0] == Name){
if (Params[i].split("=").length > 1)
variable = Params[i].split("=")[1];
return variable;
return "";
var s =param('ss');
And see empty alert.
in firebug i try:
and get " ".
Whats wrong? I read several examples and everywere see code like this.
What's likely going on here is that ExtJS loads an entire page from a remote location into the current page.
When this happens, the code that gets run as a result of the load, will execute in the current page (which probably doesn't have the ss=xyz parameter at all).
However, your form.jsp should have access to the query string and can inject that into the page it returns to ExtJS.
Another option is to somehow pass that data from JavaScript once the page is loaded, but I don't know enough about ExtJS to tell you how that could be done.
Can you please try below function ?
function param(Name){
var Params ="&");
var variable = "";
for (var i = 0; i < Params.length; i++){
if(Params[i].split("=")[0] == Name){
variable = Params[i].split("=")[1];
return variable;
if(variable=="") return variable;
var s =param('ss');
You cannot get POST parameters from javascript. POST parameters are to the server and javascript is on the client side..
If its a GET then you could use parseUri library
var value = uri.queryKey['param'];

accessing ASP.NET controls in Javascript

I have following Javascript line in my ASP.NET web app:
document.getElementById('<%=myTextBox[0].ClientID %>').value = "test";
how can I access myTextBox elements? for instance I want to change 5th element of this server side array, I want to pass a server side parameter to my function, how can I do it?
for instance:
server side:
ddl.Attributes.Add("onChange", "return OnFoodChange(this,'" + i + "');");
javascript function:
function OnFoodChange(myCmb,myIndex)
using document.getElementById('<%=myTextBox[myIndex].ClientID %>').value = "test"; gives me error, it says that myIndex is not defined, I think because myIndex is used like a server side parameter, how can I solve it?
it is my full JavaScript function:
function OnFoodChange(myCmb,myIndex) {
var q = document.getElementById('<%= HFFoodPrice.ClientID %>').value.toString();
var q2 = q.split(';');
var index = 0;
//var e = document.getElementById(myCmb);
var strUser = myCmb.options[myCmb.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById('<%=myTextBox[0].ClientID %>').value = strUser;
for (var j = 0; j < q2.length; j++) {
if (q2[j] != '') {
var q3 = q2[j].split(',');
Send this control id of textbox instead of sending index as control id might not be as you expect,
In Code behind
ddl.Attributes.Add("onChange", "return OnFoodChange(this,'" + myTextBox[i].ClientID + "');");
function OnFoodChange(myCmb,myTextBoxId) {
currentTextBox = document.getElementById(myTextBoxId);
//Your code...
You are trying to Mix Server side with Client side. it does not work like this. you need to transfer your server array to javascript on server then you will be able access its index on clien side.

