Javascript running code once - javascript

I only want my JavaScript to run once, but I cannot control how many times the javascript file is executed. Basically I'm writing a tiny JS snippet into a CMS, and the CMS is actually calling it 5-10 times. So solutions like this:
function never_called_again(args) {
// do some stuff
never_called_again = function (new_args) {
// do nothing
Don't seem to work because as soon as my snippet is run again from the top the function is re-declared, and 'do some stuff' is re-evaluated. Perhaps I'm just not doing it properly, I'm not great with JS. I'm considering using something like try-catch on a global variable, something like
if (code_happened == undefined) {
\\ run code
code_happened = true;
EDIT: There is a consistent state e.g. if I set a variable I can see when my snippet is run again. But having to declare it before I access it, I don't know how to say 'does this variable exist yet'

Try this:
var doneTheStuff;
function whatever() {
if (!doneTheStuff) {
doneTheStuff = true;
// do the stuff
Redundant variable declarations don't affect the value of the variable. Once one of the functions has set the variable to true, the others won't do anything.

if (typeof code_happened === 'undefined') {
window.code_happened = true;
// Your code here.
The typeof check gets you around the fact that the global hasn't been declared. You could also just do if (!window.code_happened) since property access isn't banned for undefined properties.

Use a closure, and set a flag. If the flag is true, just return:
if ( ! window.never_called_again ) {
window.never_called_again = (function () {
var ran = false;
return function (args) {
if ( ran ) return;
ran = true;
// Do stuff
Here's the fiddle:

With jQuery, the function .one() may be useful :
W3School exemple here :

In this way, the code is executed only once.
if(typeof onceRun == "undefined") window.onceRun=(
//your codes...
return true


jQuery - Checking if function is defined

I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. I have my jquery name spaced a certain way in that it is prefixed with NWO.{function-name} to make it a little more organized. So it looks something like this:
var NWO = NWO || {}
NWO.Chat = (function() {
init : function($objects) {
console.log('do something');
} }
Now the chat element isn't on every page so on certain pages where the chat link doesn't exist I get a NWO.Chat is undefined. I thought for the pages that don't have the chat link I could do something like this to avoid the error.
if(jQuery().NWO.Chat){ NWO.Chat.init($('div').find('')); }
if($.fn.NWO.Chat){ NWO.Chat.init($('div').find('')); }
But neither seems to be working I still get the error. How do I avoid the js error when the chat link isn't on the page. I've been banging my head for hours. Thanks in advance.
NWO is not a jQuery plugin so have nothing to do with jQuery, it is a object(looks like a global scope), so you could just do
if (NWO && NWO.Chat && typeof NWO.Chat.init == 'function') {
You can use typeof to check if the object is defined or not by comparing it with "undefined"
if(typeof NWO.Chat != 'undefined')
You can also just fix the root of your problem:
NWO.Chat = (function() {
init : function($objects) {
console.log('do something');
} }
} // <<-----------REMOVE THIS CURLY BRACE
That extra curly at the end (}) is the issue.

JavaScript Too much recursion error with facebook JavaScript SDK

i am sending FB.login request to facebook. but FB is not defined while javascript SDK is still loading core javascript resources.
so, i put a check to get FB variable
function check_FB_variable(){
if(typeof FB=='undefined'){
But this approach gives me Too much recursion error.
so , i put this code as
function check_FB_variable(){
if(typeof FB=='undefined'){
but in this approach the before timeout function make a call function moves down and gives error
FB.login not defined.
please, help.
I've used something similar to check if JQMobi exists, I don't know exactly why but I think the exception is thrown because you call the pointer to the function every time.
You should try checking in an interval like this (Untested):
var facebookChecker = window.setInterval(fbCheck, 200);
var fbCheck = function () {
if (typeof FB != 'undefined' && facebookChecker != null) {
facebookChecker = null;
// Whatever you want to do if facebook is loaded
// Example: InitFBLogin();
Or you could use a while statement (the one I used):
* This JQ Fix tries to attach Jquery to a variable to ensure it exists.
* - Marvin Brouwer.
var FixJQ = function () {
var JQFIX = null;
while (!JQFIX || JQFIX == null) {
try {
JQFIX = jQuery;
} catch (nothing) { jQuery = $; };
JQFIX = null;
return true;
if (FixJQ()) {
FixJQ = null;
The beauty of the last one is that you can put you next step below this, because it will wait until the while loop has finished.
I honestly do not know which one is better/faster but I’m sure the bottom one will work.

Javascript Initialization Closure

I'm trying to create javascript closure that will tell me if the function has already been run:
This is what I have so far:
function do()
var isInitialized = function()
var init = false;
if (init == false)
init = true;
return false;
return init;
if (!isInitialized())
// do stuff
My function isInitialized always evaluates to true. I'm like 90% sure I'm not setting the internal variable correctly. How do I fix my code?
First of all, you can't use do as your function name as that's a keyword.
Secondly, you can attach properties right to your function so you don't need a closure or anything like this:
function f() {
f.initialized = true;
console.log('Doing things.');
That will give you just one "Doing things." in the console.
Demo (run with your JavaScript console open):
Functions are objects in JavaScript so they can be assigned properties which provides a convenient mechanism for achieving what you want to do:
function doit() {
if (typeof doit.isInitialized === "undefined") {
doit.isInitialized = true;
// do stuff
Try this:
function fn(){
if (typeof fn.hasrun!='undefined'){return;}
// do stuff
Every time you call isinitialized, it'll reset all the variables to default, so init will ALWAYS start out false. The values set afterwards are NOT carried over to the next time isInitialiazed is called.
What you want is a 'static' variable, which JS doesn't directly support, but can be simulated as per this answer: Static variables in JavaScript

De-Anonymizing an Anonymous Function in jQuery

This is probably quite a simple problem, but it's causing me to scratch my head, so I'm posting it here.
I have some jQuery in the following form:
if (jQuery('.SearchRegions:checked').length == 0) {
} else {
//the same code
Obviously it seems ridiculous to repeat a big block of code inside each of these functions. But when I tried to name and move the function, it all seemed to break down - perhaps because of issues with scope and/or jQuery(this) inside the function no longer referring to the same object?
Can anyone help me by posting a general idea of what my code should look like? (Or any other optimisings or recastings to make it work would be much appreciated!)
You can definitely just define a function and use it by name:
function someHandler(event) {
// code code code
Note that when you refer to the function by name, you don't include "()".
Assuming that closures are indeed the problem, you can parameterize your "anonymous" function to pass those values in to it. For example:
function eachRegion(values, $container, foo) {
// common code which uses scope variables `values`, `$container`, and `foo`
// elsewhere, in code defining `values`, `$container`, and `foo`...
if (jQuery('.SearchRegions:checked').length == 0) {
eachRegion(values, $container, foo);
} else {
eachRegion(values, $container, foo);
You could define your function as a variable and use that in your each method call.
var yourEachFunction = function(){$("ul").append("<li>" + $(this).val() + "</li>");}
if (jQuery('.SearchRegions:checked').length == 0) {
jQuery('.SearchRegions').each(yourEachFunction );
} else {
jQuery('.SearchRegions:checked').each(yourEachFunction );
Example of this working on jsfiddle.

Is there anyway to unit test javascript functions defined within a function?

I would just like to ask whether I would be able to unit test the code inside ExternalFunction within the document.ready? I have tried many things for a while now and still couldn't work out how, and am at my wits end.
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalExternalFunction = ExternalFunction;
ExternalFunction = function(context, param) {
// trying to unit test the stuff in here!
I'm unit testing using JsTestDriver. Test declaration is something like TestThisTest.prototype.test_this - function() {};
Thanks in advance.
Since, in your example, ExternalFunction is not declared within the scope of the function, it is global (or at least, in whatever scope it may have been defined in outside ready). You can therefore test it by calling it as a global.
The trouble is, in order to assign the function to ExternalFunction, you have to run ready (which you could run manually, if you need). This means that if you put any other functionality in ready, then no, it is not unit testable. If your example code is an accurate reflection of reality, then I suppose it is kinda testable.
The point of a construct like this, is to hide the inner function. If you don't wish to hide it, then Anon.'s suggestion of defining newExternalFunction in a more accessible scope is what you need.
If your function needs to be a closure using variables from within ready, you could define newExternalFunction thus:
var newExternalFunction;
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalExternalFunction = ExternalFunction;
newExternalFunction = function(context, param) {
// trying to unit test the stuff in here!
ExternalFunction = newExternalFunction;
You would still need to ensure that ready has run, prior to unit testing, but you wouldn't have to rely on ExternalFunction not being reset to originalExternalFunction.
You could do something like:
function newExternalFunction(context, param) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalExternalFunction = ExternalFunction;
ExternalFunction = newExternalFunction;
Then it's relatively straightforward to run your unit tests on newExternalFunction.
Theoretically, you could do something like:
ExternalFunction = function() { }
ExecuteDocumentReady(); // implement a mock on $(document).ready(fn) to store the function, and then execute it here
ExternalFunction(fakeContext, fakeParam);
assert( == 12); // or whatever you need it to do
That being said, I'm not sure exactly how to do that in javascript.
You could use a closure to generate your callback function:
// create function to make your "extension" function
function createHookFunction(callback) {
// return a function
return function(context, param) {
var ret;
// // trying to unit test the stuff in here!
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
// if you want to trap the return value from callback,
// ret = callback.apply(...);
callback.apply(this, arguments);
return ret;
// your hook now becomes:
$(document).ready(function() {
ExternalFunction = createHookFunction(ExternalFunction);
// and your unit test becomes:
var funcToTest = createHookFunction();
funcToTest(testContext, testParam);
// And, you could even test that the callback itself gets called
function someTest() {
var testContext = {}, testParam='test';
var callbackCalled = false;
var funcToTest = createHookFunction(function(context, param) {
callbackCalled = (context === testContext) && (param === testParam);
return (funcToTest(testContext, testParam) == 'Expected Return') && callbackCalled;

