Count number of rows to generate a certain number of tabs - javascript

So I have something which allows the user to add tabs and take away tabs... however how would I go about generating the default number of tabs based on data from my sql database. For example if they were 4 rows with the same id in the id filed, it would generate 4 tabs as there is 4 rows with the same id.
here is the tab thing I found.
$(function() {
var total_tabs = 0;
// initialize first tab
$("#addtab, #litab").click(function() {
$("#tabcontent p").hide();
return false;
function addtab(count) {
var closetab = '×';
$("#tabul").append('<li id="t'+count+'" class="ntabs">Session '+count+' '+closetab+'</li>');
$("#tabcontent").append('<p id="c'+count+'">Tab Content '+count+'</p>');
$("#tabul li").removeClass("ctab");
$("#t"+count).bind("click", function() {
$("#tabul li").removeClass("ctab");
$("#tabcontent p").hide();
$("#close"+count).bind("click", function() {
// activate the previous tab
$("#tabul li").removeClass("ctab");
$("#tabcontent p").hide();
return false;
<ul id="tabul">
<li id="litab" class="ntabs add">Add tab + </li>
Thanks James

Please refer to this answer, Basically, you have to follow the same principle.
Then, call addtab(rowId) in a for loop by using the returned data from your database.
Still not sure what you meant by rows with the same ID, though.


Using a comparison table. Mobile responsive problem when more than one table added?

The comparison table I am using is here:
When I duplicate the tables and the viewer goes mobile responsive; the buttons are only working for the first table.
Is there any classes or such I can add to the JavaScript and HTML so I can make each group of buttons specific to their table?
Button code:
<li class="bg-purple">
<li class="bg-blue">
<button>Simple Start</button>
<li class="bg-blue active">
<li class="bg-blue">
JavaScript code:
// DIRTY Responsive pricing table JS
$( "ul" ).on( "click", "li", function() {
var pos = $(this).index()+2;
// Initialize the media query
var mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)');
// Add a listen event
// Function to do something with the media query
function doSomething(mediaQuery) {
if (mediaQuery.matches) {
} else {
// On load
I'd really appreciate any help, thanks for your time.
The problem is that your jQuery targets are currently too generic, so when you have multiples, it only finds content from the first one and puts it in both. What your script does is update both tables.
I've forked the Codepen, added a second table, and tweaked a couple of values on our comparison table, so you should see different things in each (and each set of tabs acts separately)
Key part you're missing is some form of parent selector - in this case, we've used an article tag to wrap our table:
$( "ul" ).on("click", "li", function() {
var pos = $(this).index()+2;
$parent = $(this).closest('article');
Try this:
$("ul").on("click", "li", function(e) {
var $clicked = $(e.currentTarget); // This will give you the clicked <li>
var $ul = $clicked.parent();
var $table = $; // Only works if the table immediately follows the <ul>
var pos = $clicked.index() + 2;
$table.find("td:nth-child(" + pos + ")").css("display", "table-cell");
Basically, when you click a <li> you should search the next table and show/hide the information only on that table. Before you were selecting all <tr> elements so it would affect all tables in the page.
EDIT: after re-reading your question this sentence left me confused:
When I duplicate the tables and the viewer goes mobile responsive; the buttons are only working for the first table.
When I try to duplicate the tables in your codepen the buttons work for both tables, not sure if I'm understanding your problem.

Show and Hide 1 row of elements with JavaScript and Bootstrap

I am making a new website. As is what I'm doing is a gallery of videos by clicking shows me a video in modal, in total only shows me 1 large video with text and small 3 videos below where you can display more items. I need you to click show me more out a new row with 3 computer elements by al-md-4 columns. This step I have done but I have 2 problems:
Default with Javascript shows me 2 rows instead of just one, will define in the JS 1 and showing me appear 2
I also wish there was another button to "hide" and was hiding whenever I click a row.
Then I attached the complete code to where I could do.
Need help!!
Thank you so much! Greetings from Spain
Here is my fiddle
And JS:
$('<a />').attr('href','#').attr('id','btn_less').text('Show less').click(function(){
var a = this;
if ($('.mydata:visible:gt(0)').length == 0) {
} else if($("#btn_more:not(:visible)")){
return false;
).after($('<span />').text(' ')
$('<a />').attr('href','#').attr('id','btn_more').text('Show more').click(function(){
var a = this;
if ($('.mydata:not(:visible)').length == 0) {
} else if($("#btn_less:not(:visible)")){
}); return false;
Tell me if I misunderstood you and you need something else.

How to alert something when a div loaded with content

I have a a page that contains search toolkit. So when the search button is clicked, results will be fetched by a ajax from database and appended to a div.
It also shows number of records retrieved from database! I want to be able to do something immediately after the counter shows up a value.
I tried on click of the search button, but it only shows from the second click onward. Because when first clicked the search button, the data were not even fetched from database. Also, after data loaded, when click again it actually shows number of previously fetched records.
I thought, jquery's load() would suit better, but it doesn't too. Below are my attempts that failed. Can anyone suggest the best method please?
//This shows number of items fetched from database
$(".len").append("<span class='light_blue' id='found'>"+len+"</span>
<span class='rm2' id='tname'> Tutors found</span>");
//This is how the results (fetched data) are appended into a div to be shown in the search page!
All I want to do is to alert the count (basically I want to replace the text for id='tname' with something else when the count is 0 and 1 and more then 1).
Failed attempts:
alert($("#found").text());//alerts the count
alert($("#found").text());//alerts the count
$(document).on("click", "#search",function(){
alert($("#found").text());//alerts the count
$(document).on( "load", ".the-inner-return", function() {
alert($("#found").text()); //alerts the count
You can trigger an alert each time the innerHTML for .len gets changed, for instance like this you get an alert whenever len>0:
$('.len').bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function () {
if (len > 0) {
len = 5;
$('.len').bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {
if (len > 0) {
$(".len").append("<span class='light_blue' id='found'>" + len + "</span><span class='rm2' id='tname'> Tutors found</span>");
<script src=""></script>
<div class="len"></div>

How to keep the selected menu active using jquery, when the user comes back to page?

I have a typical menu structure -
<Ul class="nav">
When I click on certain menu, as per my jquery written on load of layout.html, it selects particular menu.
if(this.href.trim() == window.location)
But on that page if I click on certain link which takes me on some other page and then when I come back the menu item does not remain selected.
How can I modify my jquery to achieve this?
Thanks in advance !
As SJ-B is saying, HTML5 Web Storage is a good solution.
If you don't intend to click more than one or two pages away from the page with your list menu, you could add a query to the link that takes you away form the page e.g. the id of one of your list menus.
href="somepage.html could become something like this href="somepage.html?menu_id=menu5
When using window.history.back(), you could then fish the id out of the URL using and use id to select the list menu.
You can use simple css code. Use active attribute like
//Some style
You can use below code to achieve this.
var lastele=siteurl.substring(siteurl.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
jQuery(".nav>li> a").each(function(){
var anchorhref=jQuery(this).attr("href");
var finalhref=anchorhref.substring(anchorhref.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
I would do something like this :
<ul class="nav">
<li id="home">Home</li>
<li id="contact">Contact</li>
Javascript :
// location.hash === '#home'
jQuery('.nav ' + location.hash).addClass('selected');
Try to use Session Object of HTML5.
sessionStorage.varName = id of selected item.
on load just check if the sessionStorage.varName has value or undefined, if not then get the value
`var value = sessionStorage.varName;` and set it.
Well there could be many ways, on which is this which i like and always use:
It works when you path name is same as your link name For e.g.
function setNavigation() {
var n = window.location.pathname,t;
n = n.replace("/", "");
t = $("ul li:contains(" + n + ")");
You can than define styling in your active class as you like.
I stumbled upon this when googling for something similar. I have a JQueryUI accordion menu. My menu is in an included script (classic asp), so it is on every page but I think it is a similar situation. I cobbled something together based on SJ-B's answer (don't know why it was down voted).
I have this:
function saveSession(id) {
if (window.sessionStorage) {
sessionStorage.activeMenu = $("#jqmenu").accordion("option", "active") ;
sessionStorage.activeLink = id ;
and this
$(function() {
//give every li in the menu a unique id
$('#jqmenu a').attr('id', function(i) {
return 'link'+(i+1);
var activeMenu = 0;
var activeLink = "";
if (window.sessionStorage) {
activeMenu = parseInt(sessionStorage.activeMenu);
activeLink = sessionStorage.activeLink;
$("#" + activeLink).parent().addClass("selectedmenu");
$("#jqmenu").accordion({collapsible: true, active: activeMenu, heightStyle: "content", header: "h3"});
$("#jqmenu a").click(function() { saveSession($(this).attr('id')); });
OK, a bit untidy and cobbled together from various suggestions (I'm still learning), but it seems to work. Tried on IE11 and Firefox. Chrome can't find localhost but that's another story.
add lines below
var url = window.location.pathname,
urlRegExp = new RegExp(url.replace(/\/$/, '') + "$");
$('.nav li').each(function () {
if (urlRegExp.test(this.href.replace(/\/$/, ''))) {

Creating Dynamic Javascript AJAX

Alright, I'm currently working to create on an account mainpage a applet to show each "kid" the user has registered to the site. My idea is simple :
Kid 1 / Kid 2 / Kid 3
As buttons (with style and such) when he goes on this page. When he clicks on one of those buttons/names, I use javascript to show the description of the infos of the kid, etc. When I click on another name, the current content closes and shows the new appropriate content.
The content is dynamically created, so the id's of the divs containing the info are named after the number of kids. Example : content_Info_Kid1, content_Info_Kid2, ... It doesnt matter how many kids there are, they will be named content_Info_Kid32 if need be.
Now, I'm not too comfy with AJAX and javascript in general. In fact, I am not at all.
My first idea was to do this in a separate javascript file.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#KID_1").click(function () {
if ($("#content_info_kid1").is(":hidden")){
$("#KID_2").click(function () {
if ($("#content_info_kid2").is(":hidden")){
$("#KID_3").click(function () {
if ($("#content_info_kid3").is(":hidden")){
Obviously, this is not dynamic. And I don't want to create 32 alternatives, of course. Can somebody point me the right direction to create a dynamic way to show my content based on the number of kids ?
EDIT (see bottom for updated on loading just one kid data at a time)
An example on how you could achieve that:
<style type='text/css' media='screen'>
button { margin-left:20px; display:inline; }
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.7.1.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function loadKidData(kidID) {
switch (kidID) {
case 1 : $('#kName').text(' John Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' Speedy');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Booling');
case 2 : $('#kName').text(' Mathews Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' Slowy');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Basketball, baseball');
case 3 : $('#kName').text(' Jackson Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' J-DOE');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Archery');
case n : $('#kName').text(' Enne Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' The-Nanny');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Anything goes');
default : $('#kName').text('');
jQuery( function () {
$('.nav').click( function () {
loadKidData($(this).html().replace('KID ','')*1.0); // *1.0 same as parseInt(...,10).
<button class='nav' >KID 1</button><button class='nav' >KID 2</button><button class='nav' >KID 3</button>
<div id='KID_INFO' style='margin:20px auto; overflow:auto; ' >
<p>Name:<span id='kName'></span></p>
<p>Nickname:<span id='kNickname'></span> </p>
<p>Hobbies:<span id='kHobbies'></span> </p>
Sample at:
Now, as far as dynamically displaying the data, it will have to do with your resources: database? If so, you could read the data and pass it over:
$.get('url-of-the-database-reading-script',function (data) {
// assumed all data comes back formatted:
I can/could help you further, more details would help. Are you using classic asp (.asp); php; etc?
Instead of this:
jQuery( function () {
$('.nav').click( function () {
loadKidData($(this).html().replace('KID ','')*1.0); // *1.0 same as parseInt(...,10)
Do this:
jQuery( function () {
$('.nav').click( function () {
$.get('your-data-fetching-url?kidID='+$(this).html().replace('KID ','')*1.0, function (data) {
//assumed the data comes back formatted:
Note that I put a question mark at the end of the url; followed by the querystring kidID=
Give each "Kid" button the same class and use that for the click handler. From there, you can associate the "content_info_kid" with the "kid" button either by
1)Using the index of the element. The button for kid2 should be index 1 relative to its parent and the content_info for kid2 should also be index 1 relative to its parent.
2)Extract the number from the ID of the button.
Both approaches are documented below.
// get number from index (this starts at '0')
// if your kid #'s start at 1, you should add 1 to this
var id = $(this).index();
// OR...get number from id where id format is kid_{#}
var id = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop();
// now we have the number to append to everything else
// we should also associate all "content_info" with a class
// which we will call "kid_content"
// hide all of the 'kid_contents'
// show the one we want
// normalize all buttons
// bold this one

