assign parameter value of an object javascript - javascript

I have been looking at this code for a long time trying to figure this out, but I am having no luck. This issue is that I want to assign a value to the parameter boxId. When I click on a box in the webpage an alert will come up displaying that id. I have tried many things, but nothing seems to work. I'm a beginner, so I feel at this point there just must be something that I don't know how to do.
constructor function:
function Box (boxId, name, color, number, coordinates) {
this.boxId = boxId; = name;
this.color = color;
this.number = number;
this.coordinates = coordinates;
global variables:
var boxes = [];
var counter = 0;
var boxId = 0;
init function:
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var generateButton = document.getElementById("generateButton");
generateButton.onclick = getBoxValues;
var clearButton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearButton.onclick = clear;
function to get values and create new boxes:
function getBoxValues() {
var nameInput = document.getElementById("name");
var name = nameInput.value;
var numbersArray = dataForm.elements.amount;
for (var i = 0; i < numbersArray.length; i++) {
if (numbersArray[i].checked) {
number = numbersArray[i].value;
var colorSelect = document.getElementById("color");
var colorOption = colorSelect.options[colorSelect.selectedIndex];
var color = colorOption.value;
if (name == null || name == "") {
alert("Please enter a name for your box");
else {
var newbox = new Box(boxId, name, color, number, "coordinates");
var boxId = counter;
var data = document.getElementById("dataForm");
function that adds boxes to the page:
function addBox(newbox) {
for (var i = 0; i < newbox.number; i++) {
var scene = document.getElementById("scene");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className += " " + "box";
div.innerHTML +=; = newbox.color;
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetWidth-101));
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetHeight-101)); = x + "px"; = y + "px";
div.onclick = display;
function to display alert when box is clicked:
function display(e) {
var a =;
function to clear boxes:
function clear() {
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("box");
for ( k = elems.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
var parent = elems[k].parentNode;
All of the other functions work just fine. I keep running into the id showing up as "undefined" when I click it, or the counter displaying "0" in the console log, for everything I've tried.

You can do it like this.
First, in addBox() embed boxId as an tag's attribute like this:
div.setAttribute('data-boxId', newbox.boxId);
Then in display() you can retrieve it back:
Please tell if you do not prefer this approach and I will post an alternative (closure things).
Edit: Add jsfiddle example

One more try. Perhaps if you change:
var boxId = counter;
boxId = counter;
It will then use the boxId from the outer scope instead of the one defined in the function getBoxValues()


vanilla javascript: element.close() not working on element

This is a Sudoko generator I'm programming in vanilla javascript:
Fiddle with code
Nicer looking full screen fiddle
If you click on one of the fields, a popup will be shown with 3x3 fields from 1 to 9. The problem is this popup can't be closed anymore, although I'm applying the close dialog.
The code how I'm generating the Sudoku board:
// create sudoku
function tableCreate() {
var body = document.getElementsByClassName("frame")[0];
var containerDiv = body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
containerDiv.className = 'container';
// create single cells with numbers
function createInnnerCells(parent, xx, yy) {
for (var x = 1; x <= 3; x++) {
for (var y = 1; y <= 3; y++) {
var abc = function () {
var div = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
var X = y+yy;
var Y = x+xx;
var id = 'x' + [X] + 'y' + [Y];
var cellValue = sudoku[X][Y]['value'] || ''; = sudoku[X][Y]['background'] || 'white'
div.className = 'cell'; = id;
var popover = createDialog(id);
popover.onclick = function() {
div.onclick = function() {;
// create big cells for 3x3 single cells
for (var i = 0; i <= 6; i+=3) {
for (var j = 0; j <= 6; j+=3) {
var div = containerDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
div.className = 'block';
createInnnerCells(div, i, j);
Note that I apply the close() function to each cell:
popover.onclick = function() {
The code how I create the popup:
// create dialog
function createDialog(position){
var dialog = document.createElement('dialog'); ='window_'+ position;
var dialogblock = dialog.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
dialogblock.className = 'dialogblock';
for (var z = 1; z <= 9; z++) {
var div = dialogblock.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
div.className = 'dialogcell'; = position + 'z'+ z;
dialog.onclick = function() {
return dialog;
I applied the close() dialog here as well
dialog.onclick = function() {
I don't know why show() is working, but close() not?
DOM events bubble up the DOM through its parents. In your code, the dialog is a child of div. Therefore, a click event happens on dialog and then again on div which means you're closing and then opening the dialog.
You can stop the propagation of the event by using event.stopPropagation.
You can change your code like this:
popover.onclick = function(e) {
dialog.onclick = function(e) {
modified your fiddle:
There's no method close() on the element you are trying to hide. You should either do = "none" if you need to hide. Or do the following:
dialog.addEventListener('click', function() {
Check out this edit to your fiddle.

How to pass variable value from one function to another

I am taking a class in javascript and this is my final project. So I am new to javascript.
The application asks a user for a name, color and number of "boxes" to create. After they are created, the user can click on a box to get a message that states its ID, NAME, COLOR and the top position (XPOS) and left position (YPOS) of the box.
What I get now is all correct, except for XPOS and YPOS comes up as undefined. If I replace the this.xpos and this.ypos in the display() function to just xpos and ypos, I get the values of the last box created.
It seems (to my untrained eye) that the creation of the ID and the XPOS, YPOS are similar and should work the same. So why does the ID show correctly and not the 2 position variables? Any help would be appreciated.
var name;
var id;
var color;
var amount;
var xpos = 0;
var ypos = 0;
function Box(id, name, color, xpos, ypos) { //element constructor function = id; = name;
this.color = color;
this.xpos = xpos;
this.ypos = ypos;
var box
var boxes = [];
var counter = 0;
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var generateButton = document.getElementById("generateButton");
generateButton.onclick = generate;
var clearButton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearButton.onclick = clear;
function generate() {
var dataForm =; //create var for the form collection
var nameInput = document.getElementById("name"); //get text input for name of Amazing Boxes
name = nameInput.value;
if(name == null || name == "") { //check to see if the input box is empty
alert("***Please enter valid text for a name***"); //if it is empty, alert user
var colorList = dataForm.elements.color; //get color choice for Amazing Boxes
color = colorList.value;
var radioPick = dataForm.elements.amount; //get the choice for number of Amazing Boxes
for(var i = 0; i < radioPick.length; i++) {
if (radioPick[i].checked) {
amount = radioPick[i].value;
if(amount == null || amount == "") { //test to make sure the user has checked an amount
alert("***Please choose an amount of boxes to be generated***");
return false;
else {
while(amount > 0) {
var sceneDiv = document.getElementById("scene");
xpos = Math.floor(Math.random() * (sceneDiv.offsetWidth-101)); //get a random number for box position
ypos = Math.floor(Math.random() * (sceneDiv.offsetHeight-101)); //get a random number for box position
id = counter;
var div = document.createElement("div"); //create new div element
div.setAttribute("id", id); //give the new div an id = to the var id
div.setAttribute("class", "box"); //give the new div a class = to box
div.innerText = name; //set text on box to the name
sceneDiv.appendChild(div); //make the new div a child element of the scene div = xpos + "px"; = ypos + "px"; = color;
div.onclick = display;
counter ++; //increment counter var to get different box ids
function display() {
alert("The ID of this box is " + + " and it is named " + name + ". It's color is " + color +
" and is located at " + this.xpos + " and " + this.ypos + ".");
Because of the following code:
div.onclick = display
The display function runs in the context of the div object in response to a click event. At this time, the property (think contains the value you assigned to it. But the other values: this.xpos and this.ypos don't contain the values you are intending to be assigning to them.
Your code looks like it wants to run display in the context of a Box object. You need to create a new Box at some point and assign values to it. One way you might do this is by replacing:
div.onclick = display
with: = new Box(id, name, color, xpos, ypos);
div.onclick = function() {; };
This is not the cleanest way to do what you want but it show you some mechanisms, and you will hopefully be able to use it as a starting point.

how to use an event object to dispaly information about a DOM element

I want to be able to click on a box (the boxes are created through code, and receive values from a form) in the webpage and display information about the box. I am working on a display() function that uses an event object and an alert to display information about the box. So far, I've had multiple odd failures in my attempt to do this, which leads me to believe that I'm not accessing object attributes correctly. I'm a beginner, so this could be really obvious, but thanks for the help.
constructor function:
function Box (counter, name, color, number, coordinates) {
this.counter = counter; = name;
this.color = color;
this.number = number;
this.coordinates = coordinates;
Global variables:
var boxes = [];
var counter = 0;
Init function:
function init() {
var generateButton = document.getElementById("generateButton");
generateButton.onclick = getBoxValues;
var clearButton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearButton.onclick = clear;
Function that gets values from the form:
function getBoxValues() {
var nameInput = document.getElementById("name");
var name = nameInput.value;
var numbersArray = dataForm.elements.amount;
for (var i = 0; i < numbersArray.length; i++) {
if (numbersArray[i].checked) {
number = numbersArray[i].value;
var colorSelect = document.getElementById("color");
var colorOption = colorSelect.options[colorSelect.selectedIndex];
var color = colorOption.value;
if (name == null || name == "") {
alert("Please enter a name for your box");
} else {
var newbox = new Box(counter, name, color, number, "coordinates");
/*for(m = 0; m < boxes.length; m++) {
counter.newbox = boxes[m];
var data = document.getElementById("dataForm");
function that assigns attributes to the boxes:
function addBox(newbox) {
for (var i = 0; i < newbox.number; i++) {
var scene = document.getElementById("scene");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className += " " + "box";
div.innerHTML +=; = newbox.color;
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetWidth-101));
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetHeight-101)); = x + "px"; = y + "px";
div.onclick = display;
//shows all of the property values of newbox in the console
//console.log(div); shows that it is an object in the console
//console.log(div.hasAttribute(number)); says false
display function:
function display(e) {
// alert(; says its an html object
//alert(; works - says "box"
//alert(; says false
I've included some of the things i've found in comments.
The event object only gives you the name not a reference to the element. So... a couple of things.
First if you want to be browser agnostic you want something like (e.srcElement is for IE):
var x =||e.srcElement;
Then get a reference to the element and do what you want:
var refToElement = document.getElementById(;

Javascript function not recognizing id in getElementById

I am adding a row to a table, and attached an ondblclick event to the cells. The function addrow is working fine, and the dblclick is taking me to seltogg, with the correct parameters. However, the var selbutton = document.getElementById in seltogg is returning a null. When I call seltogg with a dblclick on the original table in the document, it runs fine. All the parameters "selna" have alphabetic values, with no spaces, special characters, etc. Can someone tell me why seltogg is unable to correctly perform the document.getElementById when I pass the id from addrow; also how to fix the problem.
function addrow(jtop, sel4list, ron4list) {
var tablex = document.getElementById('thetable');
var initcount = document.getElementById('numrows').value;
var sel4arr = sel4list.split(",");
var idcount = parseInt(initcount) + 1;
var rowx = tablex.insertRow(1);
var jtop1 = jtop - 1;
for (j = 0; j <= jtop1; j++) {
var cellx = rowx.insertCell(j); = "1px solid blue";
var inputx = document.createElement("input");
inputx.type = "text";
inputx.ondblclick = (function() {
var curj = j;
var selna = sel4arr[curj + 2];
var cellj = parseInt(curj) + 3; = "cell_" + idcount + "_" + cellj;
var b = "cell_" + idcount + "_" + cellj;
return function() {
seltogg(selna, b);
} //end j loop
var rowCount = tablex.rows.length;
document.getElementById('numrows').value = rowCount - 1; //dont count header
} //end function addrow
function seltogg(selna, cellid) {
if (selna == "none") {
document.getElementById('x').value = cellid; //setting up for the next function
var selbutton = document.getElementById(selna); //*****this is returning null
if ( != 'none') { //if it's on = 'none';
} //turn it off
else { //if it's off = '';
} //turn it on
} //end of function seltogg
You try, writing this sentence:
document.getElementById("numrows").value on document.getElementById('numrows').value
This is my part the my code:
document.getElementById("sorpara").innerHTML+="<li id=\"inputp"+contapara+"_id\" class=\"ui-state-default\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s\"></span>"+$('#inputp'+contapara+'_id').val()+"</li>";
Look you have to use this " y not '.

Multiplying Variables Not Alerting

I have a script which calls variable values from input fields and multiplies them,
At the minute my function isnt executing, Im getting no alert neither, I think this is because of my if statement, can anybody see whats going wrong?
function Calculate() {
var ContentMinutes = document.getElementById ("ContentMinutes").value;
var ContentMinutesSelect = document.getElementById('ContentMinutesDD')
if (ContentMinutesSelect == 0.0166)
var RenderingHours = 10;
var VideoHours = 5;
var VideoSeconds = 1;
else if (ContentMinutesSelect == 0.0003)
var RenderingHours = 1540;
var VideoHours = 54;
var VideoSeconds = 1;
var RenderingHours = 6410;
var VideoHours = 345;
var VideoSeconds = 124;
var NoOfFrames = document.getElementById ("NoOfFrames").value;
//var EstimatedCoreHours = document.getElementById ("EstimatedCoreHours").value;
var ServiceLevel = document.getElementById('SerivceLevelDD')
var RenderHours = 1;
var CoresInTest = document.getElementById ("CoresInTest").value;
var EstimatedCoreHours = GetNumeric(NoOfFrames)
* GetNumeric(RenderingHours)
* GetNumeric(CoresInTest);
var EstimatedTotal = GetNumeric(ServiceLevel)
* GetNumeric(EstimatedCoreHours);
alert('Estimated Cost = '
+ 'Estimated Core Hours = '
document.getElementById("EstimatedCoreHours").innerHTML =
document.getElementById("EstimatedTotal").innerHTML =
function GetNumeric(val) {
if (isNaN(parseFloat(val))) {
return 0;
return parseFloat(val);
if (ContentMinutesSelect == 0.0166) i think when you do .value you will get string result.
So your comparision should be
if (ContentMinutesSelect == "0.0166")
Your code will display no alert if any line before it results in an error , like if there isn't an element with the id 'ContentMinutes' in your document . The best way to debug would be to use something like firebug , or you could always put in a bunch of alerts and figure out what goes wrong.

