jQuery save context onclick - javascript

Is there anyway to bind an click listener on a child of an element, while still pointing the $(this) context to a fixed parent of that child?
For example so lets just say I had a page -
<p><div data-important="idthatisneeded1" class="fixedClass">
<div id="dynamicallygeneratedfirstchild">
<div id="dynamicallygeneratedsecondchild">
<a class="clickabblelinkfromtheparent" href="#">Link1</a>
<p><div data-important="idthatisneeded2" class="fixedClass">
<div id="dynamicallygeneratedfirstchild">
<a class="clickabblelinkfromtheparent" href="#">Link2</a>
I want to grab the values of data-important from .fixedClass whenever .clickabblelinkfromtheparent is clicked, without using .parent().parent() or .parent() since they're both unreliable -
$(".fixedClass .clickabblelinkfromtheparent").on("click",function(){alert($(this).parent().parent().data("important"));return false;});
I've also tried:
$(".fixedClass .clickabblelinkfromtheparent").on("click",function(){alert($(this).context(".fixedClass").data("important"));return false;});
$(".clickabblelinkfromtheparent", ".fixedClass").on("click",function(){alert($(this).data("important"));return false;});
$(".clickabblelinkfromtheparent", ".fixedClass").on("click",function(){alert($(this).context);return false;});
None of which seems to work.. So how exactly is this achievable with jQuery?

are you trying something like this? jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/zKp3P/
$('.clickabblelinkfromtheparent').on('click', function(){

$('.clickabblelinkfromtheparent').on('click', function(){

To retrieve the first data-important attribute value of an ancestor in the DOM tree, you can tree something based on this snippet :
function searchDataInParentAxe($child, key) {
var parent = $child.parent();
return parent.data(key) || searchDataInParentAxe(parent, key);
$(".clickabblelinkfromtheparent").on("click", function () {
alert(searchDataInParentAxe($(this), 'important'));
return false;
Note that with this method you don't need the fixedClass anymore.


jQuery display property not changing but other properties are

I'm trying to make a text editable on clicking it. Below is the code I'm trying. When the title is clicked it shows an input box and button to save it.
<div class="block">
<div class="title">Title</div>
<div class="title-edit">
<input type="text" name="title" value="Title">
I have changed other properties like color or changing the text of the elements and its working, but it is not applying the display property or .show()/.hide() function on the title or edit elements.
Below is my jQuery
$('.block').on('click', editTitle);
$('.title-edit button').on('click', saveTitle);
function saveTitle(){
var parent = $(this).closest('.block');
var title = $('.title', parent);
var edit = $('.title-edit', parent);
function editTitle(){
$('.title-edit', this).show();
$('.title', this).hide();
Here's the jsfiddle
I've added
to the end to show that other properties/functions are working, but just not the display.
For checking the html change on title element you will have to check the source through developer tools cause the title element is hidden.
Where am I going wrong?
Your problem is in the function saveTitle. The first line must stop the event propagation otherwise after this function the editTitle function is called.
The snippet:
$('.block').on('click', editTitle);
$('.title-edit button').on('click', saveTitle);
function saveTitle(e){
// this line
var parent = $(this).closest('.block');
var title = $('.title', parent);
var edit = $('.title-edit', parent);
title.text($('.title-edit input').val());
function editTitle(e){
$('.title-edit', this).show();
$('.title', this).hide();
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">Title</div>
<div class="title-edit">
<input type="text" name="title" value="Title">
The issue as mentioned already is that your click events are fighting. In your code, the title-edit class is within the block, so when you click on the save button it triggers events for both clicks.
The easiest and, imho, cleanest way to resolve this is to switch your click event to be called on .title, and .title-edit button. You can also simplify the code beyond what you've got there.
$('.title-edit button').click(saveTitle);
function saveTitle(){
function editTitle(){
I tried debug your code, and I had seen, that then you click to "Save" button, handled both functions, saveTitle() and editTitle(), and in that order. Therefore, the elements initially hidden, and then shown.

How to use .hasClass with $(this)?

I have a header on my page, and block with boxes. That boxes represents my projects. When I click on one of them it is suppose to change my header background.
<div class="row">
<div class="job-one one-half column" onclick="headerProjBackground()">
<div class="job-two one-half column" onclick="headerProjBackground()">
And my function:
function headerProjBackground(){
$('header').css('background-image': 'url(css/images/first-thing.png)');
$('header').css('background-image': 'url(css/images/second-thing.png)');
But it is not working. It can't understand my (this). There are no errors in the console. So this is logical mistake.
Onlcick attribute in Javascript by default Runs under Window, that means "this" object in the the function will always be window and as it doesn't have any class associated with it, so it will always give false in both if statement.
Refer below updated code snippet -
console.log('First Clicked!');
console.log('Second Clicked!');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="job-one one-half column jSelector">
<div class="job-two one-half column jSelector">
Hope this helps!!
Outside of the onclick attribute, this is no longer defined. You can fix this in (at least) two ways.
Alt 1: Pass this as a parameter:
<div class="job-one one-half column" onclick="headerProjBackground(this)">
function headerProjBackground(clicked) {
//Replace this with clicked in the code of the function.
Alt 2: Do the event binding with jQuery instead of with HTML attributes:
<div class="job-one one-half column backgroundchanger">
$(".backgroundchanger").click(function() {
//Put the same code as for headerProjBackground() in your question.
//Here you can use the this keyword.
And some further thoughts: The way you have coded this is not very good if you want it compact (and clear). So lets try to improve it some! If you go with Alt 2 you could use a custom data- attribute to shorten the code:
<div class="one-half column" data-background="css/images/first-thing.png">
//If something that has the data-background attribute is clicked.
$('[data-background]').click(function() {
//Get the value from the data-background attribute, and use that as background image.
var background = $(this).attr('data-background');
$('header').css('background-image': 'url(' + background + ')');
Or, if you use Alt 1, you could just pass the desired background url as a parameter instead of this.
You can remove the onclick attribute on your divs and add the following, also the .css method has two parameters with comma between them.
<script type="text/javascript">
// once the dom is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
// check if any of the divs with column class is clicked
$('.column').click(function() {
// trigger the function and pass the (this) which is the object for the div clicked
// element passed will be worked on in the function
function headerProjBackground(element){
$('header').css('background', '#000');
$('header').css('background', '#DDD');

how to recode my jquery/javascript function to be more generic and not require unique identifiers?

I've created a function that works great but it causes me to have a lot more messy html code where I have to initialize it. I would like to see if I can make it more generic where when an object is clicked, the javascript/jquery grabs the href and executes the rest of the function without the need for a unique ID on each object that's clicked.
code that works currently:
<script type="text/javascript">
function linkPrepend(element){
var divelement = document.getElementById(element);
var href=$(divelement).attr('href');
$.get(href,function (hdisplayed) {
<button id="test1" href="page1.html" onclick="linkPrepend('test1')">testButton1</button>
<button id="test2" href="page2.html" onclick="linkPrepend('test2')">testButton1</button>
<!-- when clicking the button, it fills the div 'content' with the URL's html -->
<div id="content"></div>
I'd like to end up having html that looks something like this:
<button href="page1.html" onclick="linkPrepend()">testButton1</button>
<button href="page2.html" onclick="linkPrepend()">testButton1</button>
<!-- when clicking the button, it fills the div 'content' with the URL's html -->
<div id="content"></div>
If there is even a simpler way of doing it please do tell. Maybe there could be a more generic way where the javascript/jquery is using an event handler and listening for a click request? Then I wouldn't even need a onclick html markup?
I would prefer if we could use pure jquery if possible.
I would suggest setting up the click event in JavaScript (during onload or onready) instead of in your markup. Put a common class on the buttons you want to apply this click event to. For example:
<button class="prepend-btn" href="page2.html">testButton1</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
//Specify click event handler for every element containing the ".prepend-btn" class
$(".prepend-btn").click(function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href'); //this references the element that was clicked
$.get(href, function (hdisplayed) {
You can pass this instead of an ID.
<button data-href="page2.html" onclick="linkPrepend(this)">testButton1</button>
and then use
function linkPrepend(element) {
var href = $(this).data('href');
$.get(href, function (hdisplayed) {
NOTE: You might have noticed that I changed href to data-href. This is because href is an invalid attribute for button so you should be using the HTML 5 data-* attributes.
But if you are using jQuery you should leave aside inline click handlers and use the jQuery handlers
<button data-href="page2.html">testButton1</button>
$(function () {
$('#someparent button').click(function () {
var href = $(this).data('href');
$.get(href, function (hdisplayed) {
$('#someparent button') here you can use CSS selectors to find the right buttons, or you can append an extra class to them.
href is not a valid attribute for the button element. You can instead use the data attribute to store custom properties. Your markup could then look like this
<button data-href="page1.html">Test Button 1</button>
<button data-href="page2.html">Test Button 1</button>
<div id="content">
From there you can use the Has Attribute selector to get all the buttons that have the data-href attribute. jQuery has a function called .load() that will get content and load it into a target for you. So your script will look like
looking over the other responses this kinda combines them.
<button data-href="page2.html" class="show">testButton1</button>
<li data-href="page1.html" class="show"></li>
class gives you ability to put this specific javascript function on whatever you choose.
$(".show").click( function(){
var href = $(this).attr("data-href");
$.get(href,function (hdisplayed) {
$("#content").html( hdisplayed );
This is easily accomplished with some jQuery:
$("button.prepend").click( function(){
var href = $(this).attr("href");
$.get(href,function (hdisplayed) {
$("#content").html( hdisplayed );
And small HTML modifications (adding prepend class):
<button href="page1.html" class="prepend">testButton1</button>
<button href="page2.html" class="prepend">testButton2</button>
<div id="content"></div>
HTML code
<button href="page1.html" class="showContent">testButton1</button>
<button href="page2.html"class="showContent">testButton1</button>
<!-- when clicking the button, it fills the div 'content' with the URL's html -->
<div id="content"></div>
JS code
<script type="text/javascript">
var $this = $(this),
$href = $this.attr('href');
$.get($href,function (hdisplayed) {
Hope it helps.

Append a div outside of the input parent

Im fairly new to javascript and I just can't figure this out despite my attempt in researching. How do I track the change of a input within a div and trigger an append to an outside div? My code goes as follow:
Append h3 with "Pending" once ".image-value" input has a change in value
<!-- APPEND <h3> -->
<h3>Best Overall Costume<div class="pending">Pending</div></h3>
<div class="select-form">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value2">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value3">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value4">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value5">
<!-- Track the change of this input -->
<input type="hidden" class="image-value" name="selected_image" value="">
I tried this:
function changeStatus(statusValue) {
if (!$(this).val()){
$("<div class='pending'>Pending</div>").appendTo($("h3").prev($(this)));
But that didn't seem to work. Any ideas?
place an empty div where you want your new div and give it an id i.e(<div id='myDiv'><div>) and then append what you want like this.
$( "#myDiv" ).append( "<div class='pending'>Pending</div>" );
You can also check Append Explained
for more explanations.
I've done a couple things here... First, I'm not sure why you had it all in a named function. When you're using event listeners that often isn't necessary.
Then, I don't know what the val check was for, so I reversed it.
Finally, I'm using one(), which only runs once. This case seemed to call for that.
$('.select-form').one('change', 'input', function () {
if ( $(this).val() ) { alert('asdgf');
$("<div class='pending'>Pending</div>")
try this:
$("input",".select-form").on("change", function(){
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.val()){
var elem = $('<h3>Best Overall Costume<div class="pending">Pending</div></h3>');
you can also place a check, that if the pending div is already added, not to add it again.
Of course this solution assumes that there are no other nested divs between the target div(before which you want to append) and the input control

How to select one child div by clicking on another child div of the same parent in jQuery?

For example I have simple html.
<div class="a">
<div class="child"></div> <!-- div element I click -->
<div class="childINeedToSelect"></div> <!-- div element I need to be selected -->
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="a">
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="childINeedToSelect"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
When I click on top first child class div I need to change, for example, border ONLY of the first childINeedToSelect class div. They have the same parent - a class div, but the difficult is that there are more than just one element with class a. I've already tried:
$(document).ready(function () {
var child = $('.child');
child.bind('click', function() {
var belt;
function detectElement(arrow) {
belt = arrow.parent('.a').children('childINeedToSelect').eq(1);
belt.css("background-color", "red");
As you see I'm trying to send $(this) as parameter to detectElement() to determine which div was clicked. But my target div background doesn't change, and when I try to use element belt later, after it was detected by detectElement() function, Opera javascript debugger gives me error
Unhandled Error: Cannot convert 'belt.css('marginLeft')' to object
in line
var currentMargin = parseInt(belt.css('marginLeft').toString().replace('px', ''));
but this line of code worked perfectly, before calling detectElement() function; What am I doing wrong? How should I select element I need?
I'd suggest:
function detectElement(arrow) {
JS Fiddle demo.
Or you could use the nextAll() method to find the sibling childINeedToSelect:
function detectElement(arrow) {
JS Fiddle demo.
And if you should have multiple .child and childINeedToSelect elements, you can pass the :first selector into the nextAll() method:
function detectElement(arrow) {
JS Fiddle demo.
I'm unsure why you were using bind(), but on the off-chance that you might be trying to account for dynamically-added elements (added after the event-handlers are bound to the various DOM nodes/jQuery objects), you could instead use on():
$('.a').on('click','.child', function(){
JS Fiddle demo.
:first selector.
Try this fiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
var child = $('.child');
child.bind('click', function() {
var belt;
function detectElement(arrow) {
belt = arrow.siblings('.childINeedToSelect').eq(0);
belt.css("background-color", "red");
Try something like

