Safely Using JSON with html inside of the JSON in Django Templates - javascript

How do you safely render JSON data in a django webapp?
On the server in django I generate JSON data and then render that JSON data in a django template. The JSON occasionally contains snippets of html. Most of the time, that's fine, however if the </script> tag is inside the JSON data when it is rendered, it destroys the surrounding javascript.
For example...
On the server, in python I'll have this:
template_data = {
'my_json' : '[{"my_snippet": "<b>Happy HTML</b>"}]'
# pass the template data to the django template
return render_to_response('my_template.html', template_data, context_instance = c)
And then in the template:
<script type="text/javascript">
var the_json = {{my_json|safe}};
... some html ...
The resulting html works fine and looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var the_json = [{"my_snippet": "<b>Happy HTML</b>"}];
... some html ...
However, you run into problems when, on the server, the JSON looks like this:
template_data = {
'my_json' : '[{"my_snippet": "Bad HTML</script>"}]'
return render_to_response('my_template.html', template_data, context_instance = c)
Now, when it's rendered, you'll get:
<script type="text/javascript">
var the_json = [{"my_snippet": "Bad HTML</script>"}];
... some html ...
The closing script tag within the JSON code is treated as closing the entire script block. All of your javascript will then break.
One possible solution is to check for </script> when passing the template data to the template, but I feel like there is a better way.

Safely insert the JSON as a string, and then call JSON.parse on it
Use escapejs instead of safe. It is designed for outputting to JavaScript.
var the_json = '{{my_json|escapejs}}';
To get a JavaScript object you then need to call JSON.parse on that string. This is always preferable than dumping a JSON-encoding into your script and evaluating it directly, for security reasons.
A useful filter to get python objects directly to the client that I use is this:
def to_js(value):
To use a python variable in JS, we call json.dumps to serialize as JSON server-side and reconstruct using
JSON.parse. The serialized string must be escaped appropriately before dumping into the client-side code.
# separators is passed to remove whitespace in output
return mark_safe('JSON.parse("%s")' % escapejs(json.dumps(value, separators=(',', ':'))))
And use it like:
var Settings = {{ js_settings|to_js }};


Get json from flask using an external js file

I have a flask server spitting out json data converted from pandas dataframe which look like:
[{'name': 'FBtr0075557',
'score': '164.00'},
{'name': 'FBtr0075557',
'score': '162.00'}]
The python code I'm using to convert the dataframe to json and serve in flask is:
result = df.to_json(orient="records")
parsed = json.loads(result)
return render_template('mirtar.html', targets=json.dumps(parsed))
When I use internal javascript, the data is parsed without any error:
<script type="text/javascript">
const targets = {{ targets|tojson }};
const entries = JSON.parse(targets);
However when I try to do the same using an external JS script, I get an error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position
From what I understand, the line const targets = {{ targets|tojson }}; in the external javascript doesn't behave the same way as in internal and the first '{' of the line is considered as an error.
I'm sure this is a very basic problem and there must be an easy way to do it that I have definitely missed.
Jinja syntax is only parsed in flask html templates, not externally loaded JS assets: because it's the python app doing the parsing, and in a deployed environment you'd typically serve static assets with a webserver like nginx.
The quickest way to sort this might be with this method where instead you use a data attribute within an HTML element. This appreciates that you're passing data to the template as an argument to render_template, so the data is present in the template at page load.
In your case this might look like
<!-- a hidden tag -->
<input type='hidden' id='targetid' data-thetargets='{{ targets|tojson }}' />
Then in your javascript load it up with:
var targets = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("targetid").dataset.thetargets);

Use JSON from flask with jinja in javascript

I have the following issue:
I get from my mongodb an dict document, I parse it to json and pass it trough with jinja to my html page. I try to use this json document with the renderjson package. I have tried some solutions with quote the jinja object but it's working not properly.
<div id="test"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="static/renderjson.js"></script>
var str = "{{meta[1][0]}}" // meta is my list, the json object is the first element from flask
The json is valid.
I am trying to use the renderjson package.
If I use instead stringfy the parse method, nothing is displayed.
How can I pass the json to the frontend properly?

Passing parameter(s) to Javascript file from Python Flask app through HTML

I am building a Python/Flask based web app. The python script produces a dictionary of words and their corresponding weights. I have a javascript file (let's call it custom.js), which I call from the output.html. The way this javascript works is that it takes this dictionary and then uses d3.v3.min.js and to create a wordcloud. When the dictionary is hard-coded into custom.js, the output file shows the wordcloud. However, the dictionary values will change depending on other parameters in the python script. Therefore, I would like to pass this dictionary from Python to custom.js. I am not sure how to do that.
I know that the parameters could be passed to HTML using {{ params |safe }}, but I am trying to figure out how to do that so that custom.js will receive the parameters (dictionary of words and weights, in this case) and word clouds can be rendered dynamically.
Thank you in advance!
If I understood you correctly you need to create a view function (a route) in the flask backend with url like this /get_dictionary. This function can look like this:
from flask import request, jsonify
def get_dictionary():
your_dictionary = []
# Fill in your_dictionary with data
render_template('your_template.html', your_dictionary=your_dictionary)
You can pass the data from flask to script section of the html template using standard jinja2 notation:
your_dictionary = {{ your_dictionary | tojson }}
<!-- Do what you need with your_dictionary -->
you can try define a var in your template html, like this:
var your_var = '{{ value }}'
then use "your_var" in external js file. But please make sure above definition is at ahead of your js file refer.

Issue with fetching data from python handler to javascript using jinja2 and google app engine

I am working on a python based Google App Engine project.
And in that I was trying to send data(python list) from python handler to javascript using jinja2 but cannot receive data in javascript.
I even tried to send simple key-value instead of list and json but that too didn't worked.
Here is my code for python handler :
keyList = ['key1','key2','key3']
valueList = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']
template = jinja_environment.get_template('main.html')
Code inside head tag
<script type="text/javascript">
var keyListToPopulate = {{ keyList | safe }};
var valueListToPopulate = {{ valueList | safe }};
Can you please help me with the error I am making.
Putting data into inline javascript like that is just string processing. You need to put the right string into your template variables. json.dumps() produces the string that you need. Something like this should work:
template = jinja_environment.get_template('main.html')
"valueList":json.dumps(["A", "B"])}

Accessing Django dictionary in Javascript

I'm passing a dictionary from my Django view and want to access the dictionary in my code.
view code:
res.responses is a dictionary
def index(request):
import pprint
print 'type = ', type(res.responses)
return render_to_response("deploy/index.html", {"responses":res.responses})
Javascript code:
//{% for each in responses%}
// console.log(Hi)
//{% endfor %}
var response = "{{responses}}"
I tried accessing the variable directly using for loop and also accessing the variable directly. Both throw me an error. Please provide some suggestion.
You can do both.
Option 1:
Provide the script via a template that will send the code with the values. Will look ugly but work. Your javascript file or even the html must be parsed by the django template engine. They can't be static
Option 2:
Provide a new view with a json response, that is accessed from your javascript code (ie: via JQuery)

