how do I override appendChild()? - javascript

appendChild = function(message) {
using the code above does not seem to work.
Anyone knows?

What you might want to replace is Element.prototype.appendChild but it's probably a bad idea.
This example adds the text intercepted in the inserted element :
var f = Element.prototype.appendChild;
Element.prototype.appendChild = function(){f.apply(this, arguments);arguments[0].innerHTML="!Intercepted!"; };

It is ill advised to overwrite native functions, but if you do it than make sure you return the appended element as well to prevent problems with code that uses the returned value of the native "appendChild" function:
window.callbackFunc = function(elem, args) {
// write some logic here
window.f = Element.prototype.appendChild;
Element.prototype.appendChild = function() {, arguments);
return window.f.apply(this, arguments);


create jquery extension. problems with scope

I create a simple jQuery extension(it's my first).
var MyClass = function(opt){
//one of the methods of my extension
$.fn.myExtension = function(opt){
this._ext = new MyClass(opt);
return this;
$.fn.myExtensionOtherMethod = function(){
//do something ..
return this;
//using ..
//options ..
when i invoke method $('#selector').myExtensionOtherMethod();, this does not contains this._ext variable. I know that this is other scope, but i know that there is some way to access that variable in both can i do it?
This isn't really a scope issue. This is because the jQuery prototype $.fn gives you a jquery object as this. Even though you are selecting the same element each time its a new jQuery object set as the context so that property is gone. You can put that property on the DOM element and achieve the outcome you want.
(function($) {
var MyClass = function(opt) {};
//one of the methods of my extension
$.fn.myExtension = function(opt) {
this[0]._ext = new MyClass(opt);
return this;
$.fn.myExtensionOtherMethod = function() {
if (this[0]._ext) {
//do something ..
return this;
//using ..
$(document).ready(function() {
//options ..
This is just a quick example above. If your selector finds more than one element you should loop though them. But I only grabbed the first index since you were selecting by ID.
As mentioned above by #charlietfl, I agree with that comment. Happy to explain why what you did didn't work but there may be better ways to achieve what you are looking for.

How to assign a function to a object method in javascript?

I'd like to 'proxy' (not sure if that's the term at all) a function inside a function object for easy calling.
Given the following code
function Soldier() {
this.el = $("<div></div>").addClass('soldier');
this.pos = this.el.position; // $(".soldier").position(), or so I thought
In the console:
s = new Soldier();
$("#gamemap").append(s.el); // Add the soldier to the game field
s.pos === s.el.position // this returns true
s.el.position() // Returns Object {top: 0, left: 0}
s.pos() // Returns 'undefined'
What am I doing wrong in this scenario and is there an easy way to achieve my goal (s.pos() to return the result of s.el.position()) ?
I thought about s.pos = function() { return s.el.position(); } but looks a bit ugly and not apropriate. Also I'd like to add more similar functions and the library will become quite big to even load.
When you're calling s.pos(), its this context is lost.
You can simulate this behavior using call():; // same as s.pos(); // same as s.el.position()
This code is actually ok:
s.pos = function() { return s.el.position(); }
An alternative is using bind():
s.pos = s.el.position.bind(el);
You can use the prototype, that way the functions will not be created separately for every object:
Soldier.prototype.pos = function(){ return this.el.position(); }
I'd recommend to use the prototype:
Soldier.prototype.pos = function() { return this.el.position(); };
Not ugly at all, and quite performant actually.
If you want to directly assign it in the constructor, you'll need to notice that the this context of a s.pos() invocation would be wrong. You therefore would need to bind it:
this.pos = this.el.position.bind(this.el);
It's because the context of execution for position method has changed. If you bind the method to work inside the element context it will work.
JS Fiddle
function Soldier() {
this.el = $("<div></div>").addClass('soldier');
this.pos = this.el.position.bind(this.el);
var s = new Soldier();

Jquery return value

I used a code:
jQuery.fn.MyFunction = function(){
return this.each(function() {
attributes = "test";
return attributes;
But when I call
var1 = $(this).MyFunction();alert(var1);
I got an [object], but not the "test".
How to allow jquery plugin return a some value?
jQuery plugins are generally designed to return a jQuery object so you can chain method calls:
jQuery("test").method1().method2() ...
If you want to return something else, use the following syntax:
myFunction: function( args ) {
attributes = "test";
return attributes;
, or access it via its index using [].
Here is once again your code:
jQuery.fn.MyFunction = function() { #1
return this.each(function() { #2
return "abc"; #3
}); #4
}; #5
Now let's check what every line do.
We declare property MyFunction which is a function for every jQuery object.
This line is first and the last statement of jQuery.MyFunction(). We return the result of this.each(), not the result of lambda-function (used as a argument for jQuery.each()). And this.each() returns itself so the final result is that you get jQuery object returned.
Lines 3-5 are not important in fact.
Just consider those two examples:
jQuery.fn.MyFunction = function() {
return this.each(function() {
return "abc";
jQuery.fn.AnotherFunction = function() {
return "Hello World";
var MyFunctionResult = $(document).MyFunction();
var AnotherFunctionResult = $(document).AnotherFunction();
I believe jQuery returns the object, so you can maintain the chainability of diffrent functions.
Hmm, perhaps use
var1 = $(this)[0].MyFunction();alert(var1);
But I'm not sure if that is what you want or if your code works at all. What are you trying to achieve? Are you sure you want to call this.each()?
Like the others said, jQuery returns jQuery objects in most cases, and accessing the actual object can be accomplished using an indexer [] or the get method.

Is it possible to listen to a "style change" event?

Is it possible to create an event listener in jQuery that can be bound to any style changes? For example, if I want to "do" something when an element changes dimensions, or any other changes in the style attribute I could do:
$('div').bind('style', function() {
$('div').height(100); // yields '100'
It would be really useful.
Any ideas?
Sorry for answering this myself, but I wrote a neat solution that might fit someone else:
(function() {
var ev = new $.Event('style'),
orig = $.fn.css;
$.fn.css = function() {
return orig.apply(this, arguments);
This will temporary override the internal prototype.css method and the redefine it with a trigger at the end. So it works like this:
$('p').bind('style', function(e) {
console.log( $(this).attr('style') );
Things have moved on a bit since the question was asked - it is now possible to use a MutationObserver to detect changes in the 'style' attribute of an element, no jQuery required:
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) {
console.log('style changed!');
var target = document.getElementById('myId');
observer.observe(target, { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'] });
The argument that gets passed to the callback function is a MutationRecord object that lets you get hold of the old and new style values.
Support is good in modern browsers including IE 11+.
Since jQuery is open-source, I would guess that you could tweak the css function to call a function of your choice every time it is invoked (passing the jQuery object). Of course, you'll want to scour the jQuery code to make sure there is nothing else it uses internally to set CSS properties. Ideally, you'd want to write a separate plugin for jQuery so that it does not interfere with the jQuery library itself, but you'll have to decide whether or not that is feasible for your project.
The declaration of your event object has to be inside your new css function. Otherwise the event can only be fired once.
(function() {
orig = $.fn.css;
$.fn.css = function() {
var ev = new $.Event('style');
orig.apply(this, arguments);
I think the best answer if from Mike in the case you can't launch your event because is not from your code. But I get some errors when I used it. So I write a new answer for show you the code that I use.
// Extends functionality of ".css()"
// This could be renamed if you'd like (i.e. "$.fn.cssWithListener = func ...")
(function() {
orig = $.fn.css;
$.fn.css = function() {
var result = orig.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
// Add listener
$('element').on('stylechanged', function () {
console.log('css changed');
// Perform change
$('element').css('background', 'red');
I got error because var ev = new $.Event('style'); Something like style was not defined in HtmlDiv.. I removed it, and I launch now $(this).trigger("stylechanged"). Another problem was that Mike didn't return the resulto of $(css, ..) then It can make problems in some cases. So I get the result and return it. Now works ^^ In every css change include from some libs that I can't modify and trigger an event.
As others have suggested, if you have control over whatever code is changing the style of the element you could fire a custom event when you change the element's height:
Otherwise, although pretty resource-intensive, you could set a timer to periodically check for changes to the element's height...
There is no inbuilt support for the style change event in jQuery or in java script. But jQuery supports to create custom event and listen to it but every time there is a change, you should have a way to trigger it on yourself. So it will not be a complete solution.
Interesting question. The problem is that height() does not accept a callback, so you wouldn't be able to fire up a callback. Use either animate() or css() to set the height and then trigger the custom event in the callback. Here is an example using animate() , tested and works (demo), as a proof of concept :
$('#test').bind('style', function() {
$('#test').animate({height: 100},function(){
you can try Jquery plugin , it trigger events when css is change and its easy to use
trackValues: true,
callback: function (e) {
//console.log( '<p>Attribute <b>' + e.attributeName +'</b> changed from <b>' + e.oldValue +'</b> to <b>' + e.newValue +'</b></p>');
//event.attributeName - Attribute Name
//event.oldValue - Prev Value
//event.newValue - New Value
Just adding and formalizing #David 's solution from above:
Note that jQuery functions are chainable and return 'this' so that multiple invocations can be called one after the other (e.g $container.css("overflow", "hidden").css("outline", 0);).
So the improved code should be:
(function() {
var ev = new $.Event('style'),
orig = $.fn.css;
$.fn.css = function() {
var ret = orig.apply(this, arguments);
return ret; // must include this
How about jQuery cssHooks?
Maybe I do not understand the question, but what you are searching for is easily done with cssHooks, without changing css() function.
copy from documentation:
(function( $ ) {
// First, check to see if cssHooks are supported
if ( !$.cssHooks ) {
// If not, output an error message
throw( new Error( "jQuery 1.4.3 or above is required for this plugin to work" ) );
// Wrap in a document ready call, because jQuery writes
// cssHooks at this time and will blow away your functions
// if they exist.
$(function () {
$.cssHooks[ "someCSSProp" ] = {
get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
// Handle getting the CSS property
set: function( elem, value ) {
// Handle setting the CSS value
})( jQuery );
I had the same problem, so I wrote this. It works rather well. Looks great if you mix it with some CSS transitions.
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById("mjwelcome");
if( == '') = '0px';
else = '';

How do I create methods for an HTML element?

I'm trying to create a simple, small and basic javascript framework just for learning purposes.
But the thing is that i'm allready stuck at the very basics.
I'm trying to do something like this:
And the code i've written for that:
var elementID;
var smallFramework = {
$:function(id) {
this.elementID = id;
testFunction:function() {
window.$ = smallFramework.$;
But in return I get:
$('testdiv) is undefined
Can anyone help me with this small and hopefully easy question?
To get the behavior you're expecting, you need the $ function to return an object with a method named testFunction.
var smallFramework = // an object for namespacing
$:function(id) // the core function - returns an object wrapping the id
return { // return an object literal
elementID: id, // holding the id passed in
testFunction: function() // and a simple method
Of course, there are many other ways to achieve the behavior you desire.
If you're trying to add methods to an HTML element you could do something along these lines.
$ = function( elementId ) {
var element = document.getElementById( elementId );
element.testFunction = function(){
alert( );
return this; // for chaining
return element;
instead. According to the code you posted, that's where your $ function ended up.
Or alternatively, it looks like you're trying to replicate something like jQuery. You might want to try something like this.
var $ = smallFramework = (function () {
var f =
find:function(id) {
f.elementID = id;
return f; //every function should return f, for chaining to work
testFunction:function() {
return f;
return f.find //the find function will be assigned to $.
//and also assigned to smallFramework.
//the find function returns f, so you get access to testFunction via chaining
// like $("blah").testFunction()
})() //note this function gets called immediately.
this code may look confusing to someone new to JavaScript because it depends heavily on the concept of closures. I suggest that if this doesn't make sense, spend some time at Douglas Crockford's JavaScript website. This is important because the code above will bite if you happen to use this in the find function because this won't be bound to f, as you may expect it to be when you use it from $ or smallFramework.

