Using Twitter Bootstrap glyphicons in javascript - javascript

Does anyone know how I can use a Twitter Bootstrap glyphicons to replace the image covered in the following example in my javascript (.js) file:
var $img = $('<img class="child-opener-image" src="../img/sample.png" title="text here" />');
in HTML I would just use the following as an example:
<i class="icon-search icon-white"></i>
though not sure how to include this in the javascript example above.
Any ideas?

$('<i class="child-opener-image icon-search icon-white"></i>');
The image is actually a sprite sheet, so it's kinda fiddly to use it otherwise - you'd need to set the correct background-position etc, so why not just use the class that already has that info!


how to get <a> by title attribute

I need to remove 3 classes from a specific <a> that is dynamically built. The only thing that is static is the title. How can I target/find an element by the title? I have googled around but nothing came up that looked like what I was wanting. If this is possible with CSS that would be great but I am expecting a javascript/jQuery answer either work for me.
The tag looks like:
<a href="javascript:%20openLookup%28%27%2F_ui%2Fcommon%2Fdata%2FLookupPage%3Flkfm%3Dj_id0%253Aj_id2%253AtheForm%26lknm%3Dj_id0%253Aj_id2%253AtheForm%253Aj_id77%26lktp%3D%27%20%2B%20getElementByIdCS%28%27j_id0%3Aj_id2%3AtheForm%3Aj_id77_lktp%27%29.value%2C670%2C%271%27%2C%27%26lksrch%3D%27%20%2B%20escapeUTF%28getElementByIdCS%28%27j_id0%3Aj_id2%3AtheForm%3Aj_id77%27%29.value.substring%280%2C%2080%29%29%29" class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 noPadding" id="j_id0:j_id2:theForm:j_id77_lkwgt" onclick="setLastMousePosition(event)" title="Client Lookup (New Window)">
<img src="/s.gif" alt="Client Lookup (New Window)" class="lookupIcon" onblur="this.className = 'lookupIcon';" onfocus="this.className = 'lookupIconOn';" onmouseout="this.className = 'lookupIcon';this.className = 'lookupIcon';" onmouseover="this.className = 'lookupIconOn';this.className = 'lookupIconOn';" title="Client Lookup (New Window)">
If you want to select your hyperlink by title with CSS, use such syntax :
a[title='my title']
and the same with jQuery
$("a[title='my title']")
One working jsfiddle :
jQuery is very similar to css selectors. You can target the title like this:
Let's start from jsFiddle. But I suppose it's should be something like this pseudo code.
$("selector").each("selector").find("attr name").each(function() {

My live-search element is not transforming into an input box

I'm using the livesearch plugin for Angular-JS to try and create an AJAX dynamic search box. Following tutorials, I believe that I have everything set up as it should be, but when the page runs, it doesn't transform from a <live-search> element to an <input> element. I can't figure out why.
In my code, I have the scripts ordered like this:
<script src="/Scripts/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/Custom/liveSearch.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/Custom/application.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/Controllers/salesEventEdit.ctrl.js"></script>
Here is a jsFiddle of the relevant code. If you need more, I can update it, but to make it completely functional would be a ton of code to copy over, thanks to angular. The code that I've included in the fiddle is a portion of the salesEventEdit.ctrl.js file.
From everything that I've read, the transformation from <live-search> to <input> should be taken care of via angular by itself and I shouldn't have to do anything.
To help with people in the future in case my fiddle disappears, here is the relevant HTML:
<span class="liveSearchWrap">
<live-search type="text"
<a class="btnSearch"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a>
While the LiveSearch module does automatically handle <live-search> elements, it needs to be injected into the application. As shown in the GitHub page's README here, inject it like so:
var app = angular.module("MyApp", ["LiveSearch"]);
// -------------------------HERE --^

Prototype, jQuery and Bootstrap cause tooltip elements to be hidden on mouse out

I've been working on a project using Prototype, jQuery and Bootstrap. We use Bootstrap Tooltips in our UI, normally over icons and text, as below:
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Some tooltip"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Another tooltip"></span>
Link tooltip
We then use some simple Javascript to activate our tooltip:
var _j = jQuery.noConflict();
I'm using _j alias of jQuery as the $ prefix is used by Prototype. This works fine, but as soon as you move your mouse from a tooltip'd element, it has style="display: hidden; applied. I can't work out any reasonable explanation, so was wondering if anyone has any ideas?
Here is a jsFiddle.
use this trick to solve the problem:
$('.tooltips').tooltip().on('', function(){
You could use display:block !important within your CSS file. Doing this, it will force the element to show, even when the script is telling them to hide.

jQuery UI Dialog - missing close icon

I'm using a custom jQuery 1.10.3 theme. I downloaded every straight from the theme roller and I have intentionally not changed anything.
I created a dialog box and I get an empty gray square where the close icon should be:
I compared the code that is generated on my page:
<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix">
<spanid="ui-id-2" class="ui-dialog-title">Title</span>
<button class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close"></button>
To the code generated on the Dialog Demo page:
<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix">
<span id="ui-id-1" class="ui-dialog-title">Basic dialog</span>
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-close" role="button" aria-disabled="false" title="close">
<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span>
<span class="ui-button-text">close</span>
The different parts of the code are generated by jQueryUI, not me so I can't just add the span tags without editing the jqueryui js file which seems like a bad/unnecessary choice to achieve normal functionality.
Here is the JavaScript used that generates that part of the code:
appendTo: "#summary_container",
title: this.title(),
closeText: "Close",
width: this.width,
position: {
my: "center top",
at: ("center top+"+(window.innerHeight*.1)),
collision: "none"
modal: false,
resizable: false,
draggable: false,
show: "fold",
hide: "fold",
close: function(){
I'm at a loss and need help.
I am late to this one by a while, but I'm going to blow your mind, ready?
The reason this is happening, is because you are calling bootstrap in, after you are calling jquery-ui in.
Literally, swap the two so that instead of:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
it becomes
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
Edit - 26/06/2015 - this keeps attracting interest months later so I
thought it was worth an edit. I actually really like the noConflict
solution offered in the comment underneath this answer and clarified
by user Pretty Cool as a separate answer. As some have reported issues
with the bootstrap tooltip when the scripts are swapped. I didn't
experience that issue however because I downloaded jquery UI without
the tooltip as I didn't need it because bootstrap. So this issue never
came up for me.
Edit - 22/07/2015 - Don't confuse jquery-ui with jquery! While
Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery to be loaded before, it doesn't rely on jQuery-UI. So jquery-ui.js can be loaded after bootstrap.min.js, while jquery.js always needs to be loaded before Bootstrap.
This is a comment on the top answer, but I felt it was worth its own answer because it helped me answer the problem.
If you want to keep Bootstrap declared after JQuery UI (I did because I wanted to use the Bootstrap tooltip), declaring the following (I declared it after $(document).ready) will allow the button to appear again (answer from
var bootstrapButton = $.fn.button.noConflict() // return $.fn.button to previously assigned value
$.fn.bootstrapBtn = bootstrapButton // give $().bootstrapBtn the Bootstrap functionality
This appears to be a bug in the way jQuery ships. You can fix it manually with some dom manipulation on the Dialog Open event:
open: function() {
.html("<span class='ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'></span>");
I found three fixes:
You can just load bootsrap first. And them load jquery-ui. But it is not good idea. Because you will see errors in console.
var bootstrapButton = $.fn.button.noConflict();
$.fn.bootstrapBtn = bootstrapButton;
helps. But other buttons look terrible. And now we don't have bootstrap buttons.
I just want to use bootsrap styles and also I want to have close button with an icon. I've done following:
How close button looks after fix
.ui-dialog-titlebar-close {
padding:0 !important;
.ui-dialog-titlebar-close:after {
content: '';
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
display: inline-block;
/* Change path to image*/
background-image: url(themes/base/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png);
background-position: -96px -128px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
This is reported as broken in 1.10
phillip on January 29, 2013 at 7:36 am said: In the CDN versions, the
dialog close button is missing. There’s only the button tag, the span
ui-icon is missong.
I downloaded the previous version and the X for the close button shows back up.
I had the same exact issue, Maybe you already chececked this but got it solved just by placing the "images" folder in the same location as the jquery-ui.css
I got stuck with the same problem and after read and try all the suggestions above I just tried to replace manually this image (which you can find it here) in the CSS after downloaded it and saved in the images folder on my app and voilá, problem solved!
here is the CSS:
.ui-state-default .ui-icon {
background-image: url("../img/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png");
I know this question is old but I just had this issue with jquery-ui v1.12.0.
Short Answer
Make sure you have a folder called Images in the same place you have jquery-ui.min.css. The images folder must contains the images found with a fresh download of the jquery-ui
Long answer
My issue is that I am using gulp to merge all of my css files into a single file. When I do that, I am changing the location of the jquery-ui.min.css. The css code for the dialog expects a folder called Images in the same directory and inside this folder it expects default icons. since gulp was not copying the images into the new destination it was not showing the x icon.
Even loading bootstrap after jquery-ui, I was able to fix using this:
.ui-dialog-titlebar-close:after {
content: 'X' !important;
position: absolute;
top: -2px;
right: 3px;
I'm using jQuery UI 1.8.17 and I had this same issue, plus I had additional css stylesheets being applied to things on the page, including the
titlebar color. So to avoid any other issues, I targeted the exact ui elements using the code below:
$("#mydialog").dialog('widget').find('.ui-icon ui-icon-closethick').hide();
Then I added a close button in the properties of the dialog itself:
modal : true,
title: "My Dialog",
buttons: [{text: "Close", click: function() {$(this).dialog("close")}}],
For some reason I had to target both items, but it works!
A wise man once helped me.
In the folder where jquery-ui.css is located, create a folder named "images" and copy the below files into it:
and the close icon appears.
As a reference, this is how I extended the open method as per #john-macintyre's suggestion:
$.widget( "ui.dialog", $.ui.dialog, {
open: function() {
.html("<span class='ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'></span><span class='ui-button-text'>close</span>");
// Invoke the parent widget's open().
return this._super();
just add in css
margin-top: -8px!important;
margin-left: -8px!important;
If you are calling the dialog() inside the js function, you can use the below bootstrap button conflict codes
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<input type="button" onclick="ShowDialog()" value="Open Dialog" id="btnDialog"/>
<div style="display:none;" id="divMessage">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowDialog()
if (typeof $.fn.bootstrapBtn =='undefined') {
$.fn.bootstrapBtn = $.fn.button.noConflict();
title:'Employee Info',
Just add in the missing:
<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span>
<span class="ui-button-text">close</span>
I am having this issue as well. Here is the code that is getting inserted for the close button:
When I turn off the style="display:none:" on the button, then the close button appears. So for some reason that display:none; is getting set, and I don't see how to control that. So another way to address this might be to simply override the display:none. Don't see how to do that though.
I note that the answer posted by KyleMit does work, but makes a different looking X button.
I also note that this issue does not affect all dialogs on my pages, but just some of them. Some dialogs work as expected; other have no title (ie, the span containing the title is empty) while the close button is present.
I am thinking something is seriously wrong and it might not the time for 1.10.x.
But after further work, I discovered that in some cases the titles were not getting set properly, and after fixing that, the X close button reappeared as it should be.
I used to set the titles like this:
('#ui-dialog-title-ac-popup').text('Add Admin Comments for #' + $ac_userid);
That id does not exist in my code, but is created apparently by jquery from ac-popup and ui-dialog-title. Kind of a kludge. But as I said that no longer works, and I have to use the following instead:
$('.ui-dialog-title').text('Add Admin Comments for #' + $ac_userid);
After doing that, the missing button issue seems to be better, although I am not sure if they are definitely related.
I was facing same issue , In my case JQuery-ui.js version was 1.10.3, After referring jquery-ui-1.12.1.min.js close button started to visible.

How do I change the title of a link using jQuery

Here is the code I have:
How do I change the title of a link using jQuery? I'm correctly changing the url, but I can't edit the text, what am I doing wrong?
<a id="link" href="" target="_blank">text</a>
I'm tring to simply change 2 things:
title (as show above)
I'm able to change the link, but the title won't change. I'm selecting the wrong trhing. Therefor is there a way to list all attr available to me? Or are you able to help me change the text title above?
Either answer is acceptable.
<div id="highlight" class="topicHighlight hero1">
<h3 id="h3">hero_1_large_text</h3>
<p id="p"></p>
<span id="coverTextSpan">hero_1_small_text</span>
<a id="link" href="url" target="_blank">text</a>
use html function:
or , if you are talking about the title attribute:
$('#link').attr('title','some title');
I think you need to use the HTML() method to change the content of the anchor tag.
Here is the link to the documentation.
you can try this javascript only.
document.getElementById('link').innerHTML = "new title";
i think this will surly helpful to you..
If all these answers don't work for you then you should check:
What element are you selecting and see if it's the correct one
What variable are you assigning to the title(data[1].title)
I recommend using firebug in firefox or using the dev console in google chrome, anduse the console.log() function to log things so that you don't have to alert() them all the time.

