Javascript onclick not called on some computers - javascript

I have an VB.NET web page that calls a javascript function when a checkbox in a datagrid view is checked or unchecked. The code works fine on my computer and for a few more people. But for most of the people the javascript function is not called at all when they check or uncheck a checkbox. All of these computers are Windows 7 and using IE 9. I also checked the IE->Internet Options->Advanced tab and the settings are the same on these machines. At this point I am out of ideas on this and google doesn't return any helpful results. I would really appreciate if someone can help me resolve this issue. Here is the code for the javascript function if that helps.
function SelectLineItem(pRowIndex)
var vGridView=document.getElementById('dgvFSOView');
var vLen=vGridView.rows.length;
var i=parseInt(pRowIndex)+1;
var intcount;
var vtxtFcheckbox=vGridView.rows[parseInt(pRowIndex)].cells[0].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].id;
var vFCheckbox=document.getElementById(vtxtFcheckbox);
var browser=navigator.appName;
if ((document.getElementById('hifCheck').value=="ALL") || (document.getElementById('hifCheck').value=="-1"))
var vtxtSONO=vGridView.rows[intcount].cells[3].innerText;
else if((document.getElementById('hifCheck').value!="ALL") || (document.getElementById('hifCheck').value=="-1"))
var vtxtSONO=vGridView.rows[intcount].cells[2].innerText;
if ((document.getElementById('hifCheck').value=="ALL") || (document.getElementById('hifCheck').value=="-1"))
var vtxttocheckbox=vGridView.rows[intcount].cells[14].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].id;
var vtxttocheckbox=vGridView.rows[intcount].cells[13].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].id;
var vTCheckbox=document.getElementById(vtxttocheckbox);
return false;

This could potentially be an issues with the permissions the users have on their computers. Security settings have different levels of permissions which vary depending on how the user set up their machine.
If you are running the code locally (IE: double clicking a local .html file) you often need to enable Javascript before any javascript can run at all on the page. If it's hosted on a website (IE: then this shouldn't be a problem.
How are you calling this function? You may also want to try using the developer tools built into IE to see if any errors are occurring, which would prevent your script from completing.
Utilizing a cross browser compatible framework like jQuery might help your checkbox change event trigger, but could be overkill depending on what how complicated your project is.

Checkboxes do not reliably trigger the click event. Bind your function to the checkboxes' change event instead.


Struggling with onclick in mobile browser

I work for a hire company, and I decided paperwork was a pain and have started putting it online instead. I'm building a service/repair database to store records and information on machines on our fleet. We have a desktop pc in the workshop, connected to the internet, but we have had an ongoing issue with our phone lines dropping in and out for the last few years and despite us calling out engineers, they can't explain it. Anyway, long story short, I've made a 'backup' copy of the website and database on localhost using xampp. I made a simple script to detect if we were online or not and added it to an onclick event.
function conchecklink(link) {
var online = navigator.onLine;
var livelink = "" + link;
var locallink = "http://localhost/workshop/" + link;
if (online == true) {
if (online == false) {
For each href on the website I am using this:
<a onclick=\"conchecklink('service.php')\" href=\"#\"> Service</a>
<a onclick=\"conchecklink('repair.php')\" href=\"#\"> Repairs</a>
Now this works absolutely fine on desktop, when internet drops out, it redirects to localhost, and visa versa. But when viewing on my mobile, the onclick event doesn't fire. From googling this, I understand I should be using ontouch for mobile, I tried a few things I found in my search, but alas I am only a mechanic, not a professional coder and I can't get the links working on mobile. Any help would be much appreciated.
You have an error: window.location is not a function. On your mobile, the browser should throw an error and stops the script. Your desktop browser seems to be more conciliant.
You also could use else instead of using two if statements.
function conchecklink(link) {
var online = navigator.onLine;
var livelink = "" + link;
var locallink = "http://localhost/workshop/" + link;
if (online) window.location.href = livelink;
else window.location.href = locallink;
The way you have used window.location is wrong, it is not a function hence do not accept arguments.
you can use it like this window.location = URL;

HIdDevice.fromIdAsync always returns null

I spent way too much time trying to understand the problem here. I am working with a HID Barcode Scanner, and am able to get the device information. But I am unable to get a hold of the HidDevice object even with the right device id. It always return null. Here is what I have:
var selector = Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.HidDevice.getDeviceSelector(parseInt('0x1', 16), parseInt('0x6', 16));
Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.findAllAsync(selector, null).then(
function (deviceInfoCollection) {
if (deviceInfoCollection.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < deviceInfoCollection.length; i++) {
var id = deviceInfoCollection.getAt(i).id;
return Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.HidDevice.fromIdAsync(id, Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite);
else {
throw "No Devices Discovered.";
.done(function (device) {
if (device != null)
I added these device capabilities in my manifest file:
<DeviceCapability Name="humaninterfacedevice">
<Device Id="any">
<Function Type="usage:0001 *"/>
I'm going through the same issue now. The only thing I see in your code that strikes me as odd is the following manifest tag:
<Device Id="any">
Usually, the "any" value works. But I've had issues arise where the vendor and product id are required; I'm not quite sure why, but I think it's based off the type of device/usageid. I would try hardcoding the vendor and product id's to see if it makes a difference.
Another thought: I'm guessing by the usage tag that your scanner is configured as a keyboard. You can check to see if your scanner can be configured as a non-keyboard HID device, which helped me personally. I see other people on the internet having issues where an HidDevice is returned as null because another program is using that device; in your case, the OS might already be using the keyboard and locking it out somehow.
Best of luck!

Click counter without javascript

I'm using this javascript for a click counter in my blogger blog:
function clickCounter() {
if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
if (sessionStorage.clickcount) {
sessionStorage.clickcount = Number(sessionStorage.clickcount)+1;
} else {
sessionStorage.clickcount = 1;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Correct! " + sessionStorage.clickcount + " Smart answers 'til now.";
} else {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support this quiz...";
<button onclick="clickCounter()" type="button">Suspension</button>
Is there any way to create something similar through a non javascript method?
Can you help me triger an event (extra text message through popup or within the page) every 5, 10, 20, 100 clicks?
Thank you very much
HTML, and the Web in general, was designed to be stateless.
When you pull up a page, it should be like the first time -- and every time -- you pull up the page.
Since then, people have come up with a number of techniques to add state -- to save data, but they all involved one of two methods -- or sometimes both.
Method 1: Store state on the server.
This method uses HTML forms or cookies to slip information to the server when you load and reload a page.
Method 2: Store state in the client
While there are some older versions of Internet Explorer that can be coded in VBA, we are going to ignore that. The only "real" way to run any kind of code on the client, to store any data, is to use JavaScript.
Method 3: Use the client to talk to the server
Using Ajax, you can let your client talk to the server, but without doing a page reload. This still uses JavaScript.
So, to answer your question:
Without a server
Without JavaScript
No, you cannot save or store anything.
I have not tried this but...
What if you put multiple buttons positioned on top of each other. As each one is clicked, it can be made to vanish with something like
a:visited { display: none; }
The ones that need to display a message (5th, 10th, etc.) have different behavior attached.
See on click hide this (button link) pure css

Trying to build safari extension. Not working -.-

So I'm making a Safari extension for my own personal use, and it's not working at all.
I'm trying to skip and go directly to the website. But it's not doing anything at all.
I've tried alerting the current URL and the supposed new URL, and they aren't even displaying either.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='application/javascript'>
// Skip
// Made by Austen Patterson
// For Safari
//(C) Copyright 2013 Austen Patterson.
safari.application.addEventListener("start", performCommand, true);
safari.application.addEventListener("validate", validateCommand, true);
// Function to perform when event is received
function performCommand(event) {
// Make sure event comes from the button
if (event.command == "skip") {
var url = this.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url;
var newurl = url.replace(/http:\/\/adf\.ly\/(\d+)\//, '');
and here is my extension builder settings.
You can't use alert from the global page. You can use console.debug, though, so that should help.
The bigger issue though is that you're treating the global page as though it has access to the page you're trying to modify via the window object. It doesn't work that way. location.href doesn't point to anything and will probably not work from the global scope. (These are both leaky globals, which is something you want to avoid.) I haven't tested it, but something like this should work:
safari.application.addEventListener("beforeNavigate", function adflyChecker(event) {
var url = event.url.replace(/http:\/\/adf\.ly\/(\d+)\//, '');
safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url = url;
}, true);
This has the advantage of working on navigate and not requiring you to manually click the button. If you configure your extension to only apply to URLs, then you can be sure that your code only fires when it's appropriate.
More information about the architecture of Safari extensions is available in the docs.

Javascript in Safari not always running

Am having an issue with Safari. I have a basic script using jQuery that makes some changes to a form field and adds some behaviours to it. When I run this script on using the document ready method it's fine in Firefox but in Safari it doesn't always run the initial changes. I can hit refresh and get it running fine 4/5 times, but sometimes it just doesn't initialise like it should.
This is running on a local server so the refresh is pretty quick, I'm wondering if the javascript is executing before the page has finished loading. I've tried calling the script in the foot of the page rather then the header but that hasn't helped. I remember hearing about different browsers firing document ready at different times and thought this would help remedy it but it hasn't and I can't find any further information on that topic.
Anything I'm missing that could be the issue or a workaround? The script itself doesn't seem to be at fault. Am using the jQuery colours plugin, apart from that it's only jQuery and my script.
Help is always appreciated, thanks people!
Here is the code. initSearchBox() is run using the line below in the header.
$(document).ready(function() { initSearchBox() ; });
function randomFieldValue(){
var options = new Array(
t = Math.floor(Math.random()*(options.length - 1));
return options[t] ;
function initSearchBox(){
instanceDefText = randomFieldValue() ;
if($(this).attr('value') == instanceDefText){
if($(this).attr('value') == ''){
instanceDefText = randomFieldValue() ;

