Best practice for localization and globalization of strings and labels [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a member of a team with more than 20 developers. Each developer works on a separate module (something near 10 modules). In each module we might have at least 50 CRUD forms, which means that we currently have near 500 add buttons, save buttons, edit buttons, etc.
However, because we want to globalized our application, we need to be able to translate texts in our application. For example, everywhere, the word add should become ajouter for French users.
What we've done till now, is that for each view in UI or Presentation Layer, we have a dictionary of key/value pairs of translations. Then while rendering the view, we translate required texts and strings using this dictionary. However, this approach, we've come to have something near 500 add in 500 dictionaries. This means that we've breached DRY principal.
On the other hand, if we centralize common strings, like putting add in one place, and ask developers to use it everywhere, we encounter the problem of not being sure if a string is already defined in the centralized dictionary or not.
One other options might be to have no translation dictionary and use online translation services like Google Translate, Bing Translator, etc.
Another problem that we've encountered is that some developers under the stress of delivering the project on-time can't remember the translation keys. For example, for the text of the add button, a developer has used add while another developer has used new, etc.
What is the best practice, or most well-known method for globalization and localization of string resources of an application?

As far as I know, there's a good library called localeplanet for Localization and Internationalization in JavaScript. Furthermore, I think it's native and has no dependencies to other libraries (e.g. jQuery)
Here's the website of library:
Also look at this article by Mozilla, you can find very good method and algorithms for client-side translation:
The common part of all those articles/libraries is that they use a i18n class and a get method (in some ways also defining an smaller function name like _) for retrieving/converting the key to the value. In my explaining the key means that string you want to translate and the value means translated string.
Then, you just need a JSON document to store key's and value's.
For example:
var _ = document.webL10n.get;
And here the JSON:
{ test: "blah blah" }
I believe using current popular libraries solutions is a good approach.

When you’re faced with a problem to solve (and frankly, who isn’t
these days?), the basic strategy usually taken by we computer people
is called “divide and conquer.” It goes like this:
Conceptualize the specific problem as a set of smaller sub-problems.
Solve each smaller problem.
Combine the results into a solution of the specific problem.
But “divide and conquer” is not the only possible strategy. We can also take a more generalist approach:
Conceptualize the specific problem as a special case of a more general problem.
Somehow solve the general problem.
Adapt the solution of the general problem to the specific problem.
- Eric Lippert
I believe many solutions already exist for this problem in server-side languages such as ASP.Net/C#.
I've outlined some of the major aspects of the problem
Issue: We need to load data only for the desired language
Solution: For this purpose we save data to a separate files for each language
ex.,, res.en.js, res.js(for default language)
Issue: Resource files for each page should be separated so we only get the data we need
Solution: We can use some tools that already exist like
Issue: We need a key/value pair structure to save our data
Solution: I suggest a javascript object instead of string/string air.
We can benefit from the intellisense from an IDE
Issue: General members should be stored in a public file and all pages should access them
Solution: For this purpose I make a folder in the root of web application called Global_Resources and a folder to store global file for each sub folders we named it 'Local_Resources'
Issue: Each subsystems/subfolders/modules member should override the Global_Resources members on their scope
Solution: I considered a file for each
Application Structure
The corresponding code for the files:
var res = {
Create : "Create",
Update : "Save Changes",
Delete : "Delete"
var res = {
Create : "créer",
Update : "Enregistrer les modifications",
Delete : "effacer"
The resource file for the desired language should be loaded on the page selected from Global_Resource - This should be the first file that is loaded on all the pages.
res.Name = "Name";
res.UserName = "UserName";
res.Password = "Password";
res.Name = "nom";
res.UserName = "Nom d'utilisateur";
res.Password = "Mot de passe";
// Override res.Create on Global_Resources/default.js
res.Create = "Create User";
// Override Global_Resources/
res.Create = "Créer un utilisateur";
manager.js file (this file should be load last)
res.lang = "fr";
var globalResourcePath = "Global_Resources";
var resourceFiles = [];
var currentFile = globalResourcePath + "\\default" + res.lang + ".js" ;
currentFile = globalResourcePath + "\\default.js" ;
if(!IsFileExist(currentFile)) throw new Exception("File Not Found");
// Push parent folder on folder into folder
foreach(var folder in parent folder of current page)
currentFile = folder + "\\Local_Resource\\default." + res.lang + ".js";
currentFile = folder + "\\Local_Resource\\default.js";
if(!IsExist(currentFile)) throw new Exception("File Not Found");
for(int i = 0; i < resourceFiles.length; i++) { Load.js(resourceFiles[i]); }
// Get current page name
var pageNameWithoutExtension = "SomePage";
currentFile = currentPageFolderPath + pageNameWithoutExtension + res.lang + ".js" ;
currentFile = currentPageFolderPath + pageNameWithoutExtension + ".js" ;
if(!IsExist(currentFile)) throw new Exception("File Not Found");
Hope it helps :)

jQuery.i18n is a lightweight jQuery plugin for enabling internationalization in your web pages. It allows you to package custom resource strings in ‘.properties’ files, just like in Java Resource Bundles. It loads and parses resource bundles (.properties) based on provided language or language reported by browser.
to know more about this take a look at the How to internationalize your pages using JQuery?


Unzip a zip file with JavaScript [duplicate]

I want to display OpenOffice files, .odt and .odp at client side using a web browser.
These files are zipped files. Using Ajax, I can get these files from server but these are zipped files. I have to unzip them using JavaScript, I have tried using inflate.js,, but without success.
How can I do this?
I wrote an unzipper in Javascript. It works.
It relies on Andy G.P. Na's binary file reader and some RFC1951 inflate logic from notmasteryet. I added the ZipFile class.
working example: (dead link)
The source: (dead link)
NB: the links are dead; I'll find a new host soon.
Included in the source is a ZipFile.htm demonstration page, and 3 distinct scripts, one for the zipfile class, one for the inflate class, and one for a binary file reader class. The demo also depends on jQuery and jQuery UI. If you just download the file, all of the necessary source is there.
Here's what the application code looks like in Javascript:
// In my demo, this gets attached to a click event.
// it instantiates a ZipFile, and provides a callback that is
// invoked when the zip is read. This can take a few seconds on a
// large zip file, so it's asynchronous.
var readFile = function(){
var url= $("#urlToLoad").val();
var doneReading = function(zip){
var zipFile = new ZipFile(url, doneReading);
// this function extracts the entries from an instantiated zip
function extractEntries(zip){
// clear
var extractCb = function(id) {
// this callback is invoked with the entry name, and entry text
// in my demo, the text is just injected into an accordion panel.
return (function(entryName, entryText){
var content = entryText.replace(new RegExp( "\\n", "g" ), "<br/>");
$("#status").append("extract cb, entry(" + entryName + ") id(" + id + ")<br/>");
$('#report').accordion({collapsible:true, active:false});
// for each entry in the zip, extract it.
for (var i=0; i<zip.entries.length; i++) {
var entry = zip.entries[i];
var entryInfo = "<h4><a>" + + "</a></h4>\n<div>";
// contrive an id for the entry, make it unique
var randomId = "id-"+ Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000000));
entryInfo += "<span class='inputDiv'><h4>Content:</h4><span id='" + randomId +
// insert the info for one entry as the last child within the report div
// extract asynchronously
The demo works in a couple of steps: The readFile fn is triggered by a click, and instantiates a ZipFile object, which reads the zip file. There's an asynchronous callback for when the read completes (usually happens in less than a second for reasonably sized zips) - in this demo the callback is held in the doneReading local variable, which simply calls extractEntries, which
just blindly unzips all the content of the provided zip file. In a real app you would probably choose some of the entries to extract (allow the user to select, or choose one or more entries programmatically, etc).
The extractEntries fn iterates over all entries, and calls extract() on each one, passing a callback. Decompression of an entry takes time, maybe 1s or more for each entry in the zipfile, which means asynchrony is appropriate. The extract callback simply adds the extracted content to an jQuery accordion on the page. If the content is binary, then it gets formatted as such (not shown).
It works, but I think that the utility is somewhat limited.
For one thing: It's very slow. Takes ~4 seconds to unzip the 140k AppNote.txt file from PKWare. The same uncompress can be done in less than .5s in a .NET program. EDIT: The Javascript ZipFile unpacks considerably faster than this now, in IE9 and in Chrome. It is still slower than a compiled program, but it is plenty fast for normal browser usage.
For another: it does not do streaming. It basically slurps in the entire contents of the zipfile into memory. In a "real" programming environment you could read in only the metadata of a zip file (say, 64 bytes per entry) and then read and decompress the other data as desired. There's no way to do IO like that in javascript, as far as I know, therefore the only option is to read the entire zip into memory and do random access in it. This means it will place unreasonable demands on system memory for large zip files. Not so much a problem for a smaller zip file.
Also: It doesn't handle the "general case" zip file - there are lots of zip options that I didn't bother to implement in the unzipper - like ZIP encryption, WinZip encryption, zip64, UTF-8 encoded filenames, and so on. (EDIT - it handles UTF-8 encoded filenames now). The ZipFile class handles the basics, though. Some of these things would not be hard to implement. I have an AES encryption class in Javascript; that could be integrated to support encryption. Supporting Zip64 would probably useless for most users of Javascript, as it is intended to support >4gb zipfiles - don't need to extract those in a browser.
I also did not test the case for unzipping binary content. Right now it unzips text. If you have a zipped binary file, you'd need to edit the ZipFile class to handle it properly. I didn't figure out how to do that cleanly. It does binary files now, too.
EDIT - I updated the JS unzip library and demo. It now does binary files, in addition to text. I've made it more resilient and more general - you can now specify the encoding to use when reading text files. Also the demo is expanded - it shows unzipping an XLSX file in the browser, among other things.
So, while I think it is of limited utility and interest, it works. I guess it would work in Node.js.
I'm using zip.js and it seems to be quite useful. It's worth a look!
Check the Unzip demo, for example.
I found jszip quite useful. I've used so far only for reading, but they have create/edit capabilities as well.
Code wise it looks something like this
var new_zip = new JSZip();
new_zip.files["doc.xml"].asText() // this give you the text in the file
One thing I noticed is that it seems the file has to be in binary stream format (read using the .readAsArrayBuffer of FileReader(), otherwise I was getting errors saying I might have a corrupt zip file
Edit: Note from the 2.x to 3.0.0 upgrade guide:
The load() method and the constructor with data (new JSZip(data)) have
been replaced by loadAsync().
Thanks user2677034
If you need to support other formats as well or just need good performance, you can use this WebAssembly library
it's promised based, it uses WebWorkers for threading and API is actually simple ES module
How to use
Install with npm i libarchive.js and use it as a ES module.
The library consists of two parts: ES module and webworker bundle, ES module part is your interface to talk to library, use it like any other module. The webworker bundle lives in the libarchive.js/dist folder so you need to make sure that it is available in your public folder since it will not get bundled if you're using bundler (it's all bundled up already) and specify correct path to Archive.init() method.
import {Archive} from 'libarchive.js/main.js';
workerUrl: 'libarchive.js/dist/worker-bundle.js'
document.getElementById('file').addEventListener('change', async (e) => {
const file = e.currentTarget.files[0];
const archive = await;
let obj = await archive.extractFiles();
// outputs
".gitignore": {File},
"addon": {
"": {File},
"addon.xml": {File}
"": {File}
I wrote "Binary Tools for JavaScript", an open source project that includes the ability to unzip, unrar and untar:
Used in my comic book reader: (also open source).
If anyone's reading images or other binary files from a zip file hosted at a remote server, you can use following snippet to download and create zip object using the jszip library.
// this function just get the public url of zip file.
let url = await getStorageUrl(path)
console.log('public url is', url)
//get the zip file to client
axios.get(url, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).then((res) => {
console.log('zip download status ', res.status)
//load contents into jszip and create an object
jszip.loadAsync(new Blob([], { type: 'application/zip' })).then((zip) => {
const zipObj = zip
$.each(zip.files, function (index, zipEntry) {
Now using the zipObj you can access the files and create a src url for it.
var fname = 'myImage.jpg'
zipObj.file(fname).async('blob').then((blob) => {
var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)

Virtual paths from the client to real paths on the server

The client is supposed to see just a directory and its contents on the server (FS_ROOT).
And the server is supposed to convert the paths that it receives from the client to real paths that exist and do the file operations that the client requested on them:
I made these 2 functions to handle that and I want to ask if they are secure enough. I mean there should be no way for the client to fool the server to do something outside FS_ROOT
function fromVirtualPath(virtPath){
if(virtPath === '/' || virtPath === '.')
return FS_ROOT;
virtPath = virtPath.trim();
if(virtPath[0] === '/')
virtPath = virtPath.substr(1);
const absPath = path.resolve(FS_ROOT, virtPath);
if(absPath.indexOf(FS_ROOT) !== 0)
throw new Error('Outside root dir - no permissions!');
return absPath;
function toVirtualPath(absPath){
return '/' + path.relative(FS_ROOT, absPath);
Example real path: /www/
Client should see: /yo
About fromVirtualPath I would simply move the line virtPath = virtPath.trim(); to be the first line of the function, then it's ok.
If the values passed to toVirtualPath are always return values of fromVirtualPath, yes it is secure enough; other wise we could check if the value is a good absPath.
function fromVirtualPath(virtPath) {
virtPath = virtPath.trim();
if (virtPath === '/' || virtPath === '.')
return FS_ROOT;
if (virtPath[0] === '/')
virtPath = virtPath.substr(1);
const absPath = path.resolve(FS_ROOT, virtPath);
if (absPath.indexOf(FS_ROOT) !== 0)
throw new Error('Outside root dir - no permissions!');
return absPath;
function toVirtualPath(absPath) {
if (absPath.indexOf(FS_ROOT) !== 0)
throw new Error('Bad absolute path!');
return '/' + path.relative(FS_ROOT, absPath);
Your code is a bit insecure until you make use of the techniques provided by NODE.JS in the mentioned article. Try implementing the following code,
function fromVirtualPath(virtPath) {
virtPath = virtPath.trim();
if (virtPath === '/' || virtPath === '.')
return FS_ROOT;
if (virtPath.indexOf('\0') !== -1)
throw new Error('That was evil.');
const absPath = path.join(FS_ROOT, virtPath);
if (absPath.indexOf(FS_ROOT) !== 0)
throw new Error('Outside root dir - no permissions!');
return absPath;
function toVirtualPath(absPath) {
return '/' + path.relative(FS_ROOT, absPath);
The following article from NODE.JS will be really helpful to you.
"How can I secure my code?"
Poison Null Bytes
Poison null bytes are a way to trick your code into seeing another
filename than the one that will actually be opened.
if (filename.indexOf('\0') !== -1) {
return respond('That was evil.');
Preventing Directory Traversal
This example assumes that you already checked the
userSuppliedFilename variable as described in the "Poison Null
Bytes" section above.
var rootDirectory = '/var/www/'; // this is your FS_ROOT
Make sure that you have a slash at the end of the allowed folders name
you don't want people to be able to access /var/www-secret/, do you?.
var path = require('path');
var filename = path.join(rootDirectory, userSuppliedFilename);
Now filename contains an absolute path and doesn't contain ..
sequences anymore - path.join takes care of that. However, it might
be something like /etc/passwd now, so you have to check whether it
starts with the rootDirectory:
if (filename.indexOf(rootDirectory) !== 0) {
return respond('trying to sneak out of the web root?');
Now the filename variable should contain the name of a file or
directory that's inside the allowed directory (unless it doesn't
Security is a complex matter. And you can never be sure.
Despite the fact that I couldn't find any flows in #RahulVerma answer I'll add my 2 cents...
The link that #RahulVerma posted is official but not a documentation per se. And in the documentation there is nothing about Poison Null Bytes ...strange isn't it.
And that makes you think: maybe, just maybe, when the fs and/or path modules were written authors didn't put enough effort into security considerations, or just missed that. Yes, maybe there are some good reasons for you and not the fs/path to handle the \0. But also wouldn't it be better if everyone was protected from \0 by default? And only for some rear occasions you could explicitly set an option to allow \0 in paths.
So... what am I trying to say is: security is hard even for the best of us, and without proper peer review (currently, less than 100 views on this question do not strike me as a "proper peer review") or, better yet, a history of successful time in production, you should not be satisfied with these answers (my included) saying "It's OK, if you add this or that".
Why don't you use some code that already was tested in battles instead of trying to write a secure code by yourself?
E.g serve-static is used in Express.
(Probably it doesn't meet your needs - it's static after all, but you get the idea)
Even if you don't want another dependency in your project you can at least study and copy from the implementation that proved itself. (But, yes, it doesn't seem different from the #RahulVerma answer)
That said. I'd like to point out that:
If you'd copy the implementation, you can make a mistake while doing so.
Even if your code is safe, consider how safe do you manage your code. Will it be safe tomorrow?
Even well tested libraries and engines can, and often do, have bugs, and fall prey to 0day exploits
Oh! Just found:
It's about the library that was suggested in another question of yours.
So, if you decide (or if you'll be assured) that now you code is surely safe don't stop on that! Add an extra layer of security to it anyway:
restrict the server's access to folders outside of the /www/ on an OS level.
The following principles can be applied to secure client access to paths relative to the web root:
Restrict access outside of your public web root folder to your
service. Rationale: begin with ZERO trust.
Split the path provided by the user into parts. This will remove leading '/' and all '/' separators leaving only the parts of the path. Better yet, use whitelisting for path parts to restrict acceptable characters in a path part using a regular expression. Rationale: sanitize user input
Validate each part sequentially for existence assuming that the first part starts from the web root as it is intended. Disallow .. (parent dir) in part names (to prevent traversal outside the web root folder). Rationale: sanitize user input and validate user input
Avoid using symbolic links under the web root folder (to prevent
traversal outside the web root folder). Rationale: reduce attack surface
Fail early with an error upon encountering the first invalid part. Rationale: reduce attack surface
To optimize system calls, you can do the check for .. and part whitelisting in one pass. If there are any .. in the path or offending parts, return an error. Otherwise, split the parts and rebuild the absolute path string by concatenating them with your web root and do one existence check instead of multiple folder existence checks along the path.
Instead of trying to validate every path yourself, let the operating system do it for you! This is a good example of an application that could use a chroot.
Here is an example of an npm library which creates a chroot.
> var chroot = require("chroot")
> var fs = require("fs")
> chroot('/virtual/root/here', 'nobody')
> fs.readdir(".", function(err, files) { console.log(files); }) // Lists virtual root
> fs.readdir("..", function(err, files) { console.log(files); }) // Also lists virtual root
> fs.readdir("/", function(err, files) { console.log(files); }) // ALSO lists virtual root
Should you run this script as root, it immediately changes the user to "nobody" and sandboxes you to your virtual root. This prevents the script from accessing anything outside it, and the program can't chroot out either, as it's no longer running as root.
Now that you are chrooted into your virtual root, using "/" will give you a directory listing of your virtual root - essentially, you can use your virtual path directly in fs.readdir()!
Need to access some specific files outside the new root? Use microservices! You can run a node.js instance in the background as your file accessor, and communicate between your main server and your file accessor. Having two nodejs instances not only allows your background task to sandbox itself, but also allows you to make use of multithreading.
Yours is a basic java code. In real time scenarios, these basic java code should not be deployed on server side and we can't expect
secuirty out of this.
To add the security check to this java code, many APIs come as part of Spring framework but since we are writing java code then we can
make use of java NIO package only, API name WatchService and WatchEvent
class DirectoryWatchTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
Path path = Paths.get("C:/");
* The register() method of the Path class takes a WatchService object and an event type for which the
* application needs to get notified.
* The supported event types are:
* ENTRY_CREATE: indicates if a directory or file is created.
* ENTRY_DELETE: indicates if a directory or file is deleted.
* ENTRY_MODIFY: indicates if a directory or file is modified.
* OVERFLOW: indicates if the event might have been lost or discarded. This event is always implicitly
* registered so we don't need to explicitly specify it in the register() method. */
path.register(watchService, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY);
while (true) {
WatchKey key;
try {
key = watchService.take();
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
* The whole work flow:
* A Watchable object is registered with a watch service by invoking its register method,
* returning a WatchKey to represent the registration.
* When an event for an object is detected, the key is signalled, and if not currently signalled,
* it is queued to the watch service so that it can be retrieved by consumers that invoke the poll or
* take methods to retrieve keys and process events.
* pollEvents List<WatchEvent<?>> pollEvents() method retrieves and removes all pending events for
* this watch key, returning a List of the events that were retrieved. Note that this method does not
* wait if there are no events pending. */
for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) {
WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>) event;
Path fileName = ev.context();
System.out.println( + ": " + fileName);
if (kind == ENTRY_MODIFY && fileName.toString().equals("")) {
System.out.println("My source file has changed!!!");
System.out.println("My source file has changed!!! - Modified");
/**Once the events have been processed the consumer invokes the key's reset method to reset the
* key which allows the key to be signalled and re-queued with further events.*/
boolean valid = key.reset();
if (!valid) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
This kind of basic security check can be put in java code. The user will be able to watch the url unless and until we don't get
hold of protocol and hide it via #PutMapping or implementing security based API's in this but for that we need framework based API's
enter code here

Mozilla (Firefox, Thunderbird) Extension: How to get extension id (from install.rdf)?

If you are developing an extension for one of the mozilla applications (e.g. Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.) you define a extension id in the install.rdf.
If for some reason you need to know the extension id e.g. to retrieve the extension dir in local file system (1) or if you want to send it to a webservice (useage statistic) etc. it would be nice to get it from the install.rdf in favour to have it hardcoded in your javascript code.
But how to access the extension id from within my extension?
1) example code:
var extId = "";
var filename = "install.rdf";
var file = extManager.getInstallLocation(extId).getItemFile(extId, filename);
var fullPathToFile = file.path;
I'm fairly sure the 'hard-coded ID' should never change throughout the lifetime of an extension. That's the entire purpose of the ID: it's unique to that extension, permanently. Just store it as a constant and use that constant in your libraries. There's nothing wrong with that.
What IS bad practice is using the install.rdf, which exists for the sole purpose of... well, installing. Once the extension is developed, the install.rdf file's state is irrelevant and could well be inconsistent.
"An Install Manifest is the file an Add-on Manager-enabled XUL application uses to determine information about an add-on as it is being installed" [1]
To give it an analogy, it's like accessing the memory of a deleted object from an overflow. That object still exists in memory but it's not logically longer relevant and using its data is a really, really bad idea.
Like lwburk, I don't think its available through Mozilla's API's, but I have an idea which works, but it seems like a complex hack. The basic steps are:
Set up a custom resource url to point to your extension's base directory
Read the file and parse it into XML
Pull the id out using XPath
Add the following line to your chrome.manifest file
resource packagename-base-dir chrome/../
Then we can grab and parse the file with the following code:
function myId(){
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
// synchronous request'GET', "resource://packagename-base-dir/install.rdf", false);
if( req.status !== 0){
throw("file not found");
var data = req.responseText;
// this is so that we can query xpath with namespaces
var nsResolver = function(prefix){
var ns = {
"rdf" : "",
"em" : ""
return ns[prefix] || null;
var parser = CCIN(";1", Ci.nsIDOMParser);
var doc = parser.parseFromString(data, "text/xml");
// you might have to change this xpath expression a bit to fit your setup
var myExtId = doc.evaluate("//em:targetApplication//em:id", doc, nsResolver,
return myExtId.singleNodeValue.textContent;
I chose to use a XMLHttpRequest(as opposed to simply reading from a file) to retrieve the contents since in Firefox 4, extensions aren't necessarily unzipped. However, XMLHttpRequest will still work if the extension remains packed (haven't tested this, but have read about it).
Please note that resource URL's are shared by all installed extensions, so if packagename-base-dir isn't unique, you'll run into problems. You might be able to leverage Programmatically adding aliases to solve this problem.
This question prompted me to join StackOverflow tonight, and I'm looking forward participating more... I'll be seeing you guys around!
As Firefox now just uses Chrome's WebExtension API, you can use #serg's answer at How to get my extension's id from JavaScript?:
You can get it like this (no extra permissions required) in two
different ways:
Using runtime api: var myid =;
Using i18n api: var myid = chrome.i18n.getMessage("##extension_id");
I can't prove a negative, but I've done some research and I don't think this is possible. Evidence:
This question, which shows that
the nsIExtensionManager interface
expects you to retrieve extension
information by ID
The full nsIExtensionManager interface
description, which shows no
method that helps
The interface does allow you to retrieve a full list of installed extensions, so it's possible to retrieve information about your extension using something other than the ID. See this code, for example:
var em = Cc[';1']
const nsIUpdateItem = Ci.nsIUpdateItem;
var extension_type = nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION;
items = em.getItemList(extension_type, {});
items.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
alert( + " / " + + " version: " + item.version);
But you'd still be relying on hardcoded properties, of which the ID is the only one guaranteed to be unique.
Take a look on this add-on, maybe its author could help you, or yourself can figure out:
[Extension Manager] Extended is very
simple to use. After installing, just
open the extension manager by going to
Tools and the clicking Extensions. You
will now see next to each extension
the id of that extension.
(Not compatible yet with Firefox 4.0)

Unzipping files

I want to display OpenOffice files, .odt and .odp at client side using a web browser.
These files are zipped files. Using Ajax, I can get these files from server but these are zipped files. I have to unzip them using JavaScript, I have tried using inflate.js,, but without success.
How can I do this?
I wrote an unzipper in Javascript. It works.
It relies on Andy G.P. Na's binary file reader and some RFC1951 inflate logic from notmasteryet. I added the ZipFile class.
working example: (dead link)
The source: (dead link)
NB: the links are dead; I'll find a new host soon.
Included in the source is a ZipFile.htm demonstration page, and 3 distinct scripts, one for the zipfile class, one for the inflate class, and one for a binary file reader class. The demo also depends on jQuery and jQuery UI. If you just download the file, all of the necessary source is there.
Here's what the application code looks like in Javascript:
// In my demo, this gets attached to a click event.
// it instantiates a ZipFile, and provides a callback that is
// invoked when the zip is read. This can take a few seconds on a
// large zip file, so it's asynchronous.
var readFile = function(){
var url= $("#urlToLoad").val();
var doneReading = function(zip){
var zipFile = new ZipFile(url, doneReading);
// this function extracts the entries from an instantiated zip
function extractEntries(zip){
// clear
var extractCb = function(id) {
// this callback is invoked with the entry name, and entry text
// in my demo, the text is just injected into an accordion panel.
return (function(entryName, entryText){
var content = entryText.replace(new RegExp( "\\n", "g" ), "<br/>");
$("#status").append("extract cb, entry(" + entryName + ") id(" + id + ")<br/>");
$('#report').accordion({collapsible:true, active:false});
// for each entry in the zip, extract it.
for (var i=0; i<zip.entries.length; i++) {
var entry = zip.entries[i];
var entryInfo = "<h4><a>" + + "</a></h4>\n<div>";
// contrive an id for the entry, make it unique
var randomId = "id-"+ Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000000));
entryInfo += "<span class='inputDiv'><h4>Content:</h4><span id='" + randomId +
// insert the info for one entry as the last child within the report div
// extract asynchronously
The demo works in a couple of steps: The readFile fn is triggered by a click, and instantiates a ZipFile object, which reads the zip file. There's an asynchronous callback for when the read completes (usually happens in less than a second for reasonably sized zips) - in this demo the callback is held in the doneReading local variable, which simply calls extractEntries, which
just blindly unzips all the content of the provided zip file. In a real app you would probably choose some of the entries to extract (allow the user to select, or choose one or more entries programmatically, etc).
The extractEntries fn iterates over all entries, and calls extract() on each one, passing a callback. Decompression of an entry takes time, maybe 1s or more for each entry in the zipfile, which means asynchrony is appropriate. The extract callback simply adds the extracted content to an jQuery accordion on the page. If the content is binary, then it gets formatted as such (not shown).
It works, but I think that the utility is somewhat limited.
For one thing: It's very slow. Takes ~4 seconds to unzip the 140k AppNote.txt file from PKWare. The same uncompress can be done in less than .5s in a .NET program. EDIT: The Javascript ZipFile unpacks considerably faster than this now, in IE9 and in Chrome. It is still slower than a compiled program, but it is plenty fast for normal browser usage.
For another: it does not do streaming. It basically slurps in the entire contents of the zipfile into memory. In a "real" programming environment you could read in only the metadata of a zip file (say, 64 bytes per entry) and then read and decompress the other data as desired. There's no way to do IO like that in javascript, as far as I know, therefore the only option is to read the entire zip into memory and do random access in it. This means it will place unreasonable demands on system memory for large zip files. Not so much a problem for a smaller zip file.
Also: It doesn't handle the "general case" zip file - there are lots of zip options that I didn't bother to implement in the unzipper - like ZIP encryption, WinZip encryption, zip64, UTF-8 encoded filenames, and so on. (EDIT - it handles UTF-8 encoded filenames now). The ZipFile class handles the basics, though. Some of these things would not be hard to implement. I have an AES encryption class in Javascript; that could be integrated to support encryption. Supporting Zip64 would probably useless for most users of Javascript, as it is intended to support >4gb zipfiles - don't need to extract those in a browser.
I also did not test the case for unzipping binary content. Right now it unzips text. If you have a zipped binary file, you'd need to edit the ZipFile class to handle it properly. I didn't figure out how to do that cleanly. It does binary files now, too.
EDIT - I updated the JS unzip library and demo. It now does binary files, in addition to text. I've made it more resilient and more general - you can now specify the encoding to use when reading text files. Also the demo is expanded - it shows unzipping an XLSX file in the browser, among other things.
So, while I think it is of limited utility and interest, it works. I guess it would work in Node.js.
I'm using zip.js and it seems to be quite useful. It's worth a look!
Check the Unzip demo, for example.
I found jszip quite useful. I've used so far only for reading, but they have create/edit capabilities as well.
Code wise it looks something like this
var new_zip = new JSZip();
new_zip.files["doc.xml"].asText() // this give you the text in the file
One thing I noticed is that it seems the file has to be in binary stream format (read using the .readAsArrayBuffer of FileReader(), otherwise I was getting errors saying I might have a corrupt zip file
Edit: Note from the 2.x to 3.0.0 upgrade guide:
The load() method and the constructor with data (new JSZip(data)) have
been replaced by loadAsync().
Thanks user2677034
If you need to support other formats as well or just need good performance, you can use this WebAssembly library
it's promised based, it uses WebWorkers for threading and API is actually simple ES module
How to use
Install with npm i libarchive.js and use it as a ES module.
The library consists of two parts: ES module and webworker bundle, ES module part is your interface to talk to library, use it like any other module. The webworker bundle lives in the libarchive.js/dist folder so you need to make sure that it is available in your public folder since it will not get bundled if you're using bundler (it's all bundled up already) and specify correct path to Archive.init() method.
import {Archive} from 'libarchive.js/main.js';
workerUrl: 'libarchive.js/dist/worker-bundle.js'
document.getElementById('file').addEventListener('change', async (e) => {
const file = e.currentTarget.files[0];
const archive = await;
let obj = await archive.extractFiles();
// outputs
".gitignore": {File},
"addon": {
"": {File},
"addon.xml": {File}
"": {File}
I wrote "Binary Tools for JavaScript", an open source project that includes the ability to unzip, unrar and untar:
Used in my comic book reader: (also open source).
If anyone's reading images or other binary files from a zip file hosted at a remote server, you can use following snippet to download and create zip object using the jszip library.
// this function just get the public url of zip file.
let url = await getStorageUrl(path)
console.log('public url is', url)
//get the zip file to client
axios.get(url, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).then((res) => {
console.log('zip download status ', res.status)
//load contents into jszip and create an object
jszip.loadAsync(new Blob([], { type: 'application/zip' })).then((zip) => {
const zipObj = zip
$.each(zip.files, function (index, zipEntry) {
Now using the zipObj you can access the files and create a src url for it.
var fname = 'myImage.jpg'
zipObj.file(fname).async('blob').then((blob) => {
var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)

Tag images in the image itself? HOW-TO

How to tag images in the image itself in a web page?
I know Taggify, but... is there other options?
Orkut also does it to tag people faces... How is it done?
Anyone knows any public framework that is able to do it?
See a sample bellow from Taggify:
I know this isn't javascript but C# 3.0 has an API for doing this. The System.Windows.Media.Imaging namespace has a class called BitmapMetadata which can be used to read and write image metadata (which is stored in the image itself). Here is a method for retrieving the metadata for an image given a file path:
public static BitmapMetadata GetMetaData(string path)
using (Stream s = new System.IO.FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
var decoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(s, BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.OnDemand);
var frame = decoder.Frames.FirstOrDefault();
if (frame != null)
return frame.Metadata as BitmapMetadata;
return null;
The BitmapMetadata class has a property for tags as well as other common image metadata. To save metadata back to the image, you can use the InPlaceBitmapMetadataWriter Class.
There's a map tag in HTML that could be used in conjunction with Javascript to 'tag' different parts of an image.
You can see the details here.
I will re-activate this question and help a bit. Currently the only thing i have found about is . A jQuery tagging implementation. If anyone knows about another way please tell us.
You can check out Image.InfoCards (IIC) at . With the IIC meta-data utilities you can add meta-data in very user-friendly groups called "cards".
The supplied utilities (including a Java applet) allow you to tag GIF's, JPEG's and PNG's without changing them visually.
IIC is presently proprietary but there are plans to make it an open protocol in Q1 2009.
The difference between IIC and others like IPTC/DIG35/DublinCore/etc is that it is much more consumer-centric and doesn't require a CS degree to understand and use it...

