Scaling Large CSS Background Images For Mobile Devices - javascript

I'm currently building a XenForo theme that's designed to showcase a full-screen, moderately high-resolution photo background using transparency and fun CSS3 effects. However, I'm fearing a rather nasty scaling problem - especially on small devices. As you might imagine, it pains me to think of a visitor trying to load a photo that's nearly a megabyte on a 3G or GPRS connection.
The background in question is a fixed background-image attached to the <html> element.
What would be a suitable way of dealing with the scale problem? There's only so much compression I would do, so would a JavaScript-based solution to serve a suitably sized image for the viewport/device be effective enough? Are there any other solutions that I could consider?
Thanks for your time :)

You should deliver a lower resolution image to mobile browsers. One way to do this is to use CSS media queries:

As mentioned above using the CSS functionality #media you can serve the right image size for all device types. Have a look at Twitter's CSS framework Bootstrap.
I would recommend using a small image for all requests but replace it only for desktop browser but tablets could use both, a slow internet connection as well as fast wifi access. This requires a more complex solution.
In addition using AJAX for serving the images would likely speed up the page a lot.


Responsive Design for 1 ASP.NET Webpage - Detect Screen Width

I have an ASP.NET Web Forms Website that has css code to detect whether or not the screen width is less than 420 pixels. The client now wants this version (under 420 pixels) to function very differently than the full screen site, so I figured I could redirect to a mobile version of the website by detecting on the server side how wide the browser is. I am using 51Degrees to check Request.Browser.ScreenPixelsWidth, but that always returns the same value, even on my phone. Is there a better way to detect this information so that I can load a mobile version of my webpage?
If you want to get device-width, user-agent is not very helpful, because ultimately you need screen resolution and that will be the sole criteria to manage UI. So when more devices will come into market, you need to store their useragent and their dimension, this way, i am saying it is not helpful. And what if user has mobile or tablet, and changes orientation, means dimension just got changed for same user-agent.
So best way would be to go with css media queries to start with. There are lot of CSS to help you out for responsive design , such as bootstrap.
You're mixing two different technologies. For responsive design, you never need to use browser agent sniffing. Use a RWD CSS framework like Bootstrap. With RWD you serve the same content and functionality to ALL devices.
This really sounds like an argument to develop a separate mobile app if there's some part of it that need different functionality. Outside of that, the client is an idiot and it is frequently our job to educate the client ;-)

Is there a way to build a web page that uses different fonts on a phone screen and a desktop screen without writing any JavaScript?

I'm familiar with coding but I have severe time constraints and would rather not revisit Javascript for this issue. Any suggestions on how I can cut down the effort needed to load the different fonts? Much appreciated thanks!
Sure, you can do it in CSS, using #media rules to set different fonts based on the screen size. Here's a good source of information:
I'd set the desktop font first, then override it with #media queries with your phone font.

Best way to show .mov on a website as load screen

What's the best way to show an animation from after effects on a website onload?
It needs to play like a load screen in all major browsers and iOS devices.
What's the best way to show this?
I tried html5 and the auto play didn't work on iPad. I don't want to use flash. The animation is too complex for just JavaScript. Is it worth trying to make a high quality animated GIF?
Well, your main problem with virtually any onload video is going to be load and buffer time, especially on a mobile device. If the splash screen takes half a minute to load, the experience will be very subpar, and there's virtually nothing you can really do to reduce that load time short of making the video low quality (a large animated gif will have the same problem).
My recommendation would be to try coding the animation using pure HTML5 animation effects if possible. They will render faster, use only static images, javascript and CSS, and will be more widely compatible with modern desktop and mobile browsers.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to auto-play html5 video on an iOS device. At least as of iOS 5, Apple has disabled both auto-play and pre-loading, presumably to save bandwidth for users who may be on limited or expensive mobile data plans.
Unless you're willing to skip the video, the only workaround is to get the visitor to click or touch something on the page. Mobile Safari will allow you to play a video using Javascript methods (as opposed to the native player controls), but the first call to .play() has to come from a "click" or "touch" event handler.
You can limit this requirement to iPads and still allow desktop browsers to auto-play, but there doesn't appear to be any kind of reliable feature-detection method, so you have to parse the User Agent string (navigator.userAgent).
There isn't much documentation on the strange, non-standard things Mobile Safari does with video, but this article has some very good, detailed information and some code samples:
Edit: And then there's this elaborate and absurd workaround that Apple uses on its own site.

How reliable is detecting mobile devices by screen resolution?

This sounds a bit too good to be true, so please tell me if it is.
If I have just one single version of a mobile website (no variations for
different devices, just one website for all mobiles), how reliable it is
to detect mobile devices by screen resolution?
And simply serve the mobile version if screen resolution is < than say 400px.
NOTE: My question assumes that javascript is enabled. Also,I'm aware there's
user agent detection, but I'd like to do without it.
Javascript mobile device screen detection for height is not reliable at all. The problem is that different browsers use different amounts of 'chrome' and different OS versions use different heights for the system bar. All the detection mechanism report unreliably for height (screen.height, window.outerHeight, window.innerHeight - etc,etc)
Width seems to be most reliable on window.outerWidth across all OS's.
Read a most excellent analytical report here:
You will want to look into serving different stylesheets via media queries. You can use queries to identify screen widths and only serve certain css to certain devices. For example this query would serve a iphone.css only to devices identified as having the typical dimensions of an iphone:
<link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="iphone.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
There's a detailed article on this subject over at alistapart
Bear in mind though that not all devices recognize media queries. If you need to support lots of older devices like blackberry's and flip phones you should take the advise above for using UA detection - I know it feels wrong if you're coming from the desktop development world but really we have to use the tools we have available to us and Mobile Web is a growing but in many ways still a new horizon.
I came here because I had the same idea and question, and similar situation - the website already requires JavaScript and I'm doing a one-size-fits-all mobile web app, at least for now. Our release cycle is really long - any UA detection I hard-code will be somewhat obsolete by the time the code is tested and released. Since the purpose of this alternate interface is to make it work on smaller screens, it would seem to make sense to use that test.
I don't know however, what size I would pick - I have a hunch mobile devices are not bound (even by convention) to particular screen dimensions. I guess we just have to decide at what point the main web page is no longer functional.
I can understand other people's hesitation to this approach because sometimes there are other issues with a standard site on a mobile device than just the screen size. However, I think there is an advantage to this kind of detection. If your only issue is the screen size, I think it is a good way to go.
Probably not going to hurt to add this functionality to your website for those who are indeed running JavaScript enabled web browsers on their mobile devices. As for those who are not, well there's little you can do about them, other than something simple like letting them select their screen size at first load? Maybe a simple drop down list with possible sizes?
It depends on what you want to achieve.
If you design for different screen resolutions regardless of device type then it is fine to use resolution ranges.
If you design for specific device types (phone, tablet, etc.) and assume a resolution range will always match a single device type, then it will eventually break.
You used a 400px threshold in your example, the Galaxy S8+ reports 412x846 with this code:
console.log("width: " + screen.width + ", height: " + screen.height);
Device resolutions change every year and they are starting to overlap with each other. Large phones have higher resolutions than small tablets and large tablets have higher resolution than some desktops.
You may get away with it if you just want it to mostly work or if you want to detect specific phones.
However it is not reliable to use screen resolution alone to detect the device type.

Optimising Images for Internet Explorer

On a site of mine, my client is reporting that images that are reduced in size by code (i.e. specified a width/height) are appearing jagged and pixellated. I have asked her what browser she uses and inevitably it's Internet Explorer.
Is there a way to optimise images in IE or do I need to manually resize the images on photoshop before I put them on the site?
The images in question are resized from 220x220 to 80x80 and I have javascript that expands them to 220x220 upon clicking.
Resizing down or up in a browser can look terrible. It varies from browser to browser, but apparently IE is the worst.
It's best to either write a server side script to create thumbnails, or to manually do it yourself if quality of the image is important. It also saves bandwidth as you don't need to load the big image and only display 1/10th of the pixels.
You should avoid using width and height for resizing. It'll cause a longer loading time (on slow connections and big images).
A better idea is making thumbnails (with Photoshop for example) and use the "Web save" option to reduce the size even more.
Bicubic image resampling is turned off by default in IE. You can use this to turn it on in your reset stylesheet:
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
use timthumb, it will create thumbnails for you, you just need to link to the script, and specify the size of the thumbnail and that's it.
i'm using it on one of my sites ->
you can see the images are clean and not pixelated.
Assuming your images are JPEGs, the easiest option is to use IE7's bicubic image resizing feature, which you can turn on using CSS:
img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; }
Be aware that it's got performance implications (using it a lot will slow the browser down). It also has no effect in IE6, and is no longer needed in IE8.
Another way (which does work in IE6) is to use Ethan Marcotte's wonderful Fluid Images script, which uses some damn clever CSS filters to fix the problem in IE6 and 7. My own variation on the theme fixes the right click problem, but requires jQuery.

